The 2019 Phil Steele/Northcoast Picks, Record Documentation, Commentary and Discussion Thread


Nov 11, 2007
The only thing I want to add to last post or for that matter in general is that if had a son who was an owner of some kind of business and ran it

like Phil Steele or Todd, I would tell him that I would cut him out 100% of his inheritance if he continued to operate-that is if I was

a good mood.

If I was a lousy mood I would slam up against wall even as an adult and tell hi m to grow the fu k up and stop acting like an elementary or middle

school trying to pull a fast one on someone!!

Nov 11, 2007
A very predictable and boring comp. line message today, all on ext. 9, since Phil Steele being the cowardly, arrogant, lying and deceptive slime

he is, shut down ext. 4 yesterday rather than admit the documented 3-18 comp record of the NC Community Shit the Bed CRAPPERS of late.

Anyways as always happens around tis time of year, Todd the TURD states that the subscription prices for the PowerSweep

and Powerplays is $84 each now but threatens everyone to get it now as price will only go up as season approaches.

Thus the implication here is that everyone should stop doing whatever they are doing immediately and shell out the $84 because if they wait until August

they will have to pay a "lot more", exactly $89 if history holds here-get on it folks right after I finish here. lol

Then he goes through the NC Community Cappers, how they did yesterday and what they have going today-YAWN.

What did surprise me a little is that he didn't repeat the $89 price for FES between now and end of the season, which frankly I expected him to

repeat in a parrot like fashion every day in some variation up until and including the day of the SB.

Nov 11, 2007
As we now know, there is no more ext. 4 for now as Phil,Todd et al are either too ashamed and/or arrogant to state the 3-18 record of late.

I guess they also figured that by just giving out one comp. from these perennial LOSERS instead of two, it might improve their chances of winning.

Perhaps but at least for tonight not so as Hot Shot continues the losing with a comp. on Philadelphia in the NBA.

Nov 11, 2007
Having listened to today's comp. message on ext. 9, I couldn't decided which of feelings/emotions I felt more-laughter, being insulted or pity.

Here's why:

Todd essentially repeats the same yesterday about the $84 price for next year for boith of the two PowerPISS Publications with their 50% picks

and 90% overkill irrelevant writeups with all kinds of stats, trends and angles most of which worthless/meaningless as far as who will cover in a given game.

Just check out the my documentation of their pathetic Late Phone Records, which are an offshoot of this and the basis of the picks.

Here is where it gets lets say "interesting.""

Todd the TURD then tells us that if we want to subscribe BEYOND 2020 and thus save even more than (what I am sure will be a lousy $5 for this year for subscribing

now for 2020 as opposed to waiting until August), guess what you can subscribe for 2021 for just $69 and get this, FOR ANY YEAR AFTER 2021.

That means for example that someone could sign up for one of the PowerPISS Publications today by forking over a "mere" $690 for the next ten years or

$1380 TODAY for games to be played 20 years from now-wow!!!

Lets just say to be serious for a moment that "excitement" was not one of the feelings I had/have.

Maybe Dennys should offer a gift card today for say $1000 or so for next ten years but with the stipulation that the $1000 can be used ONLY in year 10-

and with today's prices on menu even if they should change by the tenth year--what do you think?? lol

I mentioned two other possibilities at the beginning of this post, pity and arrogance, and in actuality I think both apply.

The words "arrogance" and being "insulted" apply because it is obvious that Phil Steele really thinks that his publications are so good/spot on/accurate,

that people will have no problem forking out the money today even though the future picks and writeups won't apply for a number of years.

The other related emotion I felt/feel is "pity" for Phil Steele because in his psychotic and narcissistic mind he believes that there are many other

folks besides him who base their ENTIREe existence 24/7/365 thinking about football and gathering every single statistic. trend, angle, etc. about every

single player and team in college and pros, and that nothing else matters in life including probably his own family!!

Lets just say kindly that this dude needs a lot of professional help!!

Nov 11, 2007
I am not expecting much on comp. line message today other than the same pitch we heard yesterday for the two PowerPISS newsletters

along with Todd's pumping the picks for the two worthless, boring and meaningless All Star Games this weekend, which most NORMAL people don't give two

shits about excluding of course Phil Steele, who I am sure is having a mental if not physical orgasm about these two games

and spending the entire week analyzing them. lol

Back later.

Nov 11, 2007
Oops-almost forgot.

Nothing on ext. 9 related to football, only basketball, etc. from the NC Community Crappers.

Nov 11, 2007
Just wondering how Todd is going to pump the two meaningless football games this weekend-perhaps with some made-up/unverifiable/undocumented

records from the past going back to when NC began.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is summary of comp. message:

There is a Marquee today and tomorrow on All Star Games for $12-I believe it is for both but am not sure as it wasn't made clear.

The rest of the comp. line consists of promos for the NC Community Cappers.

I predicted a few days ago that to try to generate interest with football essentially over, and sure enough with only one garbage football game

today, imo four big plays have been scripted/ordered by Phil Steele/NC with I am sure no objections from these services who obviously need

the business also.

The good news is that someone can get all of these for a total of $69 with plays through Tuesday included-that is more than a fair price.

The bad news is that imo as stated above, at least of these top plays may not be sincere but rather an attempt to get people interested.

Nothing at all was said about the SB, props, etc.-look for that to change dramatically starting next week.

For those who are interested, Billy Coleman has a 3 star comp. on USC + 2 1/2.

Nov 11, 2007
Here you go and no surprises.

Todd painfully tells us that the obviously SCRIPTED big plays yesterday, scripted to attract some attention to this miserable set of PERENNIAL LOSERS,

went 1-3 yesterday-how shocking!! lol

Remember this is the same sorry lot which went 3-18 with their comps/actual plays on ext. 4, which they tried to hide until Steele took the extension

down to avoid more embarrassment.

