
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I wonder if economic conditions continue to improve or even stabilize between now and the Election, things such as interest

ant mortgage rates, inflation, gas prices, food prices, and the stock market, could perhaps influence the polling date!!

Ask Lenny Lenbo the question, who lives perenially in a time warp that is stuck in the present forever

and who in general blocks out anything in his mind, in general, that deviates from what could occur from how

he perceives things now, and you will get a resounding NO!!

The very fact that he won't even acknowledge that the latest interest rate news and the surge in the stock market are a good thing

are evidence that Lenny is a stubborn/curmudgeon concrete stone wall who never has and never will concede anything that

goes against his pre-determined already made-up mind whether it is Trump, the economy, or anything else!!

Thank God that I and the overwhelming number of people in the country are not stuck in a miserbale rut as he is!!

Gotta love the latest interest rate news . Fed holds rates at 22 year high .

Even Dems are running from using the word Bidenomics .


Stick to Orange man bad genius .

Dec 17, 2004

Sep 21, 2004
Funny when in front of cameras and at rallies where there are no consequences for LYING Rudy and Trump tell us all about how truly innocent and persecuted they are, and how they have 'absolute proof' and 'all the evidence' needed to 'exonerate themselves'.

Savage to all the shut-ins= same result. Roadscum, LoserLenny, drdoodoo, and the remaining scum of the earth.

But EVERY single time they have the chance to step up and show us and PROVE it by presenting this so called 'evidence' in a Court of Law, while testifying under oath where LIES have consequences, they suddenly run away like the cowards they truly are!
Is DJT in prison? When any of the charges brought against him put him in Prison I will accept and move on. Until then the charges are a sham! A Red Herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question.

That question can be whatever is the truth? Doubt anyone will ever know except maybe those who are alive 2-3 Decades from now… Go Cats/Bengals
Sep 12, 2022
As usual, Patriots posting truth bombs today. Crushing whatever feeble efforts the Tards now have to resort to.


Imagine your favorite investigative journalist here penetrating the Manhattan Mendacity Factory and getting hired as a columnist for the oh-so-prestigious "paper of record." What type of material would I submit?

Well, certainly not any of the articles found here at RN&H / ANYT. Not only would such "hate speech" ™ be spiked long before it could reach the presses; but security goons would immediately escort my suddenly unemployed self out of the building with my box full of desk trinkets and photos in hand.

No sir. An old-fashioned frontal assault on the (((usual suspects))) -- coming from within the Belly of the Beast -- would never work. The only way to capitalize on such a hypothetical opportunity would be to present the truth within the framework of a "critics say" narrative. "Hey -- It's not me saying this crazy stuff. I'm just reporting what those extremist nutjob antisemites actually believe."

This Op-Ed column by Bret Stephens (cough cough) -- structured as a "Q & A Guide"-- is a perfect example of something that mischievous Mike would try to sneak past an editor, if ever given the opportunity. This is not to suggest that Stephens has been a sleeper all along. His Jewish-to-the-core "street cred" resume is far too lengthy.

A more plausible explanation would be that the Slimes has been placed under submission by the emergency military COG (Continuity of Government) operation; and is having material submitted in his name.

Either that, or the desperation of the current situation has so emotionally rattled Stephens-- and several others at the Slimes -- that they are now consistently revealing things better left unspoken (here) (here) (here).

In so doing, they are giving free publicity -- and a degree of legitimacy -- to subjects which have always been given the "silent treatment" in the past. Inadvertent or forced, this is a very useful -- and shocking -- article. Let's review some of Stephens's "Question & Answer" truth gems.
1. The Anti-New York Times -- which seeks to bring the 80% - 99% Truthers to the very bottom of the rabbit hole -- operates in a realm where direct and honest frontal assault on the (((usual suspects))) is required, and appreciated. // 2 & 3.

The secret White Hats, agents like the imposter "Elon Musk" and, quite possibly, "Bret Stephens," however, must operate within deeply brainwashed Normiedom (the Matrix) itself. That fantasy world requires a stealthy, subtle, soft and slow approach.

Question: What is antisemitism?

