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New member
Jul 20, 2002
Thanks! Still waiting for your first in this thread...but I've pretty much given up hope on that, think that ship has sailed.

Oh well, don't worry about it, keep your head up man.<!-- / message -->

SkinsRaj, are you angry with me?

If I didn't know better I might get the impression that you are trying to be sarcastic.. That is some real snappy repartee, "think that ship has sailed" and to think it only took you around two hours to come up with that beauty..

I have to admit your streak is still going strong, you have officially cracked me up for two straight posts...

One more thing - the last thing I am is worried..


Rx Senior
Dec 10, 2002
Jan 19, 2006
oldirtyku said:

Have you been drinkin tonight??? :toast:

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wilheim said:
SkinsRaj, are you angry with me?

If I didn't know better I might get the impression that you are trying to be sarcastic.. That is some real snappy repartee, "think that ship has sailed" and to think it only took you around two hours to come up with that beauty..

I have to admit your streak is still going strong, you have officially cracked me up for two straight posts...

One more thing - the last thing I am is worried..


It's OK wil, you can just admit that I had a clever response to which you didn't know what to say. I mean, did you really resort to commenting on how long it took to think of a comeback on an online forum? Really? Unfortunately, unlike you, I don't get paid to be on the I don't feel obligated to sit by my computer waiting for posts. Luckily for you I actually had to wake up early to do shit today, otherwise it might've taken me 24 hours to come back with this...then you would've really dropped the hammer on me.

Next time, don't even waste your time with pleasantries, just go straight for the jugular: "I know you are but what am I?"


"I'm rubber and you're glue..."


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Actually I like the way your cohort and pal Oldirty expressed himself at least he didn't resort to tired old cliches like "that ship has sailed" in a pathetic attempt at satirical humor.

Lets take a look at your post anyway.

It's OK wil, you can just admit that I had a clever response to which you didn't know what to say.

Why should I admit something that is far from being even close to the truth, I know because your a poster and I'm a mod and I have to say nice things or your feelings will get hurt.

I mean, did you really resort to commenting on how long it took to think of a comeback on an online forum? Really

On the other other hand did you really resort to commenting about someone commenting about how long it took to think of a comeback on an online forum? Really.

Unfortunately, unlike you, I don't get paid to be on the RX...

Ya got me there.. But I understand you were trying to hook up with some work as a paid poster.. How did that go?

so I don't feel obligated to sit by my computer waiting for posts

Really? I count about 70 posts in less than the last 70 hours...Looks like you have all the symptoms of "formitis"..You might want to consider another hobby. Unless you consider yourself a professional poster.

Luckily for you I actually had to wake up early to do shit today, otherwise it might've taken me 24 hours to come back with this

My lucky day..At least you stopped long enough from doing whtever shit you had to do to log in check out this thread and actually post. I have to assume now you are busy doing shit, hope it goes well.

then you would've really dropped the hammer on me.

Did you actually type "dropped the hammer on me" with a straight face?

Next time, don't even waste your time with pleasantries, just go straight for the jugular: "I know you are but what am I?"

Is that some sort of advice or is it a slogan or maybe lyrics from a song.

"I know you are but what am I" I will definitely save that one for a serious dicsussion should one arise in this thread.

"I'm rubber and you're glue..."

You got me there, that tops even that old favorite of mine "if the shoe fits wear it"...

DAGGER!<!-- / message -->

Yeah you really stuck it in and twisted it, I think I know how RobFunk feels now.

Looks like most of your crew has chimed in this thread so far, I do admire how your pals stick up for you, shows loyalty and that is always a good thing.

Have a great Saturday..

Last edited:

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Why should I admit something that is far from being even close to the truth, I know because your a poster and I'm a mod and I have to say nice things or your feelings will get hurt.

I think your comment on the amount of time it took for me to respond pretty much sums up your ability to counter with anything even remotely clever.

On the other other hand did you really resort to commenting about someone commenting about how long it took to think of a comeback on an online forum? Really.

Yes...? You used a comeback that is completely inapplicable to an online forum. So yes, really.

Ya got me there.. But I understand you were trying to hook up with some work as a paid poster.. How did that go?

News to me. Unless you took a joke that Ku and I made in an earlier thread seriously...which is probably the case, since you apparently have no sense of humor and can't detect sarcasm when reading posts. No wonder you get so frustrated by my posts.

Did you actually type "dropped the hammer on me" with a straight face?

Sure did.

Is that some sort of advice or is it a slogan or maybe lyrics from a song.

"I know you are but what am I" I will definitely save that one for a serious dicsussion should one arise in this thread.

WTF? I guess you ARE old if you didn't get that...let me try to explain: "I know you are but what am I?" is a common comeback used by children, typically when they have no comeback whatsoever. And it parallels the "response time" comeback you used earlier, both equally immature and nonsensical. Get it now? I hope so.

That'd also explain why I suggested you use the "I'm rubber and you're glue," comeback next time. I truly hope I've cleared up any confusion, you seem to be out of it today.

Yeah you really stuck it in and twisted it, I think I know how RobFunk feels now.

I suggest you ask him how he feels before putting words in his mouth. I did.

But yes, it was definitely a dagger...unfortunately, you might be a little too senile at this point to fully comprehend posts. Sure seems like it.

