The 2019 Phil Steele/Northcoast Picks, Record Documentation, Commentary and Discussion Thread


Nov 11, 2007
ZERO/ZILCH/NADA new on ext. 9 today.

It is the same bullshit and bogus discount pricing we heard yesterday and the day before for Full Executive Service.

It goes without saying that Todd/Phil Steele/NC has not yet acknowledged and never will that they LOST both said and total in the NCAA Championship Game

on Monday Night.

Nov 11, 2007
Just a few words for now as it regards the NC Community Cappers:

First of all keep in mind that the comps. given out are actual plays and not just something thrown out with no thought.

Anyways with last night's loss on San Antonio given out on ext. 4, the comps are now on a 3-15 run, which is horrendous.

Keep in mind that these plays are not coming from any one person.

For those who don't know, the comps. of a given capper are given out on consecutive days only if they win the day before.

If they do not, then the comp. of another capper in the group is given out and the process starts all over again.

As you can see from record above, there are not many cappers giving out picks on consecutive days because they have been losing.

There are two noteworthy things here:

1) Todd hardly ever tells you the next day if the capper the day before lost, but of course tells you if he won.

It goes without saying that if he admitted that the 3-15 streak cited above and was in general more honest, it would not sit very well with

his boss, Phil Steele and he might very well be terminated.

2) With so many cappers in the group, the chances are pretty good that at least one of these incompetents may have got lucky for a day

or so and actually won.

Naturally Todd harps on this and will brag about this on the comp. line in the hopes that maybe someone will be enticed to buy the picks of

this particular capper.

Just remember though that this short term streak in most cases is not indicative of the skills of the cappers in question, and the chances are overwhelming

that in the days before the little winning streak, he was losing and probably significantly as is the case with just about all of these perennial


Thus imo if someone should decide to buy the picks of one of these folks based on a temporary winning streak, the chances are that he is too

late and that the cappers will return to his normal losing ways either that day or shortly after.

In short as the saying goes, "A word to the wise should be sufficient!."

Nov 11, 2007
On ext. 9 the song remains the same with the same spiel(I call it begging) for $129 for Full Executive service between now and end of the season.

For the record, which has always been the case, star rated plays on today's All Star games do not count in record keeping in or lose, as they are nothing more than

than ploys to get people to shell out money for today when there are no meaningful games going.

Nov 11, 2007
For those who give a rat's ass, NC had this so far:

For those who don't want to click on the link, it turned out to be a LOSER on the West.

I don't know who they had in second game yet.

What is not shocking is that when I clicked on the link, NC is the ONLY service having any play on this game.

That says a lot in itself about their integrity.

Nov 11, 2007
Was I spot on or what re: what I said in post #925 about the folks who comprise the NC Community Cappers.

I said many years ago that Great Lake Sports should change their name to Great Lakes of RED INK because they lose so often and totally bury their clients.

Days like today just corroborate what I said:


College Basketball Selections:
5* CBB GOM: 5* (668) Akron (-5.5) 2:00est L
4* (692) Washington (+1.5) 3:45est L
4* (714) Wichita State (-3.5) 4:00est L
3* (754) Vanderbilt (+4.5) 6:00est L
3* (764) Duke (-7.5) 6:00est L

NBA Selections:
4* Atlanta (+2) 7:30est L
4* Philadelphia (-3.5) 7:30est L
3* Orlando (-4) 8:30est L

Drumroll please----0-8 day with most of losses not even close-an 0-8 day is pretty hard to do no matter how bad a service is!!

Yeah I agree-it was a "big day" all right.

Nov 11, 2007
Early take:

NC lost both All Star Game Marquees yesterday and went 0-2.

VERY few other services bothered in general to give out picks on these nothing/meaningless games.

As stated and posted yesterday, Great Lake Sports of RED INK, a long time member of the NC Community Capper, did worse than NC yesterday

going an almost unbelievable 0-8 in one day.

Although this is an extremely rare "feat" for them or any service, it is indicative of the long term record of Great Lkes for both

their big plays and everyday plays-in short bottom of the barrel along with the likes of The "Friends" of the long deceased Mike Lee who throw out a ton of

plays each and every day and over the years have also buried people in the rubble who have played them.

Finally if you don't want to find out the actual plays of NC today and especially their ratings, I suggest you check out the link in post 922,

as that tells you for sure who NC will be on, the only question which will be designated as a Late Phone and which as a Marquee/Opinion.

Nov 11, 2007
I forgot to mention in previous post that not only does Great Lake Sports of RED INK have to share the spotlight for futility and

incompetency with Phil Steele/NC but also with the other NC Community Cappers of which he is a part.

I say that because this group of frauds/charlatans hae compiled a 3-16 records with their comps, which are actual plays and thus

representative of what to expect if you should choose to use any of them at a given moment.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is summary of comp. message:

There is one star rated play going today, two marquees ans one opinion in NFL.

$39 gets all of these plays.

$12 total for the Marquees only.

They admitted the 0-2 day yesterday in the College All Star Games.


Ext. 4 there is brutal honesty about yesterday's horrible day including Great Lakes of RED INK as well as the other two featured cappers who both lost.

