
Nov 11, 2007

It is about time that justice arrives for this criminal who has been in cahoots with the MOB for too many years to count!!

Waiting on the on-deck circle to get his just due is a certain well-known ex-POTUS!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I’m confused . For those that told us in this thread that Meadows has flipped please explain .

Lawyers for Mark Meadows argued before the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday morning that it should overturn a judge’s ruling that said he cannot move his Georgia racketeering case to federal court.

Attorneys for Meadows repeated their arguments that the alleged acts he was charged with fall within the scope, or “under the color,” of his duties as Trump’s White House chief of staff, and therefore he has a right to move his case from state court to federal court. In the latter venue, a potentially more favorable jury pool could be drawn upon.

Nov 11, 2007

ot Unlike Lenny Lenbo who has a static approach to everything and sees nothing that could stop Trump from unanimously

winning the POTUS Election in 2024, I am a bit more sanguine and forward-looking approach and consider what could happen

to alter my present opinion, with the above link is a perfect example of what I am talking about and why both the folks who manage

a good portion of my investment and I may very soon take some profits!!

This is not a prediction that the stock market is going to crash but rather simply a dose of reality considering the meteoric

rise in the market over the last few months!!
Sep 12, 2022
Our mission has been intense, but successful, and is nearing completion.

Future timeline secured.

Re-education systems in place.

This will put an end to the evil and satanic gender confusion and reversal program we saw rise up during the plandemic.

NO, it's not normal to want/have sex changes.

NO, it's not normal to identify as a cat and go to the bathroom in a litter box.

NO, it's not normal to teach this in schools or churches.

NO, it's not normal to support any of it as a parent, educator, health professional, religious figure or public figure.

Gender confusion and reversal is not only evil and satanic, it is a serious mental illness and all, especially the parents involved, need serious psychiatric help.

Thank you to anyone who sent prayers our way.

This, by far, was the most intense missions to-date.

Give yourself a pat on the back for playing such a crucial role in educating tens of thousands of people. If we were living in Colonial times, you'd be honored as another Paul Revere. Salvage would be tarred and feathered - and then put in the stocks.

Nov 11, 2007
Give yourself a pat on the back for playing such a crucial role in educating tens of thousands of people. If we were living in Colonial times, you'd be honored as another Paul Revere. Salvage would be tarred and feathered - and then put in the stocks.
I regard getting jeered and booed by you and the others in here as the utmost sign of respect because you realize that you have

nothing that I post/have posted to DIRECTLY rebut it and why you need to PRETEND to put me on ignore.

I compare it to Aaron Judge stepping up to the plate in an enemy ballpark and getting roundly booed!! lol
Aug 17, 2019
Give yourself a pat on the back for playing such a crucial role in educating tens of thousands of people. If we were living in Colonial times, you'd be honored as another Paul Revere. Salvage would be tarred and feathered - and then put in the stocks.

Thank you so much for your kind words.

I did not choose the mission, it chose me as part of "The Plan".

I simply agreed to allow myself to be used as a vessel and conduit.

And it's been an absolute honor to serve God and humanity at the highest level in full dedication, truth and integrity.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Give yourself a pat on the back for playing such a crucial role in educating tens of thousands of people. If we were living in Colonial times, you'd be honored as another Paul Revere. Salvage would be tarred and feathered - and then put in the stocks.
Salvage is a Cabal-controlled brainwashed parrot swallowing and regurgitating every laughable Mocking Media LIE!

:an_laugh:"Russian Collusion" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Tested Positive" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Safe and Effective" 🤡
:an_laugh:"81 Million Votes" 🤡
:an_laugh:Devolution "Debunked" by Clown Fact-Chokers 🤡
:an_laugh:"PizzaGate is a Qanon Conspiracy" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Hunter's Laptop was Russian Disinformation" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Jan 6th was a MAGA Insurrection" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Putin is Hitler - The Big Bad Wolf Invaded Ukraine!" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Trump Grabbed the Steering Wheel of the Beast!" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Trump is soooooo indicted - Facing 717 Years in Prison"..🤡

And that's just a tiny sample over the last 6-8 years.

Imagine all the garbage he's been educated indoctrinated with over DECADES from his quackademic anti-American Marxist professors.

