Posters blaming posters for losing money.


Oct 31, 2004
The only reason I put up with Budworth is because he is a pretty knowledgable baseball mind. I will give him credit for being a pretty smart baseball guy. He does his homework and has the potential to be a real asset to this forum if he would quit the bullshit.

With that being said, its seems like the only thing that he trys to accomplish is to be the biggest prick asshole that he can be.

Go Cowboys!
Jan 19, 2006
gynecologist said:
I lost $ betting choptalks picks. I dont blame him for it I blame myself.

Just like I blame myself for not having the patience enough to wait
for baseball. If I had discipline and patience I would be alot
better off.

One thing I notice about the forum world is the fact that there
is alot of misunderstanding. Wouldn't you guys agree.

Yeah, I agree with everything you said! If I would just stick to the system picks, I would be better off. But no, I go and make other picks that end up fucking me at the end of the day. And that's no one's fault but my own!

Do you guys think we have beat this thread to death yet?

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
Ok everyone I think needs to calm down some. This has gotten ridiculous. I have known Budworth since freshman year, he and AFLGuru turned me on to this site. Budworth has a posting style that upsets a lot of people, he wants just plays and results and no drama. Budworth is not a guy that likes to listen to people complain about near misses and blown leads, etc. Yes, his posts can rub people the wrong way but so can a lot of people's. For instance, everytime I hear someone make fun of FSU, that upsets me. LT, let's be real, if you didn't go to college, how can you bash ours? That just doesn't make sense. This is not bashing of you dude, but do you know how many threads I come in and see the university I attend portrayed in a negative light by you. Free Stereo University, Free Shoes University, etc. Come on man, be logical. You have bashed FSU all over and Bud retorts back and you go off on him. Could Budworth have been less abrasive? Sure. But Budworth is a candid man, if he thinks you are wrong he will call you on it.

I have a lot of respect for the people of this forum. Almost all are intelligent guys that I try to learn from, but this is ridiculous. This is not meant to be inflammatory at all, but everyone just needs to chill

New member
Oct 24, 2005
Hey Hines, he can't himself. FSU is really that bad.

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
dr03, if you ever have cancer, FSU is the school that made the best cancer fighting drug on the market now, Taxol. FSU is also the home of one of the most powerful magnets in the world and has one of the top scientific programs in the country. I think it is childish and immature to bash someone because of where they went to school. You can believe it or not, but I got a partial scholarship to Yale. I couldn't attend because the scholarship was only $15,000 and Yale costs over $35,000 to attend. So I decided to come here with some of my high school friends, try to get a social life, and get paid to attend.

New member
Oct 24, 2005
So why didnt you go to Florida intstead. Better school and you woul'dve gotten paid to attend.

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
HinesWard86 said:
dr03, if you ever have cancer, FSU is the school that made the best cancer fighting drug on the market now, Taxol. FSU is also the home of one of the most powerful magnets in the world and has one of the top scientific programs in the country. I think it is childish and immature to bash someone because of where they went to school. You can believe it or not, but I got a partial scholarship to Yale. I couldn't attend because the scholarship was only $15,000 and Yale costs over $35,000 to attend. So I decided to come here with some of my high school friends, try to get a social life, and get paid to attend.

**Not a bash**

I got into UF, Miami, Tulane, WashU St. Louis, Furman, and Stetson. I did not get into Harvard and got deferred to Georgetown. Oh, and the School of Communication, which I am in, is the number one comm school in the nation.

New member
Feb 7, 2006
This is all very fascinating, but can we get back to sports betting now please?

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
dr03, no I wouldn't have. Since Bright Futures was instituted, the maximum scholarship that was given to strictly students was $500 at UF. FSU offered me their biggest award $1000 a semester and 5 of my best friends were attending there, so I went there.

New member
Oct 24, 2005
You can admit though that FSU isn't in Florida's league when it comes to academic quality. FSU is generally where kids who can't get into Florida apply to as a backup.

