'Making A Murderer' If You Have Not Watched Spoiler Alert



Jan 15, 2005
How about the cop reading the plate off her car 2 days before it was found and having no explanation. see his body language? had to be lying, what other reason would he be calling in plates for if not looking at them? this proves the sherriffs had the car two days before it was found on the avery property {by relatives who found the car in a couple of minutes amongst the thousands of cars on the 40 acre property}

is there any explanation of how averys blood was found in the car and absolutely no other evidence of him being there?
Which episode was that? I just finished 9 and must have missed it.


Nov 21, 2006
Eventually you'll hear that DNA from his sweat was found under the hood by the latch. No prints or even partial prints though so he must have opened the hood with his forehead.

To Colburn calling in the plates too early then being unable to recall why, where....what the circumstances of that call-in were....same phenomenon struck him on that as her ex-bf was struck with in being unable to recall if the last time he saw her was night-time or during the day...

...couple key players here suffer from selective memory loss.

On things, events, that people feel like should have been pretty easy for Colburn and Ryan to recall.

Wouldn't gloves be the argument there?


Jan 15, 2005
no, i'm saying the documentary left this out along with the fact that her phone and palm pilot were found in the rubble. his sweat DNA on the hood latch was part of the state's evidence. the show also left out the handcuffs and shackle receipts showing steve had purchased these items within 3 weeks of teresa's murder and remember his girlfriend, jodi, was in jail at the time so not sure who he was planning on using these with....

the documentary also left out taped conversations between brendan and his mom about steve avery's well-known molestations of both brendan and his brother so it was clearly painting the rosiest possible picture of steve avery to illicit the type of sympathy he is now enjoying. Also showed that steve/jodi has some lovely romance when in fact she had a restraining order against him

look, the police clearly planted evidence to get the conviction they were seeking...no doubt. i don't think steve avery killed the woman but someone on their inbred compound did...probably bobby or the stepdad. avery is not a good guy and probably was always going to end up doing a life bit for something but it shouldn't have been because of the dead auto trader woman

one thing i definitely assumed in middle of show was that the cops snagged teresa after her appointment, killed and burned her, then planted all the bones, car, etc on avery's property. i don't think that now....i think she never made if off the salvage yard and got snagged up by bobby or stepdad which is where the evidence of a throat slash and gunshots to the head probably exists (in some other trailer or in the quarry)

only person to really feel bad for is brendan. kid is simply retarded (69 iq) teenager that was molested by his uncle for a long time and was coerced into a bs confession but some punk cops

but it was a good show which is really what this is all about :)

Only thing I found on ootential molestation was this:

From the transcript of Dassey's phone call with his mother:
M. Did he make you do this?
B. Ya.
M. Then why didn't you tell him that.
B. Tell him what
M. That Steven made you do it. You know he made you do a lot of things.
B. Ya, I told them that. I even told them about Steven touching me and that.
M. What do you mean touching you?
B. He would grab me somewhere where I was uncomfortable.
M. Brendan I am your mother.
B. Ya.
M. Why didn't you come to me? Why didn't you tell me? Was this all before this happened?
B. What do you mean?
M. All before this happened, did he touch you before all this stuff happened to you.
B. Ya.
M. Why didn't you come to me, because then he would have been gone then and this wouldn't have happened.
B. Ya ..
M. Yes, and you would still be here with me.
B. Yes, Well you know I did it.
M. Huh
B. You know he always touched us and that.
M. I didn't think there. He used to horse around with you guys.
B. Ya, but you remember he would always do stuff to Brian and that.
M. What do you mean.
B. Well he would like fake pumping him
M. Goofing around
B. Ya but, like that one time when he was going with what's her name... Jessicas sister.
M. Teresa?
B. Ya. That one day when she was over, Steven and Blaine and Brian and I was downstairs and Steven was touching her and that.
Source:https://www.dropbox.com/s/lr7iif6ca3xp5sa/Transcript - May 13, 2006 (Dassey to Mother).pdf?dl=0
And this:

