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For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Journeyman said:
Raj, don't put words in my mouth, you asked me if I posted to Gyno about his errors in the past and I said yes...I also said in an earlier post it would be easy for Rob Funk to have missed a message to Gynecologist that I asked him to be more careful about his tracker thread...

Why is everything being twisted around? We agreed it was settled, Gyno was reminded again and he said he would do a better job of making sure there were no more just seems like you won't let this go.

Wil said the same thing, this is not an exact science, what more do you want?

Are you kidding? You asked what I thought should've been done regarding the thread...I asked you if I could post that you had agreed with me that you know 100% that there were two instances of gyno making mistakes and that the thread had been mishandled, that more than a "disappearing slap on the wrist" should've been taken, and you said yes.

You people need to stick to your convictions. In private you'll say one thing, but in public you'll say anything to cover your ass? That's exactly why I want RobFunk to comment about whether or not he feels that gyno tried to deceive him. I want to see if he'll state publicly what he already told me, now that this issue is out in the open. It seems like you people will say anything to make everyone happy, but also cover their ass. Shit just doesn't work that way.

And I had let it go, with the exception of waiting for RobFunk's comment.

This thread has been an education for me. I have the mods to thank for that.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
I've brought up the tracker forum issues to RobFunk all season. When no action was taken after this last offense, that's when I started to speak up on the site itself. Voicing my concerns via AIM just wasn't getting the point across.

This last offense as you call it is still unproven. You are only assuming Gyne actually was trying to cheat and decieve with his two posting errors.

That was overdoing it, obviously...but people should know better than to take threads like that seriously.

Your stock reply when something off color or outright insulting is posted. It was only a joke don't pay any attention.

I was never pissed at gyno. Show me a post where I yelled at him, called him derogatory names, or otherwise bashed him. I disagreed with his practices, but I did so in a respectful manner. Maybe if you took the time to actually read my posts instead of getting defensive, you'd realize that.

Accusing someone of deception and cheating without any proof is pretty derogatory in my book.

As for being pissed at the moderators, I'm not pissed. I'm disappointed with RobFunk for leaving me out to dry when I first brought up this issue, when he had agreed with me in prior conversations. I'm disappointed that you, TTinCO, and Journeyman jumped to conclusions and wrote my posts off as bashing before even reading them, and not taking me seriously(Journeyman made good on this, though, and TTinCO apologized, but I'm still not convinced about you).

How do you know who read what? You come off as all self righteous that nobody read your posts about Gyne's so called cheating but really you have no idea who read what and when they did it.

I'm also disappointed that a head moderator would act in such a professional manner, especially considering my posting history here. I wasn't some newbie or a ghost trying to make noise or stir the pot. The defensive and immature nature of your initial responses in this thread were very disappointing, to say the least. As a head moderator, you should be the model of calm and collected. You should also set an example of doing your due dilligence when an issue is raised. You failed on both counts with this issue.

Here we go with the I'm a valued poster with a history here routine. The truth is you have been a high maintenance poster who thinks he can't do anything wrong. As far as due diligence goes - how do you know what I have and have not done regarding the Tracker Forum in general and specifically with these Gyne is deceptive and a cheat allegations. You don't hear what you want to hear from me so I am disappointing, sorry about that.

Disappointed, frustrated, but not pissed

Like I said The Rx. itself and the Tracker Forum (along with the mods) are not perfect, to expect there to not be bumps along the way is unrealsitic. The Tracker Forum remains a concept that still is evolving, it will never be perfect or even close to it.

Any conversation that Rob and I had via AIM regarding his tracker forum thread is fair game, IMO.

Did you tell him that ahead of time? Please be honest.

I continually IMed him reporting issues with the thread, he'd respond and agree that they were deceitful in nature...

So if Rob agreed with you that makes you right all of a sudden. Maybe the couple of posting errors could be called decietful and maybe they were just that errors. Who is Rob or you to make any definitive judgement of Gyne?

then when it comes to actually speaking up on the RX, he went MIA. Forgive me for feeling confused and betrayed.

He works late night fwiw.

All he has to do is post here and either agree or deny that he said that.

