Posters blaming posters for losing money.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Well CHOP, you just summed up your problem this season for us in one post.

It's not your problem if people lose their $ tailing you. I care about ppl and generally want good things for everyone, but at the end of the day, you're capping for YOURSELF, not for anyone else. You make plays for yourself, not because it's in your job description or you have a quota to fill.

When you start worrying about other people and how they handle their $, you truly feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. And that is completely unnecessary. Does it suck that ppl lost $ tailing you? Sure. Do you wish they hadn't? Of course. But you should be more pissed about the fact that YOU lost $, not Joe Schmoe who decided to put $ on your plays everyday. You're not their care provider, they're adults and can make their own decisions with their own money. Handle your own shit.

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
Fishhead said:
To criticize a poster over a few losing picks is ridiculous and uncalled for....agree.

Show some class

agree 100 % Fish. I believe for the most part the 'vets" here and most of the newer posters come to the defense of each other when some loose cannon/attention whore (whatever) begins bashing.

It DOES get old though after awhile even though the bashers are a very small percentage (about 1 % as J Man pointed out)

But, it just empowers these guys when someone says they're not gonna post anymore, you're letting them know they're getting to you.

Oct 31, 2004
Patrick McIrish said:
Okay fair enough Chop. If posting your plays is really doing that much to you emotionally then I can't blame you for not posting them any longer. Sounds tome though it isn't the bashers that are getting to you though, just simply the thought of you losing other people's money.

Can;t blame the man for that, if I thought it was costing me money, stress or anything else by posting then I would probably do the same thing. Good luck sir.

Correct. Fuck the bashers, I could not care less about them. My problem was the posters that came into my thread saying "I have been following you all season, I hope you can turn it around soon" or " I just reloaded at the sportsbook getting killed this year".

Those are not bashing post. This is just honest good intentioned well meaning people that were hoping that I would turn my season around.

I was not stresed over the bashers. It was the followers that got to me.

Like I said, THERX has alot of great posters. I think the few bad apples got way too much attention and people fail to see the big picture.

For every 1 basher I got, there were 10 people in my corner encouraging me to keep my head up. That was much appreciated.

Oct 31, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
Well CHOP, you just summed up your problem this season for us in one post.

It's not your problem if people lose their $ tailing you. I care about ppl and generally want good things for everyone, but at the end of the day, you're capping for YOURSELF, not for anyone else. You make plays for yourself, not because it's in your job description or you have a quota to fill.

When you start worrying about other people and how they handle their $, you truly feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. And that is completely unnecessary. Does it suck that ppl lost $ tailing you? Sure. Do you wish they hadn't? Of course. But you should be more pissed about the fact that YOU lost $, not Joe Schmoe who decided to put $ on your plays everyday. You're not their care provider, they're adults and can make their own decisions with their own money. Handle your own shit.

It cant say that what you are saying is not true. But in reality if you are any kind of human being that gives a damm about anything besides yourself, you do care about how your plays affect other people.

I care when people lose money following my plays. I dont want to be the cause of people losing hard earned money.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
It cant say that what you are saying is not true. But in reality if you are any kind of human being that gives a damm about anything besides yourself, you do care about how your plays affect other people.

I care when people lose money following my plays. I dont want to be the cause of people losing hard earned money.

I care about people in general. But there's a difference between caring and letting others affect how you cap and your general mood/demeanor. That's all I'm saying.

No one wants to be the cause of people losing their hard-earned money, but that's the point: you WEREN'T the cause. It's not like you were a financial advisor trying to get people to invest with you. You simply stated that you thought you were going to have a great season and had a track record of success. Sure, the verbage might've been a little persuasive, but the bottom line is that no one was paying you for your plays and more importantly, no one was forcing them to bet on your plays.

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
I care about people in general. But there's a difference between caring and letting others affect how you cap and your general mood/demeanor. That's all I'm saying.

No one wants to be the cause of people losing their hard-earned money, but that's the point: you WEREN'T the cause. It's not like you were a financial advisor trying to get people to invest with you. You simply stated that you thought you were going to have a great season and had a track record of success. Sure, the verbage might've been a little persuasive, but the bottom line is that no one was paying you for your plays and more importantly, no one was forcing them to bet on your plays.

I don't believe I am to blame for the "bashing". I am a scapegoat here. The only thing I posted was a link to the thread where journey had deleted his 1-6 day from the tracker forum. I wanted to point out to SCLGreg that nothing would come of any record doctoring, and it would be quickly swept under the rug. It has, as y post was deleted shortly after.

I also never only bashed Choptalk after he said he wa quitting, and thus there is absolutely no way I could be blamed for his quitting. The decision had already been made. I also don't know for sure Choptalk was being paid or if he wasn't.

