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"All I need is cool buds, tasty waves and a Chalup
Sep 21, 2002
for what is is worth i have been reading this thread and also saw the dead son post and all of a sudded it was gone.
Jan 19, 2006
wilheim said:
. These attacks on him only make it that much harder to keep him posting here.

What does this mean wil? I do not think I have done anything
recently to be banned sir?

New member
Jul 20, 2002
What does this mean wil? I do not think I have done anything
recently to be banned sir?<!-- / message -->

I mean after a while you may leave the site and say it is not worth it anymore. I am not talking about banning you.


RX Member
Oct 8, 2005
Moonlight Graham said:
for what is is worth i have been reading this thread and also saw the dead son post and all of a sudded it was gone.

I did too, and thought I was seeing things.....when I went back to look again, it was gone.

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
billsfan said:
I did too, and thought I was seeing things.....when I went back to look again, it was gone.

This is somewhat strange. Could Jman have edited my post in the first minute then changed it back? Both him and Moonlight Graham have agendas against my boss (raiders), shown in this thread..

Raider ghosts that appear in this thread

O/U 5.5
Raiders was last seen in Shrink's underwear seaching for loose dingleberrydroppings

MoonLight Graham
not sure where he has been latley but Raiders is the worst kind of immature asswipe. The net is filled with self styled sharpies this idiot is as sharp as a rusty butter knife. Talk about a dimwit who couldnt pick his nose and Raiders comes to mind.
<!-- / message -->

I highly doubt that all these people saw whatever Gyne says I said..maybe they were tipped as to what to look for? AKA They knew they Journey was gonne quick edit it?

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wilheim said:
Past posting and trying to get away with it are one thing but to admit you are losing by 10 while maybe against the rules per se is far from cheating or decieving.

Your point is far from made and I still believe there is much more behind this than a few Tracker Forum errors.

I admit it the Tracker Forum and The Rx. in general is far from perfect as am I, but this is not an exact science. Posters come in all different types and it is imposible to correct everything everytime. Gyne admitted the Bulls were losing by 10 but he still wanted them. Not right but again there is no intent to decieve The Rx. or the posting body in general.

Keeping all the records involved is a very time consuming job that Rob does with zero complaints. I am very happy with the job he is doing there in spite of your complaints about him.

Wil, I have spoken to Budworth this afternoon via IM...I pretty much said that when I said, "Just spoke to Budworth," above. What does that have to do with anything? I've also spoken with DAWOOF, Journeyman, Oldirtyku, and Juice. You want a list of the rest of the people I talk to on IM? You probably won't know my friends, though.

As for my point being made...I think two instances of miscalculating your losses, including one of which where he completely ignores a post in which he QUOTED his earlier play, screams of foul play. I'm not sure how anyone could possibly disagree with that. It's one thing to miss a one-line post; it's quite another to miss a big post right above your next one. Even if you discount past posting, those two instances speak volumes in my mind.

Apparently you're willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt moreso than I am. You've made your stance clear. Regardless, to not even issue more than a verbal warning after the second offense is unacceptable if you want the Tracker Forum to be taken seriously.

I'd still like RobFunk to address my question about whether or not he feels that gyno tried to deceive him...he already admitted as much to me in the past, but I'd like to know if he still feels that way now. So Funk, if you could respond, I'd appreciate it.

Oh, and I also don't appreciate you grouping me with Budworth. We're separate posters and we post very different things in very different ways. Just because he might have an agenda doesn't mean I do.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
wow, conspiracies everywhere.

this icon says it best:


wah wah wah, everyone keep crying.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
This is somewhat strange. Could Jman have edited my post in the first minute then changed it back? Both him and Moonlight Graham have agendas against my boss (raiders), shown in this thread..

Bullshit - that would show up as an outside edit.

It is very easy to make a post and go back in right away and change it. I do it all the time for spelling errors, nothing shows for posters who edit their own threads this way.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Even if you discount past posting, those two instances speak volumes in my mind.

In your mind they do. In mine they are just two possible as in not on purpose mistakes. Obviously you are convinced there was foul play, I am not.

As far as IMming Budworth and Dawoofdaddy about this why am I not surprised. Lets fuck with The Rx today giggle giggle.

Budworth obviously has some serious issues with the Rx. and Gyne. Even you have to take a step back and see what is going on here.

We have a TFZ moderator bashing Rx. posters, forums and moderators and you don't see any kind of agenda.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Just for the record - Moderator Log for this thread..

No edits secret or otherwise by Journeyman.

