
Nov 11, 2007

Since no one has suggested any kind of credible defense for Trump's crimes, perhaps they have something they can post to "prove"

Rudy's "innocence!!"

Considering how much Giuliani is tied to Trump and based on the verdict above if I was Trump or one of his supporters, I would

worried and scared shitless about what lies ahead for Trump in the coming days and weeks!!
Sep 12, 2022
Salvage is a Cabal-controlled brainwashed parrot swallowing and regurgitating every laughable Mocking Media LIE!

:an_laugh:"Russian Collusion" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Tested Positive" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Safe and Effective" 🤡
:an_laugh:"81 Million Votes" 🤡
:an_laugh:Devolution "Debunked" by Clown Fact-Chokers 🤡
:an_laugh:"PizzaGate is a Qanon Conspiracy" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Hunter's Laptop was Russian Disinformation" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Jan 6th was a MAGA Insurrection" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Putin is Hitler - The Big Bad Wolf Invaded Ukraine!" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Trump Grabbed the Steering Wheel of the Beast!" 🤡
:an_laugh:"Trump is soooooo indicted - Facing 717 Years in Prison"..🤡

And that's just a tiny sample over the last 6-8 years.

Imagine all the garbage he's been educated indoctrinated with over DECADES from his quackademic anti-American Marxist professors.

Think back to all those awesome promising C&P "Great Reads" which ALWAYS to turn to shit! TARDS are told they're delicious chocolate bars and always chow down! Mmmm.. :poop: 🤮

They NEVER learn. Reading LENBO's posts and replies, they just keep going and going...

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but not our TARDS.

A NORMAL THINKING person would pause and self-reflect...."Hmmm...if my sources lied to me about X, what else are they lying about??"

Wouldn't you? I would.

Nope, not our TARDS. Still going...still "Doing God's Work" using imploding media sources nobody listens to or trusts anymore.

How many lies and stupidity can the human brain handle until it completely implodes???

The Rx experiment continues!

Hahahahahahahaha!!! Salvage is so dumb it boggles the mind!

Sep 21, 2004
Hang in there….

Trump doubles down, saying ‘Obamacare Sucks’ and must be replaced… Best insurance until you use it 👍 Remember the penalty if you were not covered? Ya All thought you lived in America the Free…..​

President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama teamed up on a new video vowing to protect and expand Obamacare at a time when former President Donald Trump has threatened to renew his efforts to repeal the health care law if he wins a second term.

The White House will release the video on social media later Friday as part of its effort to promote open enrollment in the Affordable Care Act exchanges, a White House official told CNN.

The video, first shared with CNN, starts with Biden reading a text message that asks, “Hey President Biden, is Obamacare still a thing?” Biden then turns to Obama and says, “Is it still a thing?”

“Yes, Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, Bidencare, whatever you call it – yes, it is still a thing,” Obama says. “The other side’s been trying to repeal it every year since it’s existed, but we’ll keep fighting to protect it.”

$2000 deductible and separate deductible for certain services like prescriptions and drugs…. Oh yea you only pay 20% after meeting deductible..

Sep 5, 2010
President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama teamed up on a new video vowing to protect and expand Obamacare at a time when former President Donald Trump has threatened to renew his efforts to repeal the health care law if he wins a second term.

The White House will release the video on social media later Friday as part of its effort to promote open enrollment in the Affordable Care Act exchanges, a White House official told CNN.

The video, first shared with CNN, starts with Biden reading a text message that asks, “Hey President Biden, is Obamacare still a thing?” Biden then turns to Obama and says, “Is it still a thing?”

“Yes, Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, Bidencare, whatever you call it – yes, it is still a thing,” Obama says. “The other side’s been trying to repeal it every year since it’s existed, but we’ll keep fighting to protect it.”

$2000 deductible and separate deductible for certain services like prescriptions and drugs…. Oh yea you only pay 20% after meeting deductible..
Still waiting for the trump answer, 7 years later.

Get ready for the return.
Sep 12, 2022

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Mr Magoo would have you believe this couldnt happen.

There is video evidence of cheating, pulling out ballots from under a table and then running the same batches multiple times,
there is audio evidence of Ruby admitting to the crime

YET somehow this is the decision that came down.

Yes a whole system can be in on anything they want


Nov 11, 2007
Mr Magoo would have you believe this couldnt happen.

There is video evidence of cheating, pulling out ballots from under a table and then running the same batches multiple times,
there is audio evidence of Ruby admitting to the crime

YET somehow this is the decision that came down.

Yes a whole system can be in on anything they want

If Trump truly is the "acting CIC" as you, sheriff joe and sbd claim, shouldn't he not only be able to overturn this but

in addition, send the judge immediately for trial and quick execution!! lol

It is just a matter of time before Trump fellating/racist/jew hating slime like yourself are shown the door!!