Think back to all those awesome promising C&P "Great Reads" which ALWAYS to turn to shit! TARDS are told they're delicious chocolate bars and always chow down! Mmmm.. :poop: 🤮

They NEVER learn. Reading LENBO's posts and replies, they just keep going and going...

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but not our TARDS.

A NORMAL THINKING person would pause and self-reflect...."Hmmm...if my sources lied to me about X, what else are they lying about??"

Wouldn't you? I would.

Nope, not our TARDS. Still going...still "Doing God's Work" using imploding media sources nobody listens to or trusts anymore.

How many lies and stupidity can the human brain handle until it completely implodes???

The Rx experiment continues!


Nov 11, 2007
I regard getting jeered and booed by you and the others in here as the utmost sign of respect because you realize that you have

nothing that I post/have posted to DIRECTLY rebut it and why you need to PRETEND to put me on ignore.

I compare it to Aaron Judge stepping up to the plate in an enemy ballpark and getting roundly booed!! lol
Thanks to you folks for your "kind words" in the post following what I just referenced!!

They simply corroborate my Aaron Judge comparison as well as your overall envy, jealousy of my intelligence, high education

and most importantly my ability to expose and document what you demonic cretins are all about, so much in fact so that than other

than Lenny and roadRODENT, you folks out of desperation and frustration, need to PRETEND to put me on ignore as

an excuse/rationalization not to stand up to me openly; if you did so, it would simply prove to objective people by the destruction

that would befall you, who really rules the roost in here-hint-it isn't you folks, who are in essence nothing but weak sparring


Nov 11, 2007
Thank you so much for your kind words.

I did not choose the mission, it chose me as part of "The Plan".

I simply agreed to allow myself to be used as a vessel and conduit.

The conduit you refer to is the one from the waste stuck in your anal orifice which connects to your mouth!! lol
And it's been an absolute honor to serve God and humanity at the highest level in full dedication, truth and integrity.


Nov 11, 2007
I did you a favor and changed your typo!!

I did not choose the mission, it chose me as part of "The Plan".

I did not choose the mission SH it chose me as part of "The Plan". lol

Nov 11, 2007
Thank you so much for your kind words.

I did not choose the mission, it chose me as part of "The Plan".

I simply agreed to allow myself to be used as a vessel and conduit.

And it's been an absolute honor to serve God and humanity at the highest level in full dedication, truth and integrity.


Just curious: Was it part of "The Plan" for sheriff joe to hijack this thread from you and/or did you permit him to do so??

If that is not the case, are you happy that you have been demoted to second place regarding the straw that stirs the SH IT in here??

Also is it part of "The Fu cking Plan that I wilbur and schmirt have come along and DOCUMENTED YOUR 99.8% FAILED PREDICTIONS

and other delusions/flat-out lies for almost four years??

If so, please tell us why it is part of "The Plan and who is PRECISELY behind what appears to be a self-defeating Plan!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
How many good celebrities had to fake their own deaths in order to help take down the cabal?

How many are still alive in disguise and/or in witness protection?

Masks? Master of disguises?

How many "boot club" photos you seen? LOTS! Where do you think White Hats got the information for their arrests and military tribunals?

How far back does "The Plan" go? Two decades? More?

Think back to all the great celebrities' who worked in Satan's cesspool known as "Hollywood" that we "lost"...or so we were told.

"Heart Attacks"
"Drug Overdoses"

Twenty years ago, we believed everything the "news" told us - everything "reported" was automatic "fact"

Now? What do you believe? What stage are you at in the Great Awakening?

Newsflash: We didn't lose all of them. Many will come back once their lives are no longer in danger and Operations are complete.

The best is yet to come!


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Salvage is a Cabal-controlled brainwashed parrot swallowing and regurgitating every laughable Mocking Media LIE!

