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New member
Jul 20, 2002
The real reason for this thread not making it on to the Forum Buzz section is the thread title. The word mods is blocked because all of the threads in our Board Room are purposely started with the letters MOD and natrually we do not want one to end up as Forum Buzz if one of those threads happened to get a bunch of responses in a short time. The software has a filter that accepts groups of letters so it can exclude threads that contain those letters in exact order from posting as Forum Buzz. The letters MOD (non case sensitive) are included in the letters to be filtered. I think the rest of the exclusions are profanity

Jan 19, 2006
Clip Joint said:

I am using the old method my mother beat into my head:

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".

I usually take that advice AFTER it is too late and I have already said too much.

I can see both sides of this argument. Gyno obviously tries to impress with false/misleading records because he stopped posting his basebally record and units once he was down over 40 units. But in basketball, he puts it up big and bold to show his record for the time frame he was profitable.

To each their own...but I bowed out of this argument once he finally answered the question as to why he doesn't post his losing records...only his winners. He is pulling a "Kodiak". :toast:
Fvck you I am not pulling no Kodiak. I admit I suck at baseball.
He is down 300-400 units in the NBA and still says he is a winner
and offered no apology or nothing.

I am tired of your ass portraying me in the wrong light. I was
proud of my NBA record. I wasn't proud of my MLB rec. It
was sad man adding up that awful rec. Anyway you said you can
see both sides of the arguement how is that??

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
gynecologist said:
Fvck you I am not pulling no Kodiak.

I was proud of my NBA record. I wasn't proud of my MLB rec. It
was sad man adding up that awful rec.

That is pulling a Kodiak. Very misleading.

You display the record of a sport during a specific time frame if you are winning...if you are losing, you no longer keep track or just fail to display the results.

Like I each their own.
Jan 19, 2006
Clip Joint said:
That is pulling a Kodiak. Very misleading.

You display the record of a sport during a specific time frame if you are winning...if you are losing, you no longer keep track or just fail to display the results.

Like I each their own.

Well I won't be doing it anymore. Still think you are using the
wrong adjectives to describe exactly whats going on but opinions
are like bellybuttons everyone has one. Good Luck CJ.

I wish you the best!

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
KU, I agree...Clip has an agenda here. :missingte

Co-conspirator, Skinsraj, should be writing for the Washington Post.

Actually, during last football season Ace-Ace plugged RX in an Post article.

Raj, send a copy of this thead to the editor and maybe they'll offer you a job.


New member
Oct 21, 2004
maybe if Skisnraj thought you guys were doing your jobs as well as you could do them he wouldn't "have the mods on his brain."

as for the 75% comment, if you want I can put up a poll but it's not worth it. I feel this is accurate based on the responses he gets to his posts. And i'd say only about 25% on this site are fuckin stiffs that don't find his stuff funny.

Never said i was a moderator expert, but apparently by criticizing the moderating staff that equates to me proclaiming myslelf as one. Lot of sense that makes...didn't know posting opinions on an internet forum was illegal. Just like calling people self-righteous, attention-whores, high-maintenance, etc...oh wait a minute, that was YOUR opinion about Skinsraj, so therefore it can't be illegal.

And if you really want to find out how many people agreed with skinsraj or at least saw things from both perspectives, you shouldn't have kicked this to the RR. Let the RX public judge for themselves in the main forum.

New member
Oct 21, 2004
and dont twist my words to say that you aren't doing your jobs, cause i didn't say that, but hey, you said yourself that things aren't perfect, so why wouldn't a poster be allowed to bring some of this to the mods' attention?

New member
Jul 20, 2002
maybe if Skisnraj thought you guys were doing your jobs as well as you could do them he wouldn't "have the mods on his brain."

Maybe part of that job is moderating posters like you and SkinsRaj. I have a job to do and so do the rest of the moderators feel free to complain if you like to Rx. management.

as for the 75% comment, if you want I can put up a poll but it's not worth it. I feel this is accurate based on the responses he gets to his posts. And i'd say only about 25% on this site are fuckin stiffs that don't find his stuff funny.

Natrually you would call posters who don't find him funny fuckin stiffs. Real classy.

