Posters blaming posters for losing money.

Jan 19, 2006
SkinsRaj28 said:
Oh? How is that interesting? I'd love to hear this.

I just find it interesting that you always say "some posters"
or "certain posters" without mentioning anyone specifically.

I do not understand that myself. I am not trying to start a beef
with you but I just do not appreciate you saying some posters
on here have issues. Because the truth is everyone has issues
to a certain extent. And what you said on this post was shit you
have said to me before.

If someone does have "serious issues" I do not think making
derogatory statements about them is right.

I respect you and your opinion immensely, I just think you have
been coming on here too cocky for someone who is only 21
years old. O.K you have an opinion but just like belly buttons
so does everyone else.

Again do not take this the wrong way,you are cool as hell, but
imo you have been acting like your opinion counts more than
anyone else.

ball dont lie
Sep 21, 2000
Nice call skins, agree with serious issues/looney tunes. Some need reality checks taking this shit wayyyy to serious, makes some wonder, while its crystal clear to others...

:cryingcry :nopityA: :Sad Face:
:pucking: :monsters- :nohead:
Jan 19, 2006
The_Man said:
Nice call skins, agree with serious issues/looney tunes. Some need reality checks taking this shit wayyyy to serious, makes some wonder, while its crystal clear to others...

:cryingcry :nopityA: :Sad Face:
:pucking: :monsters- :nohead:

I agree with that alot of people on here take shit way too
seriously. :toast:

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
gynecologist said:
I respect you and your opinion immensely, I just think you have been coming on here too cocky for someone who is only 21 years old.

How old are you Gyno? You are a pretty cocky guy as well. :realtongu

Does age really excuse cockiness? :nohead:

ball dont lie
Sep 21, 2000
gynecologist said:
I agree with that alot of people on here take shit way too
seriously. :toast:

Yeah, you think Edmonton can win the Cup with Roloson on the shelf the rest of the series?
Jan 19, 2006
HarryCaray said:
How old are you Gyno? You are a pretty cocky guy as well. :realtongu

Does age really excuse cockiness? :nohead:

I do not act like a know-it-all. Cause at my age (25) I have not experienced life
enough to act like that. I have an ego but I wouldn't say I come on as cocky at all.
Like I said everyone has their own opinions.

I do know that age brings wisdom.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
gynecologist said:
I do not act like a know-it-all. I have an ego but I wouldn't say I
come on as cocky at all. Like I said everyone has their own opinions.

How old are you? 24? 25?
Jan 19, 2006
The_Man said:
Yeah, you think Edmonton can win the Cup with Roloson on the shelf the rest of the series?

I know very little about hockey sorry. But good luck with whatever
you play. Didn't Carolina have a 14 game winning streak at one
point in the season?

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
gynecologist said:

LOL I am 25 also. I respect you and your posts Gyno, trust me. I just don't think you should call someone "only 21 years old" when you are a young fella yourself, just like me. I would never call someone "only 21." JMO.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
i used to be a follower. i followed bucsfan last bases season and his success inspired me to learn how to cap bases myself. im doing ok. not hurting myself either. but i suggest posters who are here just to get someone elses picks should try capping thier own games and gain understanding of what it takes to do this. its so time consuming and takes from family time or from friends or even something like watching deal or no deal. its hard capping sports.whiners have no right to blast real cappers if they lack the stones to try this themselves.
Jan 19, 2006
tbonestk said:
Alright Roxy, Deal... or NO DEAL?



For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
gynecologist said:
I just find it interesting that you always say "some posters"
or "certain posters" without mentioning anyone specifically.

I do not understand that myself. I am not trying to start a beef
with you but I just do not appreciate you saying some posters
on here have issues. Because the truth is everyone has issues
to a certain extent. And what you said on this post was shit you
have said to me before.

If someone does have "serious issues" I do not think making
derogatory statements about them is right.

I respect you and your opinion immensely, I just think you have
been coming on here too cocky for someone who is only 21
years old. O.K you have an opinion but just like belly buttons
so does everyone else.

Again do not take this the wrong way,you are cool as hell, but
imo you have been acting like your opinion counts more than
anyone else.

Gyno, sorry if you feel that I was directing my comment towards you, when in fact it was intended for a larger audience than just you...but that is exactly the point. Hopefully a comment like that will cause some introspection, not defensiveness. But the bottom line is that while yes, most people in general do have "issues," not all of them let it affect the way they post.

As for me being cocky and thinking my opinion counts more than anyone elses...that's the first time I've ever been accused of that, to be honest. All I've ever done is given my opinion on certain subjects. I've never forced my opinions on anyone or claimed to be the authority on anything. But if I have an opinion on something and I feel the need to share it, I will. Isn't that one of the points of a forum? So if you can provide examples of my arrogance/cockiness, I'd appreciate it.

And as for the age thing, since when does age determine how credible someone is? I think the fact that you continue to refer to age as a means of measuring how intelligent and insightful one's opinion is shows immaturity and indirect discrimination on your part. If you looked at HinesWard's posts, for example, you probably wouldn't assume that he's a 21-year-old. He posts with class and maturity. But now that we all know he's 21(I think? 20 maybe?), does that make his opinion count any less? Are his posts all of a sudden less insightful because of his age? That's the problem: a lot of times, age discrimination happens before our very eyes, but is never addressed. You yourself just committed it. One should be able to gain respect simply through his thoughts and actions; there shouldn't be an age requirement. How would you feel if some of the respected older posters like OldManTed or CoachLT dismissed your opinions or took them less seriously simply because you were only 25? My guess is you wouldn't appreciate it. Age doesn't matter, knowledge/thoughts and actions do.

This post isn't intend to be an attack on you by any means, so don't be so defensive. I just simply disagree with some of your comments and actions.

Oh, and by the way, I'm 22, not 21.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Journeyman said:
....the people doing this are harming the sports forum.... funny how when someone wins there is very little praise, as soon as someone loses the shot takers come out of the woodwork.

Journeyman there is nothing you can do about this situation. The cappers who post daily with a significant following need to have broad backs.

The people who complain about the result, bad beat, blown save, poor outing by a starter are just blowing off steam, with reason.

The people who complain that Rivera or Journeyman cost me are simply immature. A most important thing to teach your children is to take responsibility for their actions. That measures the difference between a child and an adult and is recognized by our laws. Unfortunately these days immaturity is endemic stretching as far as the highest levels of government.

Life is Good
Nov 21, 1999
Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

This thread reminds me of the above quote. Put the sensitivities away and play ball already.

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