RIO - Please give me an explaination


rock n' roll king
May 20, 2001
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gamblinx:
PrePaid ATM took $30 for the transaction- I sent 500<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now this I don't understand.I have made many PPATM deposits with them and anything over $300 has always been covered by RIO.THIS is stated on their site.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Journeyman,if you would have read the entire thread you would have noticed we have raised 6.00 through donations and 2 charcoal briquets so it's actually all over a lousy 41.00

New member
Sep 21, 2004
My thoughts after reading through this thread.

Rio has been generous with all the promotions here. And in return, they've probably received additional business. That's nice for everyone involved but not really relevant here.

A bonus can indeed be considered a privilege, but is also not a right to mislead. A company has certain responsibilities. If the clerk told the customer that he would be awarded a bonus in this instance, then the company should follow through on it. Now, we all know there is generally more to a story (from both sides) than what appears in these types of threads. But that's why each call is supposed to be recorded. Upon listening to the recording, it should be easy to resolve.

As for whether the poster should have taken this issue to the Rx immediately...he could have been more patient about it and tried to resolve it offline. However, I can understand the frustration of being given a line like "person x is out to a meeting...etc". We've all been given the runaround at one time or another when dealing with a company's customer service. Whether this was the case here is unknown but certainly possible. But yes, he could have been more patient.

In reality, if the poster felt he wasn't going to get anywhere dealing with Rio, he probably should have contacted one of the moderators privately for assistance. Since he's mentioned being a lurker here for quite some time, he should probably know that moderators regularly offer to privately assist in these matters. While that doesn't help matters now, perhaps it's something people will keep in mind for future reference.

I haven't looked at Rio's website but someone posted an excerpt in this thread. It sounds like Rio mentions the offering of bonuses -- and to call to find details. Well, the poster said he did call -- and was subsequently given information on how to get the bonus. He followed through on the instructions but wasn't given what he was promised. Whether he's a bonus whore or has an agenda...whether it's only $47...whether Rio is a generous sponsor here...none of that is relevant. If the poster is giving an accurate representation of what occurred, Rio is at fault and should pay the $47 in question. While I think Rio is reputable and didn't intentionally mislead the customer, not following through on a promised bonus (even if it was a clerk error) can set a dangerous precedent and damage a company's reputation.

As for this being the person's first post, does it really matter? I only have about 300 posts, yet I have been reading the Rx for several years. I just don't care to post much. There are other sites in which I lurk regularly yet have never posted. Maybe he is a ghost. Maybe he does have an agenda. But it's not relevant to the issue at hand. Only what was said and offered (if anything) during the phone conversation is relevant. And that's what Rio should be reviewing.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
In all fairness I would expect some sort of response after 8AM Eastern when Rio management is actually in their office. Without re-hashing the whole issue now it is simply put, a tempest in a teapot. Hopefully it will be put to rest early tomorrow.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
What is the matter with all of you?

Is it not this web site's intention to inform us about the happenings with offshore sportsbooks?

Isn't the whole point of this forum, to have players report their experiences whether good or bad?

For all of u to come down so hard on this players gripe is absurd...he was simply stating the facts about how he felt he was mislead by Rio. The money amount is irrelevent! I would rather hear about this issue rather then listen to people talk about "what would you do if u found a million dollars" or "Has anyone ever had a 30 oz T-bone staek"

And please no more babbling with how generous Rio is with their contests..Don't u boneheads realize the concept of marketing...Do u really think Rio is just giving away free money because they are a bunch of nice guys...

I'm done venting!....thanks for listening!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
the odds of me losing 10 hands in vegas is far more then losing 10 hands at rios casino

trust me

New member
Sep 21, 2004
im sorry about all this gamblinx,

unfortunately, ive read this entire post and you seem to have posted a legitimate question that turned into judgement day. you shouldnt have ended your post using the word liars and manipulators but i gather you got on a roll and wanted to add to the affect.

if i was you i would have expected a 10% bonus also and i dont even see where it says to call for bonus details. and it costs the books less to use prepaid atm as a whole so i would have actually expected more.

however this post has gotten out of hand to say the least. the worst part is the people who are instructed to protect rio's reputation at the prescription have done them a disservice as this post never would have generated much attention until the attack dogs came out. now it looks like rio is hiding something and posting misleading statements on their website.

and i hate to single people out but FISHHEAD are you taking "meds" or something, everything you stated in this post was so irrational. i know you probably were told to come in here and discredit gamblix but put more time into it next opportunity you have to bash someone.

bottom line is this entire post should have been handled differently from the beginning.

have a great weekend all

New member
Jul 20, 2002
I believe the matter will be settled during Saturday's normal business hours. From experience I know it takes some time for tapes to be reviewd, once the tape between poster gamblix and the Rio CSD has been listened to the whole issue should be settled. From Rio house rules:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Customer Service calls are also recorded, this to insure that there is no misunderstanding between the customer and the clerk on referrals, Cash Bonuses, Rollovers and the Free Half Point Policies. Any complaints are subject to review using these recordings.

