Only Single People Go to the Gym


New member
Dec 19, 2008
Hey nuc. My goal is not to be that bulky. I'm 5' 10" 178 with less then 11% body with very visible abs. I am not what you would call buff but I'm very defined and cut.

If my goals where to be huge I would probably need to make some adjustments. But since what I do helps me obtain the look I like I'm good with it.

The diet is criticle also.

You have to know your tdee and either eat at a deficit when cutting or a slight surpluss when bulking.
I think this is the thing that most people to incorrectly.

I even weigh my food by the gram with a scale. But it's the only way to truly do it right.

fair enough, Im very low bf and shredded myself but trying to optimize that with size so our goals are different slightly. Im 6ft at 215 with currently about 8 percent so I do aim for intensity and hypertrophy while hormone levels are elevated which is about an hour tops before they dip considerably so I try to push balls to the walls, little rest, for the hour and get out, just optimal for my goals. As long as youre getting the results you want youre doing it right, multiple ways to skin a cat but as I said there are slightly more efficient ways depending on goals. IE I would never put cardio and weight training together in a workout, I go 2 a days to seperate them as it takes away from growth to do them at the same time but given your goals it works for you so as long as youre moving the bar and improving keep at it. Your point on diet is dead on, I put everything on the scale and monitor my intake religiously. The training in the end is a small portion of it, if you screw up eating all the perfect training plans dont mean shit.
May 8, 2014
I used to be a big gym guy, now my motivation is a bitch but I want to get back into it. It is a lifestyle not a hobby hence why it is mostly single people and plus single people prefer to look better than a married couple of 20 years who have 2 car payments, a mortgage, and college education to consider. I get in drunken stampers and tell girls what whores they are. That is why I am single. Off to gym now.

May 27, 2007
The topic of this thread is only single people go to the gym, imo i think a lot of married guys just give up and get into a boring married routine.imo they think they will always be married ect and boy are some of them shock when the good times are gone and they are going through a do they hurry to try to get that single look back

You sure do generalize about marriage don't you?

Whatever your opinion is about marriage is fine. Most of us will die having spent a majority of our lives with our best friend, a real companion and a great mother to our children. For most of us, we enjoy the company of our wives whether it be at home, at the gym or out at a restaurant as a family. Our wives are genuinely smart, motivated, driven and enthusiastic.

Marriage doesn't have to be boring CK. Maybe you have some lame friends that look at the clock and complain about their wives too much. For me, I'd rather spend time with her than some shriveled up old single guy that has experienced a life full of disappointment on the dating scene.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Hey nuc. My goal is not to be that bulky. I'm 5' 10" 178 with less then 11% body fat with very visible abs. I am not what you would call buff but I'm very defined and cut.

If my goals where to be huge I would probably need to make some adjustments. But since what I do helps me obtain the look I like I'm good with it.

The diet is criticle also.

You have to know your tdee and either eat at a deficit when cutting or a slight surpluss when bulking.
I think this is the thing that most people do incorrectly.

I even weigh my food by the gram with a scale. But it's the only way to truly do it right.

Ughhhh, so embarrassing, I haven't lifted weights in over a year. But play over 60 hockey games a year then summer it's all about hiking flat top and playing basketball. Definitely should start lifting again though. My legs are in far better shape than my arms.

Jan 16, 2010
You have to know your tdee and either eat at a deficit when cutting or a slight surpluss when bulking.

Slight surplus?

It takes an extra 3500 KCals a week to gain a pound. That's a lot my friend. An extra days worth of eating for some, and even more than that for others. Not slight by any means. The times and amounts you put certain foods in your body is also crucial. Most don't graze or eat the right foods at the right times, either...
Sep 21, 2004
Not imo. Especially since I don't have to be there 7 days.

my bf % is less then 11% down from over 35% at my peek.
Maybe try the bar, and you'll have better luck picking up a bf. You can do better than 1 out of 9 guys you hit on.

Oct 31, 2004
Was this calculated with a basic caliper and pinch test?

No if you would have read my first post I get dunk tested every 3 months and caliper tested every 2 weeks.

yes a slight calorie surplus is what I am for on a bulk. I realize 3500 calories is a pound duhhhh.

i would rather gain muscle slowly then add extra fat. Yes if I raised my intake much more then slightly I would gain muscle quicker.
But I rather stay lean then go the massive bulk route.

and as far as the 6 meals a day meal timing thing that was scientifically proven to be bunk over 10 years ago but if you prefer to eat small meals every 3 hours more power to you

Jan 16, 2010
I don't eat small meals every 3 hrs sorry. And it's not bunk, grazing is the way to go no matter what goal you have. And 3500 calories isn't what a pound weighs, sorry. And it's KCals. Keep doing what you do...