NC won its play on the Mickey Mouse All Star Game yesterday and has another Mar "quees" my ass pick on the OVER.

The comp. today is again from the "Coal Man" on Indiana in college basketball - 1 1/2 .

Nov 11, 2007
NC loses.

Today's Past Plays
  • 1 Unit Side Play
    [497] NFC vs.
    [498] AFC
    Sunday January 26th, 2020 3:00 PM EST
    [497] NFC


Nov 11, 2007
Comp. message is out, and the only thing on it which involves football is that Todd tells us that starting tomorrow the NC props for SB will start going

on sale, like anyone can handicap that 50% shit.

I don't know exactly how these props in the past, but the fact that so far Todd hasn't done any bragging about them for any period of time tells

me they haven't set the world on fire.

I will say this-if there was a betting prop re: how many days in the next 365 days following the SB Todd will either lie by commission, omission

and/or just plain deceive the listening public over that time, and the over/under was 364 1/2, I would bet OVER and be spending my money in advance. lol

For those who care, the comp. today from Three River Sports, which imo is a made-up service by Phil Steele just like Accupics, the comp. is a 3*

on Iowa - 5 1/2.

Nov 11, 2007
I just emailed this to Phil Steele/Todd/NC:

Based on your documented record which follows, you might want to consider raising your top play from 5 stars to 90 stars for the Superbowl for
the simple reason that if you win, at $100 a unit, you can actually show a profit for the season. lol


College 81-80-3 with 30.9 units LOST(sides and totals combined).

Pro 33-36-2 with 15.95 units LOST.

Overall 49.85 units have been LOST or MINUS $4,685 at $100 a unit.

The total cost of service so far is 41.64 units or $4,164.

Thus adding in the cost, it is seen that so far the non PS subscriber is MINUS 88.49units or a 100% DOCUMENTED MINUS WHOPPING

$8,849 at $100 a unit.


Nov 11, 2007
Not much to talk about today other than recap for yesterday which was very honest and actually called a couple of games losses which could

have been called pushes or wins.

The props begin to go on sale today.

That' about it.

The comp. is a 3* from Master Sports on Michigan - 4 1/2.

Nov 11, 2007
Nothing re: football on ext. 9 today-just basketball.

Todd states that the comp. lost yesterday on Michigan - 4 1/2.

Unless I am missing something, Michigan won yesterday 79-68, making it a winner.

NC and its community handicappers are pathetic enough already without adding more incorrect losers to their record. lol

The comp. today is a 3* from Hot Shots in NBA on Memphis - 2 1/2.

Nov 11, 2007
The guaranteed Lock of the Day is that if anyone is interested in who NC has in the SB in side and total, they won't have to buy a kind of phone service to get them.

I say that because there are going to be four free ways to get them, all of which will have the same picks.

These are both of the NC weekly PowerPISS Publications, and Phil Steele's Inside the Poopbox selections as well as the weekly SEWER/Tour picks.

This is one example where it is payback time, meaning that NC/Steele during regular season try to extort as much money as possible giving

out different combinations of picks with their many outlets and hoping suckers will bite.

This week however there is only one game in town, and the picks from one publication never differ.

Thus as stated and implied, there is no reason to pay them more when the picks will be obvious.

Obviously they how they rate the side and total for phone service may not be known, but really who cares.

Nov 11, 2007
Ok here we go with the summary of comp. line message.

Todd admits the error in calling the Michigan game a loser when it was a winner-they should have changed comp. line yesterday when I emailed

them about it, but of course Steele/Todd/NC are too proud and arrogant to admit that they found about the error through my email.

Also before I forget, Steele's PoopBox Newsletter as posted above (check it out) clearly indicates that NC will be on SF and the OVER in SB.

If anyone buys the NC phone picks on the game, then they are just plain stupid and/or like giving away money because the picks will be exactly the same.

The rest of the tape just summarizes what the NC Crappers have going today-in essence what was on ext. 4 is now on ext. 9.

In addition there is a pitch for the SB Prop. Plays.

What I find interesting is that unlike other years, when NC used to give some of these away for free in the week leading up to SB, they are not doing it so

far-perhaps that will change over the weekend.

The comp. today is a 3* from Hot Shot Sports on Maryland - 5 1/2.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is what you should know about comp. line message today:

1) No mention of football-for me that NC has either given up for this Sunday and/or are going to shoot their load with bullshit on Sunday

and hope for the best. lol

2) Todd tells us that Hot Shot Sports won their comp. last night.

In fact Todd has told each and every day with the little winning streak which is now 7-3 that the comp. pick won the day before.

Conversely during the 3-15 LOSING run with comp. line on ext.4, only once mention that the losing streak had lost fr seven consecutive days.

After that time he not only did not announce how the comp. did the day before but more importantly state how bad the losing streak was.

Then rather than spare themselves more embarrassment, the took the coward's way out and shut down the comp. line entirely.

3) As an addendum to this today on comp. line Todd stated THREE TIMES during the message that comps. were 7-3 of late.

I will let you decide what that means.

The comp. today is a 3* from Hot Shot Sports on the Lakers - 13.

Nov 11, 2007
It just dawned on me that I didn't do a recap for Week Twenty Two.

Well actually none was necessary as there were no Late Phone Plays for that week.

If you want to know where everything stands presently, simply go back and read post 939 on Jan. 21 for Week Twenty One.

Nov 11, 2007
Comp. message highlights;

All props for SB are now available.

No mention once again of how to get SB Side and Total-perhaps Steele/NC realize it is a waste of time because the world already knows based on Steele's

picks that they are San Francisco and OVER.

The comp. today is a 3* from Three River Sports on Tennessee +6.

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