Today's Look at Trump


New member
Jan 11, 2008

Nov 11, 2007
If this article is true, on the one hand, I will be elated that this guy is gone(yeah in all honesty imo he is worse than Trump), but on the other

hand I will feel a little sorry for Trump as one of his best friends in no longer around, and he is/will be in mourning.

In order to replace the loss, it might be a good idea to find someone else of his ilk to replace him OR strengthen the already very loving relationship

he has with Putin for the "good" of all humanity. lol

Nov 11, 2007
A little ot-Here is the way a REAL and COMPETENT was governor decides how and when to open up the economy re: the Coronavirus

unlike the jackass in Georgia.

Please note I am from Massachusetts, which is the same state that Charlie Baker governs, and guess what-he is a REPUBLICAN.

The point is that for those who don't know, Mass. traditionally is and has always been a traditionally liberal and democratic state,

meaning that one has to be pretty special to get elected-in this case twice!

Imo he is the best governor of Massachusetts in my recollection!

Nov 11, 2007

If for some reason you missed the 2018 science fiction thriller movie "Annihilation," I strongly recommend that find it on demand(it is free) and

watch it.

We just watched it, and it is totally riveting, suspenseful, exciting, at times scary and without one dull moment!

Jan 13, 2019

If for some reason you missed the 2018 science fiction thriller movie "Annihilation," I strongly recommend that find it on demand(it is free) and

watch it.

We just watched it, and it is totally riveting, suspenseful, exciting, at times scary and without one dull moment!

Perhaps you should watch a movie about how things would be if we were under total liberal control. It is called "Idiocracy"

Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps you should watch a movie about how things would be if we were under total liberal control. It is called "Idiocracy"

Thanks-I just read a little bit about the story and checked the reviews, which are decent.

I have put it on my radar screen and will be watching it in the near future.

Jan 13, 2019
Perhaps you should watch a movie about how things would be if we were under total liberal control. It is called "Idiocracy"

With the likes of Bernie, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC and the squad in positions of power this movie is becoming a reality in parts of the country. Throw in Biden as president with Kamala or Stacy Abrams as VP and this movie becomes prophetic.

Nov 11, 2007
My only comments today until later based on what I read in the Virus Thread today are:

1) there are simply more of the same unproven/unfounded delusional conspiracy theories and accusations hurled at democrats.

2) No mention or even hint that trump should not have have said what he did the other night re: the disinfectant and worse LIED about it afterwards

saying it was meant to be sarcastic-the fact that his own staff were stupefied by it and now want to limit both the number of times he appears

and opens his clueless mouth/how much he blurts out when it comes to stuff like infectious diseases and cures, in this case the Virus, is telling.

In short his staff realize that he makes a complete ass out of himself trying to infer that he knows more about it than the medically qualified doctors

on the stage.

3) It is not very smart to point finger at democrats and accuse them of cheating and lying, when as I have documented, that Trump

has told more than 18000 LIES since he took office.

4) Along the same lines, posts accusing Biden of sexual assault when tons of women have come forth especially during the 2016 Campaign to accuse

Trump of doing the same.

According to the mindset the author of other thread, NONE of these ladies could be telling the truth because after all, we are talking about Donald Trump,

who has "NEVER" done anything in his life that is not on the up and up and is the type of person you want your kid to emulate. lol

In short he apparently believes every single criticism leveled against Trump in his life and especially during his Presidency is "fake news"

as he represents "perfection."

It is a good thing that elections aren't held re: The Ultimate Deity/GOD because if there were, GOD HIMSELF would face a serious challenge from Trump. lol

5) His implication that the US and Russia are buddies for somehow the betterment of mankind is beyond absurdity.

Imo what Trump and Putin do have in common is that they are both dictators/megalomaniacs.

The only difference is that Putin orders people killed when they say something wrong and/or stray too far, whereas trump has not resorted to that

YET, although he did by implication physically threaten Hillary Clinon at one of his campaign rallies during the 2016 Campaign.

Also, if Trump and Putin are allegedly such good buddies, why for example has Putin by implication threatened the US with Russia's undetectable

new weapons as well as their at times hostile statements/hreats against the US-yeah I know, it is more of the catchall/one size fits all

"fake news."

It is to bad that Trump isn't/perceptive bright enough to understand that Putin and for that matter folks like Kim Jong-un are simply trying him

to con him into a false sense of security and have long term sinister motives and objectives re: the US.

Also, to look at from a different perspective, what does it say about Trump to align himself with murderers

like Putin and Kim Jong-un in the first place?

Does that mean Trump condones those type of actions and/or is it a case that neither of these folks have never murdered any of its citizens, and it is just

more "fake news?"

6) The author once again brings out the post where he has "shown"/"proven" that all of his Nostradamus predictions have come true and the related dates of

with WEAK after-the-fact the examples which don't come even remotely close to in totality what he predicted would happen.

Another poster called him out several times about his failed predictions also.

To change the subject, I have been accused of being long winded in my posts, and that no one reads them.

Well if I am, then in comparison using today as an example, I wonder how many people read the mounds of hearsay gossip

and bs he has spewed forth so far beginning at around 6:00 AM.

That's it-back later if anything worse commentine on.

New member
Jan 11, 2008
I will be shocked if 1 person reads that gibberish

This is the 3rd forum now where everyone says they don't read his posts. This dumb fuck has no concept of what a paragraph is. He does one run on sentence after another with a blank line in between every one of them. It is pretty much not readable

He also cannot reply without writing a novel in response and he loses people and their attention every time with the gibberish. The dumb fuck has been told this for years but he is literally too stupid to understand any of it.

He really needs to google paragraph and figure out what it is

Nov 11, 2007
One last comment I forgot to include in post 113:

This is claim for author of the Virus Update thread in last sentence from last post at this writing:

"This is why I haven't even had a common cold during my entire adult life.'

Lets just say that I believe that as much as I do with his claim in the sports service section that he has NEVER lost in any season in any sport EVER with

the select sports services he touted.

Several posters responded to his claims and documented that the services he was touting were mediocre at best-enough said!

If what he says about "NEVER" being sick once in his entire life is true, then perhaps he should get on stage with Trump and tell his

story and don't even bother having the medical experts on stage any longer-I mean what the heck do they know.

What next-that the person who has never got sick in his life also has inside information(like from one of his "great" select sports services) which

will allow him to become the first human EVER to rise to the status of immortality.@):mad:

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