a better question , how many deaths to justify shutting down the economy ..... for the record , doubt the death toll will be much different then the normal flu season... that drives TDS folks crazy.. but it is what it is
There is some potential optimism with warm weather, it isn't conclusive but a lot of those places haven't been hit too hard and they have horrible hygiene compared to 1st world.
What's the situation in Massachusetts? Non-essential closed? Are people free to move from New York to bordering states ?
small state, population dense no?
The lockdowns are pretty weak all across America. Even NY, you can pretty much move how you want. Nothing like China and there isn't any social shaming like the other Asian countries.
That is why I don't see how a state lockdown really works without military involvement (which would likely spook Americans after we were gonna be up and running by Easter like 5 days ago)
If you lock down NY/NJ/CT, then a lot of people gonna say screw it and get an AirBnB in PA or VA or elsewhere. Try to get out of dodge, etc.
I think we'll have a nationwide lockdown eventually as the current policy continues to fail. Hadn't really looked at much data for a week or so but now it seems obvious draconian measures will be needed. Unless we get lucky w/ a medical cure or weather out of nowhere.
The media cried wolf too many times that now we have a legitimate issue, a lot of people don't care or conditioned themselves to think it wasn't a serious issue. They just ran to their comfortable corners on the internet and got their positive feedback loop.
Doesn't really change what it is though. It is a issue with no easy answers. If we could just keep the potentially sick people at home and everyone else bring on the roaring 20's, then we would. I figured we were at the point people would realize that around today, but seems like it is gonna take another week or so. Trump went from "We might open back up by Easter" to "We might have to lockdown all of NJ/NY and parts of CT in" in the span of 5 days. I don't see how anyone can juxtapose those 2 statements and not think that is reality setting in.
Where did you get the hydro? Isn't that script only? That shit must be selling like hot cakes.