The Shrink Rides Again


New member
Feb 4, 2003
Jay C said:
Hell, Peep's site is mainly based on monitoring the drama.

nice niche business

and we have lots of drama to monitor lately, that's for sure. It's turning into a full-time job to keep up with the various scams and shenanigans of the offshore world :103631605

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
Red Pimp & Wil and Others

Good points re. Sims. By virtue of the sheer volume of his posting over 3000 in a yr it`s quite obvious that this boy needs some outside interests. At first I thought he was a somewhat mature guy and had something intelligent to add. WRONG!! As you said Wil, this frigging $150 seems in his mind at least to be his "Holy Grail" or his claim to be the guardian for all the "little people". The money is not important he says. Well for that, I DO believe him, because if he was paid that would be one less thing he could crusade against. Attacking me as if I was a champion of all that is evil in the OS world is a little lame even for him. I trust NO book, and operate from the premise that they are out to F me, until proven otherwise. My sole purpose in my original post was to say act like a man and resolve the thing, then move on. Life`s too short to be hung up on this issue. YOU ARE NOT OUR PROTECTOR!! Most here can handle themselves. I don`t have anymore time for this, as there are games to research and bets to be made. Mil has never wronged me, if they have to others then shame on them and I hope all is resolved.

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000

Just read your post #85. Perfect, very concise and accurate. I`d just like to know EXACTLY what it would take to satisfy him (sims)? Nothing would, is my belief. For then he would lose his only claim to a little fame.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Chuck Sims said:
doug stewart, you clueless dope. I am here posting to warn posters about shit books. To better the industry by getting rid of the many shady books that are operating off-shore. You are a square loser so it does not effect you that books rob players that win. I give facts about Las Vegas and you come back with misinformation and falsehoods. You are obviously out of the loop in the sharp action crowd. You doug stewat come across as pure sheep.

chuck, i for one thank-you for that

much more than you will ever know

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Let's put things into perspective here....SBR rates Millenium a D+ which they interpret as: Poor, some risk to players funds. Poor customer service, etc

Of course one could argue that their ratings are not 100% accurate so even if we move them a notch up we come to C which reads:

Average to below average cust. service with some risk to players funds.

Plenty of better books out there, that's for sure.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Chuck you are such a goof that is not what happened I spammed you maybe but I got your email off one of the databses of sportsbooks I bought thats how I got your email ro

get it right if you are going to make a claim like that
Sep 21, 2004
Jay C said:
You're too much late at night. You actually made me laugh with that last one.

I don't work for him.

I don't know about the different extortions.

I find his most recent email hard to defend.

All of these sites "watchdog" sites have blood on their hands.

My column will be my own thoughts, and like I said earlier Ken probably won't like it himself.

I don't know what all the hoo ha is about advertising on any of these places. They are all over priced for the number of books people share the space with along with the same old stale repeat audience, an audience which is either professional, semi-professional, or wanna be professional. Lots of traffic, it's the same people, myself included, checking in on the latest drama. Hell, Peep's site is mainly based on monitoring the drama.

Then why would you be so interested in writing a column for this site? In fact, I have a question for you. Here you are, a guy who just served time for a Gambling offense, and presently you're on probation. It seems to me that if I were in your position I would stay clear of such gambling sites, and BW's man (the Shrink). You and I both know that the DOJ reads these forums each day like we read the morning newspaper. Why would a guy like you publicly get on this forum and participate in trying to retrieve a past debt owed to a syndicate gambler, from an operation that the DOJ clearly sees as an illegal offshore operation in violation of the wire act? The very same crime that you were convicted of. Why would you associate yourself with such people and places during a period of time that spitting on the sidewalk could land you back in jail? Everyone knows that RS got his probation period shortened by keeping his nose clean, and was able to return to Costa Rica. Yet you still go against the grain daily of what the Probation office expects of you. You are now getting ready to contribute to a site that has sportsbooks as advertising sponsors, and promotes gambling. The DOJ can easily construe this as aiding and abetting on your part. Either you're a glutten for punishment or you're working as an informant for the DOJ.

