I've never disliked theRX more than I do today...


Oct 31, 2004
Another 10000+ post poster bites the dust.


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
He will be back. He needs the RX more than the RX needs him. It's in his blood. A few days and drinks and this to shall pass
Jan 24, 2012
akp is leaving this site......some guys might not like him....i do and he livens the place up for sure. Not understanding how he gets single out and banned from this part of the forum.....considering some of the known idiots downstairs do much worse here and in the poly forum. Oh well..... now we will get a better look at when Mike Mussina's birthday is.

It's a bummer that he has chosen to leave. He definitely livens things up around here and is good for the forum. That said, his decision to take his toys and go home over a one week ban from the offshore forum is just as weak as the reasons for which he was banned.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
It's a bummer that he has chosen to leave. He definitely livens things up around here and is good for the forum. That said, his decision to take his toys and go home over a one week ban from the offshore forum is just as weak as the reasons for which he was banned.

My issue is why he gets singled out for a one week ban when the some of the others don't.
Jan 24, 2012
My issue is why he gets singled out for a one week ban when the some of the others don't.

My guess, he was banned because he pushed it with the mods after they issued their warning. As I said before, I don't agree with the decision to ban him. Still think his decision to stop posting is weak, but respect that it is his call to make.
Jan 17, 2007
My guess, he was banned because he pushed it with the mods after they issued their warning. As I said before, I don't agree with the decision to ban him. Still think his decision to stop posting is weak, but respect that it is his call to make.

actually I believe he was given the Ban as I was deleting his Bashing of 2 other posters. His Bashing posts came back to back to back.
So I would say he was asking for it.

I posted a warning, but at the same time he did it again and another Mod gave him the Ban.

I also saw his Post in his Tracking Thread, and posted a response there. because he said he was done.
Thought it wasn't fair for him to do that. because one had Nothing to do with the other.

I could understand if he had a Full name of the Site, but he didn't.

Friendly and Helpful
Jun 28, 2009
I'll likely be in the minority here, get flamed or whatever but frankly I don't care. I haven't bitched about this forum to anyone, haven't sent in any complaints however, I stopped posting, I stopped coming here. I didn't find this to be a friendly place anymore. I certainly didn't find anyone that wanted to truly talk sports, gambling or the industry as a whole.

What I did find is people fighting, people acting like their dick was bigger than the other guys, people thinking they are richer than others, better than others and really downright true hatred. If I want this, guess what I put on the news, I put on CNN or FOX. I put on ESPN and their blabberheads.

I tried to help out in the service play area where the same posters post links to sites every day. I spent my time sending it in, my time to try to make it a little better. Almost every day for a week, finally I stopped because it still continues to this day and if the site owner or mods don't care and continue to allow it, then fine I won't bother anymore.

That's another subject in itself. But back to this topic, this forum has gone downhill big time. I understand it's the late spring early summer setting in and things will pick up during football, however who wants to be here when all you see is hate, vile, racism, pissing contests and people being put down.

There is no civility here anymore, I would love to see you guys that act all high and mighty and better than anyone do what you do here in person. There's no common decency here at all. Just a bunch of guys trying to be the king shit and acting like a bunch of two year olds.

I can't tell you the last time I posted before this but it has been a while and it will be a long while again before I visit again. Never mind the people I have sent here to visit and see if they want to take part. That won't be happening.

And one last thing, no I won't be opening an account at Bookmaker through this forum. I'll open up on my own and give no one the referral so they can make money off of me.

Good luck Defying in cleaning this place up, you have a lot of work ahead of you.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
I'll likely be in the minority here, get flamed or whatever but frankly I don't care. I haven't bitched about this forum to anyone, haven't sent in any complaints however, I stopped posting, I stopped coming here. I didn't find this to be a friendly place anymore. I certainly didn't find anyone that wanted to truly talk sports, gambling or the industry as a whole.

What I did find is people fighting, people acting like their dick was bigger than the other guys, people thinking they are richer than others, better than others and really downright true hatred. If I want this, guess what I put on the news, I put on CNN or FOX. I put on ESPN and their blabberheads.

I tried to help out in the service play area where the same posters post links to sites every day. I spent my time sending it in, my time to try to make it a little better. Almost every day for a week, finally I stopped because it still continues to this day and if the site owner or mods don't care and continue to allow it, then fine I won't bother anymore.

That's another subject in itself. But back to this topic, this forum has gone downhill big time. I understand it's the late spring early summer setting in and things will pick up during football, however who wants to be here when all you see is hate, vile, racism, pissing contests and people being put down.

There is no civility here anymore, I would love to see you guys that act all high and mighty and better than anyone do what you do here in person. There's no common decency here at all. Just a bunch of guys trying to be the king shit and acting like a bunch of two year olds.

I can't tell you the last time I posted before this but it has been a while and it will be a long while again before I visit again. Never mind the people I have sent here to visit and see if they want to take part. That won't be happening.

