Posters blaming posters for losing money.


New member
Aug 21, 2003
anybody who can't handicap their own plays, and follow others blindly are just plain lazy ,stupid , or both ..............bashing others for losses is IGNORANT beyond belief !!! Shit , would you hand some guy in a casino $1000 bucks and say ..."I HEARD YOU WERE AN EXCELLENT 'CAPPER FROM EVERYONEI TALKED TO, GO MAKE ME SOME MONEY " then , when he comes back after some brutal beats , start ripping him a new asshole ?? Please , YOU and only YOU are responsible for your money and what you do w/ it !!! To blame others for your loss is beyond stupid and shows a high degree of immaturity ...........TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR DECISIONS AND LEARN FROM THEM , WIN OR LOSE !!!

New member
Aug 19, 2005
As J-Man mentioned there is NO upside for trying to post the best possbile selections that one can find "daily". ALL cappers includeing myself should state FOLLOW AT YOUR OWN RISK !
Another thing while i am thinking about it is these baseball numbers. Sometimes as we ALL should know they go flying and sometimes i play early and sometimes i wait until the day of the game and play in the mornings.
Very seldom will the numbers be exactly the same, thats why sometimes i have way the best of the numbers and soemtimes i have the worst of it as well. So it just goes to show you that NOT all the numbers are going to be available at the time the post is read, could be better could be worse.
Its just like fishing some they bite and sometimes they dont!!

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
I think if you used info or followed somebody's play you should thank them if it wins.

I've had a few good cappers tell me that they know a bunch of people are playing their stuff but get very little thanks.

So, you rack up your post count the capper feels better and he works harder knowing your on his plays. It's a good system.

Oct 31, 2004
teazeman said:
So you are down 3 dimes from the beginning of baseball and you are throwing the towell in? I know guys that have lost that 3 or 4 weeks straight and don't quit. I think this place has gotten to you because you allow the bitchers and criers to run you off your game. Me, I don't like quiters and didn't think you were one, take a moment to think about that.

Do you want to know a little secert teazeman?

Im not quiting. Im taking off until the all-star break but Im going quit posting my plays on this forum for the rest of the year.

I have read the theroys from people that say that posting my plays publicly have affected my judgement. Well I have never agreed with these people but im going to take the 2nd half of the season and keep to myself to see if there is truth to that.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
To criticize a poster over a few losing picks is ridiculous and uncalled for....agree.

Show some class

Aug 24, 2005
I have about eight to ten guys from here and another site that I make note of their opinions but do not bet any pick just because any particular guy is on it. At most I form a consensus opinion and weigh it against my own judgment on each and every game. It's not uncommon for me to go against a majority opinion on a game, but that is the point: one ought to use their respected posters' plays as just another betting tool and definitely not blindly follow anyone's (or everyone's) picks. Following picks blindly is foolish -- following anything blindly is foolish. Especially over the Internet!

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
Do you want to know a little secert teazeman?

Im not quiting. Im taking off until the all-star break but Im going quit posting my plays on this forum for the rest of the year.

:103631605 :toast: :103631605

New member
Oct 23, 2005
I Am A Serial Leech,coattailer Or Whatever People Want To Call Me...i Follow Many And Would Never Call Any Capper For Losing My Money But I Will Try And Thank Them If They Win.....i Cant Cap To Save My Life But I Love The Thrill Of Gambling Win Or Lose.ive Been Following All American Sports For About A Year Now And Im Made Alittle Bit Of Money Thanks To All The Kind People That Post There Plays.....i Suppose I Cap Cappers.i Wish I Could Cap As The Power Of A Good Capper Must Be Like Being A God...,and Thats What These Forums Are All About..helping People Like Me Have A Bit Of Fun And Hopefully Make Abit Of Always Never Gamble With Money You Cant Afford To Lose.....

Rx. Senior
Sep 21, 2004
The problem with this Topic is its never a simple answer or what protocol should be abided by. I have many times warned Posters of the pitfalls of following other posters, actually its ironic for me that the Three I highlighted to prove my point were Choptalk, Journeyman and Ace-Ace, all of which have been exemplary in their posting of Prices, legitimate outs and most importantly, plenty of notice for others.

as for the grievances of losing posters, one has to differentiate between deserved or undeserved critism. I feel, like touting you get the backlash you deserve if the posts were based on big promises and pure arrogance. Where a Poster has demonstrated non of these, he should be protected by instant bans to objectional posts.

at the end of the Day, to me there's no difference in the bashing of a tout who goes 0-9 on HUGE, GOY, TAKE IT TO THE BANK, THIS WILL NOT GET BEAT,GUARANTEED PROFITS Play and a Poster who goes 0-9 on HUGE,GOY, TAKE IT TO THE BANK, THIS WILL NOT GET BEAT, GUARANTEED PROFITS Play. :drink: :drink:

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
As bad as it may sound, everyone who posts their plays should NOT have a conscience. If someone loses $ tailing you, that's his problem, not yours. You didn't force him to tail you. He's an adult and can make decisions about his $ for himself. That's absolutely NOT your problem. You're betting your own $ on these games, so if it loses, you should only feel sad or bitter and take responsibility for YOURSELF.

