'Making A Murderer' If You Have Not Watched Spoiler Alert


Nov 4, 2009
Here is what I think is being talked about..


My question on the one below is this blog is written in 2009...Why didn't film makers tell of this?


Thats a very VERY good find Buster.

The date "2009" present via the root of that Theory having been originally posted at convlutedbrian in 2009 but, alas, no not what I was referring to.....mine was an entirely other (actual legal document) from 2009 also.

Not sure if its mentioned there, but what the heck happened to convlutedbrian? My sense is suddenly and abruptly no more posts...sometime in 2013? From a guy who'd posted up some of the best info critical of Law Enforcement ("LE"....hereafter) & The Prosecution both as the Trial was going on and then directly afterwards?

That question will get asked.

By no means do I discount out of hand this "German Guy" theory and especially with your link providing more illumination by far and away of any other discussion of this Theory than anywhere else online.

My challenge with the German Guy explanation is that it demands an "A to B to C to D to E" series of events by which I mean

A. Victim has to leave Avery salvage
B. Then encounter German Guy somewhere along her route home (but as mentioned at your link that was very possible at an entirely conceivable explanation of how they would have come to meet up was offered)
C. Post Crime, LE must come into contact with the vehicle somehow and improvise on the spot a "plan" with the key here being:

The remarkable coincidence that this German Guy just happens to, by Fate?, get rendevoused with a Girl whose last contact was with Steve Avery....a coincidence the odds of which happening are literally astronomical....

D.) LE fresh off improvising the plan to set up Avery, bring him down (thus save their own asses) must now...again....totally on the spur of the moment here:

Reduce the body to basically cremated remains, get the SUV back to Avery Salvage along with the Bone Remnants, place all that stuff.....get Avery's Blood into the SUV

(which by the way on a side note....Vacutainers of Blood such as what existed that held Avery's Blood may have holes in them naturally and always cuz thats how blood gets in them in the first place....a few Medical People have posted online that the presence of a hole on top of such a container would have been known to be common...by Medical People so the film makers including this without clarifying that was really uncool, on their part....because they HAD to have been aware of such, if a Hole gets left there as result of the initial filling of such a Vacutainer...

Other self proclaimed medical people have posted disputing the above. "natural presence of a syringe hole" so.....I just don't know but Wiki entry for vacutainer such as what was containing the Avery Blood seems to support the natural presence of a Hole at top:

"When a Vacutainer test tube is pushed down into the holder, its rubber cap is pierced by the second needle and the pressure difference between the blood volume and the vacuum in the tube forces blood through the needle and into the tube."

....of course they could have drawn blood out an existing hole.......)

E. Just being a reiteration I guess of how many in-fathomable coincidences then spur of the moment improvisation on the part of multiple people it'd have taken to make this be what happened.

The Document I refer to in my above posts shines light on an explanation that would quite literally be just "A to B to C"...so simple and so damn obvious...so apparent and so present in fact....totally beyond a shadow of a doubt is the Document that I refer to, somewhere amidst ONE of the many discussions about this on the website YOUR discussion was at.....I like the discussion I referred to in Clue #2 though because it includes a post from a Law Person who very clearly and to the point...

explains why Kachinsky or whatever Brendan's first Lawyer's name was.....why that Lameass totally tried to sell him down the river. Just get Him to plead out.

New member
Nov 6, 2007
Blah I have seen both of these. These documents prove nothing....just another couple theory's.

New member
Nov 6, 2007
What's this legal document Moneyline dog? I don't care to search for it. I've already spent to much time on this.

Nov 4, 2009
What's this legal document Moneyline dog? I don't care to search for it. I've already spent to much time on this.

I can understand that, I made it a "hunt" not to be all mysterious and cryptic about it but because Links to it are buried within discussions that include some very interesting comments on the case from people with Legal, Medical and Law Enforcement (LE) Backgrounds and because just happening upon it was kind of exciting, like, I was just reading posts there was a link I clicked and as I read I'm like:

'There it is. The First thing that makes any real sense as far as explaining what happened'

But now, even just these few hours after that first post of mine about the Document theres Millions more people posting about this case....theres many more links to the Document out there now too but....there is just so much on this case now. From Cooking Forums to Poker Forums, blogs, vlogs and everywhere.

