Ok here you go with the minutes of the comp. line message on ext. 9-no more comp. 4 messages-I will explain in a moment.
The only things worth noting are 1) his bullshit that there is still a lot of football left-the implication of that is that games like two more
shit and worthless all star games this weekend in addition to the SB constitute "a lot of football."
Pricing remains at $89 for all of this.
Now get this, any of you who read my last posts re: the ext. 4 comps. and/or what I said previously about them realize the self serving/insensitive putrid/LYING
BY OMISSION/evasive and deceptive manner in which Phil Steele/his flunky/co-conspirator, Todd the TURD and all involved with the marketing aspect deal with it.
Actually as of today they are not "dealing" with the issue anymore, as Phil Steele ordered that ext. 4 be shut down with no explanation
at all.
Anyone with half a brain realizes that the 3-18 DOCUMENTED record of late is atrocious, and in fact they can't deal with it
Thus rather than admit it on ext .4 and perhaps show some compassion for those playing these games, they took the coward's way out, namely
don't admit the record, close the extension down and just keep ext. 9 going.
This is along the same lines as I pointed out during the season when NC had a bad Saturday or Sunday(plenty of those for sure) and the next
day, Todd the TURD, would merely and I am quoting use the word "disappointment" to convey his feelings for the previous day.
There never even a hint of empathy or compassion for those who lost money and naturally nothing was given away free to make up for the
Essentially they are doing the same thing here by not facing up to the disaster which just occurred on ext. 4 by running away rather than fessing up
to it.
If there was poetic justice in the world and to give the likes of Phil Steele, Todd the TURD, etc., a taste of their own medicine, it would be
for the owner of say a dozen mastiffs, which weight about 200 lb. each, with the help of friends to take them all over to the homes of Phil, Todd, etc
and somehow induce them all to take a dump at the same time on their lawns and then walk away from it without cleaning up what
I am sure would be a huge mess-talk about an eye for an eye or better a turd for a turd, in my opinion you have it in this instance!!
ps you can bet your sweet bippy(ass) that I am immediately going to forward this to Phil Steele and company!