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
For the most part I agree, dr03. I didn't even apply there once I saw that the max student scholarship was $500. UF is better in I'd say 90% of fields. However, FSU is better in most scientific fields (although that's about it). We have a fantastic meteorology program, a pretty good physics program, and a pretty good chemistry program. But for the most part I do agree with tou.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Couple observations:

1) It's amazing how some posters on the RX attempt to twist any thread involving anything so that they can direct attention to themselves. It isn't difficult to figure out which posters on here have serious, serious issues.

2) It seems like the older group is bashing Budworth to no end, but before you continue to fight, take a look at his posts. He's in the business of making money. His age has nothing to do with that. And as for his bashing, more often than not he's really just calling it like it is. But because he's directing it towards a respected poster, all of a sudden his opinion is dismissed as bashing. Lets not be completely oblivious to a lot of the BS that goes on here. Sure, he can be "nicer" about it. But sometimes you have to call shit what it is: shit.

Coach, you know I like and respect you, but go back to CHOPTALK'S thread in the RR. He said that there were some good cappers still here that "were falling on the right side of blown leads." That is a complete cop-out, so you really should forgive others for calling that bullshit out. That was completely inappropriate and degraded the accomplishments of other cappers on here that were actually having successful seasons, like jimmyk and Journeyman. Choptalk deserved to be called out on that crap.

It seems to me that a core of posters here seem to gang up on others and attempt to bully them around...and unfortunately, some of these posters include moderators. Sometimes it is warranted, but sometimes it is not. We should all strive to be as unbiased as possible in every situation and not side with someone simply because you know them. That does an injustice to this site.

3) The bashing on here might have gotten a little out of hand, but honestly, people on here need to stop being so fucking sensitive. Worry about yourself and the $ that you win or lose, not anybody else's. And if someone has a negative comment for you, is it really that hard to just ignore it and write it off as an immature person making an immature statement? Seriousy fellas, lets grow some fucking penises and stop getting so offended and upset over shit. THAT'S the most ridiculous part of all this.

4) Comparing colleges, education, career successes, etc. is worthless. There are so many varying definitions of success and intelligence, depending on the person, that to compare is about the most unintelligent thing one can do. You want to measure success? Measure it in + or - units, not if and where you got your degree or how much you make annually.

OldManTed, I respect you as well, but the warning you gave to Budworth was completely uncalled for. Many on here have done much worse than what he has done and gone unpunished. And Budworth actually does contribute something to the RX and the offshore world in general, which is more than I can say for some of these other clows that go largely unnoticed by the staff here. And Journeyman, while I have respect for you too and can understand your frustration with Budworth, I think at this point you should really avoid commenting on him at all, seeing as how you threatened him earlier today. That's uncalled for as well, and it's obvious that he brings out the worst in you, so I would suggest simply ignoring him.

New member
Oct 24, 2005
HinesWard86 said:
For the most part I agree, dr03. I didn't even apply there once I saw that the max student scholarship was $500. UF is better in I'd say 90% of fields. However, FSU is better in most scientific fields (although that's about it). We have a fantastic meteorology program, a pretty good physics program, and a pretty good chemistry program. But for the most part I do agree with tou.

Have to disagree with you. FSU is most known for its film program. The program is a notch below USC, UCLA and NYU.

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
SkinsRaj28 said:
4) Comparing colleges, education, career successes, etc. is worthless. There are so many varying definitions of success and intelligence, depending on the person, that to compare is about the most unintelligent thing one can do. You want to measure success? Measure it in + or - units, not if and where you got your degree or how much you make annually.

I totally agree. Just constantly hearing your university bashed warrants explanation occasionally. I do not try to be an attention whore and apologize if you viewed my previous posts as such. But no one should care about education levels or crap like that here. For God's sakes, it is a gambling forum. Let's all just make money. GL to all, and if I did irk you skinsraj I do apologize because you are one of my favorite posters here.