Never said i was a moderator expert, but apparently by criticizing the moderating staff that equates to me proclaiming myslelf as one. Lot of sense that makes...didn't know posting opinions on an internet forum was illegal. Just like calling people self-righteous, attention-whores, high-maintenance, etc...oh wait a minute, that was YOUR opinion about Skinsraj, so therefore it can't be illegal.

Not an expert but all of sudden real preoccupied with how we try to keep this site running. Where does it say posting opinions is illegal and what is wrong with me having an opinion. I have been a poster here a lot longer than both of you.

And if you really want to find out how many people agreed with skinsraj or at least saw things from both perspectives, you shouldn't have kicked this to the RR. Let the RX public judge for themselves in the main forum.

The rubber room exits for arguments like this one. In case you were not aware the Rx. is a business and not a personal play toy for you or Skinsraj. We have a responsibility to all of our posters whether you like them or not. It now appears that Gyne was simply targeted so SkinsRaj could find out what Tracker Forum policy was. All he had to do was ask.

I was going to let this go but it appears you want to continue the debate.

So be it.

New member
Oct 21, 2004
moderating posters like me and skinsraj? what the hell have i done during my time at the RX that was so terrible that i needed to be moderated constantly? THere are a hell of alot of people that run thru here, attention whores and the like that need to be moderated. i haven't done anything here to draw that much attention to myself.

Natrually you would call posters who don't find him funny fuckin stiffs. Real classy.

Real classy calling Skinsraj high-maintenance, attention-whore, etc.
Sorry but if you take every joke Skinsraj makes seriously, then you're a stiff.

Not an expert but all of sudden real preoccupied with how we try to keep this site running. Where does it say posting opinions is illegal and what is wrong with me having an opinion. I have been a poster here a lot longer than both of you.

Clearly you have been a poster alot longer than both of us. So how does that make your opinion more valid and valuable than ours? Because you're a mod so you have control to ban me? Clearly you think your opinion is more worthy than mine.

The rubber room exits for arguments like this one. In case you were not aware the Rx. is a business and not a personal play toy for you or Skinsraj. We have a responsibility to all of our posters whether you like them or not. It now appears that Gyne was simply targeted so SkinsRaj could find out what Tracker Forum policy was. All he had to do was ask.

A personal toy? are you kidding me? Your responsibility is to ALL posters not just ones that you like or dislike. Clearly some of Skins' and Budworth's complaints were NOT taken seriously, and even more obvious is your disdain for both posters, or at least Budworth. Don't even bother telling me how unbiased you are. Gyno was not targeted, me made mistakes that most people do not make in the tracker forum. If everyone made those mistakes, then it wouldn't be such a big deal to some posters, now would it? Not saying Gyno did this intentionally but regardless, like you said, you have a RESPONSIBILITY to ALL posters whether you like it or not.

Heaven forbid i ever have a complaint on this site in the future...seems like just because i argued with the mods on here means i have an X on my back now. Good to know. Conveniently forget that I've tried to be a credible poster the entire time i've been on this site. Doesn't matter i'm sure. I yelled at the boss of the RX so naturally i'm on the shit list.

I was going to let this go but it appears you want to continue the debate.

So be it.[/QUOTE]

Well hey i guess it's your responsibility to address my concerns, however stupid and unfounded they may be. I'd say sorry, but i guess it's your job and you're getting paid for it, so i'm not really sorry. I tried to let this drop too until you misread my posts and posted more.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
moderating posters like me and skinsraj? what the hell have i done during my time at the RX that was so terrible that i needed to be moderated constantly? THere are a hell of alot of people that run thru here, attention whores and the like that need to be moderated. i haven't done anything here to draw that much attention to myself.

Just what it sounds like. All posters are moderated, some take more maintneance than others. All of a sudden you decided to get involved in your brothers argument. So now moderating your posts have become part of my job for the last two days. I never said you did anything terrible - those are your words not mine. I agree up until now you haven't done much to draw that much attention to yourself and btw who said you did?

Real classy calling Skinsraj high-maintenance, attention-whore, etc.
Sorry but if you take every joke Skinsraj makes seriously, then you're a stiff.

Like I told him if the shoe fits wear it.