Please give Rio a chance to review the tapes, and to act accordingly.

Thanks, wil.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Some people don't even look at a company's web site before opening an account. They get the info. from the clerk they signup with on the phone. If the clerk says 10% bonus and to use Prepaid ATM for it's ease, etc....then by all means a bonus should be honored. Rio does great things here and are a good book, but they have to ask thereselves is this being handled correctly, it they think it is, so be it.
Not passing judgement on anyone, but this seems to be ambiguoes to the player, which is deceptive even though it most likely was not intended by the clerk.

New member
Dec 20, 2002
A second set of comments from a poster with 2,000+ posts, and a 5-figure balance at Rio:

1. Rio, pay the man his $47 bonus and FIX THE ERRORS & OMISSIONS ON YOUR WEBSITE, including the 15% referral bonus offer that you do not honour (even though it's clearly spelled out on your promotions page).

2. It's unforgiveable how Shrink and the Rx drones have acted in this thread. Who cares whether the guy is a first-time poster - the situation is what it is. Judge based on the situation - not based on the fact it's the guy's first post.

3. Fishhead, for the love of God - buy, rent, steal, or grow a set of balls. You can't be a Yes Man all your life.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Thanks for the great responses:

TO Recap again:

I'm not here bashing RIO as a company, simply stating what is a misleading bonus program. The fact that Shrink feels he has to protect a big advertiser, makes him look like a Mickey Mouse organization. I DON'T WANT THE DAMN $47, I WANT RIO TO POST ON THEIR WEBSITE HOW THEIR BONUS SYSTEM DOESN't HONOR PREPAID ATM DEPOSITIS. If they do that, I'll give them credit and future business. And the fact that I've never posted here before- WHO CARES. If someone rapes your wife or daughter and the judge says "well this is the first time he's done this" - does that make it right or wrong? Who can argue what I am saying- show me where on the RIO website (where there's big advertising for PrePaid ATM - as the #1 listed deposit choice- where does it say the 10% bonus isn't valid????? For someone who decidies to sign up online without calling- they get screwed too- because RIO feels it has to be slick and that the customer needs to call to find out about the bonus policy- Your damn book has pages of rules- well guess what- add 1 damn sentence that explains your bogus bonus policy regarding PrePaid ATM. In addition, like a poster mentioned above, why did you pick up his PrePaid ATM fees and not mine??? I sent $500 and got $470 creditied to my account- Do I need to call to ask about this policy as well- Finally, will your Management team be taking a 8 hour lunch hour again today. Don't play me for an ass and tell me the "GM" is out to lunch- there's one kernel of truth- your entire management team is "out to lunch" on this bonus policy.

New member
Dec 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Halifax:

I mean, Rio still has this offer posted on their Promotions page (which they have long since stopped honouring):

"Refer-a-Friend Program
Rio International offers you the best referral program in the industry. Rio gives you a 15% Matchplay Bonus!"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As an update, sometime after I posted about this late yesterday, Rio seems to have removed this misleading statement from their website.

A step in the right direction, I guess.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i agree with mvbski

I say we take up a collection for the 47.00 leave your Neteller account # and we can get the ball rolling I will chip in 2.00 when we hit 47.00 can we move this thread to the RR or maybe we could get it moved to "COVERS"

however he may not have a neteller account??????????

Feb 26, 1999

Upon further reflection, I do understand your frustration, although I would have given the sports book more time to remedy the situation before addressing it in this forum almost immediately...

I will be around all day today and would be willing to act as a liason for you with RIO, so that this can amount to a HAPPY ending...

If you would be kind enough to shoot me an email, I will assist...



Sep 20, 2004
With Mr.Shrink on this it will be dealt accordingly! If you deserve the lousy 47$ he'll get it for you!! If not then oh well! Hey Mr. Shrink how did you do in golf yesterday??

Feb 26, 1999

I played Golf for only the second time this year...

Fortunately, it was a best ball tournment held in the Outer Banks of North Carolina (one of my favorite sports), and my teammates were so good that we won the tourney!

Sep 20, 2004
e of your favorite sports and played only twice?? You need to go play 18 holes at least 3 times a week! Join a country club or build one with your winnings,lol?? Good to have good partners when playing BEST BALL!! Good luck next time out!!

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