Where does it say he has to admit anything he said to you in privacy?

I didn't post a private conversation, I simply stated what a moderator had told me.

I see because Rob is a moderator the conversation is public domain.

also attempted to IM him last night(before "throwing him under the bus"), but he refused to respond.

And this makes it alright to do what you did? Things have changed since I was 22.

I did everything possible to not drag his name in the mud, but his not responding in here or on AIM left me no choice. And facts are facts. I still think he's a good guy, regardless of what he thinks about me now.

He might think the term Rat is appropriate but that is just a guess.

In general, I don't post other peoples' opinions on here unless I get their permission first. Ask Journeyman, whose permission I asked for before posting that he agreed that the tracker forum thread had been mishandled. I've exhibited far more class and respect in this thread than you have.

Keep telling yourself that, I'm sure you believe it. Accusing other posters or cheating without proof, exposing private conversations with someone who was at worst a sort of cyber friend is all class. Posting in league with a poster who brings up dead children and suicide. Real class.

But not having a real conversation with you would be just fine by me. Heaven forbid I actually have something to say, disagree with you about'd just get defensive and dismiss my opinion as bashing because I have an agenda. Wouldn't be a very productive conversation.<!-- / message -->

Disagreeing is one thing but this is something totally differtent. I never even mentioned bashing until you threatened to start blantantly bash in your future posts.

Sep 20, 2004
I will post here exactly what I told you in private since you enjoy posting private Im conversations in public.

You asked me if I thought Gyno cheated on purpose, I told you I wasn't sure.

You asked me if I saw him make mistakes in the past , I said yes I did and I reminded him twice.

I even asked you what should be done and you told me 'it wasn't even about the edit issue anymore' so what else was i suppose to do Raj? I made a post to Gyno asking him to please be 100% careful or he wouldn't be able to use the tracker.

There is no winning with you on this, I can see that... I spent a good 45 minutes trying to please you, and answered all your questions.
Jan 19, 2006
Regarding Skinsraj
wilheim said:
The truth is you have been a high maintenance poster who thinks he can't do anything wrong.

I agree 100%. Have had that opinion of him myself.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
This last offense as you call it is still unproven. You are only assuming Gyne actually was trying to cheat and decieve with his two posting errors.

Like you said, all the "proof" is up to the reader's discrection. We can agree to disagree. All I asked for was for the official policy regarding "mistakes" in the tracker forum.

Your stock reply when something off color or outright insulting is posted. It was only a joke don't pay any attention.

I think our senses of humor are a bit different. Not my stock reply...I can just take something for what it's worth. Which was nothing in regards to that thread.

Accusing someone of deception and cheating without any proof is pretty derogatory in my book.

That was my interpretation of what he did. What I see as proof, you don't. We can agree to disagree, but does that make me wrong, because you don't agree? I guess everyone who bashed BOS was being derogatory.

How do you know who read what? You come off as all self righteous that nobody read your posts about Gyne's so called cheating but really you have no idea who read what and when they did it.

I know who read what because I was accused of bashing in this thread when none had taken place.

Here we go with the I'm a valued poster with a history here routine. The truth is you have been a high maintenance poster who thinks he can't do anything wrong. As far as due diligence goes - how do you know what I have and have not done regarding the Tracker Forum in general and specifically with these Gyne is deceptive and a cheat allegations. You don't hear what you want to hear from me so I am disappointing, sorry about that.

I never said I was a valued poster with a history. I said that I wasn't some new poster just looking to cause trouble. High maintenance? Sorry if disagreeing with a moderator makes me high maintenance. I've never been self-righteous or said I'm the authority on anything. I've never said I could do no wrong, nor have I acted as such. I'd like to think I'm one of the more modest people on this forum...I posted a concern, looked for a response from the mod, but now I'm "high-maintenance" for disagreeing. Good stuff.

As for asking Rob's permission before posting what he said in our IM, that wasn't smart on my part, and I accept any criticism. I regret posting what he had told me regarding his opinion, but it doesn't matter. He can post his opinion on the RX and I'll keep my mouth shut. And if he chooses not to, that's fine.