A little "backstory" is necessary to frame why, how the Document reveals what it might:

No light of accusation cast within this post of course, no declaration of Guilt made towards any particular and specific person or persons here just mere rumination upon what is "possible" to have taken place....

During the timeframe he'd have to have been doing the crime the guy talking in a completely relaxed unstressed manner with his gf on the phone is not the killer.

The accused would simply not have been capable of conversing in the playful manner that he did if he was in the process of committing this crime. So Steven Avery is out.

LE is out too because under no circumstances do those on the hook behind the potential $36 Million Settlement, if they wanna squash that threat, leave Avery alive and kill an innocent young woman to set him up with such a clumsy stupid crap scenario as this when there are a variety of manners through which they could just off the guy.

Rather than taking a path that incorporates the very most possible risk to themselves, leaves them completely and utterly vulnerable to getting themselves into even more immensely DEEPER CRAP than they are already in with the pending Avery Settlement.

Within the Series itself a guy with LE actually says: "Why would they go to all this trouble? Why wouldn't they just kill him? Wouldn't that be so much easier? and so much less risky? How does this make any sense? That LE set this up?" or something to that effect...

Its true.

The answer to how we have gotten to where we are might lie with figuring out Who would need it to go down this way. Who would, in order to benefit, need to have Avery remain alive? While at the same time having him gtfo "the picture"?

Avery was away for 18 years. During the last part of that his dad came to take less and less role in running the business. By the time Avery got released it was pretty much (where "running the show" was concerned) a "2-man deal", Avery's brothers running it with the elder of those having the greater power. "65-35" to simplify matters....to draw an illustration of that.

Avery showing up screwed this up royally.

18 years is a long time, we've seen these are not complex people, firmly set in their ways these folks and not easily moved...not real excited at all about change and especially when that upsets the Balance Of Power. Within The Yard.

Now it would have to be a 3-way split.

Immense Displeasure might have existed about this.

Via a Family Member with ties to LE a proposal could have, conceivably, gotten delivered...

"We all have a Mutual Interest here.....there is one man screwing things up for all of us"

LE's salespitch might have been "With Steven out the picture the Settlement $$$ still get paid but that goes to the Family."

"Plus ya'll get your business back as it was, 3-way split is done."

Okay! The Customer might love the sound of that. Were such a pitch delivered. One might be able to see how it would be greeted with interest, by the receiver.

What if then, while it was still in the planning stages, exactly how Steven would best be dealt with, wasn't anything supposed to happen yet but an impulsive reaction, a "Take Control" and get this done type mentality gets emmited from a Moron, total chaos ensues and an absolute nightmare unfolds?

The Victim had been to the 40 Acre Salvage Yard on 15 previous occasions. Family Members were very familiar with her.

As the document will show, in portraying the Character and History of those known to be present upon the property at the time she was known to be there, it would not have been uncommon for females who came to they yard to not come back a second time so this situtation is very "unique"...a young attractive female who makes multiple trips the The Yard.

Opportunity presented itself and actions might have been taken. To get the Steven situation handled while simply being the Animals, the Beasts that are portrayed within the Document.

If this is how it went down...LE would have been stunned. Speechless.

Remember...the whole "arrangement" discussed might have, at this point, only been in the "planning stages", like, proposal just made by no means any concrete plan of action formalized...from LE's perspective at least.

What might have been a savage idiot's perspective at this point though?

One cannot know. But one can surmise, from the Document, what "circumstances" existed.

What the situation was. What it truly freekin' was. Abd thats reality. In Black and White.

As the Document reveals.

"LE" understand.....as mentioned above... we're very possibly (even "most likely" in fact) only talking about 1 main guy + several other "fringe" or marginal players and Nowhere even close to the number of people folks are ruminating being potentially "involved" on the LE side of this situtation.

The whole deal was real possibly only in the "talking" stages, #@%&ing PLANNING then all the sudden out of nowhere BOOM.

LE might be forced to take the property over for Eight (8) Days while they try and figure out what the hell to DO. They'd've been BLINDSIDED.

Might take until MARCH (or 5 months) to figure out what to do.

And what gets done, improvising having been totally forced into action...might not come out so "smooth".

What you get when you partner up with folks of the intelligence level and Character, History as the Document reflects:....such as they may have partnered up with in this instance. Might one Reckon?