I did bash Gynecologist, and I will admit to that. He bashes me right back, and we have fun with it.

Everyone needs to lighten up and not be so sensitive.

Go Cowboys!
Jan 19, 2006
I posted this on the other thread, just wanted to make sure I was not the casue of all the porblems!

Originally Posted by colton

first of all i hate people who are bashing people and their picks as a lot of good people are putting huge effort and time to post their picks. But what has become a bigger problem in a lot of forums is that people are reacting more and more way too sensitive. I didn't find anything in the post above that should lead to such a reaction. He started the sentence that he didn't want to critizise and he wanted just a confirmation. What is wrong with that? If everyone of us reacts in the same way after such question we better close the forum and move on. I post also at other places and last time someone asked me at which book i played a play, because the line moved since opening. So, if i am too sensitive i would have told the person that it was my last posting, but i gave the person a normal answer. Imo questions about lines or records didn't have anything to do with bashing as long as no one is acusing somebody else of posting wrong lines or keeping wrong records. If you could not ask such questions at a gambling forum where else could you? And then you start asking yourself what you have to gain from posting on this site? This is a disappointing attitude, especially being super moderator of this site. Maybe you don't get money from people who play your calls, but you help out a lot of people who are not so good in baseball capping. I thought that's the reason this forum exists, to help each other out. You are a expert in baseball, but you are surely not only playing baseball, right? So, here are a tons of other good cappers and when you play their picks in football or nba did you ask yourself also what they have to gain?

cheers and good luck to all,


First off, thank you. I was NOT bashing Jman, and I think he took my comments WAY too personally. I was hoping he could talk to me and show me my errors, that is all. I have days where I showed no picks by him, yet the records showed there were picks. And as I said in my post, my interest in his and other's picks is I am trying to find people to follow. I am also trying out a new system, and of course I would compare it to others. Someone ( I think it was James Thompson) said how could my record be trusted if I only posted a W/l total, not units won. Well, in my post, I DID include YTD units won. After my first few line posts, I stopped including the ML number because I noticed no one was looking at my picks anyway. But, I DID keep posting my picks and my units wagered so that my record could be tracked by anyone who wanted to. I certainly hope Journeyman re-thinks his rash decision to stop posting, because I and others look forward to seeing who he picks each and every day. I for one look to see how many we have that are the same, an I put more weight on those.

In closing, Journeyman, I was NOT bashing you, and I know nobody named Budworth, you can contact me via email or phone and we can talk any time, I just like to have my numbers straight, that's all. If I am wrong, I like to correct my errors, and I see nothing wrong with asking questions to get facts straight. As I said in my opening sentence, I was NOT criticizing you! How could I criticize you when I follow your plays? I was just looking for clarification, and all the rest of you who didn't get it, like thewiscokid, who called me a dipshit, IMHO are fucking idiots for hammering me without just cause. I am especially disappointed in you, skinsraj, for I follow you also, and respected your opinioins. Now I am not so sure. If you trace my history, you'll see I have never bashed anybody. I was as disappointed as anyone that Bucsfan left here, and I joined his site specifically to follow him again this year.

OK, enough rambling here, lets all get back to the business of WINNING MONEY. After all, isn't that why most of us are here?


myhandle @ if anyone wished to email. I will NEVER run from anything I post or anyone. I can't say the same for others.

ball dont lie
Sep 21, 2000
I agree that it is bush-league for poster(s) to bash another poster for losing plays and money. Nobody hits at a 100% clip and it is the posters own money, desicion and responsibility to make the final call so they have nobody to blame but themselves and also says alot about ones character.

Maybe they can't pick their own way out of a paper bag, so they try to follow someone else and when they lose the only person they can think of taking it out on is the person they followed as they are just miserable people.

What I don't understand is why posters even care what someone else has to say or think? Especially posaters that don't contribute anything here anyway. We are here to share information, thoughts and opinions. Is the point of posting plays daily to draw accolades and attention to yourself to boost your ego? Why do people get so sensitive when critics chime in? That is a part of everyday life in any field. I mean what are you going to do, quit everything anytime someone makes comments that you don't like or agree with? It's gets ya nowhere. Things can't be peaches and cream every day, no matter what the circumstances. Really don't get why/how people get so emotional over this stuff...and its time to toughen up mentally.

Not bashing in any way, shape or form, just trying to understand where you're coming from and maybe some can make that more clear. Thanks.

New member
Oct 24, 2005
People who take bashing serious are losers, especially on a internet message board. People are talking about feelings getting hurt, the mental grind and rigor of getting plays up everyday like it takes some sort of herculian effort for a poster to post picks on a internet forum. And then when someone bashes them, they spend hours trying to justify why instead of not paying attention to them like they should be doing to begin with.

ball dont lie
Sep 21, 2000
You're obviously a top 5 baseball handicapper and others like to check in on your card whether to just get an opinion or to see who you are on and some probably coattail your plays also. Would hope that ya stick around and reconsider, but if you decide to quit, then best of luck to you throughout the rest of the season.