Fassbender: Now is the time to really get stuff off your chest too. Mark asked if you and Steven ever had sex and you said no, but ah, did Steven ever, let's talk about, you know what masturbating is?
Brendan: Yeah
Fassbender: It's all right. Did he ever touch you? You don't need to think about that question. Did he ever touch you, it's all right, now is the time.
Brendan: What do you mean by touching?
Fassbender: Um, in places that you felt uncomfortable with?
Brendan: Sometimes
Fassbender: Yeah. And what places were those?
Brendan: My private and (pause)
Fassbender: You know
Brendan: You know and there.
Fassbender: OK, and that's all right that you talk about this, this is the time to talk about it, cuz it's important. It's important to know, and for the courts and everyone else to know what you've gone through. It makes us feel a lot more for you OK? And by privates you mean by, by your penis?
Brendan: mm huh.
Fassbender: Did he touch you on your penis?
Brendan: Well sometime he was, he would try to grab it.
Fassbender: Ah huh. And, and ah, were unclothed at that time?
Brendan: No.
Fassbender: Then how did he try to grab it?
Brendan: Through the pants.
Fassbender: Oh OK. And what did you tell 'em when he did that?
Brendan: I was tryin ta get rid a, get em off me
Fassbender: Yeah. did you ever touch his?
Brendan: No
Fasssbender: Did he ask you to?
Brendan: No
Fassbender: Did he ever show you his?
Brendan: No
Fassbender: You sure?
Brendan: Yes
Fassbender: Did he ask to see yours?
Brendan: No
Fassbender: Just try ta ah grab yours through your pants a couple of times or sometimes?
Brendan: Yeah
Fassbender: Is that accurate.
Brendan: Yes
Fassbender: Did he ever say anything when he was doing that?
Brendan: No
Fassbender: And you told him no, or just tried ot get hin off you.
Brendan: Just tryin ta get him off me.
Fassbender: By getting him off you, was he kind, what was he doing, pushing against or leaning against you or anything like that or?
Brendan: While it was like wrestling and
Fassbender. Oh. And he grabbed you down there? Is that all he's ever done?
Brendan: Yeah
Fassbender: Cuz we need to know now, It's not gonna help to tell us a month from now, two months from now, two years from now, cuz then they're gonna go, Brendan, why didn't you tell the investigators at that time? Is there anything else he did to you sexually?
Brendan: No.

Im not sure what to really believe on that. You've already seen what the kid will confess to during interrogation to please the police...

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Im not sure what to really believe on that. You've already seen what the kid will confess to during interrogation to please the police...
very true but he's talking to his mom in the first series. of course the cops could have brain-beaten him into having him tell her a story of uncle molestation so you never know

i'm just saying that the documentary left out a lot of stuff the jury was able to see when putting senor avery away. if you start thinking of him as a wife beating, nephew molesting creep who's sweat (not blood) DNA was on the hood latch of the same dead woman's car that also has her cell phone and palm pilot 20 feet from his bedroom it doesn't make him out to be such a clear victim.

imo avery is not teresa's killer but i'm also not inviting him over for the Steelers game on saturday night. too bad the inept police didn't spend any of their taxpayers money on investigating brendan's brother or stepdad as that might have actually caught the right killer

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Thus have got to reopen this case. I can't stop thinking about this documentary. The new stuff that I have read online with the damage to the RAV4 looking like it may have been towed is interesting.
as incredibly stupid as this inbred family is would still be difficult to think Avery would leave the RAV4 on their junkyard lot...now if the police, or nephew, or brendan's stepdad was involved it makes sense since it's part of the frame-job

New member
Apr 20, 2000
There is so many things about this case that doesn't make sense. Keys, no blood, car still on lot covered with a few branches, from one shell to 11 shells found, cops lying, kid being coerced. mind boggling


Jan 15, 2005
very true but he's talking to his mom in the first series. of course the cops could have brain-beaten him into having him tell her a story of uncle molestation so you never know

i'm just saying that the documentary left out a lot of stuff the jury was able to see when putting senor avery away. if you start thinking of him as a wife beating, nephew molesting creep who's sweat (not blood) DNA was on the hood latch of the same dead woman's car that also has her cell phone and palm pilot 20 feet from his bedroom it doesn't make him out to be such a clear victim.

imo avery is not teresa's killer but i'm also not inviting him over for the Steelers game on saturday night. too bad the inept police didn't spend any of their taxpayers money on investigating brendan's brother or stepdad as that might have actually caught the right killer

Agreed. Can you point me to the episode where the cop calls the plate in 2 days before the car was missing? I have seen it referenced a few times but missed it somehow while watching the series.
Aug 13, 2008
I can see why the sweat might be there, mabey he helped open the hood when she was taking pictures of car for magazine?
Aug 13, 2008
Oh fuc HER car my bad was thinking it was that shit ass red caravan. Strike that from my thread testimony