I'm sure every capper would love to make everyone else a ton of $...but at the end of the day, that's not your fucking problem, is it?

Unless you're getting paid to post, like which case, it actually is your problem. But even then, how you cap should not be affected by anyone else. And in ACE's case, I don't think it does.

But anyways, bottom line, other people's money management IS NOT your problem. So quit worrying about it and getting all bent outta shape over it. Shit.

New member
Feb 26, 2006
SkinsRaj28 said:
As bad as it may sound, everyone who posts their plays should NOT have a conscience. If someone loses $ tailing you, that's his problem, not yours. You didn't force him to tail you. He's an adult and can make decisions about his $ for himself. That's absolutely NOT your problem. You're betting your own $ on these games, so if it loses, you should only feel sad or bitter and take responsibility for YOURSELF.

I'm sure every capper would love to make everyone else a ton of $...but at the end of the day, that's not your fucking problem, is it?

Unless you're getting paid to post, like which case, it actually is your problem. But even then, how you cap should not be affected by anyone else. And in ACE's case, I don't think it does.

But anyways, bottom line, other people's money management IS NOT your problem. So quit worrying about it and getting all bent outta shape over it. Shit.

I totally agree.

But, what the problem is, some cappers on here, will post alot of luring nonsense, like... "I'm on the biggest run of my life, follow me guys".....

Or, "I'm posting the locks of the year....don't miss out"..... Or, "I'm the best at capping mlb, check me out guys!"

Etc. Shit like that, can play psychological tricks on people. And, to top it off, you'll have all his/her followers bragging about how much money they made, or, are going to make....or are making. Or how GREAT, the "capper" is, etc. etc. And, you'll get newbies that come in here, ....even worse....young newbies, that'll start tailing these "mighty cappers", with their big mouths, and big mouthed followers, and when they loose,....I think they have maybe a SMALL right to complain. Again, I totally agree, that every adult, can make his or her decisions. But, when psychologically luring, and manipulatively convincing shit is posted, and the poster KNOWS, exactly what kind of persuasive shit he/she is posting, and then, after luring a few individuals into "tailing" their picks, and when a few loose, and you just shit on them, when they complain a little, that's really immoral. And I feel, if you're going to hype the shit out of yourself, and let others hype you up, if someone looses a few, apologize. Seriously. You can't hypnotize someone into following you into a pit of lava, and when things get too hot to bare, just leave them there lost, with no directions, and start lashing out at them, when they bitch at you for leaving them lost. I don't think that's right. But again, everyone can make their own decisions. :)

But, pulling back from wagering, when you know you're loosing, and waiting to come back when you're winning makes no sense. If you are a professional gambler, you stick to it, stick to a consistent money managment. You don't go "in and out". That's not a professional approach, and you'll actually end up loosing alot of money that way. You have the deal with the downs, the same way you deal with the ups. With a professional, consistent approach.

W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
This Assz named Dubpoet has lost me a ton of money. Fuckk him! Then he wins like 15 k on parlays. SOB!!!!!!!!!!

New member
Feb 7, 2006
If you stop posting it will only empower the bashers!

This will really be a bad precedent.

Please reconsider...

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
cashman, I agree with you, some cappers self-promote to no end and a lot of newbies/lurkers probably get raped in the process. But again, nobody's fault but the person who places the bet. That shit does irk the hell outta me though, for the record.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
I agree with almost everything I have read here, however the part I disagree with is the quitting stuff. If you are going to quit then at least quit for the right reasons. Chop, you posting plays here is not the reason you are losing. To keep them to yourself the 2nd half will prove absolutely nothing, regardless if you win or lose. If you want to quit because you are just tired of it then that is understandable, but to quit thinking the RX is why you are losing is just being silly. You are not even counting the exhibition wins, you are down less than a good weekend of capping, I'd love to see you dig in and prove the detractors wrong. I guess if you are done then be done with it but your losing has nothing to do with the posting of your plays, come on, didn't you win last year posting plays here?

JMan, with you the same thing, I hate to see this come down so that the bashers win. You are done helping innocent RX readers because of them? If you want to quit because it's a waste of time or whatever then fine, but to quit because someone is bashing you is sending the wrong message IMO. You or anyone else will NEVER get 100% love and support from these forums. People will never change, there will always be a few negative, cyncial, stir-up-the-pot type of bastards that like to be critical. So what? Don't empower them by quitting because they give you some shit. Yes you do have to have thick skin to do this but no chance in hell would I ever give anyone the satisfaction of watching me quit because they put a little heat on me. A lot of these guys look up to you, at least come up with a different reason for not posting plays the rest of the year then these assholes have beat you.

