Having listened to today's comp. message on ext. 9, I couldn't decided which of feelings/emotions I felt more-laughter, being insulted or pity.
Here's why:
Todd essentially repeats the same yesterday about the $84 price for next year for boith of the two PowerPISS Publications with their 50% picks
and 90% overkill irrelevant writeups with all kinds of stats, trends and angles most of which worthless/meaningless as far as who will cover in a given game.
Just check out the my documentation of their pathetic Late Phone Records, which are an offshoot of this and the basis of the picks.
Here is where it gets lets say "interesting.""
Todd the TURD then tells us that if we want to subscribe BEYOND 2020 and thus save even more than (what I am sure will be a lousy $5 for this year for subscribing
now for 2020 as opposed to waiting until August), guess what you can subscribe for 2021 for just $69 and get this, FOR ANY YEAR AFTER 2021.
That means for example that someone could sign up for one of the PowerPISS Publications today by forking over a "mere" $690 for the next ten years or
$1380 TODAY for games to be played 20 years from now-wow!!!
Lets just say to be serious for a moment that "excitement" was not one of the feelings I had/have.
Maybe Dennys should offer a gift card today for say $1000 or so for next ten years but with the stipulation that the $1000 can be used ONLY in year 10-
and with today's prices on menu even if they should change by the tenth year--what do you think?? lol
I mentioned two other possibilities at the beginning of this post, pity and arrogance, and in actuality I think both apply.
The words "arrogance" and being "insulted" apply because it is obvious that Phil Steele really thinks that his publications are so good/spot on/accurate,
that people will have no problem forking out the money today even though the future picks and writeups won't apply for a number of years.
The other related emotion I felt/feel is "pity" for Phil Steele because in his psychotic and narcissistic mind he believes that there are many other
folks besides him who base their ENTIREe existence 24/7/365 thinking about football and gathering every single statistic. trend, angle, etc. about every
single player and team in college and pros, and that nothing else matters in life including probably his own family!!
Lets just say kindly that this dude needs a lot of professional help!!