<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=tcat colSpan=5>Moderator Log </TD></TR><TBODY id=collapseobj_editthread_modlog><TR><TD class=thead noWrap>Date</TD><TD class=thead noWrap>User Name</TD><TD class=thead align=middle>Action</TD><TD class=thead align=middle>Post</TD><TD class=thead noWrap>IP Address</TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 noWrap>20:01, 21st Jun 2006</TD><TD class=alt1 noWrap>wilheim</TD><TD class=alt1>Thread merged with 'gynecologist NBA 3 Unit!! 29-15 +27.00 UNITS'.</TD><TD class=alt1> </TD><TD class=alt1></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2 noWrap>20:02, 21st Jun 2006</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>wilheim</TD><TD class=alt2>Thread moved to 'The Rubber Room'.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Jan 19, 2006
Can you believe anything budworth says? Is he credible?

Budworth22 said:
isn't your son dead?
Post#143 he edited it and Put Off Topic instead.
But then denied it later

Budworth22 said:
Gynecologist, please don't make false posts by me. I never posted that, and even I draw the line somewhere.

^^ He is lying.

Budworth22 said:
I mess with him a lot, but thats completely over the top. Did you see what I allegedly said? We've all lost family members, and I wouldn't go there.

Remember budworth says he never said that.

Journeyman said:
Gyno, I saw what Budworth posted, about your dead son...You have no reason to explain yourself,
Budworth is proving what a scumbag he is, as if I didn't already know it.

Moonlight Graham said:
for what is is worth i have been reading this thread and also saw the
dead son post and all of a sudded it was gone.

billsfan said:
I did too, and thought I was seeing things.....when I went back to look again, it was gone.

budworth not only did you make fun of someones loss, but you
lied about it as well. budworth I might have issues but your
issues surpass mine and pretty much anyone elses.

And I agree skinsraj and budworth shouldn't be coupled together
cause budworth is in a league of his own.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wilheim said:
In your mind they do. In mine they are just two possible as in not on purpose mistakes. Obviously you are convinced there was foul play, I am not.

Right, that's why I want RobFunk's opinion again; he was directly involved. He was convinced that there was foul play when I spoke with him a while ago. Hopefully he will be honest and admit that now.

As far as IMming Busworth and Dawoofdaddy about this why am I not surprised. Lets fuck with The Rx today giggle giggle.

Budworth obviously has some serious issues with the Rx. and Gyne. Even you have to take a step back and see what is going on here.

So because I speak with Budsworth and DAWOOF on AIM that means we're conspiring to play jokes on the RX? I don't speak with them THAT often, and regardless, I act independently. You've really got some serious paranoia going on there, this is getting out of hand.

I don't discuss what I'm posting with those two, and they don't with me. Budworth and DAWOOF will occasionally send me links to other threads, but that's about as far as it goes in regard to what gets posted on this site.

You really need to stop linking the three of us like we're out to make a joke of this site. What Budworth and DAWOOF post is their business, and what I post is mine. The end. Enough with the paranoia.

Sep 20, 2004
Budworth /Raiders you really need psychiatric help...anyone associating with this clown needs to have his head examined...

LOL 'Your boss"... you actually get paid ? LMFAO I have heard it all now.
Jan 19, 2006
again skinsraj I am sorry for the mistakes made and will double check
any future record keeping. Nothing i did was on purpose and I was
clumsy. I really wish you would just believe me. I never had
intentions of deceiving the record tracker.

Again mistakes like this are made on other forums all the time
and are never blown out of porportion like this.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
You really need to stop linking the three of us like we're out to make a joke of this site. What Budworth and DAWOOF post is their business, and what I post is mine. The end. Enough with the paranoia.<!-- / message -->

Right - what you said. Do you honestly think I don't know you and Budworth especially have not been on Gyne's case for weeks.

No paranoia at all. Just call it good instinct.

How do you like Budworth briging up suicde by Gyne in the next thread?

Looking at this entire thing I am not really sure if you are pissed at Gyne for not posting the way you think he should or The Rx. moderators for not taking your side here. Which is it?

You throw Rob under the bus by posting things from a private conversation that make it sound like he is neglecting his job and don't see anything wrong with that. Remind me never to have a real conversation with you.
Jan 19, 2006
in case you didn't know

Budworth has been stalking me for quite some time now. He is
one of those posters who thrives on negativity. His boss raiders
was banned from here for pretty much the same thing.

He is a very troubled person, that finds happiness in other peoples
pain. Sad enough he finds happiness when one of my plays lose, but
even more disturbing he would probably be even more happy if
I actually did commit suicide.