So if Rob agreed with you that makes you right all of a sudden. Maybe the couple of posting errors could be called decietful and maybe they were just that errors. Who is Rob or you to make any definitive judgement of Gyne?

I never said that if Rob agreed with me that I'd be right. I said that if he DID agree with me, I'm confused as to why nothing was ever done, and why he changed his tune now. Now who's putting words in whose mouth?''

If he thinks I'm a rat, that's understandable. I'll reserve judgment on him until I see what he says. And if he says nothing, that's fine too. That's an issue for outside this forum.

Keep telling yourself that, I'm sure you believe it. Accusing other posters or cheating without proof, exposing private conversations with someone who was at worst a sort of cyber friend is all class. Posting in league with a poster who brings up dead children and suicide. Real class.

I'm I supposed to just keep my mouth shut when I think foul play is abound? Would that make your job easier? Sorry, you should've let me know ahead of time.

In retrospect, I shouldn't have shared Rob's opinion here. I've admitted to that, and deserve any bashing that comes my way.

I don't care what Budworth posts outside this topic...but because I happen to agree with him on this matter, that says something about my class? If Bin Laden thought that Bush was a bad president and so do you, does that diminish you as a person? No. What an ignorant comment. What Bud does on his own time is his business. We aren't linked, nor should we be associated or treated as such. We do our own things. We just happened to share the opinion that Gyno was cheating in this situation. So that makes me a bad person, because he brought up dead children in another thread? Is someone a bad person if they share the same opinion as me on another matter, because I brought up taking a shit at work?

Stop associating me with Budworth. We are two different people with two separate thoughts and opinions. We just happened to agree on this one.

Disagreeing is one thing but this is something totally different. I never even mentioned bashing until you threatened to start blantantly bash in your future posts.

I never threatened to blatantly bash in my future posts in this thread, or any thread i posted in AFTER this thread was created. As of right now, I still haven't bashed in this thread...unless you consider questioning a poster's motive as bashing. If so, sorry, I'm a basher.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
You've stated your feelings and I've stated mine. We can end this now, because there's no point anymore, it's been lost amid the bickering. But at least now the records will be accurate and posters held accountable, so I guess this thread did do some good. And in the end, that was my only intention, despite what you may think my "agenda" was.

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
SkinsRaj28 said:
We can end this now, because there's no point anymore

the fact that you helped initiate this feeding frenzy that has digressed to the point where it is now is something you should be ashamed of. i thought you were better than this.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Like you said, all the "proof" is up to the reader's discrection. We can agree to disagree. All I asked for was for the official policy regarding "mistakes" in the tracker forum.

I gave you my policy 100 posts ago. I will give a poster the benefit of the doubt until there is no doubt left.

I think our senses of humor are a bit different. Not my stock reply...I can just take something for what it's worth. Which was nothing in regards to that thread.

To say the suicide thread should not be taken seriously is wrong.

That was my interpretation of what he did. What I see as proof, you don't. We can agree to disagree, but does that make me wrong, because you don't agree? I guess everyone who bashed BOS was being derogatory.

I never said you were wrong just not 100% right, for all I know you may be right but imo we will never know that becaue it is a personal opinion and not a provable thing - by that I mean what was really going thru Gyne's mind when he made the so called errors.

Bringing up BOS has what to do with anything?

[QUOTE know who read what because I was accused of bashing in this thread when none had taken place.

I am not going back to look for others making such an allegation but I never did.

I never said I was a valued poster with a history. I said that I wasn't some new poster just looking to cause trouble. High maintenance? Sorry if disagreeing with a moderator makes me high maintenance. I've never been self-righteous or said I'm the authority on anything. I've never said I could do no wrong, nor have I acted as such. I'd like to think I'm one of the more modest people on this forum...I posted a concern, looked for a response from the mod, but now I'm "high-maintenance" for disagreeing. Good stuff.

I see bringing up "My posting history here" doesn't say that..

High maintenance is posting profanity, homophobia and outright garbage. You do all three.
Self righteous - sure you are but just won't admit it.