Looks like most of your crew has chimed in this thread so far, I do admire how your pals stick up for you, shows loyalty and that is always a good thing.

Yes it is...they defend me when I'm right and let me know when I'm wrong. Wish I could say the same for yours, who seem to be MIA.

Well, except for cosmokram3r, probably the most respected, intelligent poster on this forum. Get this guy in the board room already.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Had to post this part separately...a true indication of just how badly I've gotten underneath your skin, and just how immature and defensive you've gotten over this thread.

Really? I count about 70 posts in less than the last 70 hours...Looks like you have all the symptoms of "formitis"..You might want to consider another hobby. Unless you consider yourself a professional poster.

I work in front of a computer for approximately eight hours a day, only without much work to do. And most all of those posts were in this thread, responding to your immature, defensive posts. Sorry for taking an issue seriously.

And by the way, is it good policy to suggest that posters find something better to do with their time?

That might have been the most immature, defensive, classless post you've made yet. Who's running off posters now, me or you? But then again, apparently I contribute nothing in the way of productive posts at the RX, so I guess you're right.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
gynecologist said:
That was corny

That hurst being that I value your opinion so's this, I'll only post their winners and forget about their losing streaks?
Jan 19, 2006
Clip Joint said:
That hurst being that I value your opinion so's this, I'll only post their winners and forget about their losing streaks?

Didn't know you ever posted any picks? Why is that by the way?
Oh I forgot I already know, no need to answer :puppy:

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
gynecologist said:
Didn't know you ever posted any picks? Why is that by the way?
Oh I forgot I already know, no need to answer

Actually have posted picks here for a couple years...never left off a record or had a "grading error" by accident in my favor once...let alone 3-5 times in one season. :missingte

I also play a little more than average on each game so I prefer to actually make the bets rather than worry about my internet persona.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Lets take a look see...

I think your comment on the amount of time it took for me to respond pretty much sums up your ability to counter with anything even remotely clever.

Still hanging on to that lame amount of time assumption..You are dumber than I thought..

Yes...? You used a comeback that is completely inapplicable to an online forum. So yes, really.

I see so you making a comment on the same thing twice makes it applicable..

News to me. Unless you took a joke that Ku and I made in an earlier thread seriously...which is probably the case, since you apparently have no sense of humor and can't detect sarcasm when reading posts. No wonder you get so frustrated by my posts.

Not the case, rumor has it your application for a paid poster job was turned down at another site.. And here I thought you were so devoted to The Rx.

Sure did.

Of course you did..I'm laughing to hard - had to stop posting for a minute.

WTF? I guess you ARE old if you didn't get that...let me try to explain: "I know you are but what am I?" is a common comeback used by children, typically when they have no comeback whatsoever. And it parallels the "response time" comeback you used earlier, both equally immature and nonsensical. Get it now? I hope so.

Glad to see you are sticking to what you know best - children's combacks - that is pretty smart stradegy considering how pathetic you have sounded so far in this thread..

That'd also explain why I suggested you use the "I'm rubber and you're glue," comeback next time. I truly hope I've cleared up any confusion, you seem to be out of it today.

I think I know now, you heard it on Romper Room a few years ago when it was still your favorite show.

I suggest you ask him how he feels before putting words in his mouth. I did.

But yes, it was definitely a dagger...unfortunately, you might be a little too senile at this point to fully comprehend posts. Sure seems like it.

Senile - now that hurts, I don't know what to say it stings so much. Senile ya thats me. Senile, you got me..

Yes it is...they defend me when I'm right and let me know when I'm wrong. Wish I could say the same for yours, who seem to be MIA.

I don't have as many relatives posting here as you do. How can anyone keep up with such witty stuff such as the wilhitler is a bitch post made by your loyal amigo Oldirty. That was some choice posting by him in your defense. I know you asked him to do it to get back at me for the attention whore crack.

I work in front of a computer for approximately eight hours a day, only without much work to do. And most all of those posts were in this thread, responding to your immature, defensive posts. Sorry for taking an issue seriously.

I see so because you work in front of a computer for eight hours a day and had to waste all that time responding to my immature and defensive posts you should be taken seriously?.. I don't think it works that way..You actually have to have a case to be taken seriously - you simply went on a witch hunt. One which started back in March against Gyne btw.

And by the way, is it good policy to suggest that posters find something better to do with their time?

In your case I think it comes under the category of a humane gesture rather than good or bad policy.

That might have been the most immature, defensive, classless post you've made yet. Who's running off posters now, me or you? But then again, apparently I contribute nothing in the way of productive posts at the RX, so I guess you're right.<!-- / message -->

Immature, claseless, defensive all in the same sentence and you say you are getting under my skin..LOL..

Bottom line you brought this shit on yourself for an agenda driven attack on Gyne. I have emails from him dating back to March complaining about you attacking him but all of a sudden it is about Tracker Forum policy..

Sure it is..

I eagerly await your response.

Jan 19, 2006
Clip Joint said:
Actually have posted picks here for a couple years...never left off a record or had a "grading error" by accident in my favor once...let alone 3-5 times in one season. :missingte

I also play a little more than average on each game so I prefer to actually make the bets rather than worry about my internet persona.

You dont care about your internet persona? OK?? You just said you
play a little more than average on each game? Interesting....

When was the last time you posted a play on here?
Not that it matters just curious?? Cause your always quick to
judge people.
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