Answer: It’s a conspiracy theory that holds that Jews are uniquely prone to use devious means to achieve malevolent ends and must therefore be opposed by any means necessary, including violence.

Mike's Analysis: "Jews" accused of acting "deviously" and "malevolently?" Tell it, Bret. Tell it!

Question: So why do you call antisemitism a conspiracy theory? Isn’t it just simple bigotry against Jews?

Answer: Antisemitism has expressed itself over the centuries as political opposition to Jews, religious hatred, cultural disdain, xenophobia or racism. It’s a shape-shifting virus that has adapted itself to the reigning prejudices of different eras. But a common thread linking one strain to another is that antisemitism typically takes the form of a conspiracy theory.

Analysis: Antisemitism has been in effect for "centuries" and Jews have always been accused of acting in a "conspiratorial" manner? Tell it, Bret. Tell it!

Question: Such as?

Answer: Deicide, for starters — the idea that Jews got the Romans to kill Jesus.

Analysis: And indeed, they did. Indeed, they did. To quote the vulgar Jewish "comedienne," Sarah Silverman: "I hope the Jews did kill Christ. I'd do it again. I'd f****ng do it again in a second!"

Answer: (continued): Later, in the Middle Ages, came the belief that plagues were caused by Jews poisoning wells.

Analysis: Those genocidal plagues -- by the candid admissions of even some Jewish historians -- somehow seemed to "pass over" the Jewish quarters. The "miracle" is attributed to Jews washing their hands more frequently than dirty goyim!"

Answer: (continued): Next, it was Jews using their financial power to start wars.

Tell it, Bret. Tell it!

Answer: (continued): Or their control of media and Hollywood to manipulate public opinion and degrade public morals.

Analysis: Now I'm really thinking that this has to be "Bret Stephens," -- know what I'm sayin'?

Answer: (continued): Or their influence in Congress and the White House to take America to war in the Middle East and advance Israeli interests.

Analysis: This is way too candid and comprehensive. He's got to be under submission or in Gitmo!

Question: Isn’t there some truth to the last point? Weren’t figures like Paul Wolfowitz largely responsible for taking the United States to war in Iraq?

Answer: Actually, the people who took America to war in Iraq were George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Blaming second-tier Jewish officials for the actions of top-tier Christian officials is classic antisemitism.

Analysis: This "exchange" suggests that "second-tier" Jews such as Wolfowitz strongly influenced the "top tier" goy frontmen. That's a key conversation point to keep alive.

Question: But if antisemitism is a conspiracy theory, why do so many people call anti-Zionism a form of antisemitism?

Answer: Remember that antisemitism can also take the form of political hatred, and Zionism — that is, support for the existence of a Jewish state, as opposed to any of its policies — is today the principal expression of Jewish politics. But even anti-Zionism increasingly expresses itself as a conspiracy theory.

Analysis: The imaginary questioner actually seems to be getting the best of "Bret Stephens" here!

"Bret" accurately covers many of the classic "antisemitic" accusations! Medieval plagues casued by anti-Christ Jews poisoning wells in the middle of the night, banker wars, Hollywood degeneracy and the Israel Lobby. (Image 2 - German WW2 poster reads "He is to blame for the war!"

Question: How does anti-Zionism express itself as a conspiracy theory.

Answer: Think of it this way: To the German antisemite, Jews were impostors and swindlers — impostors, because they claimed to be citizens of Germany --swindlers, because they were in the business of swindling “true” Germans out of their patrimony (heritage / inheritance).

Analysis: Stephens just gave an accurate 100% unfiltered assessment of the attitude of the Germans.

Answer: (continued): To the 21st-century anti-Zionist, Jews are impostors and swindlers — impostors, because they claimed to have ancestral ties to the Holy Land when anti-Zionists claim they are colonizers from Europe; swindlers, because they were swindling Palestinians out of their patrimony (heritage / inheritance).

Analysis: He did it again! This time, giving an accurate 100% unfiltered assessment of the attitude of the Palestinians.

Question: Israel is being widely accused of committing genocide.