As for asking Rob's permission before posting what he said in our IM, that wasn't smart on my part, and I accept any criticism. I regret posting what he had told me regarding his opinion, but it doesn't matter. He can post his opinion on the RX and I'll keep my mouth shut. And if he chooses not to, that's fine.

Glad to hear that.

I never said that if Rob agreed with me that I'd be right. I said that if he DID agree with me, I'm confused as to why nothing was ever done, and why he changed his tune now. Now who's putting words in whose mouth?''

Your repeated insistance that Rob post here is clearly something you feel will vindicate you for making allegations that go unproven. In other words another voice who apparently agrees with you.

if he thinks I'm a rat, that's understandable. I'll reserve judgment on him until I see what he says. And if he says nothing, that's fine too. That's an issue for outside this forum.

Like I said it is a guess if he will think you a rat. Knowing him he will probably feel differently. IMHO He is one of the good guys in all this.

I'm I supposed to just keep my mouth shut when I think foul play is abound? Would that make your job easier? Sorry, you should've let me know ahead of time.

Who said you had to keep your mouth shut. You made this a public issue not me..There is no censorship going on here (contrary to popular belief).

In retrospect, I shouldn't have shared Rob's opinion here. I've admitted to that, and deserve any bashing that comes my way.

So let me get this straight - now it is OK to bash you?

I don't care what Budworth posts outside this topic...but because I happen to agree with him on this matter, that says something about my class?

In my book it does and so does shinning it on as in "don't take a suicide thread serious".

If Bin Laden thought that Bush was a bad president and so do you, does that diminish you as a person? No. What an ignorant comment.

Great anology, you got Bush, Bin Laden and BOS all included in the discussion. Grasping at straws a bit if you ask me.

What Bud does on his own time is his business. We aren't linked, nor should we be associated or treated as such.

You guys two teamed gyne in this thread when it was still about his NBA record. We both know you have been yaking with him about this issue all along.

We just happened to share the opinion that Gyno was cheating in this situation. So that makes me a bad person, because he brought up dead children in another thread? Is someone a bad person if they share the same opinion as me on another matter, because I brought up taking a shit at work?

If the shoe fits wear it. I have a problem with the way you acted like the thread was no big deal.

Stop associating me with Budworth. We are two different people with two separate thoughts and opinions. We just happened to agree on this one.

I am pretty sure I could find some other common ground between you two but I have wasted enough of my day on this subject.

I never threatened to blatantly bash in my future posts in this thread, or any thread i posted in AFTER this thread was created. As of right now, I still haven't bashed in this thread...unless you consider questioning a poster's motive as bashing. If so, sorry, I'm a basher.<!-- / message -->

Go ahead and write off this issue because apparently I have a vendetta against gyno. Next time I'll try to post these claims with a little more malice and a little less maturity, so at least your opinion will be justified instead of making it obvious that you haven't read a word of my posts with the exception of my dialogue with Wil. Sorry about that, I'll try to more blatanly flame next time.<!-- / message -->

I forgot to add the with malice and less maturity threats to the blatanly flame comment.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
teazeman said:
the fact that you helped initiate this feeding frenzy that has digressed to the point where it is now is something you should be ashamed of. i thought you were better than this.

forum policeman here

I can see how fielding all the questions can be a nuissance from the vantage point of a mod, but how does this affect you?


head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
i, as well as some others, call it piling on. i'm far from the forum police, the fact that i give a fck about a guy that lost his son and is then thrown under the bus for supposedly commiting suicide makes me a bad guy? you being from north carolina probably means you were taught manners growing up, this is just about being decent to each other, not publicizing private im's and emails. if you differ with that opinion i apologize, i doubt that many would. have a nice day.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
I think what goes around comes around. Gyne is only humbled when stuff like this came out (about his record). Otherwise, he would continue on, in a classic wannabe tout form.

Getting exposure anyway he can, whether acting like a complete imbecil at times or not, so to bring posters to his forum. (only way I can explain some of his posts/actions) or posting legitimate information, in any case, this is what the rubber room is for I thought. So it went a little overboard, ill agree. But fact is when you call so much attention to yourself, and proclaim this and that about a record. Id suggest it be accurate. Or anyone who may have the time and you rub the wrong way will call you out on it. The positive is hes humbled and some people get to see the truth behind his record. I never understood what one would gain by having so many views in a thread or having a great record other than collecting your own winnings.

