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New member
Oct 21, 2004
wilheim said:
More self righteous I can't do no wrong and know it all rhetoric from Skinsraj..I didn't think you had much more to say anyway.

To get Tracker Forum policy all you had to do was ask. Instead you decided to make serious allegations about Gyne that you cannot prrove.

You should be real proud of yourself.
Wil give this self-righteous bullshit a rest. It's a poor response to valid points and opinions. Skinsraj' posts may come off as sharp because he thinks he's right, but that doesn't make him self-righteous. The fact that you and the other mods have insufficiently addressed the claims of Budworth and himself show how self-righteous you all may be, in that you can't take any criticism and respond maliciously when criticized.

Can't believe you called Skinsraj high-maintenance as well...the guy was befriended by Rob Funk, gets along great with 99% of the posters on this site, posts winners, makes about 75% of the people on this site laugh their ass off on a regular basis, and makes good arguments and points regarding many issues.
Just because you don't value his posts doesn't mean a whole lot of other people don't.
Jan 19, 2006
dsethi said:

you've gotta give it a rest in regard to Skinsraj having a vendetta against you---the guy has his opinions but doesn't wish ill will toward anyone. He joined your site, didn't he? You all have had good conversations far as i know. Tryin to hold up the integrity of a site that he thinks is alright and could be even better isn't a crime...
regardless, i'll tell you from a 3rd party perspective and having talked with him on many matters bout the RX---he doesn't have anything against you. period.

Alright I know his is your twin brother and you would defend him
no matter what but I will love to let this go and move on. Even though
he attempted endlessly to defame my character. desthi you are cool
man :toast: i like you.

head turd in the outhouse
Sep 13, 2005
dsethi said:
the fact that you don't take allegations of cheating on this forum seriously is something you should be ashamed of. don't know about you, but that stuff isnt' needed here. i thought you were better than this. this feeding frenzy was unfortunate but not unwarranted.

i hope you have the opportunity to talk to any person that knows me personally, they will vouch for my integrity, cheating? mistake in posting over limit plays, counting a loss as a win, not marking a loss period, having graded more than a few sheets in my day i can see this happening. and yes i am better than this, that's why you didn't see me call a man out in public when it had obviously be addressed privately. the frenzy was unfortunate, amazingly i have yet to see an apology, unless you count the mods.

Sep 20, 2004
We have reached the end of this topic, plain and simple, the point has clearly been made and everyone is well aware of that...Can we please move on?
Jan 19, 2006
I never cheated and I am sick and tired of hearing it. Man I am
human sorry for making a couple of mistakes Jesus kill me why
dont ya. I said I will make sure this never happens again numerous times. Fvck now drop this shit please.

New member
Oct 21, 2004
i feel u on that, my "integrity" or character has been called into question at times on this site, anyone that knows me persoanlly would know how outrageous a claim like that would be...unfortunately much is misunderstood on the Internet and through our writing.

Think if you talked to Skinsraj in person about this whole thing you'd realize there was no malice in his words, either.

Basically the solution to all this is going to the Bash and getting fucked up...that's my proposition. Hoping i can make it out there this year. It was cool meeting Wil, RobFunk, Dante, etc. out there last year, i'm sure getting a few beers in all of us will start to push this stuff underneath the rug.

i hope you have the opportunity to talk to any person that knows me personally, they will vouch for my integrity, cheating? mistake in posting over limit plays, counting a loss as a win, not marking a loss period, having graded more than a few sheets in my day i can see this happening. and yes i am better than this, that's why you didn't see me call a man out in public when it had obviously be addressed privately. the frenzy was unfortunate, amazingly i have yet to see an apology, unless you count the mods."

in reference to what teazeman said.

New member
Mar 19, 2006
Willheim i dont see why u take insults from members, you should put those on Post Review or ban them!

New member
Jul 20, 2002

the fact that you don't take allegations of cheating on this forum seriously is something you should be ashamed of. don't know about you, but that stuff isnt' needed here. i thought you were better than this. this feeding frenzy was unfortunate but not unwarranted.<!-- / message -->

I was going to let this go but I see part two or maybe a better word is the second shift with desthi who has decided to take up the fight. Of course he also has no dog in this fight either and just wants to add his unbiased two cents..

First of all who said I didn't take the allegations seriously - you? What do you know about what I do or do not take seriously? Skinsraj started this withchunt so don't give me any I thought you were better than this drivel. I am not the one who created the as you call it feeding frenzy attacking Gyne.

