Posters blaming posters for losing money.


Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
Are you trying to say im required to post my picks?

Of course not, and the logic you used in arriving at that conclusion is a bit frightening.

I was simply stating that I am not required to post picks here if I do not want to.

Sep 20, 2004
Are you trying to say im required to post my picks?

Ignore the kid Chop, he's just some punk who likes to go around taking shots at people after they have a rough time.

"It's great to be alive and ahead by seven" Mort o
Feb 2, 2002
Budworth22 said:
It's well past your bedtime. Did you even graduate from college? All I told Chop was that his long goodbye thread and multitude of excuses was unnecessarily cluttering the baseball forum. Maybe you want to hear him bitching and moaning about his bad beats, etc. I don't. I am not required to post baseball picks here, although anytime you want to go head to head in a baseball contest, just let me know. I'll come out on top.

You Snotty Nosed Bitch, NO, I did not graduate from college! But I do have a PhD in a specialized section of sports hanndicapping. I would NOT PISS on a baseball game so you win that one by default. Why won't you post baseball picks? Probably because you can't pick your own nose. It is easy for pricks like you to criticize others that are on the field of play while you are in the stands beating your meat. If you have any balls what so ever, we can have a College Football handicapping contest. I back my opinions with REAL Money. And I am not talking about lunch money from a Criminole student. Go borrow 10K from your parents and we will let Wil or Fish run the contest. :finger: LT
Jan 19, 2006
Journeyman said:
Ignore the kid Chop, he's just some punk who likes to go around taking shots at people after they have a rough time.

That is true budworth, seems like you thrive on others misery.
I never understood that.

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003
Coach LT said:
I really believe the bashing that goes on is driving a lot of good cappers to NOT post their plays. The bad part is the majority of bashers are fairly new and YOUNG and have absolutely no clue about the %s to be successful. If you don't hit 70% then you suck. I have always been disappointed the amount of bashing that the administration of The RX lets go on. I know there is the issue of free speech but it becomes tiresome. These bashers are with you as long as you are ahead or tied. Sorry for the rant but this is an issue I feel strongly about. LT


Actually, we don't want bashing in the Sports Forums and have placed a sticky thread many times on the subject. The best way to help the moderators is to report any bashing using the . Believe me this report goes directly to us and the bashing is quickly taken cared of. I wish more posters would use this feature. It would help us keep the forums clean. The sum of the eyes of our posters is far greater then the sum of the eyes of the moderators. Help us clean out the trash.

Sep 20, 2004
Coach LT said:
You Snotty Nosed Bitch, NO, I did not graduate from college! But I do have a PhD in a specialized section of sports hanndicapping. I would NOT PISS on a baseball game so you win that one by default. Why won't you post baseball picks? Probably because you can't pick your own nose. It is easy for pricks like you to criticize others that are on the field of play while you are in the stands beating your meat. If you have any balls what so ever, we can have a College Football handicapping contest. I back my opinions with REAL Money. And I am not talking about lunch money from a Criminole student. Go borrow 10K from your parents and we will let Wil or Fish run the contest. :finger: LT

Coach this is exactly what this chump wants, as you mentioned he doesn't post picks, big surprise, he bumped the Yankees won't make the playoffs for a few weeks til they started winning...ignore the kid.

Go Cowboys!
Jan 19, 2006
gynecologist said:
As much as I have been losing I figured I would of been bashed alot
more than I have been. Other than budworth and jamesthompson
no one has really bashed me. Bashing does not bother me at all,
lying and making up shit bothered me. jamesthompson said
I was down 70 units when it was more like 50.

Choptalk has quite a large ego which I dont mind cause I have
a bigger ego than anyone on here. But this season has to humble
him at least to a certain extent. It has humbled me alot!

One more thing, the thing that pisses me off is the bad wishers
on here who actually wish bad on people. Those guys are the
real P.O.S on here.

Seems like all the quality posters on therx are in this thread. Probably
the best thread I have read on here.


1. Seems to me that all jamesthompson knows how to do is bash and give out false information on our stats.

2. We all have large egos, otherwise we wouldn;t put our picks up for public viewing. But having an ego doesn't mean you have to be an asshole every time someone asks what they think is a simple question. This season has humbled a lot of us!

3. Amen on those P.O.S. bad-wishers. I know I have my share of hate-mongering followers now, but, FUCK THEM! Let them put their money where their mouth's are. Most of them only lurk around bashing when we lose. I for one APPRECIATE everyone who says thanks after a winning night (whick won't be tonight, looks like we'll be down .5 units tonight if SF holds on). But I don't EXPECT anyone to do that.

4. Yes, a lot of posters whom I respect have posted here, some showing more negative qualities than I though they possessed. Conspicuously absent is ACE, and I respect him for his silence and not wanting to get dragged into anything. Has anyone noticed that he has quietly made close to 30 units on a sport the he claims hs never even watches? Pretty good if you ask me! GO ACE!

As for everyone who is legitimately trying to make money for us all, I say ROCK ON!!

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
Coach LT said:
You Snotty Nosed Bitch, NO, I did not graduate from college! But I do have a PhD in a specialized section of sports hanndicapping. I would NOT PISS on a baseball game so you win that one by default. Why won't you post baseball picks? Probably because you can't pick your own nose. It is easy for pricks like you to criticize others that are on the field of play while you are in the stands beating your meat. If you have any balls what so ever, we can have a College Football handicapping contest. I back my opinions with REAL Money. And I am not talking about lunch money from a Criminole student. Go borrow 10K from your parents and we will let Wil or Fish run the contest. :finger: LT

I have a new rule for you LT. If you didn't graduate from college, you don't get to judge the education of another. I will not play in a 10k CFB contest against you. If you want to play in something, say for a Nickel, then let me know. But it would have to be something with more than just 20 games worth of picks throughout the season. In college, you learn about something known as "sample set". Look it up.

