Master Tiger Woods Thread - All Tiger Threads Merged into this one.


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Sep 21, 2004
Tiger ===Bill Clinton

Bills wife is a bigger bitch and Billy was doing it longer....

Public seemed OK after the Clinton machine spun things and Billy Bombed Serbia or some shit.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The Florida Department of Children and Families, escorted by police, visited Tiger Woods’ home
Saturday, is reporting exclusively.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The Florida Department of Children and Families, escorted by police, visited Tiger Woods’ home
Saturday, is reporting exclusively.

Why? Because Tiger was cheating on his wife? This seems very weird.
Sep 21, 2004
Why? Because Tiger was cheating on his wife? This seems very weird.

No. It is policy for the Florida DCF (Dept. of Children and Family) to
investigate suspected domestic violence incidents when children
are in the home.

If one thinks that Tiger's SUV back windows were smashed by his wife
so that Tiger could "escape" the vehicle, I would have to think
that is a mistaken view of the events.

New member
Jun 2, 2006
Tiger Woods in the news: tabloid reveleations and blind eyes:

As we wind down from TigerCrashGate -- yes, it's true, we're almost done, at least until he returns to the course -- it's worth taking a look at the way that this story spiraled from one-car hydrant-bump to worldwide scandal, one whose cost will eventually be measured in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Here's the key question to all of this: did we need to know about Tiger Woods' secret, off-the-course life? Many argue that this is an unforgivable invasion of a family's privacy, that we're interested in Tiger Woods as a golfer, not as a family man. As long as he keeps sinking long putts on Sunday afternoons, who cares what he does later that evening?

But that just-golf-it mindset doesn't account for the fact that Woods is not "just a golfer," he's the public face of an entire corporation. What he does on his own time is not his own business, not when his actions can do financial harm to those who have invested hundreds of millions in his image. That financial impact, not the "more mistresses or more majors?" question, is the real story here.

Still, the reason why this scandal exploded the way it did is because Woods' secret dealings were allowed to continue unabated, whether intentionally or unintentionally. The more Woods got away with his misdeeds, the bolder -- and stupider -- he got. (Leaving your name on a voicemail? Sending texts from your own phone? Really, Tiger?)

Part of this is surely because of the coverage bubble that Woods enjoyed for all of his career, a bubble that was born fully formed in Gary Smith's absurdly over-the-top introduction/sanctification of Woods in a legendary 1996 Sports Illustrated article entitled "The Chosen One." The see-no-evil approach to Tiger then dominated the golf media for more than a decade, partly because everyone was so in awe of Woods, and partly because Woods would cut off any access to any media outlet daring to poke around the edges of the mystique.

Did Tiger Woods have everyone fooled? Did the golf media know about Tiger's affairs and cover them up? Did everyone just happen to look the other way at the proper time? Those are questions that each media member will have to answer for him- or herself, but here's one huge clue: there are several golf media members who have not written a single word about this, the biggest story to hit golf in decades. Why? Well, you'd have to ask them, but it's a fair bet that they're setting themselves up as good guys when Tiger eventually does return. ("See, Tiger? All those other guys piled on, but I didn't! I'm still your pal!") On the flip side, credit longtime golf writers like Steve Elling who actually did call out Woods, knowing full well that they'll find that next one-on-one interview that much tougher -- if not impossible -- to secure.

Many in the golf media got completely outplayed on this story because of their insistence that it was no golf story at all, it was nothing but celebrity garbage, tawdry trash-digging that was beneath them. And again, if it was nothing but the personal affairs of a private family, that would be true. But Tiger's absence from the Tour is going to cost people and corporations hundreds of millions of dollars and fundamentally alter the game of golf for the short term -- so, yeah, that very much is a golf story.

Journalists who complain that the tabloids were setting the agenda in this story should have been practicing a little shoe-leather journalism themselves. After the initial revelation on the day before Thanksgiving that Rachel Uchitel was somehow involved with Woods, it was a blogger who trumped the mainstream media and first contacted her. In the absence of comments from Team Tiger, the tabloids filled in the gaps, and despite their "bat boy/UFO abduction" rep, were on the whole more accurate than not. (Tiger's admission of "infidelities" plural is a testament to that.)