I have been wondering for weeks what I ever did to this guy for him
to stalk me like he has? He was actually really nice to me 2 months
ago, telling me he likes my NBA plays and asking me how do I
cap my games. Then all of a sudden for no reason he attacks me
on here and exaggerates shit, and twists the truth and just flipped
out on me.

Never has someone put so much effort into me on the computer
I have had people tell me that maybe he has a crush on me or something? All I know
he is an extremely troubled individual that looks for negativity.

I am not the only one he has done this shit to and if he is still
allowed to post here I am sure I am not the last one.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wilheim said:
Right - what you said. Do you honestly think I don't know you and Budworth especially have not been on Gyne's case for weeks.

No paranoia at all. Just call it good instinct.

I've brought up the tracker forum issues to RobFunk all season. When no action was taken after this last offense, that's when I started to speak up on the site itself. Voicing my concerns via AIM just wasn't getting the point across.

How do you like Budworth briging up suicde by Gyne in the next thread?

That was overdoing it, obviously...but people should know better than to take threads like that seriously.

Looking at this entire thing I am not really sure if you are pissed at Gyne for not posting the way you think he should or The Rx. moderators for not taking your side here. Which is it?

I was never pissed at gyno. Show me a post where I yelled at him, called him derogatory names, or otherwise bashed him. I disagreed with his practices, but I did so in a respectful manner. Maybe if you took the time to actually read my posts instead of getting defensive, you'd realize that.

As for being pissed at the moderators, I'm not pissed. I'm disappointed with RobFunk for leaving me out to dry when I first brought up this issue, when he had agreed with me in prior conversations. I'm disappointed that you, TTinCO, and Journeyman jumped to conclusions and wrote my posts off as bashing before even reading them, and not taking me seriously(Journeyman made good on this, though, and TTinCO apologized, but I'm still not convinced about you). I'm also disappointed that a head moderator would act in such a professional manner, especially considering my posting history here. I wasn't some newbie or a ghost trying to make noise or stir the pot. The defensive and immature nature of your initial responses in this thread were very disappointing, to say the least. As a head moderator, you should be the model of calm and collected. You should also set an example of doing your due dilligence when an issue is raised. You failed on both counts with this issue.

Disappointed, frustrated, but not pissed.

You throw Rob under the bus by posting things from a private conversation that make it sound like he is neglecting his job and don't see anything wrong with that. Remind me never to have a real conversation with you.

Any conversation that Rob and I had via AIM regarding his tracker forum thread is fair game, IMO. I continually IMed him reporting issues with the thread, he'd respond and agree that they were deceitful in nature...then when it comes to actually speaking up on the RX, he went MIA. Forgive me for feeling confused and betrayed. All he has to do is post here and either agree or deny that he said that. I didn't post a private conversation, I simply stated what a moderator had told me. I also attempted to IM him last night(before "throwing him under the bus"), but he refused to respond. I did everything possible to not drag his name in the mud, but his not responding in here or on AIM left me no choice. And facts are facts. I still think he's a good guy, regardless of what he thinks about me now.

In general, I don't post other peoples' opinions on here unless I get their permission first. Ask Journeyman, whose permission I asked for before posting that he agreed that the tracker forum thread had been mishandled. I've exhibited far more class and respect in this thread than you have.

But not having a real conversation with you would be just fine by me. Heaven forbid I actually have something to say, disagree with you about'd just get defensive and dismiss my opinion as bashing because I have an agenda. Wouldn't be a very productive conversation.
Jan 19, 2006
regarding budworth's post asking if I commited suicide??
SkinsRaj28 said:
That was overdoing it, obviously...but people should know better than to take threads like that seriously.

Funny I make a couple of mistakes in the tracker forum and that
is the end of the world, but budworth jokes around with me
commiting suicide saying he heard a rumor I did and we shouldn't
take it seriously.

Damn man, it is obvious you have a fvckin agenda against me
if I would of created that thread you would of wrote a novel
about how bad I am. But budworth wrote it and you just
dismiss it as nothing.

I think that answered alot of questions right there.

Sep 20, 2004
Raj, don't put words in my mouth, you asked me if I posted to Gyno about his errors in the past and I said yes...I also said in an earlier post it would be easy for Rob Funk to have missed a message to Gynecologist that I asked him to be more careful about his tracker thread...

Why is everything being twisted around? We agreed it was settled, Gyno was reminded again and he said he would do a better job of making sure there were no more just seems like you won't let this go.

Wil said the same thing, this is not an exact science, what more do you want?
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