No mention however that comp. lost once again bringing record to 3-16 of late.


ps Whether NC wins or loses and tries to improve on their 5 winning weeks as opposed to 15 losing weeks will be decided by one

game today as that is the only star rated play of the week.

Nov 11, 2007
So far today, a loss on Tennessee and if you can believe it, the ext. 4 comps. with today's loss from Mike Lee on South Dakota St. brings the record to 3-17

over the last 20.

I don't which is worse, above or the 0-8 day that Great Lakes of RED INK had yesterday.

Bringing the dead and living "friends" of the long deceased corpse of Mike Lee to end any kind of a losing streak has about the same chance of succeeding

as filling a kid's water pistol full of (appropriate) piss with the hopes and expectations that firing it on the raging wildfires in Australia that somehow that

will put all of he fires out instantly. lol

Nov 11, 2007
NC wins its 3* Late Phone Play on San Francisco and finally has a winning week.

Needless to say a winning week which is based on one game only doesn't mean much as opposed to a week where there are five to say ten picks

for obvious reasons related to difficulty.

Nonetheless Phil Steele and his deplorable NC Service need every bit of help they can get in this disastrous season for their clients.

Nov 11, 2007
ot-early look

When looking around the various forms at services which gave out opinions on both sides and both totals, I didn't see any which advocated

betting both favorites and both overs.

Imo one of the reasons for this is that over time "favorites and overs" are what the betting public loves to bet and a big reason why they lose and

Vegas, the Offshores ad Locals win big.

In short this combination is frowned upon by sports services and especially so on a day like yesterday when there were two games.

I mean think of it-if a sports service continually gave out favorites and over to its clients most of the time, why would people

even bother to use them and pay them money-they could just do it in their own.

Well as we found out yesterday, once in a while this scorned combination of "favorite and over" does come in.

Thus imo at least for yesterday, not seeing this combo given out by the services for both games, in retrospect playing both "favorites and over" in both games

could have been considered a contrarian play.

Back later.

Nov 11, 2007
Here we go with the summary of the comp. line.

On ext. 9 Todd recaps the day including the 3* Late Phone winner.

As stated previously, all one had to do was look at the Phil Steele picks which were posted prior to yesterday to know what NC would be on

sans rating-they were 100% THE SAME.

Not surprisingly Todd pumps the overall positive record over the last three years for the Playoffs lying once again about record,

that, but DOES NOT mention that even with yesterday's one, they are 2-3 in the playoffs-this kind of deception/lies by omission/bullshit

have always been the modus operandi of Phil Steele/NC.

We are also told about the ripoff price of $89 between now and end of the season which includes another worthless college all star game

next weekend, the equally boring and irrelevant Pro Bowl Games, some props on the SuperBowl, historically roughly a 50% proposition for

NC as well as the picks on the side and total itself, with nothing special historically regarding their success rate-in summary a "real bargain" FOR $

On extension #4 we are told that The "Friends" of Mike Lee, who gave out the comp. yesterday, went 1-4 on the day but WITHOUT mentioning


OF INCOMPETENT MISFIT/LOSERS TO 3-17!!!! I mean how bad is that!!!!

If any of you are curious as to what the comp. is for tonight, it is a 3* from Hot Shot Sports on Baylor -10.

I am sticking to what I said last week, namely neither fading these comp.s or jumping on the bandwagon for a possible winning streak or bounce until they have won

two straight.

Nov 11, 2007
One thing I forgot to mention earlier-traditionally starting right now after the the Divisional games, which decide who goes to SB and the two weeks afterwards

leading up to the SB and then until March Madness begins, marks a VERY slow time re: gambling sorts-any bookie/offshore will tell you that.

By inference, this means that interest in using sports services including those on the NC Community wanes badly during this time.

What Phil Steele/NC have historically done is to suggest, actually imo ORDER/DEMAND that the Community Cappers SCRIPT big plays

on a regular and rotational basis during this interval in order to create some betting interest.

It is no coincidence that during this time frame there have always been a LOT MORE big plays offered by these cappers than you will

see when football is in full swing.

Nov 11, 2007
Ext. 4 comp. on Baylor loses again bringing record of these rotating LOSER NC cappers if you can believe it to 3-18 of late!!!

I will have a bit more to see about this in the morning.

Nov 11, 2007
For those who want only the weekly and cumulative recaps and not the commentary I promised in previous post re: ext. 4 comps, here you go:

Recaps for Week Twenty One:

College sides and totals 0-0 with no units won or lost as season is over.

Pros 1-0 with 3 units GAINED.

Overall for the week 3 units were GAINED or $100 at $100 a unit.

The cost of service for a non PS subscriber of the several mentioned to get all of the Late Phone Plays was $39.

Anyways, factoring in the cost, it is seen that 2.61 units were won or $261 at $100 a unit.



College 81-80-3 with 30.9 units LOST(sides and totals combined).

Pro 33-36-2 with 15.95 units LOST.

Overall 49.85 units have been LOST or MINUS $4,685 at $100 a unit.

The total cost of service so far is 41.64 units or $4,164.