There were some notable missteps on the tabloids' part. The story about Elin Woods moving out proved to be completely groundless, even though many outlets picked it up and ran with it. (We decided not to here because of the flimsiness of the sources.) More significantly, the Life & Style story about two professional golfers calling out Woods turned out to be an utter falsehood; we had decided to mention it here because there was on-the-record attribution, not "unnamed sources." Surely, we figured, no magazine would be foolish enough to print actual names without verifying. Wrong. Lesson learned -- and that's an aspect of this story that deserves further scrutiny.

This is not to defend the tabloids' approach to celebrity -- they look at stars the way that the rest of us look at a Thanksgiving turkey right out of the oven -- but their dogged method of running down a story does indeed have its merits. (Paying interview subjects is not one of them, nor is publishing articles without bylines.) Still, if other journalists were similarly unconcerned about their future access to their subjects, they'd be able to uncover some secrets on topics more important than celebrities' sex lives.

For now, though, the Tiger story has reached a natural stopping point. We can take some time over the holidays to breathe deep, stop wondering about how many more mistresses will come out of the woodwork, and -- thank you, heaven -- stop hearing lame Tiger jokes.

The old Tiger Woods is gone. The new one -- well, we haven't met him yet. But he won't be on the same celebrity-worship pedestal as the old guy ... and, all in all, that's probably for the best

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
Why did all these women suddenly come out after this accident? Why didn't one of them leak a story about his infidelity before? Why now are they all coming out of the woodwork?

Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
Why did all these women suddenly come out after this accident? Why didn't one of them leak a story about his infidelity before? Why now are they all coming out of the woodwork?

because they all thought there was still a chance for them to be with tiger full time.

after it became public , they all knew it was over.

why not get your 15 minutes then....

Sep 21, 2004

[COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]Tiger [COLOR=blue! important]Woods[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
And Vegas Hookers, The Saga Continues

Dec 13, 2009 Written by Chris Dvoriak Filed Under: PGA

New reports are surfacing that Tiger Woods may have been having affairs not only with girls he picked up at local hotspots around the world, but also with Hookers, sometimes up to 15 at one time.

According to Michelle Braun, a Hollywood Madam, Woods liked to have sex with more than one “college looking” girl at a time, sometimes requesting as many as 10-15 girls for fun.
If her story turns out to be true, Tiger could have been spending as much as $30,000 – $40,000 each weekend he visited Vegas, seeing 10-15 girls in a single 24 hour period.
Braun told E! News that Tiger rarely had less than two woman at once, and typically ordered various new girls throughout weekend stays.
Given the number of times Woods has visited Vegas and other hotspots for Escorts all over the world his numbers could jump into the hundreds, maybe even much higher.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It's a miracle if he doesn't have an STD(s)!

It's also a miracle this was under wraps for so long with how many women he fucked.

There's no such thing as leftover crack
Apr 2, 2005
New reports are surfacing that Tiger Woods may have been having affairs not only with girls he picked up at local hotspots around the world, but also with Hookers, sometimes up to 15 at one time.

Like I wrote in the other thread, I had heard several years ago that Tiger and his dad Earl would routinely get a bunch of hookers together.

Might just be a way to remember his dad by.

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
It's a miracle if he doesn't have an STD(s)!

It's also a miracle this was under wraps for so long with how many women he fucked.

That's what I couldn't figure out. That, and why they all came out of the woodwork after he crashed his SUV. Why didn't one of these women come out earlier and rat him out? Why did the rest come out after the first one did?

RX Senior
Sep 6, 2009
Why did all these women suddenly come out after this accident? Why didn't one of them leak a story about his infidelity before? Why now are they all coming out of the woodwork?
One girl coming out would of been torn to pieces by a pro Tiger press. We probably would not of/could not of believed her. There is safety in numbers with all these porn stars, restaurant workers, etc coming out at the same time. Also agree with WNO. Most of them probably thought they had a shot at a larger role in Tigers life.

Oct 26, 2003
One girl coming out would of been torn to pieces by a pro Tiger press. We probably would not of/could not of believed her. There is safety in numbers with all these porn stars, restaurant workers, etc coming out at the same time. Also agree with WNO. Most of them probably thought they had a shot at a larger role in Tigers life.


You mean a bigger shot at his purse strings....:103631605
Oct 26, 2003
That's what I couldn't figure out. That, and why they all came out of the woodwork after he crashed his SUV. Why didn't one of these women come out earlier and rat him out? Why did the rest come out after the first one did?