[QUOTEClearly you have been a poster alot longer than both of us. So how does that make your opinion more valid and valuable than ours? Because you're a mod so you have control to ban me? Clearly you think your opinion is more worthy than mine.


Where did I say that? I just said I what is wrong with me having an opinion - I think I have earned that right here at this forum.

A personal toy? are you kidding me? Your responsibility is to ALL posters not just ones that you like or dislike. Clearly some of Skins' and Budworth's complaints were NOT taken seriously, and even more obvious is your disdain for both posters, or at least Budworth. Don't even bother telling me how unbiased you are. Gyno was not targeted, me made mistakes that most people do not make in the tracker forum. If everyone made those mistakes, then it wouldn't be such a big deal to some posters, now would it? Not saying Gyno did this intentionally but regardless, like you said, you have a RESPONSIBILITY to ALL posters whether you like it or not.

Ask SkinsRaj about posting threads when he is bored just to see how long it takes to get them moved by a moderator. I call that using the site for personal amusement. I know I am real biased - right. I have helped all of you guys every chance I have had. Contests, minor disputes, shirts, etc. Sure I know that is my job and don't expect any credit but I am far from biased. I think this Gyne thing was done for more reasons than meet the eye and I will leave it at that for now. I know I have a responsibility to all posters and that is what this really is about.

Heaven forbid i ever have a complaint on this site in the future...seems like just because i argued with the mods on here means i have an X on my back now. Good to know. Conveniently forget that I've tried to be a credible poster the entire time i've been on this site. Doesn't matter i'm sure. I yelled at the boss of the RX so naturally i'm on the shit list.

And I'm the one who is supposed to be paranoid. An X on your back. I can only laugh at that, but believe what you want.

Well hey i guess it's your responsibility to address my concerns, however stupid and unfounded they may be. I'd say sorry, but i guess it's your job and you're getting paid for it, so i'm not really sorry. I tried to let this drop too until you misread my posts and posted more.<!-- / message -->

I have no problem with addressing your concerns, I mistakenly figured all parties would have been satisfied to see this thing come to an end. Obviously I was wrong.

New member
Oct 21, 2004
Fine lets let this be the end then.
Allthough i have to say it's pretty unbelievable that you'd call Skinsraj an attention whore, what with all the real AWs on this site. Pretty unbelievable. Guess we have different opinions about what an attention whore is.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wilheim said:
Ask SkinsRaj about posting threads when he is bored just to see how long it takes to get them moved by a moderator. I call that using the site for personal amusement.

For the last time, I never created those threads for the purpose of seeing how long it'd take for them to get moved. I created them because I thought they were humorous.

And really, doesn't EVERY poster use this site for their own personal amusement? Unlike you, they don't get paid, so if they didn't get any amusement out of visiting here, why would they post? Exactly.

I appreciate you defending me D, but it's a worthless cause. Wil is convinced that I had an agenda against Gyno and went about attacking him via his tracker forum, and that's fine. He also thinks that I'm a high maintenance, attention-whore. He's entitled to his opinion. It means nothing to me and should mean nothing to you anymore. You and I can think he has acted immaturely, and he can think the same of us. Doesn't matter at this point.

Edit: Alright, just saw Dsethi post that it can end, so now all parties are officially satisfied to see this end. Good stuff.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Just for the record..

"In regards to the threads you mentioned above: it's actually half-part a running joke between myself and some other posters to see if the moderators are actually doing their jobs during the day...half me being bored and entertaining myself".

Have a nice night.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Let me correct myself: I make those threads because I find them humorous, and one element that adds to the humor is to see if and how long the mods will allow it to stay up in the Offshore. But again, take things way too seriously. Actually, it's my fault...chalk it up to me being a self-righteous attention-whore. Deal with it.

You have yourself a terrific night as well.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Actually, it's my fault...chalk it up to me being a self-righteous attention-whore. Deal with it.

Smartest thing you have said in quite a while. Couldn't agree more..


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wilheim said:
Smartest thing you have said in quite a while. Couldn't agree more..


Thanks! Still waiting for your first in this thread...but I've pretty much given up hope on that, think that ship has sailed.

Oh well, don't worry about it, keep your head up man.
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