Today's Look at Trump


Nov 11, 2007
So now God sent you to the rubber room of a gambling forum to spew hatred of the POTUS?

Actually God sent me to respond in kind to the "hate" directed at noted democrats and the psychotic/delusional/paranoid

conspiratorial/lies surrounding them in the coronavirus thread which are issued multiple times each day.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Nothing better than responding to hate with more hate. Just what I’m sure god would want.

savage is nothing but a scumbag and the biggest piece of shit HYPOCRITE here. Go buy another whore scumbag
Jan 11, 2008
Actually God sent me to respond in kind to the "hate" directed at noted democrats and the psychotic/delusional/paranoid

conspiratorial/lies surrounding them in the coronavirus thread which are issued multiple times each day.

I said many times before that I do not argue politics or religion but I just want to say one thing regarding ALL these threads between the "Republican side" and the "Democrat side"

What I see here is SportsBookData and Savage going back and forth trying to prove that "their side" is the only one that is right and I think that both are way over the top.

In my opinion, if anyone believes that their party line, either the Republican or Democrat side, is totally correct in how everything has been and will be handled with this Covid-19, they are delusional.

Both parties have done some "good" things but they both have done bad things where they are only concerned for their own party line, not what is best for ALL the country.

I believe that Savage can ONLY see one side and SportsBookData only sees one side. They call each other delusional when they both are delusional to believe that.

You each posts "stats and quotes" from outlets that will post whatever sells or gets views. I can get you ALL the stats that say the Republicans are right and the Democrats are wrong and then I can go to another outlet and prove just the opposite. If you both can't see this, then, well, shame on you both.

I was told a long time ago "you can't fix stupid" and all these posts that are anti Republican or anti Democrat, in my opinion, just proves that point that "you can't fix stupid".

Just my opinion.

Mar 19, 2008
I said many times before that I do not argue politics or religion but I just want to say one thing regarding ALL these threads between the "Republican side" and the "Democrat side"

What I see here is SportsBookData and Savage going back and forth trying to prove that "their side" is the only one that is right and I think that both are way over the top.

In my opinion, if anyone believes that their party line, either the Republican or Democrat side, is totally correct in how everything has been and will be handled with this Covid-19, they are delusional.

Both parties have done some "good" things but they both have done bad things where they are only concerned for their own party line, not what is best for ALL the country.

I believe that Savage can ONLY see one side and SportsBookData only sees one side. They call each other delusional when they both are delusional to believe that.

You each posts "stats and quotes" from outlets that will post whatever sells or gets views. I can get you ALL the stats that say the Republicans are right and the Democrats are wrong and then I can go to another outlet and prove just the opposite. If you both can't see this, then, well, shame on you both.

I was told a long time ago "you can't fix stupid" and all these posts that are anti Republican or anti Democrat, in my opinion, just proves that point that "you can't fix stupid".

Just my opinion.

You know better than to try and make sense of this. SBD is just out there a bit, Savvy is mentally ill. You remember the good old days at BC? Savvy was ill then, age has not been kind to him.

Nov 11, 2007

I agree with you to some extent.

Keep in mind though that it was SBD who started his thread about which I had the initial impression was going to be about the Spiritual Awakening

which was imminent where "We are all one," and that the world would turn into the all loving place, with one govt., where all wars, disease and other

afflictions would just all of a sudden disappear, etc.

Once I realized that there was another aspect to the thread, namely right wing conspiracy theories directed at noted democrats only(imo sbd's statement

that it is not about politics at all, but rather, "truth, justice and freedom" is total bs ), is when I decided to tell the other side of the story, first in his thread

and later in my own.

Also although I totally DESPISE Trump as a disgusting lowlife person for many reasons which I have already stated, the former

which limits his ability to fulfil some of his duties as the POTUS, I do give him some credit for some of the things of an economic

nature prior to the Virus.

To cut to the chase, lets just say that if the author of the CV Thread hadn't so arrogantly propelled his democratic conspiracy theories as

fact, as well as the failed dates by which all of this would be revealed by God,(all of which failed), there would not be have anything for me to respond to.

That said, if he continues his montage of posts each day all essentially saying the same thing(conspiracies etc.) and dismissing anything else

which challenges anything his sources say and/or what he says as "fake news," I will continue to bring what I deem to be badly

needed balance here and tell "the other side of the story-it is that simple!

Nov 11, 2007
You know better than to try and make sense of this. SBD is just out there a bit, Savvy is mentally ill. You remember the good old days at BC? Savvy was ill then, age has not been kind to him.

Mentally ill, eh?

If I am mentally ill, then what do you consider folks like the Psychic/WAYNE to be?-lifeline please!! lol

Also, from what I have read of your "see spot run" posts, it appears that you are ones to whom I referred to in an earlier post today

when I said it was for you to come up to my intellectual level rather than for me to come down to yours, which is nothing

to write home about!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Good post Dave but honestly, why bother? This dipshit scumbag will always have an excuse for his asshole behavior and it has gone on at 3 forums and nothing will ever change. He talks about SBD and his theories? Like who gives a fuck. He has his and you have yours. No need to go in there and fight his beliefs for 40 fuckin pages

It is exactly what you said Dave but this piece of shit whore buying HYPOCRITE has ZERO ability to admit he is just as much at fault.