Answer: That accusation is also a form of antisemitism. It is manifestly false: If Israel really wanted to commit genocide in Gaza, it has the means to do so. Accusing Jews of the very crime of which they themselves were history’s greatest victim is a uniquely vile taunt.

Analysis: "Stephens," by excusing away "genocide," is not helping to repair the reputation damage that Jews are increasingly sustaining now.

Question: I still think Israel’s response is inhumane, disproportionate and counterproductive.

Answer: I disagree, but that’s entirely legitimate criticism, just as it’s legitimate to object to Israel’s settlement policy in the West Bank or to Benjamin Netanyahu’s extremist government.

Analysis: Pay attention. Though he "disagreed," Mr. "Stephens" clearly stated that calling Israel "inhumane" is "an entirely legitimate criticism" -- and then he himself refers to Satanyahoo's government as "extremist!"

Question: I used to think of antisemitism mainly as a right-wing phenomenon, connected to racists like David Duke. But now all the talk is of antisemitism among people who think of themselves as progressives. How did that happen?

Answer: Here’s a quote for you: “What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.” Joseph Goebbels? No, it’s Karl Marx. There’s always been a virulent strain of left-wing antisemitism, which the Soviet Union propagated throughout much of the Cold War.

Analysis: Tell it, Mr. Marx. Tell it! The publication of this quote by Marx (cough cough) is astonishing for two reasons.

First, it is highly incendiary. But beyond that, we need to understand that most Slimes readers hold Marx in high regard, or, at the very least, consider him a legitimate, though imperfect, "philosopher."

Given the audience here, Stephens is actually making a credibility statement! Stephens and his imaginary foil are essentially saying: "Ya know -- it ain't just those crazy right-wingers saying this about Jews. Many on the left can't stand us rascals either -- including the brilliant Karl Marx!"

Question: I hope this isn’t an uncouth question but — why the Jews? Why has antisemitism mutated and persisted over so many centuries?

Analysis: Spot-on and ballsy question, Mr. Interviewer! Bravo! This "uncouth" question usually marks the very beginning of the long journey down the rabbit hole.

Answer: Jews have long stood for a set of ideas that, if not radical now, were radical in their time. Among them: monotheism, freedom, general literacy and what Jewish tradition calls “argument for the sake of heaven.”

Analysis: Jews were hated because they were always ahead of the times??? Even the Boobus Brothers will have a hard time gulping down that kosherized excrement! Game, set, match to the hypothetical questioning entity here.

Bret Stephens -- or "Bret Stephens" -- rigged the debate against himself, and lost badly. His Straw Man turned out to be a tenacious Iron Man! Was this done on purpose? Yeah -- I think so, for this is EXACTLY what I would written if I had been planted within the enemy camp.

Now, a surreptitious shot like this isn't going to exactly transform worshippers of the Slimes in to stark raving "antisemites." That's not the intention here. But what this and so many other surprising recent reveals are accomplishing is the normalization of "legitimate" criticism of Israel and, by extension, the Jews.

The Slimes is now giving us "permission" to at least hold intelligent conversations about this problem. If this unmistakable trend continues, it will be a BIG change in our political culture --- and provide goyim like us with new opportunities to teach REAL history. Well played, "Bret." Well played.

Jewish speakers and scribblers are very skilled at dishonestly setting up Straw Men that they will then effortlessly knock down. But Bret's invented counterpart here turned out to be Iron Man, and Bret himself the weasel-worded weakling instead.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Elon Musk
Tucker Carlson
Alex Jones
Robert Kennedy Jr.
Vivek Ramaswamy

Thousands of Anons and Digital Soldiers around the world.

All assets deployed.

Corporate media is dead.

Information Warfare.

Operation RedPill in full force.

The Great Awakening.


Nov 11, 2007
Elon Musk
Tucker Carlson
Alex Jones
Robert Kennedy Jr.
Vivek Ramaswamy

Thousands of Anons and Digital Soldiers around the world.

All assets deployed.

Corporate media is dead.

Information Warfare.

Operation RedPill in full force.

The Great Awakening.

The only sure thing is that YOU need a "great awakening!!"