New member
Aug 21, 2003
SkinsRaj28 said:
Well CHOP, you just summed up your problem this season for us in one post.

It's not your problem if people lose their $ tailing you. I care about ppl and generally want good things for everyone, but at the end of the day, you're capping for YOURSELF, not for anyone else. You make plays for yourself, not because it's in your job description or you have a quota to fill.

When you start worrying about other people and how they handle their $, you truly feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. And that is completely unnecessary. Does it suck that ppl lost $ tailing you? Sure. Do you wish they hadn't? Of course. But you should be more pissed about the fact that YOU lost $, not Joe Schmoe who decided to put $ on your plays everyday. You're not their care provider, they're adults and can make their own decisions with their own money. Handle your own shit.

.........dead on buddy , I think Chop is taking this waaay to personal, just do your own thing and and don't let your percieved status as 'THE MAN' get you off your fundementals ............Stress...? shit brother it's JUST baseball !!!! Once you let this become more important than it is , and start worrying about other people's money ..well, you know what happens , it's called tilt , and it can do terrible things to your overall mindset's nice to care about others and all , but this is a zero sum game , at the end of the day , you gotta be responsible for yourself and your family. Sounds like you took on the responsibility of making $$ for the entire forum and the stress of that was what sent you reeling .......Quitting is not the answer ,either you are a player or you're not ...........I wish you well bro , and I hope this whole experience has helped you understand that you gotta do what's right FOR YOU !!! If that helps others along the way ,great , but assuming the chore of making money for others is not your job .......Looking out for you and your's is ..........Peace, and best of luck whichever way you go !!!

New member
Oct 21, 2004
A few things:
I don't buy into all this pressure of posting winners stuff. If bashers piss you off that much, then post your plays and don't view the thread. Agree wiht Skinsraj, who cares if people lose money on your picks? Fuck, YOU lost money on your picks, that should be the most upsetting thing of all.

Journey was the only "big-time" poster i remember from beginning of season that did not hype up a big season ahead and what not. props to him. Don't self-promote if you can't handle the "pressure."

Everyone here should try coldcalling for a few weeks, that will help you develop a thick skin. 10 times worse any bashing that goes on here.

Chop's post about if you care about other poeple then you'll be upset if you lose people money is wrong. refer to skinsraj28's example about being a financial advisor, and reference to Ace-Ace.

I think it's also BS that Chop is going to continue to play after the break and just not post. I think a stand-up guy would either post his plays again or just not play at all. You said you were not going to make plays anymore this year. Now this "secret" to teazeman? A fucking joke. You seem like an aright guy but seems to me like you want people to beg you to post your plays again. Don't mislead people by starting a whole thread saying you're done betting for the year and then come out with that bullshit.

Sorry if anything sounded harsh but let's be serious out here...yeah things can get under anyone's skin, but at the end of the day the only people you have to answer to are your family, friends, and ultimately, yourself. (and God too just so no one jumps on that haha)

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
I appreciate any/all posters that daily post games. Its certainly takes alot of time and effort, so win or lose its nice to see guys posting picks.

However, posters that draw attention to their threads and then lose, should expect some bashing as well as they would accept the praise.

Chop had the tagline of 9 straight baseball winning years and running, which implied he COULD NOT lose, so some bashing should have been expected. Something I dont like is posters that NEVER post plays bashing others when losing. That definitely has stopped some good cappers from posting picks and info.

After Bucs left, a few things probably happened. He assumed he would slide into the role of lead baseball capper here and/or thought he had to carry the torch for the RX. Who knows, maybe this season was an audition for a paid poster or moderator slot.

His season started badly and alot of followers lost money. That is their fault, and not any fault of Choptalk. Too many posters here blindly follow other posters, so why should anyone really give a fuck whether or not followers lost. There are a few RX cappers I follow and I am convinced of their pick(s) I sometimes tail, but I do not blindly follow anyone.

What was disturbing about Chops threads, was each night it was filled with excuses why particular games lost. Blown leads, bullpens, umpires, coaching, errors, black cats, full moon, alot of it was total horseshit.


It really became unreadable since I didnt want to bash a person and alot of followers who were losing money, but the countless excuses were just ridiculous.

Budworth22 has a few hecklers since he monitors the tracker forum and is quick to point out errors. Rather than heckle him for such, we should thank him, since the integrity of that forum is important for this site. If pick posts are being deleted, this site has lost some of credibility.

Its alot of pressure when one knows alot of people are following picks. Seems like too much distraction and Chop went through alot more BS here than he should have allowed himself to endure.