If so, and one might reckon such.....Shouldn't have been as surprising, shouldn't have been as "WHAT????!!???" as it would've (undoubtedly) been for them.

What can LE do though?

Deep Deep Doo-doo.

In LE's defense, within this scenario: Its very very easy to imagine how they never would have agreed to this. This action. Something like this, real conceivably, not even anywhere near the RADAR of what they were thinking of....to solve The Avery Situation.

Victim's family played no role whatsoever in the crime (An angle peeps are wating Loads Of Time typing about) within the aforementioned scenario. The ex-bf trying on an ongoing basis to Hook Up with her in a "Friends with Benefits" type way like she was a Tinder Girl to get down make love have some casual sex with, a plan she wanted nothing to do with, no part of cuz it made her feel cheap & stuck in the past, like she was never evolving like she was stuck in some Mud and he just kept pestering her she wanted to get free, to move on, cuz he was just too fuckin' needy.

And he represented "Yesterday", her Photography Business was evolving, she was growing by leaps and bounds as a person, spreading her wings fixin' to fly away....

Experiencing jealousy at his inability to get his way and at her living situation (her room-mate being a guy) ex-bf gets frustrated leaves some fiery voicemails for her....

He then deletes those after sneaking into her Voicemail account....

....no matter. They, and he....have nothing to do with the Crime.

Beyond a little birdie whispering in his ear "give that broad a camera cuz God has instructed her to go search Avery's"

Link below goes to the 2nd half of the full document. First half is largely legalese so un-needed thus not linked to here. Relevance if any exists would likely begin immediately but kick in really with the First subject header found.


Nov 4, 2009
Anonymous is now on the case...This may get things done..



Nov 4, 2009



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The 4 ALTERNATIVE SUSPECTS the jury didn't get to learn about. #FreeStevenAvery https://t.co/sYzMQmiTiW
— Jessica McBride (@jessmcbridemilw) December 30, 2015
<script async="" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Jan 17, 2007
I think I was Beyond obsessed with this case/show or whatever you want to call it.

I so wanted to open this thread days ago, but I just had to watch and get pissed about what was happening .

Everyone has already pointed out the BULL SHIT, and boy... there were TONS of it.

I thought I was watching something that would happen in a 3rd World Country ! and I think if this was in a 3rd World Country, Tey would have even got it RIGHT !

the lack of evidence was Overwhelming, and what they did to that poor 16 year old kid with a reading level of a 4th grader ... Is FUKING SICK !

The Crooked Cops, DA, Judge and People of that Town threw Everything they could at this guy to make SURE he was put away.
Like others have said, if the DA told a story about what happened and it really didn't gel, he would just change the story.

The defense would catch a Cop Lying... That didn't matter... Victims Car key wasn't there one day, Days later it is...
When they checked the Garage back in Nov. there was nothing there... 4 months later, 11 Bullet shells

It wouldn't matter if the Victim Herself showed Up ALIVE !! They would still say he did it !

Also gotta Love in the Older case when they brought the cop up to the stand and said something like, Now that you know he is was proven ( because of DNA ) Not to do they crime,
how do you feel about what he went through ? His answer was I don't know he didn't do the Crime. His Drawing back then say he's Guilty, the DNA doesn't prove anything.

The Whole thing made me Sick !

and I just can't believe that the Courts won't even hear his appeal ... or think he has a case for an appeal.

All this guys should go to HellF
Fuck um

Nov 4, 2009
Anonymous is now on the case...This may get things done..


Anonymous is too busy anyways, I have them working on Hacking into JOH College Football Bowl Contest, erase entrant BetAllSports entirely from Database cuz he is fucking the entire contest up. SQL Injection via Packet Sniffer showing promise. Right now they're on a break, went to get more Frito's. They really take a long time to get anything done. Its been, like, hours.
Jan 17, 2007
Anonymous is too busy anyways, I have them working on Hacking into JOH College Football Bowl Contest, erase entrant BetAllSports entirely from Database cuz he is fucking the entire contest up. SQL Injection via Packet Sniffer showing promise. Right now they're on a break, went to get more Frito's. They really take a long time to get anything done. Its been, like, hours.

