The Shrink Rides Again

Sep 21, 2004
Jay C said:

He's the one who is keeping this thread alive. It was going to die today and end up on page two, now it's back to the top.

And everyone seems to forget the main issue here. Shrink bowing to public pressure decided not to have him on his new site. Big deal.

The deeper issue of course being the fact that BOS stiffed a player out of a large amount of money.

There is, and was no public pressure applied on the Shrink to preclude Millennium from his site. The Brits are delighted in getting their money back if he indeed send it. They are really not interested in doing business with Ken Weitzner, that's why they purposely waited until he left the RX to start their sponsorship. If KW was still a part of the RX they would not be a sponsor. And you fail to equivocate Millennium's role in stiffing this player.

New member
Dec 9, 2004
doug stewart said:
Have you read my last 2 posts, #152 and #155?

Yes I have, your concern for Jay? That he may violate his probation putting him at risk of further incarceration for posting?
Sep 21, 2004
aceduecetrey said:
At least they were kind enough to let Mr. Millenium out 2 days before christmas. was a blessing.....But I don't know the exact date that they released the Shrink yet....I have some people looking it up for me right now.
Sep 21, 2004
Jay C said:
You seem to know a lot about me . Why don't you tell us a little more about yourself. Why have you been around the block with the DOJ for three years? Are you an informant? Was this your old BOP number, 63012-004? What did you get that for, some type of fraud? Was it a short stay? Did you cooperate with them like a good 5K1?

And while we're on the subject of sharing first names and prison numbers I think it's time to dig up Ken's old info.....I'll have that for everyone to share on Monday afternoon.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
Millennium Sportsbook * said:
Jay C said:
You seem to know a lot about me . Why don't you tell us a little more about yourself. Why have you been around the block with the DOJ for three years? Are you an informant? Was this your old BOP number, 63012-004? What did you get that for, some type of fraud? Was it a short stay? Did you cooperate with them like a good 5K1?

And while we're on the subject of sharing first names and prison numbers I think it's time to dig up Ken's old info.....I'll have that for everyone to share on Monday afternoon.
:monsters- what a sleazy business this is.:shocked:

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I have read this entire thread and it does make me sick. It seems there are rogues everywhere. I have a solution. Bring back CM Booth!! CM Booth and his site have been dormant for many months. Booth was an honest guy who ran an honest site. CM BOOTH....WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Ronald said:
I have read this entire thread and it does make me sick. It seems there are rogues everywhere. I have a solution. Bring back CM Booth!! CM Booth and his site have been dormant for many months. Booth was an honest guy who ran an honest site. CM BOOTH....WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?

Ronald- There are many honest individuals on this board.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

I know there are...but it just sucks when people seem honest and then end up disappointing you. Didn't mean to include you in my generalization.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
For the record, Millenium IS a STIFF book. Here is my dealings with them from January 2005:

<!--StartFragment --> Wow. Halifax, you are the sharpest of the sharp!

Yes, it is indeed BetMill. They locked my account last night. I called to find out why and I spoke with some guy who explained to me that I "wasn't following their rules".

I asked which rule it was, and he told me that I was "betting too many 1st halfs, 2nd halfs, and quarters". I explained to him that I had NEVER bet a 1st half, or 2nd half, or a quarter.

Then he said I had also broken another rule: "You have to wager an equal amount on spreads/totals as you do on money lines". I had never heard of such a ridiculous rule in my life, so I asked if this was written in the rules anywhere and he referred me to Wagering Rule #14. He said this rule states that since money lines are props, I had broken the rule.

Last night, the rules did not say anything like this. As of this morning, they have updated the rules on the site to reflect the change.

All my previous winnings were honored, but he said that as of today (Friday) all my bets had to be 50/50 (money lines and spreads) and that he would be monitoring my action.

At the time he locked my account, I was down $70 or $80 with the book, so it wasn't like I was winning a lot there.

I tried to reason with this guy by explaining that when I signed up at the book, there was no such rule in effect. I also tried explaining to him that they cannot make up rules as they go along to fit their needs, especially when I have rollover requirements still pending. I also explained to him that there is a "standard" in the offshore world.

Can you imagine Pinnacle saying "You have to bet some spreads and totals too, or we are kicking you out" ???