BTW, we do have a great film program dr03, thanks for noticing. I forgot about it. :toast:

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
HinesWard86 said:
I totally agree. Just constantly hearing your university bashed warrants explanation occasionally. I do not try to be an attention whore and apologize if you viewed my previous posts as such. But no one should care about education levels or crap like that here. For God's sakes, it is a gambling forum. Let's all just make money. GL to all, and if I did irk you skinsraj I do apologize because you are one of my favorite posters here.

I wasn't referring to you Hines, so no worries. Just make sure from now on you don't tell everyone that you're in college...they might dismiss your opinions simply because of your age, despite the fact that you carry yourself with nothing but modesty, class, and maturity in seemingly every post you make.

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
Thanks for the kind words skins and journey, yea it can be hard sometimes to get respect because of one's age (this is true in all aspects of life), but all you can do is carry yourself the best you can and try to keep posting with class and dignity.

i've said before that i respect you and everyone in this thread. now as my dad says "Let's stop the dick suckin and win some plays!"

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
SkinsRaj28 said:
Couple observations:

1) It's amazing how some posters on the RX attempt to twist any thread involving anything so that they can direct attention to themselves. It isn't difficult to figure out which posters on here have serious, serious issues.

2) It seems like the older group is bashing Budworth to no end, but before you continue to fight, take a look at his posts. He's in the business of making money. His age has nothing to do with that. And as for his bashing, more often than not he's really just calling it like it is. But because he's directing it towards a respected poster, all of a sudden his opinion is dismissed as bashing. Lets not be completely oblivious to a lot of the BS that goes on here. Sure, he can be "nicer" about it. But sometimes you have to call shit what it is: shit.

Coach, you know I like and respect you, but go back to CHOPTALK'S thread in the RR. He said that there were some good cappers still here that "were falling on the right side of blown leads." That is a complete cop-out, so you really should forgive others for calling that bullshit out. That was completely inappropriate and degraded the accomplishments of other cappers on here that were actually having successful seasons, like jimmyk and Journeyman. Choptalk deserved to be called out on that crap.

It seems to me that a core of posters here seem to gang up on others and attempt to bully them around...and unfortunately, some of these posters include moderators. Sometimes it is warranted, but sometimes it is not. We should all strive to be as unbiased as possible in every situation and not side with someone simply because you know them. That does an injustice to this site.

3) The bashing on here might have gotten a little out of hand, but honestly, people on here need to stop being so fucking sensitive. Worry about yourself and the $ that you win or lose, not anybody else's. And if someone has a negative comment for you, is it really that hard to just ignore it and write it off as an immature person making an immature statement? Seriousy fellas, lets grow some fucking penises and stop getting so offended and upset over shit. THAT'S the most ridiculous part of all this.

4) Comparing colleges, education, career successes, etc. is worthless. There are so many varying definitions of success and intelligence, depending on the person, that to compare is about the most unintelligent thing one can do. You want to measure success? Measure it in + or - units, not if and where you got your degree or how much you make annually.

OldManTed, I respect you as well, but the warning you gave to Budworth was completely uncalled for. Many on here have done much worse than what he has done and gone unpunished. And Budworth actually does contribute something to the RX and the offshore world in general, which is more than I can say for some of these other clows that go largely unnoticed by the staff here. And Journeyman, while I have respect for you too and can understand your frustration with Budworth, I think at this point you should really avoid commenting on him at all, seeing as how you threatened him earlier today. That's uncalled for as well, and it's obvious that he brings out the worst in you, so I would suggest simply ignoring him.

I was going to reply to this thread, but I wouldn't change a single word of this response.

Let's get back to making some $$$. If it really bothers you, then please realize, bashers and people that thrive others' misfortune have some serious issues.
Jan 19, 2006
SkinsRaj28 said:
Couple observations:

1) It's amazing how some posters on the RX attempt to twist any thread involving anything so that they can direct attention to themselves. It isn't difficult to figure out which posters on here have serious, serious issues.

Interesting that you of all people would say this.

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