Am I doing good ?? I haven't even checked

Nov 4, 2009
I think I was Beyond obsessed with this case/show or whatever you want to call it.

I so wanted to open this thread days ago, but I just had to watch and get pissed about what was happening .

Everyone has already pointed out the BULL SHIT, and boy... there were TONS of it.

I thought I was watching something that would happen in a 3rd World Country ! and I think if this was in a 3rd World Country, Tey would have even got it RIGHT !

the lack of evidence was Overwhelming, and what they did to that poor 16 year old kid with a reading level of a 4th grader ... Is FUKING SICK !

The Crooked Cops, DA, Judge and People of that Town threw Everything they could at this guy to make SURE he was put away.
Like others have said, if the DA told a story about what happened and it really didn't gel, he would just change the story.

The defense would catch a Cop Lying... That didn't matter... Victims Car key wasn't there one day, Days later it is...
When they checked the Garage back in Nov. there was nothing there... 4 months later, 11 Bullet shells

It wouldn't matter if the Victim Herself showed Up ALIVE !! They would still say he did it !

Also gotta Love in the Older case when they brought the cop up to the stand and said something like, Now that you know he is was proven ( because of DNA ) Not to do they crime,
how do you feel about what he went through ? His answer was I don't know he didn't do the Crime. His Drawing back then say he's Guilty, the DNA doesn't prove anything.

The Whole thing made me Sick !

and I just can't believe that the Courts won't even hear his appeal ... or think he has a case for an appeal.

All this guys should go to HellF
Fuck um

And remember back to that First Case that you mentioned, when the guys said (as you quote above) "I don't know that he didn't do it, don't know that he's Not Guilty...The Drawing said he did it" and then the producers did that thing where they moved Avery's Mugshot from when he ran his cousin off the road (the cousin who was married to a Sherrif, the incident that STARTED all this...began Manitowoc County's OperationStevenAvery) and the Mugshot and the drawing match up perfectly.

That Fat Asshole TRACED IT!!!

He sat down with a bottle of cheap whisky at his desk and TRACED THE FUCKING THING!!!

And then, after the conviction, he had his drawing + Avery's Mugshot FRAMED which then hung on his Sherriff Office wall for YEARS!!!

Until his very last day as Sheriff.

And that is just one thing of so many things that are just plain out fucking bizarre about this case, the people involved.
Theres'a boyfriend's picture showed up in the newspaper, well before this case (I think) under a poll they did of people on the street asking them "What Scares You" and his answer?

"Women. Because they are Evil."

Along the lines of what you said....You see a case with FOUR crazyass weird things within it and you'd be like wtf

This case has at least 44 completely off the wall far out stranger than fiction things about it.

..and probably more than that.

I have never seen anything like this.


I appreciate that facebook is a cesspool but Brendan's Mom and his 1/2 brother are active within the facebook group. Theres a whole war going on there now against a Scam Website taking donations run by a guy down in Orlando who refuses to take it down, instead choosing to fight with The Avery Family via message board posts and the 1/2 brothers YouTube channel.

Its really friggin hilarious.

The Family themselves are too stupid to get Donation Infrastructure setup, for them it'd be like expecting a Tribe of Monkeys of lower intelligence to swap out engines in your RV and then rotate the tires, they've got like educated people willing to help but the family is just:


and the producers of the show won't (and wouldn't) get involved in assisting them get Donation paths up because (my theory) they know the family is too stupid to be involved with such a thing, that money would get misappropriated and very likely it would lead to total all out war Dasseys vs Averys vs. Tadych vs. whatever other low hanging fruit exists upon their single branch family tree.

But the facebook group members are insisting that they get Donations up and running.

So that will happen and....

...this shit ain't gonna be over for a long long long time and the most interesting stuff is, by far, yet to come.



Nov 4, 2009
Am I doing good ?? I haven't even checked

Considering your statement:

"I had no idea what I was doing on the MOV"

"Good" ain't even close.

Fuckin' Ridiculous.

Its a great contest, very very competitive but yeah....

....you're doing....pretty fucking good.

I think maybe you've lost one game in the last 10.

I don't know exactly...but the L10 or so you just never seem to lose.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Buster thanks for the thread. I wouldn't have watched it without it.

Pretty amazing. Consider this. The San Bernadino terroist "Azi and Harriett" home was searched in a day. Then basically open to the public. Cops went back 3 times with cops who were told to stay away from the property for Averys.