I too would never wish anyone to lose their son. I just didnt see how his record being in question had anything to do with the low suicide thread....

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
So much I could say in response, but I'm not even going to bother. You've made enough of an ass of yourself in this thread for me not to have to comment anymore. Have a terrific night, Wil.

The purpose of this thread was to get clarification on tracker forum policy. Mission accomplished. The end.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
So much I could say in response, but I'm not even going to bother. You've made enough of an ass of yourself in this thread for me not to have to comment anymore. Have a terrific night, Wil.

More self righteous I can't do no wrong and know it all rhetoric from Skinsraj..I didn't think you had much more to say anyway.

The purpose of this thread was to get clarification on tracker forum policy. Mission accomplished. The end.

To get Tracker Forum policy all you had to do was ask. Instead you decided to make serious allegations about Gyne that you cannot prrove.

You should be real proud of yourself.
Jan 19, 2006
Romanowski said:
I think what goes around comes around. Gyne is only humbled when stuff like this came out (about his record). Otherwise, he would continue on, in a classic wannabe tout form.

Getting exposure anyway he can, whether acting like a complete imbecil at times or not, so to bring posters to his forum. (only way I can explain some of his posts/actions) or posting legitimate information, in any case, this is what the rubber room is for I thought. So it went a little overboard, ill agree. But fact is when you call so much attention to yourself, and proclaim this and that about a record. Id suggest it be accurate. Or anyone who may have the time and you rub the wrong way will call you out on it. The positive is hes humbled and some people get to see the truth behind his record. I never understood what one would gain by having so many views in a thread or having a great record other than collecting your own winnings.

I too would never wish anyone to lose their son. I just didnt see how his record being in question had anything to do with the low suicide thread....

This post is bullshit. All I know is you can't please all the people
all the time. This is a bad interpretation of what I am all about. I am
a humble guy, I might be confident about my basketball and football
capping skills but that doesn't make me unhumbled. Whatever
jump on me all you want alot of people know the real me.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
Gyne I have nothing against you, in a hateful way.. I just cringe when I see some of your posts

but sometimes you are entertaining

its all good

good luck in the future

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wilheim said:
More self righteous I can't do no wrong and know it all rhetoric from Skinsraj..I didn't think you had much more to say anyway.

To get Tracker Forum policy all you had to do was ask. Instead you decided to make serious allegations about Gyne that you cannot prrove.

You should be real proud of yourself.

Again, we'll have to agree to disagree, because I think there is more than enough proof there to warrant more than a disappearing slap on the wrist. I stand by everything I said, and only regret bringing up my private conversations with Rob. Other than that, I apologize for nothing. The tracker forum will now be a better place because of people speaking up, and in the end, that's all that matters. Whether or not I think you're immature and defensive or vice versa is irrelevant now. Have a good night.

New member
Oct 21, 2004
teazeman said:
the fact that you helped initiate this feeding frenzy that has digressed to the point where it is now is something you should be ashamed of. i thought you were better than this.
the fact that you don't take allegations of cheating on this forum seriously is something you should be ashamed of. don't know about you, but that stuff isnt' needed here. i thought you were better than this. this feeding frenzy was unfortunate but not unwarranted.

New member
Oct 21, 2004
gynecologist said:
This post is bullshit. All I know is you can't please all the people
all the time. This is a bad interpretation of what I am all about. I am
a humble guy, I might be confident about my basketball and football
capping skills but that doesn't make me unhumbled. Whatever
jump on me all you want alot of people know the real me.

you've gotta give it a rest in regard to Skinsraj having a vendetta against you---the guy has his opinions but doesn't wish ill will toward anyone. He joined your site, didn't he? You all have had good conversations far as i know. Tryin to hold up the integrity of a site that he thinks is alright and could be even better isn't a crime...
regardless, i'll tell you from a 3rd party perspective and having talked with him on many matters bout the RX---he doesn't have anything against you. period.
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