Wil give this self-righteous bullshit a rest. It's a poor response to valid points and opinions.

Right and you have an unbiased opinion on the matter. Get real. Show me the real valid points SkinsRaj makes in this case. There are none other than he THINKS Gyne was cheating and decieveing the Rx.

Skinsraj' posts may come off as sharp because he thinks he's right, but that doesn't make him self-righteous.

How is he right - show me one thing he said about Gyne cheating that is provably right.

The fact that you and the other mods have insufficiently addressed the claims of Budworth and himself show how self-righteous you all may be, in that you can't take any criticism and respond maliciously when criticized.

How is that. Insufficiently in who's eyes - yours? All of a sudden another moderating expert emerges from the pack. Tell me what was insufficiently addressed - maybe because we didn't do more than slap Gyne on the wrist for making what he claims are a couple of honest mistakes. Sorry but like I said I believe he at least deserves the benefit of the doubt here until proven guilty and that has not happened.

Can't believe you called Skinsraj high-maintenance as well...the guy was befriended by Rob Funk, gets along great with 99% of the posters on this site, posts winners, makes about 75% of the people on this site laugh their ass off on a regular basis, and makes good arguments and points regarding many issues.

The fact is every time I even see a thread he starts in the Offshore fourm I cringe knowing there is a good chance someone will be offended by something he says in the thread. I know Skins and RobFunk are like blood brothers, You can tell by what happened in this thread. 75% of the people laugh their asses off - nice numbers can you back them up with facts? I hope you are right but I doubt it. I never said he didn't make good arguments or points but if all he wanted was to find out Tracker Forum policy and nothing more, he sure picked a strange and round about way of going about doing it.

Just because you don't value his posts doesn't mean a whole lot of other people don't

Who said I didn't value his posts. For a long time I did but in the last month, maybe longer, he seems to have moderators on the brain and his posting shows it.

Are we looking at day two of the did Gyne cheat or decieve The Rx. in the Tracker Forum soap opera.

I hope not.


New member
Mar 16, 2005
Step down off of your pedestal Gynecologist. "Look at me" attention seekers bring these matters upon themselves. Throw in some tracking inaccuracies and you put a target on your own back.

Raj brings an abundance of credibility to this issue.
Jan 19, 2006
Jimmy Hoffa said:
Step down off of your pedestal Gynecologist. "Look at me" attention seekers bring these matters upon themselves. Throw in some tracking inaccuracies and you put a target on your own back.

Raj brings an abundance of credibility to this issue.

Thank you for your opinion. :103631605 Appreciated Immensely.

New member
Mar 16, 2005
gynecologist said:
Thank you for your opinion. :103631605 Appreciated Immensely.
You're welcome.

Also, the poster who referenced your family tragedy was WAY over the line and deeply insensitive.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wilheim said:
First of all who said I didn't take the allegations seriously - you?

Again, so many things I could say right now in response to your shots, but I'll refrain. Had to post to say this, though: Dsethi wasn't saying you didn't take the allegations seriously, he was responding to TEAZEMAN. So either stop being so defensive or read more carefully...make sure you get a cup of coffee in you when you wake up next time.

And I'll say this again: this is a dead issue. You think that the facts aren't enough to implicate, but I do. The information provided in this thread is more than enough to allow posters to draw their own conclusions.

In the end, I feel that this thread has made the tracker forum more legitimate and the posters who participate more accountable. And that was the intention from the beginning, that was my "agenda." So like Journeyman said, this can be done with now.

Real quick, just wanted to thank those posters who spoke kind words of me, i.e. Jimmy Hoffa, WOOF, Roach, Ku, my brothers, Ego, and anyone else I'm forgetting(really don't want to go through this entire thread again). I've never tried to create controversy or trouble here, never conspired against the RX, always posted in a respectful and mature manner(not including my threads about taking a shit and masturbating...sense of humor, Wil?). I'm glad there are some of you out there who recognize that and didn't jump to the conclusion that I just had something out for gyno when I brought this up. I truly appreciate it.

There really isn't anything left to say. Consider the facts and circumstances and draw your own conclusions. Mission accomplished.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Again, so many things I could say right now in response to your shots, but I'll refrain. Had to post to say this, though: Dsethi wasn't saying you didn't take the allegations seriously, he was responding to TEAZEMAN. So either stop being so defensive or read more carefully...make sure you get a cup of coffee in you when you wake up next time.

