I've never disliked theRX more than I do today...


EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
I doubt you can say with any accuracy who brings in who and what types of people click on banners.

There is a bunch of guys here i dont care to read. I just skip over their posts and move on. Not sure why that scroll is so difficult for some.

It's just like, my opinion man. I didn't try to pass my opinion off as advanced analytics or something.

However I have been a mod at a site like this and I do think I have some insight on who clicks banners and who doesn't. In my experience posters like him drive good posters and potential newbies away, even though they (artificially) inflate "views".

But we're all entitled to our opinion. At the end of the day the offshore forum is about making money, talking sports, shooting the breeze, and sharing information. Not about pissing contests. I'd like to see it get back to what it once was, if not in quantity then at least in the quality of information.

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
We all get a little heated sometimes but the bottom line is that if we all met up and had a few drinks while chit-chatting, we'd get along great...

New member
Oct 29, 2010
It's just like, my opinion man. I didn't try to pass my opinion off as advanced analytics or something.

However I have been a mod at a site like this and I do think I have some insight on who clicks banners and who doesn't. In my experience posters like him drive good posters and potential newbies away, even though they (artificially) inflate "views".

But we're all entitled to our opinion. At the end of the day the offshore forum is about making money, talking sports, shooting the breeze, and sharing information. Not about pissing contests. I'd like to see it get back to what it once was, if not in quantity then at least in the quality of information.

I hear ya but look at the nba forum. Ak has over 100k in views and 200 bettors in there talking about sports and gambling. Not many others can say that.

I just don't agree with someone being banned for insulting posters for one guy and not for the others. Is there another guy that gets called names more than akp?

Feb 10, 2009
I'll likely be in the minority here, get flamed or whatever but frankly I don't care. I haven't bitched about this forum to anyone, haven't sent in any complaints however, I stopped posting, I stopped coming here. I didn't find this to be a friendly place anymore. I certainly didn't find anyone that wanted to truly talk sports, gambling or the industry as a whole.

What I did find is people fighting, people acting like their dick was bigger than the other guys, people thinking they are richer than others, better than others and really downright true hatred. If I want this, guess what I put on the news, I put on CNN or FOX. I put on ESPN and their blabberheads.

I tried to help out in the service play area where the same posters post links to sites every day. I spent my time sending it in, my time to try to make it a little better. Almost every day for a week, finally I stopped because it still continues to this day and if the site owner or mods don't care and continue to allow it, then fine I won't bother anymore.

That's another subject in itself. But back to this topic, this forum has gone downhill big time. I understand it's the late spring early summer setting in and things will pick up during football, however who wants to be here when all you see is hate, vile, racism, pissing contests and people being put down.

There is no civility here anymore, I would love to see you guys that act all high and mighty and better than anyone do what you do here in person. There's no common decency here at all. Just a bunch of guys trying to be the king shit and acting like a bunch of two year olds.

I can't tell you the last time I posted before this but it has been a while and it will be a long while again before I visit again. Never mind the people I have sent here to visit and see if they want to take part. That won't be happening.

And one last thing, no I won't be opening an account at Bookmaker through this forum. I'll open up on my own and give no one the referral so they can make money off of me.

Good luck Defying in cleaning this place up, you have a lot of work ahead of you.

Sorry you feel that way. Forums always bring out the worst in people, but then you consider its a bunch of guys... a bunch of degens... it's not going to be civil. I tend to feel the way you do, but we are 1000000x better than the other forum in this regards. There are a bunch of good people that can have conversation/debates without making personal, but at times those that participate in the fighting and pissing contest dominate the conversation. It happens.

The service play forum is basically run by CPAW. He does a fantastic job and certainly you made his job much easier. We pitch in when you would report something, but as murphy said, it's not always black and white. And despite what people in this thread think, we rarely use the ban button. We don't like to kick people out without proof, and those touts in the service forum are trying to hide who they are most of the time.

Hope you change your mind. You were talked about just the other day with the WWE thread that's probably on page one or 2 here. You're definitely a great contributor and always welcome

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
I hear ya but look at the nba forum. Ak has over 100k in views and 200 bettors in there talking about sports and gambling. Not many others can say that.

Good thing he can still post there if he chooses...

But he was trying to turn the OS into Poly Forum Junior, and they are just different places. He couldn't grasp or respect that.

Feb 10, 2009
I hear ya but look at the nba forum. Ak has over 100k in views and 200 bettors in there talking about sports and gambling. Not many others can say that.

I just don't agree with someone being banned for insulting posters for one guy and not for the others. Is there another guy that gets called names more than akp?

Think of it like this... There's a couple guys fighting at the bar. the Cop breaks up, doesn't issue anyone a ticket.. It's settled down except one guy who takes a swing at 3 more guys. Of course he's going to get in trouble. AK was in the heat of the moment, everyone else calmed down and he was still swinging.. If he wants to fight, he's always welcome to go to the Political forum and take his swings. It just can't happen here.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
We all get a little heated sometimes but the bottom line is that if we all met up and had a few drinks while chit-chatting, we'd get along great...
For the most part you're right, but honestly I don't think I could see GTC at a bar and not punch him in the throat.

