Totally wrong about me, you couldn't begin to comprehend
usually i I don’t bother arguing with idiots, but because I’m indoors today with time on my hands I’ll make an exception
what do you have against the truth? Nothing
Biggest economy. 149 consecutive years and counting arguably wrong, some scales show China as larger, in any event it will be in 3 to 5 years
Wealthiest residents (with the exception of a few scantly populated nations) dead wrong. Switzerland, Norway, Ireland all wealthier per capita than USA
Impoverished residents living like the middle class of most of the world ha ha ha
Most legal immigrants so?
Most illegal immigrants so?
Most working VISAS so?
Most generous country by what measurement?
#01 Since 1871, the U.S. has maintained its place as the world’s biggest economy. See above. Nice cherry pick of a non referenced source btw
GDP : $21 trillion
Why the USA is so rich? It isn’t, if you use a consistent measuring stick, ie universal health care, quality of life etc
I frankly cannot answer this question in a very short answer, the main reason is, America was, is & will be forever Land of Opportunity which attracts talent all across the world since the country formed. Ugh. Nationalistic gibberish
pretty hard so compare a country that ant can guarantee its citizens basic healthcare or a minimum standard of living with countries that can and then try to claim the USA is “rich”, whatever that means
Stop showing us how little you know, have some pride you clearly think flying to Hawaii once a year or something is “travelling outside of the USA”your comments make it pretty obvious you know nothing about the rest of the world
Most of your ilk either live in mommy's basement or Section 8 housing. Please don't talk about "traveling" I’ll do whatever I please, sir. Sorry you can’t deal with a free look in the mirror