He thinks members and mods at 3 forums now are just unfair but maybe at some point act like a man and admit you are a big part of the problem. It isn’t everybody else. It is you savage, the scumbag who buys whores, tells people to suck cocks, talks about hating everyone and then posts bible scriptures

Fuckin piece of shit HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!
Jan 11, 2008
You know better than to try and make sense of this. SBD is just out there a bit, Savvy is mentally ill. You remember the good old days at BC? Savvy was ill then, age has not been kind to him.

I remember those days well. You would hope that age makes you smarter and realize that he is arguing about something that he can't win - neither of them, SBD or Savage, can win.
I would have hoped that Savage, since he is 75, would have realized this. Guess I was wrong.
Jan 11, 2008

I agree with you to some extent.

Keep in mind though that it was SBD who started his thread about which I had the initial impression was going to be about the Spiritual Awakening

which was imminent where "We are all one," and that the world would turn into the all loving place, with one govt., where all wars, disease and other

afflictions would just all of a sudden disappear, etc.

Once I realized that there was another aspect to the thread, namely right wing conspiracy theories directed at noted democrats only(imo sbd's statement

that it is not about politics at all, but rather, "truth, justice and freedom" is total bs ), is when I decided to tell the other side of the story, first in his thread

and later in my own.

Also although I totally DESPISE Trump as a disgusting lowlife person for many reasons which I have already stated, the former

which limits his ability to fulfil some of his duties as the POTUS, I do give him some credit for some of the things of an economic

nature prior to the Virus.

To cut to the chase, lets just say that if the author of the CV Thread hadn't so arrogantly propelled his democratic conspiracy theories as

fact, as well as the failed dates by which all of this would be revealed by God,(all of which failed), there would not be have anything for me to respond to.

That said, if he continues his montage of posts each day all essentially saying the same thing(conspiracies etc.) and dismissing anything else

which challenges anything his sources say and/or what he says as "fake news," I will continue to bring what I deem to be badly

needed balance here and tell "the other side of the story-it is that simple!

My whole point is that you have your beliefs and SBD has his beliefs - and you both have the right to believe what you want.

Both sides, the Republicans and Democrats, have made mistakes during this terrible ordeal. I can understand the mistakes because it is something that we have never faced before. But instead of ALL people trying to figure out a way to "right the ship" both sides and I mean BOTH sides, have made it a personal agenda to blame the other. That seems to be their agenda - so they can come back and say that their side fixed this when it is going to take both sides - the Republicans and the Democrats - to fix this.

I am a registered Republican but I vote for whomever I think will help US the most. In the presidential election, I voted for Trump instead of Clinton ONLY because I felt he was the lesser of two evils. I still feel that way and that is my right to believe that.
In our governors election here in Louisiana, I voted for John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, because I felt he was the best person for the job. I didn't vote for the Republican and I am glad I didn't because, I personally, think Edwards has been the best possible job he can do during these trying times. He has been fantastic - in my opinion - being level headed, not jumping to conclusions, not causing a panic but doing the right thing, etc.

Savage, if you want to argue or disagree with SBD and what he puts in his thread, can't you see that the most logical place to do that would be in THAT thread.
In my opinion, you starting thread after thread trying to prove a point, makes you look delusional and makes it easy for everyone to disagree with you even if you are correct. Just because how you are doing it makes you look like baby who says "Oh yeah, I will prove to everyone that you are wrong".
Continue your argument/discussion in one thread, not 20. In my opinion, that makes you look very insecure and immature.

As you say above - "bring what I deem to be badly needed balance here and tell the other side of the story" but do it in one thread. Doing this the way you are doing makes it easier for everyone to not believe a word you are saying because, in my opinion, starting thread after thread make you look very juvenile and insecure.

Nov 11, 2007
This will be my only response today to what Psychic(Actually WAYNE, the lead moderator at Cappersmall) said.

First of all as I said earlier, envy, jealousy and total dissatisfaction with his own miserable life at this juncture are quite obvious to me.

I mean being a compulsive gambler and related gambling activities for most of his life with little else to do when there is no gambling is not something

to brag about.

Second of all, re: his comments about going back and forth with SBD, if it bothers WAYNE, perhaps he should put both me and him on ignore-no one

is pointing the proverbial gun at his head to read what we have to say.

Re: his three different forums commentary:

As stated previously, I was banned at Bettorchat BRIEFLY a number of years back for exposing a sports service, which was also a sponsor of the site-it

has nothing to do my expressing my views with-I owned up to it and admitted it was a mistake to do so.

I was banned last August at CM by the same person to whom I am responding (Psychic/WAYNE)

for daring to express a different point of view of his, namely about the Red Sox.