:an_laugh:"Russian Collusion" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Tested Positive" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Safe and Effective" 🤡
:an_laugh:"81 Million Votes" 🤡
:an_laugh:Devolution "Debunked" by Clown Fact-Chokers 🤡
:an_laugh:"PizzaGate is a Qanon Conspiracy" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Hunter's Laptop was Russian Disinformation" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Jan 6th was a MAGA Insurrection" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Putin is Hitler - The Big Bad Wolf Invaded Ukraine!" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Trump Grabbed the Steering Wheel of the Beast!" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Trump is soooooo indicted - Facing 717 Years in Prison"..🤡

And that's just a tiny sample over the last 6-8 years.

Imagine all the garbage he's been educated indoctrinated with over DECADES from his quackademic anti-American Marxist professors.

Think back to all those awesome promising C&P "Great Reads" which ALWAYS to turn to shit! TARDS are told they're delicious chocolate bars and always chow down! Mmmm.. :poop: 🤮

They NEVER learn. Reading LENBO's posts and replies, they just keep going and going...

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but not our TARDS.

A NORMAL THINKING person would pause and self-reflect...."Hmmm...if my sources lied to me about X, what else are they lying about??"

Wouldn't you? I would.

Nope, not our TARDS. Still going...still "Doing God's Work" using imploding media sources nobody listens to or trusts anymore.

How many lies and stupidity can the human brain handle until it completely implodes???

The Rx experiment continues!

Actually I dont expect them to EVER get it

ON the contrary I would have expected some of the Slightly Smarter of the MAGOOS here to pick up on this part

A NORMAL THINKING person would pause and self-reflect...."Hmmm...if my sources lied to me about X, what else are they lying about??"

I am comfounded that so many people have to believe fictional MSM/Govt stories in their head in order to avoid the painful truths.....

Nov 11, 2007
How many good celebrities had to fake their own deaths in order to help take down the cabal?

How many are still alive in disguise and/or in witness protection?

Masks? Master of disguises?

How many "boot club" photos you seen? LOTS! Where do you think White Hats got the information for their arrests and military tribunals?

How far back does "The Plan" go? Two decades? More?

Think back to all the great celebrities' who worked in Satan's cesspool known as "Hollywood" that we "lost"...or so we were told.

"Heart Attacks"
"Drug Overdoses"

Twenty years ago, we believed everything the "news" told us - everything "reported" was automatic "fact"

Now? What do you believe?

Newsflash: We didn't lose all of them. Many will come back once their lives are no longer in danger and Operations are complete.

The best is yet to come!

Hmm-this seems on its own to contradict or at least be at odds with what you and sbd have stated previously about the alleged

many thousands of members of the "DS" such as the Clintons, Bill Gates, George Santos who you claim were tried and executed

at Gitmo in the last several years and that the folks we have seen since that time looking and talking like them are body doubles,

actors, optics, holographs, etc!!

The conclusion is that once again you have posted something inconsistent with previous statements and instead hope and pray

based on expediency it will fly rather than as usual shatter like a piece of glass does into a zillion pieces all over the place if dropped

on the floor!!

Nov 11, 2007
What is curiously missing but not all that surprisingly not only in this thread but in virtually all of the others is that none of the Trump

fellators have posted anything SPECIFICALLY AND DIRECTLY rebutting anything charged in the 91 indictments!!

Conversely, neither sheriff joe, sbd, their puppet/doctor success, or MAGAmoron has presented anything in

the way of accountability for such things as their 99.8% FAILED predictions most notably their ongoing and daily ones posted

daily for almost three years that Trump's devolution is IMMINENT as well as other attention-seeking tabloid statements without

even the tiniest speck of evidence to support them!!

In fact, their "proof/evidence" consists of nothing more than begging the question, poisoning the well, projection and unsupported


To be blunt and to cut to the chase, this thread as well as virtually all of the other ones in this section amount not to politics per se

but rather cheerleading for Trump!!

As I see it, the main reason they chose Trump as their hero/deity rather than someone else is because they see things in him

that they do not possess in their own existence and would love to have such as money, power, dominance, bullying/intimidation.

This applies to most other folks in society who elected him in 2016!!

I can certainly understand CHILDREN living their lives vicariously through someone else but not as grown adults who should

by this juncture in life be able to stand on the merits of their own accomplishments in life.

If they don't have anything to hang their hats on, they should do things to improve their lot of life, that certainly does not include

worshipping and trying to emulate a false criminal/lying piece of dreck like Donald Trump!!

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