If I was on the jury and found out one shred of evidence was planted I would of voted not guilty forever.
There was more probability that the cops planted the Toyota key then Averys killing that woman.

Let me get this straight.Zero blood evidence in the trailer. And you burn the body but don't crush and burn the car?

New member
Apr 20, 2000
I just finish this and chills were all over my body. that kids going to spend almost his entire life in prison because they coerced him into admitting to stabbing and cutting her throat (no blood stains found)

Nov 4, 2009
I just finish this and chills were all over my body. that kids going to spend almost his entire life in prison because they coerced him into admitting to stabbing and cutting her throat (no blood stains found)

Last I checked it wasn't looking like the kid was going to be spending almost his entire Life in gijoe.


being unable to hack into JOH College Bowl Contest (because doing so was "uninteresting to them") they went back to working on this and made what seemed to me like some progress with the phone records gijoe, Theresa's (TH....hereafter). Establishing that Call Forwarding was activated sometime after the final call she took on the phone (2:41pm) and a 4:25pm call, last I know they was trying to decipher where the calls were forwarded to....initial suspicion was to a sister's house in Chicago...

...some of these guys pounding away on 4 keyboards at once gijoe you really should see this it would totally blow your mind there aren't even words to describe it gijoe.

And that was few hours back, Don't know where they are on it at present because I had to go do some stuff but what was noticed also last I knew of where they were at with it was an interesting pattern of calls earlier on the day...


8 calls over an hour and a half period of time that seem separated into two specific BLOCKS of time being 16 minutes and 21 minutes wherein we see 4 calls come to her....4 calls within each of those 2 blocks of time...3 of these calls very short in duration, 30 seconds, 40 seconds and 46 seconds probably went to VoiceMail (VM) those and other duration that one might reasonably conclude also may have gone to VM just those longer so if they did go to VM those then a message was left...on the VM gijoe..

This, considering that we know she got a "pest call" while in the presence of a co-worker so we know that she was getting called by someone in a "Phone Stalker" type way, if you will....not sure what the term is for it but you likely know what I mean which is. say, when you break off a relationship with a girl (or a guy...if you are female) and they just call and call and call and call and call and call and won't stop calling.


And then I guess within the court case it was established that someone managed to guess her cell phone password then make up a username and...it worked. Which, from what I understand at least gijoe, they claimed to have done in an effort to find clue to where she might be (cuz she was full on missing by this time gijoe) but then they had said that they'd only listened to about half her VMs cuz "they weren't leading to anything, weren't yielding clues" which really sticks out like a sore thumb gijoe cuz, I mean, Imagine gijoe...

a Loved One is missing, her Dad is driving all over town looking for her, really scared gijoe the whole rest of her family is scared shitless gijoe and you manage to accomplish hacking into her VM but you then give up gijoe, only listen to about half the VMs you don't continue listening to the remaining however many gijoe?

That sounds very very strange gijoe. And also a thing that sounds strange gijoe is that same guy admitted that he ERASED a few VMs while he was in there so I DON'T KNOW G.I. JOE. it just seems like these phone records have the potential to yield stuff that could get the kid a new trial gijoe but even if they do I think that


are going to hold off on busting the thing open with that cuz they seem to be really really mad at


like really REALLY mad at him so they seem like they wanna dissect HIS phone records before they "release" which I guess "whatever" I don't know gijoe, graphic below is from them few hours ago, it may be out-dated now in terms of where they're at on it but at this point theres stuff about this girl's phone records that, like pretty much everything else in this crazy case, is very peculiar. That Call Forwarding and the location of some of the calls.....I don't know they know more about it than I do and ever will but they seem to be making some pretty good progress between their extended breaks they take to play BattleStar Gallactica or whatever it is that they play...on the internet....apparently they can play against people anywhere on earth online, the other players don't have to be in the same room with them which, yeah, totally freaky in itself I know gijoe...

freaky like being able to surf Lake Michigan by ductaping a sail to your Board gijoe....i'm learning a lotta new things along this journey gijoe, whole new world these kids live in gijoe nothing at all like most of the guy's here world was when they were these kid's age so everything has changed gijoe except certain fundamental human behaviors gijoe





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