Before banning me, Psychic/WAYNE removed some of my posts and even my Red Sox Thread for a while to flaunt his cowardly "muscle" because

he had a ban wand and I did not.

The third Forum is this one, where a moderator simply in so many words told me to put all my thoughts into one thread, which I did

It had nothing to do with the contents of my posts.

If you think that what I just said about the three forums constitutes causing trouble and thus really being banned, then so be it.

Next-re; my wife-he continues to call her a whore, which is obviously a lie about my wonderful and devoted and loving/Evangelical Christian wife.

It is interesting and noteworthy that both yesterday and multiples times in my first thread back here last August when I asked Wayne to tell us about

his own wife/significant other, he simply did not respond-that is 100% true, and if you don't believe me, go back and check both threads!

Could there be a reason why he did not?

And oh yes along the same lines and as I posted yesterday, perhaps Psychic/WAYNE would care to elaborate on the high school girl or maybe around

20 years old, that he knocked up out of wedlock about around 30 years ago and which resulted

in an illegitimate son who was 15 then when WAYNE admitted to having a son around 15 years ago at BC.

Perhaps the Psychic/WAYNE could tell those who are interested as to how it all turned out with both the son, who I would assume is about 30 now and

the lady he knocked up-did he ultimately marry her, etc?

And oh yes lets not forget the charges against Psychic/WAYNE at CM where he alleged to have been involved in stealing around 14k in contest


I personally cannot prove it for sure, but if there was a way to prove it. I would make the betting odds -650 yes and +400 no.

I could go on, but I am confident that I have told the other side of the story about the Psychic/WAYNE to those few who do not already

know what this piece of human vermin is all about.

ps Re: his comments about sucking cock, yes on one occasion I did tell StevieRay to do so to Trump but ONLY AFTER the latter totally

insulted me first-yes I am human and at times will respond in kind!

And now, folks, you know the TRUTH of the matter!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I will be shocked if 1 person reads that gibberish

This is the 3rd forum now where everyone says they don't read his posts. This dumb fuck has no concept of what a paragraph is. He does one run on sentence after another with a blank line in between every one of them. It is pretty much not readable

He also cannot reply without writing a novel in response and he loses people and their attention every time with the gibberish. The dumb fuck has been told this for years but he is literally too stupid to understand any of it.

He really needs to google paragraph and figure out what it is

New member
Jan 11, 2008
A 75 year old that thinks buying a whore from another country is “normal”

A 75 year old that tells people to suck someone’s cock

A 75 year old that follows it up with in Jesus name, amen

A 75 year old that is nothing but a scumbag piece of shit HYPOCRITE

Nov 11, 2007
As Psychic/WAYNE shows in posts 35 and 36, is pinned against the ropes with no direct answers to what I said and questioned him about in post 34 and

as usual just weakly posts what he has posted many times before.

At least sbd is intelligent, educated, makes me think and is an overall good challenge even if we don't agree on most things

On the other hand, what you offer in your responses amounts to what I would expect of a dumb middle school kid.

Rest be assured that post 34 will be used again as a reference point on occasion so that people will know the TRUTH

about what you are made of.

That's it for today as have made the points I wish to and have better and more dignified things to do than to easily put down someone like you!

ps it should be noted that the Psychics's manner of not responding to questions I asked of him is EXACTLY what Wayne did at CM

when I pinned him against the ropes.

Draw your own conclusions.!

New member
Jan 11, 2008
And this guy has noooooo fuckin idea what a real christian is. He doesn’t qualify and neither does his whore. Real Christians do not tell others to suck cock and they do not constantly talk about HATING people. And if they really had a Christian wife, she would agree with what I just said. If she justified that stuff, she is a whore, not a Christian.

There are religious hypocrites and real people of faith. savage is a religious hypocrite. He is that piece of shit that thinks he can say he is Christian and that alone gives him free will to say and act any way he wants. No that makes you a religious hypocrite

Those that talk the talk and walk the walk. Those are true people of faith

You hate people every day and post it, and tell others to suck cock? You are nothing but an embarrassment to real Christians. You are also a scumbag and a piece of shit HYPOCRITE.


New member
Aug 7, 2015
A 75 year old that thinks buying a whore from another country is “normal”

A 75 year old that tells people to suck someone’s cock

A 75 year old that follows it up with in Jesus name, amen

A 75 year old that is nothing but a scumbag piece of shit HYPOCRITE

If I recall, there were pics and she was pretty hot. Could probably find them but wouldn't post unless Savage said it was ok. I remember the thread, it was followed closely and I believe most were happy for the Savage1. Many years ago

New member
Jan 11, 2008
If I recall, there were pics and she was pretty hot. Could probably find them but wouldn't post unless Savage said it was ok. I remember the thread, it was followed closely and I believe most were happy for the Savage1. Many years ago

No he was a running joke for years. And he still is today

As far as looks go, who cares. Anybody can have a hot whore on their arm if the price is right

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