Chop, however your season finishes, best of luck and see you around during football.

The 2007 Pats could never beat the 1979 Steelers
Mar 1, 2006
I think all you guys here are quality cappers and I for one appreciate your time and effort....I used to be under a different username 10 years ago here but left, because of the same Bullshit, by people who never post plays but constantly say negative things....Anyone who wants to come to a forum that don't put up with this kind of crap are welcome at
You will never get that stuff there, and if you do, they are banned just like Husker and others who start trouble.
Keep up the good work Chop and Journeyman and some of the others...This year has been a little tuff so far because good pitchers have not gotten run support in a lot of games...MLB is a long way from over, and things will go your way...Anyway Thanks and good luck!!:103631605

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Dsethi raised some great points, and DAWOOF put everything about as well as one could. Those are some sharp posts right there.

"It's great to be alive and ahead by seven" Mort o
Feb 2, 2002
After I saw Budworth's crappy comment about Chop, I HAD to crack his Nuts. It is the thread in the RR. My comment was "Who died and made you God at 22 years of age" "I don't do baseball and are you having a good season?" I did some checking on Ole Bud and I cannot find One single baseball pick! I guess his Free Stereo University Criminole education is doing him well. By slamming Chop, he is showing the small dvck syndrome. F Head!:finger: LT

"It's great to be alive and ahead by seven" Mort o
Feb 2, 2002
I really believe the bashing that goes on is driving a lot of good cappers to NOT post their plays. The bad part is the majority of bashers are fairly new and YOUNG and have absolutely no clue about the %s to be successful. If you don't hit 70% then you suck. I have always been disappointed the amount of bashing that the administration of The RX lets go on. I know there is the issue of free speech but it becomes tiresome. These bashers are with you as long as you are ahead or tied. Sorry for the rant but this is an issue I feel strongly about. LT
Jan 19, 2006
This is a great thread and since my name was mentioned a few times I
think I should say something.

As much as I have been losing I figured I would of been bashed alot
more than I have been. Other than budworth and jamesthompson
no one has really bashed me. Bashing does not bother me at all,
lying and making up shit bothered me. jamesthompson said
I was down 70 units when it was more like 50.

I was told by someone the reason why I havent been bashed
on here is the fact that I did so well during basketball,and I have
been humble in admitting I suck at baseball.

I agree that Choptalk should take a break for awhile, what
he is doing is not working right now, keywords RIGHT NOW.
I think he can turn it around, he just needs to feel less pressured.
Right now he does need to take a break, and that is nothing
against the man.

Choptalk acted like an asshole with me, even though I come into
his thread hoping he won his games, when I saw he lost I felt
like shit.

Choptalk has quite a large ego which I dont mind cause I have
a bigger ego than anyone on here. But this season has to humble
him at least to a certain extent. It has humbled me alot!!


thanks to everyone who hasn't given me the bashing I
deserved. And when football season comes back I assure
you I will make up for this baseball debacle. I will work hard
and show you I am not the loser I seem like cause of this
shitty baseball season I am having.

One more thing, the thing that pisses me off is the bad wishers
on here who actually wish bad on people. Those guys are the
real P.O.S on here.

Journeyman you have 55k posts, there should be some rule
that if a poster has more than 15k posts he cannot be bashed.

Take care everyone in this thread. Kind of tripped me out that
every poster in this thread I respect, even budworth, he bashes
me but that doesn't mean I don't repsect him. He even mentioned
that my NBA and CBB picks are $$. It is all part of the game on here.

Seems like all the quality posters on therx are in this thread. Probably
the best thread I have read on here.

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
Coach LT said:
After I saw Budworth's crappy comment about Chop, I HAD to crack his Nuts. It is the thread in the RR. My comment was "Who died and made you God at 22 years of age" "I don't do baseball and are you having a good season?" I did some checking on Ole Bud and I cannot find One single baseball pick! I guess his Free Stereo University Criminole education is doing him well. By slamming Chop, he is showing the small dvck syndrome. F Head!:finger: LT

It's well past your bedtime. Did you even graduate from college? All I told Chop was that his long goodbye thread and multitude of excuses was unnecessarily cluttering the baseball forum. Maybe you want to hear him bitching and moaning about his bad beats, etc. I don't. I am not required to post baseball picks here, although anytime you want to go head to head in a baseball contest, just let me know. I'll come out on top.

Oct 31, 2004
Budworth22 said:
It's well past your bedtime. Did you even graduate from college? All I told Chop was that his long goodbye thread and multitude of excuses was unnecessarily cluttering the baseball forum. Maybe you want to hear him bitching and moaning about his bad beats, etc. I don't. I am not required to post baseball picks here, although anytime you want to go head to head in a baseball contest, just let me know. I'll come out on top.

Are you trying to say im required to post my picks?

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