New member
Dec 9, 2004
Millennium Sportsbook * said:
Either you're a glutten for punishment or you're working as an informant for the DOJ.

That's about it for me! I would not play into this book if they were the last book offshore:finger:

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Most of your questions will be answered when the column comes out.

And that last line is baseless and uncalled for, you should know better than that.

New member
Oct 15, 2004
Millennium makes some good points about Jay C and his potential liability for posting in these offshore gambling forums. It's no skin off my ass, but I would think that Jay, who rightly proclaims how he was mistreated by the DoJ, might exercise a little more caution in his dealings while on probation. If Martha can have her house arrest/ankle bracelet extended for 3 weeks for what seems like nothing, surely the DoJ could do something to Jay if they so chose. Like Jay says, I'll (along with the DoJ) wait to read his column at Shrink's new site and see if he answers these questions. In all likelihood, the DoJ doesn't want to shut up this loose cannon.
Sep 21, 2004
Jay C said:
And that last line is baseless and uncalled for, you should know better than that.

No, I don't know better than that....I've been around the block with the DOJ for close to three years. In today's world anything is possible, and all must be careful in choosing the company they keep. Do you feel a little uncomfortable when I attack you personally? Am I tarnishing your "martyrism'? You think you were the only person ever arrested on gambling charges? You think you were the only person ever convicted and served time? You did what you did for yourself, not for me , or anyone else. If you did, it was pretty stupid. Well you keep getting up on your pedastal and attacking BOS daily and more will follow. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't cast stones. It's time to get off of it. I made you a perfectly good offer previously in this thread...yet that went unanswered. Why?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
The first amendment guarantees me the right to speak my mind on these forums. So I am not concerned about voicing my displeasure with stiff operations.

As to the player who was stiffed, I think BOS will be hearing from him shortly. But remember the last emissary he sent down there got beaten up so I wouldn't count on him coming or sending anyone else to CR.

At first you claimed to know nothing about the robbery but now you know everything. You have seen the paspers Hense drew up. Which is it? The Brits are just getting their feet wet and getting their marketing in place, that's why it still says 14 years offshore. But then in another post they have been there 13 months. Which is it? David Carruthers has been there a long time, both before and after the Brits bought the assets. He has been silent on the robbery.

You chose to get in bed with NASA years ago. Who knows what the deal was, something tells me a certain percentage of your profits was going straight to them. What was your position on the robbery BEFORE the assets were sold to the "honorable Brits?"

In the meantime, you keep defending the robbery. How does that make you look? Ken doesn't want you on his new site. Big deal, move on.

Do I think I am a martyr? No. Do I think I was the only person who went to prison solely for running a wholly offshore legal operation? Yes.

You seem to know a lot about me xxxx. Why don't you tell us a little more about yourself. Why have you been around the block with the DOJ for three years? Are you an informant? Was this your old BOP number, 63012-004? What did you get that for, some type of fraud? Was it a short stay? Did you cooperate with them like a good 5K1?

Why don't you post your original indictment for us so we can see your true character. And why don't you let us know why they are bugging you now. What are you willing to give them this time to get them off your back? Customer lists, industry contacts? See what I mean now by baseless allegations? You imply that I must be some type of rat yet I have never in my life made a deal with them, while on the other hand you have.
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New member
Oct 15, 2004
Oh right, JC...the First Amendment protects you. That's part of the Constitution isn't it? Doesn't that same constitution guarantee you the right to a fair trial? And you've told us ad nauseum how unfairly you were treated at your trial, so what makes you think this same constitution and same government will treat you fairly this time? Are you really that naive and/or stupid?

And insofar as being a DoJ informant, although you adamantly deny it, one doesn't have to willingly rat out someone to the DoJ to give the DoJ information. In light of your last post about Norm/Millennium Sportsbook, the DoJ is probably quite happy with your performance as bombastic loose cannon/unwitting informant. Somewhere John Ashcroft is probably thinking, "Keep up the good work, Jay C.".