Oct 31, 2004
Choptalk, what does your diet look like?

Right now I'm in the last stages of a cut so I'm 40%protein, 30carbs,and 30% fat.
Sometimes if I hit a stall I will drop the carbs down to 20% and raise the fat 10%.
I am eating 2150 cals which is 600 cals below my tdee. This puts me at slightly more then 1 pound of fat loss per week.

When I go on a bulk I raise my protein to 45% and lower my carbs and fat 2.5 each and raise my calories to 3350 giving me about 600 cals above my tdee which is slightly more then a pound a week.

New member
Aug 24, 2013
I'm not going to say chops routine won't work just that it's not the most efficient way to build muscle.

It may not be the most efficient way to build a muscular physique but 3-4 times a week is the best way to build strength...... so it depends on your goals.

Oct 31, 2004
I don't eat small meals every 3 hrs sorry. And it's not bunk, grazing is the way to go no matter what goal you have. And 3500 calories isn't what a pound weighs, sorry. And it's KCals. You wouldn't make it through my leg workout, and I'm willing to bet the farm on that.

If you want to debunk science that's fine graze all day if you want. I use to do the same thing but learned it was overkill. But if that's what you want to do awesome deal. It certainly won't hurt you.

As far as the leg workout thing and if I could make it through it? Let me try to figure out a nice way to answer that.
i will just tell you I don't give a flying fuck one way or the other if I can do your precious leg workout or not. It does not make a shits difference to me one way or the other.

Let me make this real simple for you because you seem to have a hard time understanding.

I am doing my workout exactly the way I want and exactly the way I enjoy. And I'm getting exactly the results I want.

Now if I was not getting the satisfaction and results I wanted I would look into better ways.
But I don't need to do that because I'm exactly where I want to be.

Now I did not come into this thread telling you how do do your thing.
Im respecting your routine. A workout routine is very personal to each person.

You do your thing any way you want.
Just let me do my thing my way because it works for me. And that's the only fucking thing that matters. I could not give 2 shits if I can do your leg workout or not . I could not care less if I tried.

All I care about is my health, and my abs.

Jan 16, 2010
Do your thing man. Doing squats and dead lifts last is the dumbest thing I've heard mentioned in this thread. Carry on..

Oct 31, 2004
Do your thing man. Doing squats and dead lifts last is the dumbest thing I've heard mentioned in this thread. Carry on..

MIT all depends on your goal man. You act as if I never heard all these arguments before. Believe me. I have yet to hear a single thing that you've posted that I have not heard before. I know all the pros and cons about the squats at the end vs the beginning. I know all the pros and cons of fb workout vs split workout. If I had the same fitness goals as you I would have to change things up.

But my goals are different then yours. My routine gets me exactly where I want to be in the most enjoyable way possible. I would be an absolute fool to change my routine because I enjoy the hell out of it and it getsr exactly the results I want.

So if my routine is both enjoyable and I accomplish exactly what I want it would be insane for me to change.

If I gain 2lbs of lbm a year I'm thrilled. I'm all about the abs man.

New member
Aug 24, 2013
Do your thing man. Doing squats and dead lifts last is the dumbest thing I've heard mentioned in this thread. Carry on..

To be honest the mere fact that he even does squats and deadlifts likley makes him a better lifter then most of the other people that posted in thread.

Jan 16, 2010
To be honest the mere fact that he even does squats and deadlifts likley makes him a better lifter then most of the other people that posted in thread.
I will agree with that for sure.
Sep 21, 2004
You sure do generalize about marriage don't you?

Whatever your opinion is about marriage is fine. Most of us will die having spent a majority of our lives with our best friend, a real companion and a great mother to our children. For most of us, we enjoy the company of our wives whether it be at home, at the gym or out at a restaurant as a family. Our wives are genuinely smart, motivated, driven and enthusiastic.

Marriage doesn't have to be boring CK. Maybe you have some lame friends that look at the clock and complain about their wives too much. For me, I'd rather spend time with her than some shriveled up old single guy that has experienced a life full of disappointment on the dating scene.

Agreed Enfuego. I feel like my wife is one in a million, literally. I feel very blessed to have been married to her for the past 20 years, she's way more than I deserve.

Jan 16, 2010
To be honest the mere fact that he even does squats and deadlifts likley makes him a better lifter then most of the other people that posted in thread.
I wonder if we can talk him into some power cleans? :)

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