New member
Oct 24, 2005
This is stupid. Like I said awhile ago. If your going to piss and moan about someone saying you suck and criticize your card, simply don't pay attention to them. Were talking about posting a card on a internet gambling forum, who gives a shit if someone crtiicizes your pick or says you suck. RFB does it to me all the time and i just decided to stop responding to him. It's pointless to get worked up over something as small as a baseball thread on an internet forum being responded and viewed to by a bunch of anonymous posters you don't even know.
Jan 19, 2006
Coach LT said:
My comment was "Who died and made you God at 22 years of age" "I don't do baseball and are you having a good season?" I did some checking on Ole Bud and I cannot find One single baseball pick! I guess his Free Stereo University Criminole education is doing him well. By slamming Chop, he is showing the small dvck syndrome. F Head!:finger: LT

Your right budworth is 22. Man to have that kind of attitude at
age 22 is beyond me. To be that disrespectful must say alot about
how he was brought up. I was told to respect my elders.

I forget that bud is 22, kind of shows you he shouldn't be taken
that seriously. hey the kid knows his baseball. but is a disrespectful
punk. Journeyman and Coach LT are good guys and they deserve

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Coach LT said:
I really believe the bashing that goes on is driving a lot of good cappers to NOT post their plays. The bad part is the majority of bashers are fairly new and YOUNG and have absolutely no clue about the %s to be successful. If you don't hit 70% then you suck. I have always been disappointed the amount of bashing that the administration of The RX lets go on. I know there is the issue of free speech but it becomes tiresome. These bashers are with you as long as you are ahead or tied. Sorry for the rant but this is an issue I feel strongly about. LT

One alternative posters have is to only post plays in the tracker forum at RX.

I really dont believe the RX would allow the tracker forum threads to contain any bashing.

Us posters that post picks in sports forums should expect some bashing, and when excessive I believe moderators would intervene if it was requested.

What really sucks is that too many of the bashers NEVER post any picks. After a couple warnings place them on post review, and after several warnings, I see no reasons why RX cannot ban those type of posters.

It sure seems that quite a few ghost accounts appear with low post countsonly to bash. The pick threads, (win or lose) are much of what makes this site useful.

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003
Budworth22 said:
I have a new rule for you LT. If you didn't graduate from college, you don't get to judge the education of another. I will not play in a 10k CFB contest against you. If you want to play in something, say for a Nickel, then let me know. But it would have to be something with more than just 20 games worth of picks throughout the season. In college, you learn about something known as "sample set". Look it up.

OK, the time has come for me to get involved. Budworth, I graduated from college before you were even born and have been gambling before that. Let me make this real clear. Either clean up your act, or you won't be here very long. Is that clear enough for you?

New member
Feb 7, 2006
Yes, people like Ace-Ace and Kapusta post their picks, and TOTALLY IGNORE the bashing that comes when they go through cold streaks.

That's the way to do it.

Go Cowboys!
Jan 19, 2006
Coach LT said:
You Snotty Nosed Bitch, NO, I did not graduate from college! But I do have a PhD in a specialized section of sports hanndicapping. I would NOT PISS on a baseball game so you win that one by default. Why won't you post baseball picks? Probably because you can't pick your own nose. It is easy for pricks like you to criticize others that are on the field of play while you are in the stands beating your meat. If you have any balls what so ever, we can have a College Football handicapping contest. I back my opinions with REAL Money. And I am not talking about lunch money from a Criminole student. Go borrow 10K from your parents and we will let Wil or Fish run the contest. :finger: LT

Fuck me coach, that was harsh! But I do agree about the standing on the sidelines (in the stands, as you put it) stuff. Whip your dick out or go home!
And I for one would NEVER get inot a college race with you, don't like the game. But I must disagree about your 70% comment. YOu don't have to have that high winning % if you manage your money correctly and allocate it wisely to the best picks, Hell, Ace is barely over .500 and he's kicking ass money-wise.
Jan 19, 2006
Budworth22 said:
I have a new rule for you LT. If you didn't graduate from college, you don't get to judge the education of another

budworth, that was the most ignorant comment I have ever
read on this forum. Bet you didn't know that the majority if business
owners didn't graduate from college.

What has college taught you? To be a bad wishing,negative asshole?

I know plenty of people that have graduated from college and
are making less than $14 an hr.

Foolish comment. :nopityA:
Oct 17, 2005
oldmanTED said:
OK, the time has come for me to get involved. Budworth, I graduated from college before you were even born and have been gambling before that. Let me make this real clear. Either clean up your act, or you won't be here very long. Is that clear enough for you?

This clown is worthless to this forum......Tell me one good thing that this guy has provided here. Please remove him asap and we will all be better off. Thanks Ted.:toast:

New member
Jun 1, 2006
I'm sure this has already been said, but if a poster is blaming a fellow poster for losing a wager, why the hell are they coming to this site? These forums are made to have a community of posters to help each other out and everyone make a dime or two (that's how it is in my mind anyway, might be wrong).

New member
Oct 24, 2005
budworth shouldn't be talking. He said he goes to FSU. If he cared so much about college and getting a good education he'd be attending University of Florida. FSU is considered the inferior of the two.
Jan 19, 2006
I lost $ betting choptalks picks. I dont blame him for it I blame myself.

Just like I blame myself for not having the patience enough to wait
for baseball. If I had discipline and patience I would be alot
better off.

One thing I notice about the forum world is the fact that there
is alot of misunderstanding. Wouldn't you guys agree.

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