New member
Sep 20, 2004
doug stewart said:
And insofar as being a DoJ informant, although you adamantly deny it, one doesn't have to willingly rat out someone to the DoJ to give the DoJ information. In light of your last post about Norm/Millennium Sportsbook, the DoJ is probably quite happy with your performance as bombastic loose cannon/unwitting informant. Somewhere John Ashcroft is probably thinking, "Keep up the good work, Jay C.".

Um, Doug, xxxx raised the DOJ issue first, not me. I would have kept that to myself but he opened that can of worms. And he's the one who accused me of working for them. People who work for them don't go to trial, get time, and have their furloughs denied because they are a flight risk and a threat to the community. From what I hear, he got off very light. Maybe he is the one in the glass house?

He's the one who is keeping this thread alive. It was going to die today and end up on page two, now it's back to the top.

And everyone seems to forget the main issue here. Shrink bowing to public pressure decided not to have him on his new site. Big deal.

The deeper issue of course being the fact that BOS stiffed a player out of a large amount of money.
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Sep 21, 2004
Jay C said:
The first amendment guarantees me the right to speak my mind on these forums. So I am not concerned about voicing my displeasure with stiff operations.

As to the player who was stiffed, I think BOS will be hearing from him shortly. But remember the last emissary he sent down there got beaten up so I wouldn't count on him coming or sending anyone else to CR.

At first you claimed to know nothing about the robbery but now you know everything. You have seen the paspers Hense drew up. Which is it? The Brits are just getting their feet wet and getting their marketing in place, that's why it still says 14 years offshore. But then in another post they have been there 13 months. Which is it? David Carruthers has been there a long time, both before and after the Brits bought the assets. He has been silent on the robbery.

se to get in bed with NASA years ago. Who knows what the deal was, something tells me a certain percentage of your profits was going straight to them. What was your position on the robbery BEFORE the assets were sold to the "honorable Brits?"

In the meantime, you keep defending the robbery. How does that make you look? Ken doesn't want you on his new site. Big deal, move on.

Do I think I am a martyr? No. Do I think I was the only person who went to prison solely for running a wholly offshore legal operation? Yes.

You seem to know a lot about me xxxx. Why don't you tell us a little more about yourself. Why have you been around the block with the DOJ for three years? Are you an informant? Was this your old BOP number, 63012-004? What did you get that for, some type of fraud? Was it a short stay? Did you cooperate with them like a good 5K1?

Why don't you post your original indictment for us so we can see your true character. And why don't you let us know why they are bugging you now. What are you willing to give them this time to get them off your back? Customer lists, industry contacts? See what I mean now by baseless allegations? You imply that I must be some type of rat yet I have never in my life made a deal with them, while on the other hand you have.

Apparently the DOJ doesn't believe that participating in or advertising for offshore betting operations is protected under the first amendment. Your participation with a site such as that is precarious to say the least.

I really don't know what makes WSEX a legal operation if it extends into US boundaries. If you're taking a bet from another US citizen outside the legal limits of Las Vegas it's not legal, and the government doesn't care if its encrypted or sent to another bank in another country. The US Supreme Court was not interested in hearing your claims.

Again you keep on using this basis claim OF "ROBBERY" and now you're aserting that I was directly involved with it. Any knowledge I have of the occurence came after the fact, strictly second hand. I have simply offered to help resolve it, but now you're aleging that I'll beat the person up if he comes down here. I'm not a thug.

Yes I had problems in the past which were totally gambling unrelated, and didn't require me becoming a rat. My indictment is of public knowledge for anyone able to access. I don't need to defend myself here to you or anyone else, as I have already paid my lawyer dearly to do so.

And you're right...who would care about Ken's new site....he's just trying to bring back "old news" anyway. It's not worth visiting, which was the premise of this whole thread.
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New member
Sep 20, 2004
OK xxxc, you're right.

Go take a dip in that pool of yours and enjoy your semi-retirement.
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New member
Dec 9, 2004
Millennium Sportsbook * said:
My indictment is of public knowledge for anyone able to access. I don't need to defend myself here to you or anyone else, as I have already paid my lawyer dearly to do so.

I agree, so why did you bring up the DOJ/Jay/informant innuendo?

New member
Jul 28, 2005
This should be a book, not a thread. Man, and I want cliff notes!

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