May 27, 2007
I was mainly speaking with how he treated me directly in this case. I do agree that the people who engage with him just make it worse..... but he was the common denominator in all these flame wars.

Could not have said it better.

Just look over the last three weeks at all of the Donald Sterling threads as proof. Every single time you disagree with AK, he would personally attack you by calling you an asshole or dumb or retarded or stupid simply because you disagreed with him. That's not healthy for this forum.

If he leaves, it's not soon enough. He's a cancer that drives away other posters that just don't want to deal with his non-stop bullshit.
Jan 17, 2007
I hear ya but look at the nba forum. Ak has over 100k in views and 200 bettors in there talking about sports and gambling. Not many others can say that.

I just don't agree with someone being banned for insulting posters for one guy and not for the others. Is there another guy that gets called names more than akp?

Not sure what happens in the Poli Forum ... But I have never seen him get into a fight other than these "Sterling" Threads ..

Again, we only have a small amount of these type of threads and the Sterling subject was Sports Related.... But you have to Remember... We have Different rules outside of the Poli and Rubber Room sub forums.

Anyway ....I have always got along with him. He always Played by the Rules in the Sports Sub forums, and even came to me to ask if he can run his Tracking Thread/Site.
I had no problems with it, or him.

I just think maybe he got a little too Heated... over the subject.

May 27, 2007
Sorry you feel that way. Forums always bring out the worst in people, but then you consider its a bunch of guys... a bunch of degens... it's not going to be civil. I tend to feel the way you do, but we are 1000000x better than the other forum in this regards. There are a bunch of good people that can have conversation/debates without making personal, but at times those that participate in the fighting and pissing contest dominate the conversation. It happens.

The service play forum is basically run by CPAW. He does a fantastic job and certainly you made his job much easier. We pitch in when you would report something, but as murphy said, it's not always black and white. And despite what people in this thread think, we rarely use the ban button. We don't like to kick people out without proof, and those touts in the service forum are trying to hide who they are most of the time.

Hope you change your mind. You were talked about just the other day with the WWE thread that's probably on page one or 2 here. You're definitely a great contributor and always welcome

Until he disallows touts to post their plays in the services forum, he's not doing a good job. That's not what that forum is for and he allows it every single day.
Sep 21, 2004
I could put up with a lot of shit from AkPhiDelt, but when he started calling Willie99 a racist over and over and over, with very little (if any) evidence, in my opinion he was going over the line.

May 27, 2007
I could put up with a lot of shit from AkPhiDelt, but when he started calling Willie99 a racist over and over and over, with very little (if any) evidence, in my opinion he was going over the line.

The forums are pretty much a free for all. Some good and some not so good but I genuinely feel most of the guys here are pretty decent dudes that just like to talk sports.

But, when you use derogatory racial comments, accuse a guy of being a racist or sex pred with no evidence to back the claim or attack a guy's family, I think you've crossed a line. The forum does a pretty decent job of regulating itself.

Jan 16, 2010
The forums are pretty much a free for all. Some good and some not so good but I genuinely feel most of the guys here are pretty decent dudes that just like to talk sports.

But, when you use derogatory racial comments, accuse a guy of being a racist or sex pred with no evidence to back the claim or attack a guy's family, I think you've crossed a line. The forum does a pretty decent job of regulating itself.

I agree. When I first joined, ak supported me and responded in my picks threads with great passion.

Now, I'm labeled as a racist by the dude for no reason other than an opinion opposite of his.

He's no fun to interact with anymore, and it's no one's fault but his own. Hope he enjoys across the street. It sucks, but from what I've seen he will fit right in. I didn't even last 4 hrs the one time I tried it.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Pasture ain't always greener. Lol

he all broke back mountain with RX, he can't quit us

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
The sad thing is thousands of people have taken the mods up on that advice and left.
One day there won't be any posters to moderate then what?

Not sure why it's such a big deal for you. There are two threads of the same topic where we have two trolls who literally just trading insults. The same thread that you admitted you have no interest of reading it yet when the 3rd thread is created and deleted by the mod, all of the sudden you have an issue.

Help me understand, Chopper....

Oh, btw....this is what you said in "Sterling thread".....

I have not read any of this thread since page 3 and I'm not going to.

My mind is blown that you guys have been talking about this subject this much.


Carry on.

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Pasture ain't always greener. Lol

he all broke back mountain with RX, he can't quit us

Definitely not greener when it comes to forums.

I hope he continues to post here.

We all get caught up in the heat of debate.

Dafinch called me & my family every name in the book but you just have to try & reason with someone and explain that they're completely wrong about you.

If they refuse to listen, you turn the other cheek...
May 8, 2014
People take internet crap too seriously. Under face-to-face circumstances, most would get along fine. Forum is very testosterone heavy and more than a few degens. If you e-hate someone that much, something is more wrong with you than the other guy.

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