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Agreed. Can you point me to the episode where the cop calls the plate in 2 days before the car was missing? I have seen it referenced a few times but missed it somehow while watching the series.
was in either 9th or 10th episode and it was Colborn questioned about it. he's the creepy little fella with the glasses...reminds me of the guy's brother in Napoleon Dynamite

btw i don't specifically remember that he called in the plates 2 days before the car was missing. what i remember was that it was pretty silly that he was asking if this was teresa's car when a) he was not legally allowed to be on the property (no search warrant, wasn't invited, his police dept was supposed to no longer be involved unless requested) b) it was just a random RAV4 in a junkyard which he wasn't authorized to be at, looking for a car he was not even supposed to know about yet he is calling this in?

stupid of him to call it in and probably should have led to dismissing this RAV4 as evidence. in the call he is acting like he doesn't know Teresa's license plate number and he's looking for verification. huh? you seriously are on a junkyard lot illegally looking for a specific car and you didn't bring the VIN or license plate # with you and you call it in to create an official record of your illegal activity?

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Oh fuc HER car my bad was thinking it was that shit ass red caravan. Strike that from my thread testimony
yeah sweat was on her RAV4 not the red car she was there to photograph.

like gijoe says...mind boggling. almost not even worth watching the 10 episodes as it messes with your mind for a week after you've finished watching it :)

Nov 7, 2008
About to start episode 4. Why was there only her car key. Where were her house/office keys?

May 22, 2005
I think her ex did it. He is one creepy dude.
my best guess too, then the sheriffs found the rav4 and the burned bones. which they then moved to frame avery for the crime. the creepy x erased the incriminating voice mails he had left on teresa's phone

May 22, 2005
nearly all the sheriffs dept testimony is lies, would be comical, if it wasnt a true story
everyone of them exhibits the classic liar mannerisms

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006


Steven Avery claims his own two brothers may have killed Teresa Halbach -- especially one who he says had a history of harassing women at the exact location where Teresa was last seen.

Avery filed legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- in which he claims brothers Earl and Charles may have done the deed for which he's serving a life sentence. He says both have a history of sexually assaulting women. Earl once pled no contest to sexually assaulting his 2 daughters.

According to the docs, which Steven filed in 2009 after his conviction, brother Charles' criminal conduct and actions are even more problematic. He was charged with sexually assaulting his wife by holding her down and trying to strangle her with a phone cord before having intercourse with her.

The docs say Charles also had a history of aggression toward women who visited the family's junkyard. One woman, who was there to retrieve her car that had been towed, complained to cops she was afraid of Charles because he was aggressively pursuing her ... sending flowers and money to her home, calling her incessantly and showing up at her doorstep.

According to docs there was another incident in which a woman who bought a car part from the junkyard was harassed by Charles, who asked her on dates and showed up at her house.

Another woman claimed Charles had repeatedly driven by her house and would tell her on the phone he had seen her in her bathing suit as he drove by.

And this is interesting ... according to the docs, all of these women were allegedly harassed by Charles within a month of the time Teresa Halbach went missing.

Steven also says his 2 brothers had a motive to frame him because they were fighting over the family business and were jealous he was on the verge of a multi-million dollar settlement for being wrongfully convicted of sexual assault.

New member
Dec 16, 2011
World is full of suckers...quite a few here in this thread.

New member
Nov 6, 2007


Steven Avery claims his own two brothers may have killed Teresa Halbach -- especially one who he says had a history of harassing women at the exact location where Teresa was last seen.

Avery filed legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- in which he claims brothers Earl and Charles may have done the deed for which he's serving a life sentence. He says both have a history of sexually assaulting women. Earl once pled no contest to sexually assaulting his 2 daughters.

According to the docs, which Steven filed in 2009 after his conviction, brother Charles' criminal conduct and actions are even more problematic. He was charged with sexually assaulting his wife by holding her down and trying to strangle her with a phone cord before having intercourse with her.

The docs say Charles also had a history of aggression toward women who visited the family's junkyard. One woman, who was there to retrieve her car that had been towed, complained to cops she was afraid of Charles because he was aggressively pursuing her ... sending flowers and money to her home, calling her incessantly and showing up at her doorstep.

According to docs there was another incident in which a woman who bought a car part from the junkyard was harassed by Charles, who asked her on dates and showed up at her house.

Another woman claimed Charles had repeatedly driven by her house and would tell her on the phone he had seen her in her bathing suit as he drove by.

And this is interesting ... according to the docs, all of these women were allegedly harassed by Charles within a month of the time Teresa Halbach went missing.

Steven also says his 2 brothers had a motive to frame him because they were fighting over the family business and were jealous he was on the verge of a multi-million dollar settlement for being wrongfully convicted of sexual assault.

The only thing that bothers me about this scenario is Steven stated that he saw her leave. If his brothers did it....when and where?

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