Thus adding in the cost, it is seen that so far the non PS subscriber is MINUS 88.49units or a 100% DOCUMENTED MINUS WHOPPING

$8,849 at $100 a unit.

Including last week over the last almost four years, anyone who has played the Late Phones

according to scale and factoring in the cost of service, is DOWN A DOCUMENTED MINUS $26,397!!!

Ok now onto what I promised in previous post re: the comps. on ext. 4.

The fact of the matter is that with last night's loss the comps. from these rotating cappers have gone 3-18.

What makes this even worse is that these are actual plays from the cappers on the NC Community in rather than just one,

and that every time one of these comps. loses, which is been the dominant rule of late, another capper gets the chance

the next day to give out his comp.

Now granted during the 18 losses there have been some repeat losers as NC does not 18 cappers in their harem.

Imo that actually makes matters worse as it shows that the repeat cappers can't even win when given multiple chances!!!

During this streak when it reached seven consecutive losers, Todd made a quick remark that they had lose seven straight.

Since that time they have lost eleven more picks and won three.

What I find telling and disturbing is that the day after the wins Todd stated the comp had won but on the eleven

losers only mentioned twice that they had lost.

Also there was no mention of the now overall 3-18 streak EVER along the way.

This is a bit inconsistent because in the spirit of honesty and fair play, each day when Todd goes through the litany

of NC Cappers, besides mentioning what they have going for the day, he does state their record for the day before.

If it was good and/or it has been good for a few days, he mentions that also.

Conversely if it was bad the day before and the days leading up to it, he DOES NOT mention the short term record

as he does when it was positive-not surprisingly as this is the same way Steele/NC act with its own football records,

namely pick and choose ONLY that which makes NC look good.

What does all of this mean?

Well the obvious purpose of the NC Comp. Line as well as any comp. line is to get people to call so that the service can

advertise their products/picks for that day, week, etc.

In turn the folks calling get a comp. pick.

Naturally NC or any service wants these comp. picks to do well for fear if they do not, people will simply stop calling

the comp. line all together.

Imo this is the biggest reason that Todd has not been stating of late how the comp. did on the day before when it

lost and obviously not the OVERA short term record for even more obvious reasons.

For me this shows that Phil Steele/Todd and anyone else associated with the NC Marketing are 100% self serving

and with no concern, sensitivity or compassion for those who have been playing these games either

on a regular basis or a hit and miss basis and thus losing lots of money.

Ask yourself if it is fair for them to put out comps without stating how they have been doing with their

precise records, or at the very least before giving out the comp. telling people that they comps have been

VERY cold of late, and to exert extreme caution if they are going to play them-is that asking too much???

Lets just say that I sure hope for the sake of their spouses and/or significant others of Steele, Todd and all

who contribute to the marketing of NC who see no problem with what I just stated, that are treated with a lot more

sensitivity, feeling and compassion during moments of intimacy then people calling the comp. line are!!

Back a bit later.

ps I am going to forward this to Phil Steele, Todd and NC.


Nov 11, 2007
Ok here you go with the minutes of the comp. line message on ext. 9-no more comp. 4 messages-I will explain in a moment.

The only things worth noting are 1) his bullshit that there is still a lot of football left-the implication of that is that games like two more

shit and worthless all star games this weekend in addition to the SB constitute "a lot of football."

Pricing remains at $89 for all of this.

Now get this, any of you who read my last posts re: the ext. 4 comps. and/or what I said previously about them realize the self serving/insensitive putrid/LYING

BY OMISSION/evasive and deceptive manner in which Phil Steele/his flunky/co-conspirator, Todd the TURD and all involved with the marketing aspect deal with it.

Actually as of today they are not "dealing" with the issue anymore, as Phil Steele ordered that ext. 4 be shut down with no explanation

at all.

Anyone with half a brain realizes that the 3-18 DOCUMENTED record of late is atrocious, and in fact they can't deal with it

Thus rather than admit it on ext .4 and perhaps show some compassion for those playing these games, they took the coward's way out, namely

don't admit the record, close the extension down and just keep ext. 9 going.

This is along the same lines as I pointed out during the season when NC had a bad Saturday or Sunday(plenty of those for sure) and the next

day, Todd the TURD, would merely and I am quoting use the word "disappointment" to convey his feelings for the previous day.

There never even a hint of empathy or compassion for those who lost money and naturally nothing was given away free to make up for the


Essentially they are doing the same thing here by not facing up to the disaster which just occurred on ext. 4 by running away rather than fessing up

to it.

If there was poetic justice in the world and to give the likes of Phil Steele, Todd the TURD, etc., a taste of their own medicine, it would be

for the owner of say a dozen mastiffs, which weight about 200 lb. each, with the help of friends to take them all over to the homes of Phil, Todd, etc

and somehow induce them all to take a dump at the same time on their lawns and then walk away from it without cleaning up what

I am sure would be a huge mess-talk about an eye for an eye or better a turd for a turd, in my opinion you have it in this instance!!

ps you can bet your sweet bippy(ass) that I am immediately going to forward this to Phil Steele and company!

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