And one last thing, no I won't be opening an account at Bookmaker through this forum. I'll open up on my own and give no one the referral so they can make money off of me.

Good luck Defying in cleaning this place up, you have a lot of work ahead of you.

See, for every 1 ak we "save" we cost ourselves dozens of REAL posters that actually bring value to this place.

This is what I was trying to say. Everyone saying his antics are good for the forum, I will have to respectfully disagree. I think it drives away solid posters and scares off newbies. Oh boo fucking hoo a "power poster" bit the dust. Do we really need a poster of his caliber?

His type of posting drives refreshes by him and his band of idiots. It doesn't bring the kind of people in here that click on banners.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
See, for every 1 ak we "save" we cost ourselves dozens of REAL posters that actually bring value to this place.

This is what I was trying to say. Everyone saying his antics are good for the forum, I will have to respectfully disagree. I think it drives away solid posters and scares off newbies. Oh boo fucking hoo a "power poster" bit the dust. Do we really need a poster of his caliber?

His type of posting drives refreshes by him and his band of idiots. It doesn't bring the kind of people in here that click on banners.

I doubt you can say with any accuracy who brings in who and what types of people click on banners.

There is a bunch of guys here i dont care to read. I just skip over their posts and move on. Not sure why that scroll is so difficult for some.

Breaking News: MikeB not running for president
Dec 19, 2011
There is no civility here anymore

now you are being over dramatic. There is lots of civility here. While you do make some good observations also, I venture to say that the internet forums like this one and many others, brings out the worst in some people. They are probably good guys but just rub some the wrong way and visa versa. I bet they don't act like this anywhere else in life.

Politics and religion bring out the worst in people.

RX Local
Jul 10, 2007

I understand what you are saying about the service area. We welcome posts that are purposely driving business outside of here to be reported to us. If you or anyone has ever reported a post that did indeed need reported we would individually thank those people, but we do not due to the majority of them wishing to be anonymous...

I think akp will be back. He will think it out and door is open to come back.


New member
Aug 24, 2013
See, for every 1 ak we "save" we cost ourselves dozens of REAL posters that actually bring value to this place.

This is what I was trying to say. Everyone saying his antics are good for the forum, I will have to respectfully disagree. I think it drives away solid posters and scares off newbies. Oh boo fucking hoo a "power poster" bit the dust. Do we really need a poster of his caliber?

His type of posting drives refreshes by him and his band of idiots. It doesn't bring the kind of people in here that click on banners.

I totally agree Harry. As a relative newcomer I cannot see what a forum troll whose only contribution is attack people and call them racist or crazy if they dare to disagree with him contributes to a forum. He turned every thread he was in into a flame war and seemed to be only capable of ad hominem attacks. In my opinion trolls like that ruin a forum.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I totally agree Harry. As a relative newcomer I cannot see what a forum troll whose only contribution is attack people and call them racist or crazy if they dare to disagree with him contributes to a forum. He turned every thread he was in into a flame war and seemed to be only capable of ad hominem attacks. In my opinion trolls like that ruin a forum.

Why is the blame always on him? Nothing ever said to the clowns who follow him around in every thread and make negative comments towards him. They are just as culpable

New member
Aug 24, 2013
Why is the blame always on him? Nothing ever said to the clowns who follow him around in every thread and make negative comments towards him. They are just as culpable

I was mainly speaking with how he treated me directly in this case. I do agree that the people who engage with him just make it worse..... but he was the common denominator in all these flame wars.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Why is the blame always on him? Nothing ever said to the clowns who follow him around in every thread and make negative comments towards him. They are just as culpable
The conversation is now centered around him because he chose to respond like a little girl to the warning (shocking I know), and was given a break for it.

But the warning applied to everyone. Not sure why you keep saying he got singled out. Like BAS said, he was asking for it, he singled himself out.

Feb 10, 2009
Why is the blame always on him? Nothing ever said to the clowns who follow him around in every thread and make negative comments towards him. They are just as culpable

AKP knows that I think he's a positive contributor to the forum....

He wasn't singled out and in hindsight maybe I would have been better off singling people out instead issuing a broad statement... I thought this general warning would be more effect that puttnig everyone on Post Review that was fighting here in the Offshore.

Let me be clear, AK wasn't banned in the traditional sense. He's not even on Post review, Why? because outside of the politcal forum AKP follows the rules and is a great poster. I simply think he thought the Offshore could be used like the politcal, and it can't. He was "banned" 7 days, from only the offshore.

He was banned because in THIS thread after the general warning, I then told him to chill out after calling another poster "master" because this posterdisagreed with him. He then called another poster a vile racist, IN THIS THREAD... and followed that up by calling yet another poster a "little bitch"... this was in this thread. I wasn't picking on him by any means.

I hope he knows outside of this he's a good contributor and he's always welcome here. And I'm sure he's well aware that the Offshore doesn't have the same rules as the political.

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