Sadly though without intense professional help that simply isn't going to occur in your lifetime, and even with it, it is

very unlikely because you are too far gone into the land of the abyss, delusion, fantasy and imagination for any realistic chance

of recovery!!

Nov 11, 2007

In a perfect world, this lady would be given a free vacation with a one-way ticket on a rocket launch with no destination

with the hopes that somewhere out there in the universe there is some kind of governmental system that fits her

own philosophical one!!
Aug 17, 2019

We are literally hanging on the cliff of it.

The "main event" that has been promised since the onset is closer than ever, literally knocking at the door.

NOVEMBER 30th-DECEMBER 17th is going to be VERY intense.

Those of us at the forefront of the spiritual war are making the final move.

It will take place in the UK, the area known as Stonehenge.

This is the site of the Satanic gender reversal mind-control program that has led to the evil and unfortunate explosion of gender confusion and gender reversal.

The details are very complicated but am asking for prayers because it is the mission that will cause the biggest retaliation and most likely be THE "MAIN GLOBAL EVENT".

If the retaliation isn't immediate it will almost certainly follow shortly thereafter.



Our mission has been intense, but successful, and is nearing completion.

Future timeline secured.

Re-education systems in place.

This will put an end to the evil and satanic gender confusion and reversal program we saw rise up during the plandemic.

NO, it's not normal to want/have sex changes.

NO, it's not normal to identify as a cat and go to the bathroom in a litter box.

NO, it's not normal to teach this in schools or churches.

NO, it's not normal to support any of it as a parent, educator, health professional, religious figure or public figure.

Gender confusion and reversal is not only evil and satanic, it is a serious mental illness and all, especially the parents involved, need serious psychiatric help.

Thank you to anyone who sent prayers our way.

This, by far, was the most intense missions to-date.


Nov 11, 2007
Our mission has been intense, but successful, and is nearing completion.

Future timeline secured.

Re-education systems in place.

This will put an end to the evil and satanic gender confusion and reversal program we saw rise up during the plandemic.

NO, it's not normal to want/have sex changes.

NO, it's not normal to identify as a cat and go to the bathroom in a litter box.

NO, it's not normal to teach this in schools or churches.

NO, it's not normal to support any of it as a parent, educator, health professional, religious figure or public figure.

Gender confusion and reversal is not only evil and satanic, it is a serious mental illness and all, especially the parents involved, need serious psychiatric help.

Thank you to anyone who sent prayers our way.

This, by far, was the most intense missions to-date.

So today is the 15th meaning you have two days left to show some us EMPIRICAL evidence that what you have stated/predicted

is true!!

I am not that optimistic though and why should I be because you have made hundreds if not thousands of predictions

for almost three years on a regular if not daily basis that Trump's reinstatement and for the last few years devolution is "IMMINENT!"

Betting on this come to true has about the same chances of taking a horse that has finished last fifty straight times

in state fair racing, entering it in the Kentucky Derby and betting on the horse to win!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Our mission has been intense, but successful, and is nearing completion.

Future timeline secured.

Re-education systems in place.

This will put an end to the evil and satanic gender confusion and reversal program we saw rise up during the plandemic.

NO, it's not normal to want/have sex changes.

NO, it's not normal to identify as a cat and go to the bathroom in a litter box.

NO, it's not normal to teach this in schools or churches.

NO, it's not normal to support any of it as a parent, educator, health professional, religious figure or public figure.

Gender confusion and reversal is not only evil and satanic, it is a serious mental illness and all, especially the parents involved, need serious psychiatric help.

Thank you to anyone who sent prayers our way.

This, by far, was the most intense missions to-date.

There are three things from this post as well as from other posts that are obvious to the keen and observant eye and especially from

someone like myself who has followed this thread for almost four years since you started it:

1) You never supply SPECIFICS OR EVIDENCE in your posts but rather only unsupported generalized opinions and

begging the question and poisoning the well!!

2) You love at least trying to make yourself the center of attention to try to make up for other deficiencies in your life!!

3) Although it is not a keystone in this particular post, you love to taunt people whom you envy and view as being in a much better place

in life than you are!!

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