He gave me the option of taking out my entire balance, without the bonus. I have "earned" about 75% of the bonus at this point.

All I really want is to be able to make a few more bets, finish the rollover, and leave this strange sportsbook.

What do you guys think?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
CM Booth might be the only person who can clean up this industry. This thread makes me sick.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
I will sit on a street corner and eat nothing but Carl's Jr. burgers until Booth comes back....booth always said he loved those things.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I don't usually post on the weekend, but Norm from Millenium has lost his mind. To get on here and cry about being dropped from the site is pathetic. The SHRINK's new site must be awesome!!!- for this to cause Norm to have such a fit. Get over it dude! All you are doing is giving props to his site. I bet KEN is getting a nut over all of this free advertisement. The feed back about Millenium was mostly negative from what I read and if this is the way Norm treats everyone he disagrees with then I think Ken made a good choice! MAY'N!!!

ALSO, where are all of the trgger happy moderators? Why hasn't this tread been moved to the RR? I guess drama against the SHRINK and others is allowed on the main forum. WHAT A JOKE!!!!!

New member
Jul 20, 2002
ALSO, where are all of the trgger happy moderators?

We are here Tony, personally I thought the thread had some merit one point, but it has gone down hill recently.


Sep 20, 2004
Jay C]Jabow,

You and I have different visions of what a legitimate business looks like in this industry. You refer to those bums from SI who stiffed everyone as the model for this business. When I was setting up, their web site was nothing more than a splash page with an 800 number. When they finally did take bets online, you had to download their garbage software and you could barely do a thing on it.

You are such a bum ass wanna be, an so stupid. As I did prior in a post, I told the truth not hear say about those guys, THEY unlike YOU a WANNA BE were one of the ORIGINAL pioneers, you of course looked at them and their biz and site, (damn copy cat) to model your site/biz, they did all the grunt work and you waddled in the out come, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO CRITICIZE, speaking of the site as a simple spash page with an 800 number, they were one of the first to be online, and actually that pretty sounds better for a website, kinda reminds me of GOOGLE's site,

anyway, back then, real bookies booked nothing to fancy and colorful, people wanted the lines and got it. So what if you had to down load, and so what at that time it was not that great, why? you criticize and ask, because they were puioneers like the other REAL booking shops, NOT LIKE YOU bum JayC,

And the reason they had problems is because they WERE pioneers, did not make a wise decision and had an office in the US doing marketing, and the rest is history, prior to that NO ONE HAD PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER, so you Mr. BiG Shot that have

ALL THE CLIENTS FUNDS LOCKED AWAY IN A NICE LITTLE ACCOUNT THAT YOU NEVER TOUCH, let them start making withdrawals and we'll see what happen

Come on, justlet the clients start withdrawing and you see if you can PAY,

But keep praising those former stock swindling stiffs as the "Pioneers." I guess they were the original asset salesmen when they went belly up.

You also believe, as you have stated in another thread that it's ok to set up with no capital. All you need to do is move your wire room offshore, get an 800#, a few computers, chomp on some cigars and you are a "real" bookie. Take the deposits and pay your expenses from them before you have won the money. That's a "real" bookie to you.

Believe it or not thats what the bookies do,done on the street many, many years einstein

I see the world a little differently. I think books should start with operating capital and not dip into customer deposits to pay expenses. I think books shouldn't stiff players and be forgiven just because enough time has passed.

you are a liar, you do not have that money just sitting there that belongs to the clents

As for my legal battles. I got charged and I fought. I lost, that's the way it goes. Did I think I would lose? No. Did "everyone" tell me I couldn't win? No, quite the contrary, many told me I couldn't lose. It's great hearing from a Monday morning QB like yourself.


You lost and every one with common sense knew you would, you make VERY< VERY bad decisions, and cannot be trusted, you are a hot head, and think you could conquer the world, but, be careful, you are now on probation and what do you do, you go posting and promising to post on a gambling site,

You have no head for right decisions, just hot headed ones,
Listen, if you think that you have all this constitutional crap behind you,
why didnt you do it in the USA you friggin crack head.

I have no idea what my decision to fight my case and subsequently lose has to do with my credibility on this site

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