I have supported both these guys all year long, I still do, I hope this doesn't sound like I am being critical, believe me I am on their side. I also am not deflecting off the role of guys who don't appreciate a "FREE" effort from others. I make no excuses for those guys but reality is you will never be able to get away from them. You must learn how to handle that stuff if you are going to participate in the forums or they will force you out of here and laug as you head for the hills. I post this because I care, that is all. I hate to see some of the leaders of the forum bow down to pressure. Agree, there is little +EV in doing this, that is why I can't blame anyone for not doing it, I just hate to see the bashers publically win a war like this and force you guys to quit.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Reading that again it sounds a little harsher than I meant, trust me neither Chop or Jman have done anything wrong. I agree 100% that bashers who blame others for their losses is completely out of line. I just don't think punishing all the RX readers who have backed you guys come hell or high water should be the one paying the price. When that happens the bashers have achieved their goal. I said in the other thread that it makes me wonder if other sites or people with a vested interest in seeing the RX get weaker are not behind some of this stuff.

Anyway, before I get attacked I do want to say I am on you guys side. Been playing some of Jman and Insiders plays and still doing much better than I have on my own. Guess I am just pissed that this forum will once again pay the price for a few bashers. Put them on ignore and pretend they don't exist, anything beats quitting and letting them achieve their purpose in posting here.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Again, posted this in the other thread as well, but not sure what to post in. Oh well.

A question just occured to me: you continued to post plays after the whole Tracker Forum debacle last year, which was MUCH worse than this...yet you're going to quit posting after a couple bashers have some negative words for you and CHOP? What's that about?

Oct 31, 2004
Patrick McIrish said:
I agree with almost everything I have read here, however the part I disagree with is the quitting stuff. If you are going to quit then at least quit for the right reasons. Chop, you posting plays here is not the reason you are losing. To keep them to yourself the 2nd half will prove absolutely nothing, regardless if you win or lose. If you want to quit because you are just tired of it then that is understandable, but to quit thinking the RX is why you are losing is just being silly. You are not even counting the exhibition wins, you are down less than a good weekend of capping, I'd love to see you dig in and prove the detractors wrong. I guess if you are done then be done with it but your losing has nothing to do with the posting of your plays, come on, didn't you win last year posting plays here?

JMan, with you the same thing, I hate to see this come down so that the bashers win. You are done helping innocent RX readers because of them? If you want to quit because it's a waste of time or whatever then fine, but to quit because someone is bashing you is sending the wrong message IMO. You or anyone else will NEVER get 100% love and support from these forums. People will never change, there will always be a few negative, cyncial, stir-up-the-pot type of bastards that like to be critical. So what? Don't empower them by quitting because they give you some shit. Yes you do have to have thick skin to do this but no chance in hell would I ever give anyone the satisfaction of watching me quit because they put a little heat on me. A lot of these guys look up to you, at least come up with a different reason for not posting plays the rest of the year then these assholes have beat you.

I have supported both these guys all year long, I still do, I hope this doesn't sound like I am being critical, believe me I am on their side. I also am not deflecting off the role of guys who don't appreciate a "FREE" effort from others. I make no excuses for those guys but reality is you will never be able to get away from them. You must learn how to handle that stuff if you are going to participate in the forums or they will force you out of here and laug as you head for the hills. I post this because I care, that is all. I hate to see some of the leaders of the forum bow down to pressure. Agree, there is little +EV in doing this, that is why I can't blame anyone for not doing it, I just hate to see the bashers publically win a war like this and force you guys to quit.

Let me put it like this Patrick.

I understand the ups and downs of betting as well as anyone. I understand things even out long term.

The reason I am quiting for the years is because the bad swings affect me too much when I know other people have there money riding on my plays.

It never did bother me nearly as much back in my pre-posting days as it does now that 100s of people play my picks.

I needed a good long break from that stress. I dont think many people on this forum besides Journeyman and ACE-ACE understand the pressure of posting picks with 1000s of views. You live and die on every single pitch of every single game. You get so distracted with your picks that your own bankroll almost becomes an afterthought compared to the people that are following your plays.

My posting persona got WAY TOO BIG!!!!!!!! for my liking.

All I wanted to do was let people know that im not some fly by night phoney capper. Sure I wanted people to view my thread, but I never imagined that it would get so big. Never wanted to get that big. All I wanted was a little respect. Never wanted 5000 views a day. As the views got bigger the pressure got bigger. I dont think it affected my capping one bit, but it sure did affect my stress level.

I heard many people say that I wanted to be the one to replace BUCSFAN as the forum baseball king. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH!!!!!

2 Years ago, I came to this forum speaking of my past success. I told everyone that im a winner. I had a good season last year in bases. All of a sudden 1000s of people were checking my thread daily. It became a mental grind that I got tired of dealing with. I can handle the grind when im winning, but cant stand it when im losing. Last year I never had any real prolonged slumps. The pressure never really got to me the way it has this year.

Do I think that by not posting my plays its going to make any difference in wins and losses. I highly doubt it. But I am 100% certain that my stress level will be greatly reduced.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Okay, fair enough Chop. If posting your plays is really doing that much to you emotionally then I can't blame you for not posting them any longer. Sounds to me though it isn't the bashers that are getting to you, just simply the thought of you losing other people's money that is bothering you. If so let's not give the moronic bashers any undue credit here for running anyone off, I know some of them live for this kind of stuff.

Can't blame the man for that, if I thought it was costing me money, stress or anything else by posting then I would probably do the same thing. Good luck sir.

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