Conan: No doubt that touts are just like excuses, every one has some they can give you. It's your money and you are the one that pays the man when they lose. It is really about acountability. I know a guy who bets year round, baseball, basketball, football. He takes three services and he makes money. He uses some personal picks but as a rule he seldom goes against a service with a personal pick. So I know some people win that way but he is someone who really doesn't need the money and he is not compulsive and he would not continue on if he was losing. Still, not my way of doing it.
I for the life of me can not figure out why in the throws of an economic debacle like we are in now someone doesn't wise up and pass legislation to legalize online gambling in the US. Why send money off shore and let them control the money. I don't mind paying taxes and just knowing the casinos pay taxes it is just plain stupid not to keep it all in the US. Go figure. I don't know what we are trying to prove. Maybe AIG could book all of us then the Fed could bail them out after every season.
I'd be happy just to have one year's worth of bonuses AIG paid any one of their big honchos with that bailout money. Maybe I'd settle for a plane ride in B of A's new corporate jet they bought with their bailout money. And then they got the gall to give guys like me a bunch of crap for "gambling" off shore with my own money? Is them throwing your money away supposed to be better than letting you gambling with it?
This may be off topic but us offshore bettors have plenty to bitch about without worrying about the touts that operate legally and rake in a fortune from guys who post up and gamble offshore. Personally, I wouldn't pay them a dime. Tell your friend to pocket his tout money and come here instead. He'll win just as much if not more following the hot handicappers right here.