Today's Look at Trump


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Jan 11, 2008

Nov 11, 2007
Even Trump's own aides were shocked by what he said about the disinfectant "cure" yesterday.

I know this probably won't happen, but I would love it if a Trump supporter who saw and listened to the press conference yesterday

would come forward and defend what he said (and please no one who buys into his weak bullshit that he was being sarcastic)or even

better, a Trump supporter admitted it was a mistake on Trump's part.

Here is the link:

Nov 11, 2007
Having just read what was written in the other thread, the only noteworthy things which emerge is that the author of the thread continues

to toss out his alleged conspiracy theories with one way/selective "evidence," which are in effect nothing more than hearsay in any event.

If there was really anything behind what he says, these folks would have been brought to justice already by attorneys OR by God himself,

which the author of the thread has stated is eminent with four FAILED dates already starting over a month ago as along; the usual bs

he attaches now simply uses he words "very soon," "soon ,etc-apparently the thread starter now realizes that he looks pretty stupid predicting exact dates

on which his "Nostradamus" predictions will come to pass, when none off them have even come even remotely close to coming true so far.

Thus he has decided to take the "safe way" route using vague and nebulous words when events will occur in order to buy more time. lol

Overall his predictions remind me of those of Jehovas Witnesses who have been predicting the "end of the world"

is imminent since 1876, 144 years ago!! lol

I need not tell you how that prediction worked out-it is no different in this case.

It is sad and telling that the author of the other thread has taken the Trump way of doing things re: the moronic

and DANGEROUS comments about injections of disinfectants, etc. re: a cure for the Coronvirus.

Trump was blasted by his own aides for saying for what he said as well as by the overwhelming number many intelligent and objective people.

who have spoken out.

His comments about it being a "sarcastic" comment flies only with morons and/or those who give Trump pass on everything he does

including the author of the Corona Virus Update(/RIGHT WING DELUSIONAL/HATE DEMOCRATS Forum.

A REAL man/human being would have admitted his error and said it was inappropriate thing to say rather than trying to cover it up and/or say nothing

as Trump and far right folks like the author of that forum have done.

The fact that Trump would not even entertain any questions about his remarks at the press conference and that he simply walked away,

once again indicates that this man cannot face justified/legitimate criticism of any kind, and especially so when in a case like this knowing full well

that if he did take questions from reporters, they just might ask questions for which he had no answers and make him look even more

clueless and inept in the eyes of those watching he press conference than he already is.

Conclusion-chalk one more lie up to the POTUS adding to his already DOCUMENTED 18000 LIES already during his tenure.

The only good thing about this incident is that exposes him even more re: to the lowlife/repulsive/disgusting/ self serving/"infallible" excuse

he is as a "human being," meaning that it decreases his chances of being re-elected.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is what just might happen if Trump was not the POTUS and just a rich civilian:

Trump decides to go to a doctor for a checkup as he hasn't been feeling that well of late including pains in his arms and chest, and also wants to be tested.

Well the doctor runs a number of diagnostic tests on him including the Coronavirus tests and comes back with the results:

"Mr Trump-I have some news to tell you which isn't so good.

"You tested positive for the Virus, and the tests look like you may have suffered a mild attack.

"It appears also that you weight is a bit too high.

"My advice is to relax for a while, eat some healthy food and less of it and stay out of any political controversy/discussion, which only adds to your heart ailment."

Trump's response:

"Doctor- I don't believe anything you say is true .

"Either your testing equipment is faulty/needs to be fixed or more likely is just one more attempt on the part of MSM, which you are a conspiratorial

part of, to get me to believe what you say is true.

"In essence, it is just more "FAKE NEWS," and I am simply continue to keep on doing what I have been doing."

Trump then storms out of office, goes to Mcdonalds order a Big Mac Combo, with extra this, that and everything which is already on it and adds a double

order of bacon, increases the large order of fries which come with it to a double of large fries and order a large milkshake to down it all down with.

For dessert he order a dozen chocolate chip cookies, some of which he eats before leaving and the rest for eating on the remainder of the day until

it is time for dinner, at-take a guess--how about POPEYES for some "nutritious" delectable grease filled chicken with some more french fries.

Before he heads home, he stops to go shopping in a department store which is now open because the fears of the Virus have lessened a bit,

Nonetheless, he decides to go into a crowded portion of the store, where social distancing no longer is required and stands in the middle of a crowd for at least

a half and hour to "prove" that the doctor is wrong and that the Coronavirus could never afflict him and for the most part is just confined to old and sick

people, Afro Americans, a nice term for what he really thinks the proper term is for them and Hispanics(using the derogatory and racist word in his mind).

The next day he awakens and he has a toothache.

He gets on the phone and it is off to the dentist for the diagnosis.

Based on what happened the day before, I will leave it to your imagination as to how the visits goes and how he spends the rest of the day. lol

Nov 11, 2007
On another note, having read the piece today in another thread authored by Mr. "President Trump" is perfect and has NEVER done anything wrong in his life,"

entitled "The Cure for Cancer has existed for 70 years," it is so flawed it is embarrassing.

In short to believe it, one would have to make the assumption that every single doctor in the world and/or involved with Big Pharmacy who knew about the alleged

treatment suggested over 70 years and not divulged it, would have to have been/to be a part of this massive conspiracy and

was either paid off to remain silent and/or perhaps threatened physically if he came forward to tell the truth and show his results and findings.

I say bullshit to what was said today along with all of the other delusional/schizophrenic/paranoid statements made in both threads he has offered since starting

the threads.

As has been pointed out many times, every one of his "Nostradamus" predictions have failed to materialize over the last five weeks


To be blunt and to the point, anyone who tries to say that Trump's moronic/dangerous/irresponsible statements regarding

the "disinfectant injection" a few days ago were anything but that is so far out of reality that they

would be considered too far out of it to even be accepted for admission to a mental institution!!

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