no, i'm saying the documentary left this out along with the fact that her phone and palm pilot were found in the rubble. his sweat DNA on the hood latch was part of the state's evidence. the show also left out the handcuffs and shackle receipts showing steve had purchased these items within 3 weeks of teresa's murder and remember his girlfriend, jodi, was in jail at the time so not sure who he was planning on using these with....
the documentary also left out taped conversations between brendan and his mom about steve avery's well-known molestations of both brendan and his brother so it was clearly painting the rosiest possible picture of steve avery to illicit the type of sympathy he is now enjoying. Also showed that steve/jodi has some lovely romance when in fact she had a restraining order against him
look, the police clearly planted evidence to get the conviction they were doubt. i don't think steve avery killed the woman but someone on their inbred compound did...probably bobby or the stepdad. avery is not a good guy and probably was always going to end up doing a life bit for something but it shouldn't have been because of the dead auto trader woman
one thing i definitely assumed in middle of show was that the cops snagged teresa after her appointment, killed and burned her, then planted all the bones, car, etc on avery's property. i don't think that now....i think she never made if off the salvage yard and got snagged up by bobby or stepdad which is where the evidence of a throat slash and gunshots to the head probably exists (in some other trailer or in the quarry)
only person to really feel bad for is brendan. kid is simply retarded (69 iq) teenager that was molested by his uncle for a long time and was coerced into a bs confession but some punk cops
but it was a good show which is really what this is all about