I see so any criticism of you is a shot - here we go with the self righteousness again. My point is I did take the allegations seriously depite what you may think and btw who is being defensive here you or I?

And I'll say this again: this is a dead issue. You think that the facts aren't enough to implicate, but I do. The information provided in this thread is more than enough to allow posters to draw their own conclusions.

I have no problem with that but next time you go a witchhunt make sure you have some facts not just supposition.

In the end, I feel that this thread has made the tracker forum more legitimate and the posters who participate more accountable. And that was the intention from the beginning, that was my "agenda." So like Journeyman said, this can be done with now.

There really isn't anything left to say. Consider the facts and circumstances and draw your own conclusions. Mission accomplished.<!-- / message -->

All you accomplished is driving off a contributer to the Tracker Forum (Gyne) and embarrased the moderator who spends hours everyday trying to keep the records accurate.

Great job.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Wil, Dsethi DIDN'T CLAIM YOU DIDN'T TAKE THE ALLEGATIONS SERIOUSLY. He said that of TEAZEMAN. Go back and read it again.

As for the facts, I still feel that there are enough facts to have warranted more action than what was taken. If you disagree, that's fine, but I still feel like there are enough facts there, and you've done nothing to change my mind about that. For the last time, we can agree to disagree, but there is enough information available now for posters to draw their own conclusions. It wasn't a witchhunt, it was a legitimate issue, and whether or not you agree or disagree with me is irrelevant. Your opinion isn't the only one that counts. But now that the information is out there, is there really anything that needs to be said? Everyone knows your stance on the issue and everyone knows mine. Let the posters decide for themselves.

As for driving off a contributor to the tracker forum, let me quote gyno:

gynecologist said:
Any play I ever track in the tracker forum will be double and triple
checked by me. Truth is I won't be tracking a play til football season
anyway. Sorry for any mistakes I have ever made. I am a clumsy person
not a cheater.

Mission accomplished. Like I said, the tracker forum is now a better place because of this thread, and all posters participating in it are now more accountable for their actions.

And as for Rob, I apologize only for posting things from our private conversations, but nothing else. He knows how I feel about him and the job he's done in the Tracker Forum, and I don't take back anything I've said to him in this thread or otherwise. I certainly didn't intend to embarass Rob, but I said what needed to be said. He knows I think he does a good job and I have nothing but respect for him. Whether or not you think I embarassed him is of no importance to me, just as it should be of no importance to you whether or not he left me out to dry. I'm sure he appreciates you defending him, as I'm sure you would any member of your team.

We can continue to go back and forth over nothing if you wish, but I don't really see the point of you and I repeating ourselves over and over.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
oldirtyku said:
Did ClipJoint have an agenda against Gyno also? Is he in on the conspiracy?


I am using the old method my mother beat into my head:

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".

I usually take that advice AFTER it is too late and I have already said too much.

I can see both sides of this argument. Gyno obviously tries to impress with false/misleading records because he stopped posting his basebally record and units once he was down over 40 units. But in basketball, he puts it up big and bold to show his record for the time frame he was profitable.

To each their own...but I bowed out of this argument once he finally answered the question as to why he doesn't post his losing records...only his winners. He is pulling a "Kodiak". :toast:

New member
Apr 6, 2006
SkinsRaj28 said:
Real quick, just wanted to thank those posters who spoke kind words of me, i.e. Jimmy Hoffa, WOOF, Roach, Ku, my brothers, Ego, and anyone else I'm forgetting(really don't want to go through this entire thread again).
Also, I wanna thank God, cuz without Him I could not have done all this. And Jesus our Lord and Savior. And my Mom. She is such a strong, beautiful woman, I love her very much. Hey Mom!

This reminded me of an award acceptance speech or a post-championship speech. wtf?


Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
On the RX main home page (right side of page), why isnt this thread listed among the top ten thread post counts (previous 24 hours)?

The suicide thread is listed, but this thread isnt displayed.

I often scan that list to find the active threads.

Over 100 posts past 24 hours...but this isnt considered "Forum Buzz"?


Sep 20, 2004
On the RX main home page (right side of page), why isnt this thread listed among the top ten thread post counts (previous 24 hours)?

The suicide thread is listed, but this thread isnt displayed.

I often scan that list to find the active threads.

Over 100 posts past 24 hours...but this isnt considered "Forum Buzz"?


Could be another scandal/conspiracy who knows :grandmais
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