:lol::lol:The first few thought they were the only one....they got played by the Master...

New member
Jun 2, 2006
Accenture drops Tiger Woods; Jamie Jungers says she had sex with Woods the night his dad Earl died

Tiger Woods took his biggest blow yet as global giant Accenture Sunday dumped the cheating golf great.

Saying Tiger was "no longer the right representative," Accenture backed out of an endorsement deal worth an estimated $7 million a year.

The consulting and accounting firm, which once used Woods in a ubiquitous ad campaign that urged customers to "Go on, be a Tiger," scrubbed his image off its Web site Friday after he admitted to a string of extramarital affairs.

"After careful consideration and analysis, the company has determined that he is no longer the right representative for its advertising," Accenture said, adding that "it wishes only the best for Tiger Woods and his family."

Accenture is now the first giant corporate sponsor known to have cut all ties with the disgraced golf great, and its move could mark the beginning of the end of Woods' career as a pitchman.

AT&T and Gillette have also stopped running ads featuring theonce-beloved sports icon, and analysts say they may also dump him soon.

Woods' Accenture deal, first signed in 2003, is reportedly worth $7 million a year. The Gillette deal is worth $20 million, and other sponsorship deals could cost Tiger tens of millions more.

With Woods off the golf course and still creating damaging headlines, experts say it makes little sense for sponsors to stick with him.

"If he's not golfing, those ads don't make sense,"said Rick Burton, a professor of sports management at Syracuse University.

Nike and video game maker Electronic Arts are standing by Woods - for now.

Woods' agent did his best to play down the Accenture move.

"Accenture has made a decision to not continue with their sponsorship. We are disappointed but respect their decision," said Mark Steinberg of IMG Worldwide. The PGA Tour said it would have no comment on the decision.

The crushing financial blow came as Woods, 33, endured another humiliating bimbo eruption.

One of the women he squired during a serial cheating spree says they were in bed together when he got the call that his beloved dad had succumbed to cancer, she says.

"I was beside him wearing nothing but a pair of panties," Jamie Jungers, 26, told The News of the World in London.

Jungers, who has admitted her 18 months with Tiger Woods ended sourly, revealed that she was on one of her many hookups with Woods at his $3 million Newport Beach, Calif., mansion on May 2, 2006.

Earl Woods, 76, ill with prostate cancer, was on his deathbed in a nearby hospice.

"We were hangin' out and [Tiger] got a phone call from his mother. His father wasn't doing very well," she said.

Tiger went to the hospice for several hours, but when he returned, he was raring to go.

"I could see he was preoccupied and worried about his dad - but when we went to bed he still wanted to have sex as usual," Jungers recalled.

"We went to sleep. I was beside him wearing nothing but a pair of panties. Then at about 3a.m. the phone rang. It was Tiger's mom.

"She called to tell him that his dad had passed away. Tiger looked utterly devastated and didn't say a word.

"He didn't even cry but I could tell he was heartbroken."

Jungers first met Woods at the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas in 2005 - mere months after Tiger's wedding to Elin Nordegren.

"He was kinda like a little kid," she said of the time they spent together.

Things ended badly, she said. Jungers recently insisted "she got nothing out of this relationship but a broken heart."

In other Tiger tales:

• Florida child welfare investigators visited the Woods family mansion over the weekend, it was reported Sunday.

The agency went to the Windermere, Fla., mansion accompanied by a squad car from the Orange County sheriff's office and stayed for "roughly an hour" Saturday, radaronline reported.

The "well-being check" was triggered by a complaint to the Department of Children and Families, reported.

• Playgirl announced it won't be running any nude snaps of the golfing great.

A woman was asking for $500,000 for up to 10 cell phone camera pics of Tiger, said Daniel Nardicio, director of marketing for the online adult magazine.

New member
Jan 15, 2005
Swearing and club throwing?

Any other golfers here do that? Many former PGA pros have done this and Tiger is a saint compared to guys like Tommy Bolt, Ray Floyd, and Doug Sanders...

I only throw mine when I hit a bad drive....or iron.....well, sometimes when I miss a putt!!!! I try to throw mine in the water or near the tall grass as to not damage my club!!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
so tiger was in bed w/ a whore instead of bedside as his dad died.
real classy guy.

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