Nov 11, 2007
Perhaps if doctorsuccess wants to do something constructive snd humane, he ought to petition the Ku Klux Klan, his

favorite charitable organization, and petition them to donate some of their discretionary money to help out Giuliani.

Nov 11, 2007
Daily Reminder 👇 👇 👇

"Why was Melania Trump in Washington D.C. speaking to New Citizens…a job only designated to the First Lady?"

By now, EVERYONE reading this thread knows....except TARDS.

Question-you have already beyond a shadow of a doubt despite your claims to he contrary that "acting CIC" Trump has done zero,

zilch, nada, nothing to prove that he is the "acting CIC."

That said, you have any undeniable proof what Melania has done as the wife of "the acting CIC" other than meeting with some

unknown dufus to prove this!!

tia for your response!!

Nov 11, 2007

I will retire for the evening on this optimistic note and leave it to sheriff "Dracula" joey(how else to describe someone who

regularly posts in the middle of the night lol), sbd and especially to Lenny Lenbo whose Trump rose-colored glasses

that he wears 24/7/365 writes stuff like this off as not true, irrelevant and will not stop him on route to a massive landslide in

the 2024 Election!!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I think Clandestine is onto something here.....(of course ANONS have known for years what Trump, XI and Putin are doing)

"The reason Biden and the Deep State cannot negotiate with Putin, is because Putin wants their heads for crimes against humanity, namely for manufacturing C19.
This is not speculation on my part. Russian MIL literally listed Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Soros, as being the main ideologists behind the plot to manufacture coronavirus strains in Ukraine, with US DoD funding, and there is an open source paper trail to back it up. You can debate on whether or not you believe them, but the reality is, Putin wants the “Western Elites” and Xi agrees with him.

It’s not hyperbolic to say that this is life or death for the Deep State actors. If Trump wins and negotiates a settlement with Putin, Russian MIL have already been demanding for activation of Articles V and VI of the Biological Weapons Treaty, which would result in a Security Council investigation and international military tribunals. That’s what Russian MIL have been demanding at the UN for nearly 2 years now. And that’s just the biological stuff, not even accounting for the whole 2014 coup, shelling the Donbas, funding and supporting Ukraine in 2022, Nord Stream, etc.

What do you think Trump is going to say? No? Trump wants to prosecute the exact same people for crimes against humanity! Putin is literally demanding that all of Trump’s enemies trying to imprison him, must be prosecuted by military tribunal… How could Trump say no to that?! He’d be killing multiple birds with one stone. And Trump’s DOJ wouldn’t have to do the prosecuting. It would be a coalition of military judges from different countries around the world. It would be far more legitimate and no way could the Dems cry “partisanship”. It’s international law.

Y’all might think it’s crazy, but this is the trajectory we are headed on if Trump wins, which is why the Biden regime are going to do everything in their power to prevent Trump from winning. If they fail, they will be treated as international war criminals, and will face the ultimate penalty.
Extinction Level Event."

Aug 17, 2019
I think Clandestine is onto something here.....(of course ANONS have known for years what Trump, XI and Putin are doing)

"The reason Biden and the Deep State cannot negotiate with Putin, is because Putin wants their heads for crimes against humanity, namely for manufacturing C19.
This is not speculation on my part. Russian MIL literally listed Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Soros, as being the main ideologists behind the plot to manufacture coronavirus strains in Ukraine, with US DoD funding, and there is an open source paper trail to back it up. You can debate on whether or not you believe them, but the reality is, Putin wants the “Western Elites” and Xi agrees with him.

It’s not hyperbolic to say that this is life or death for the Deep State actors. If Trump wins and negotiates a settlement with Putin, Russian MIL have already been demanding for activation of Articles V and VI of the Biological Weapons Treaty, which would result in a Security Council investigation and international military tribunals. That’s what Russian MIL have been demanding at the UN for nearly 2 years now. And that’s just the biological stuff, not even accounting for the whole 2014 coup, shelling the Donbas, funding and supporting Ukraine in 2022, Nord Stream, etc.

What do you think Trump is going to say? No? Trump wants to prosecute the exact same people for crimes against humanity! Putin is literally demanding that all of Trump’s enemies trying to imprison him, must be prosecuted by military tribunal… How could Trump say no to that?! He’d be killing multiple birds with one stone. And Trump’s DOJ wouldn’t have to do the prosecuting. It would be a coalition of military judges from different countries around the world. It would be far more legitimate and no way could the Dems cry “partisanship”. It’s international law.

Y’all might think it’s crazy, but this is the trajectory we are headed on if Trump wins, which is why the Biden regime are going to do everything in their power to prevent Trump from winning. If they fail, they will be treated as international war criminals, and will face the ultimate penalty.
Extinction Level Event."

The op stated at the onset of the original RR thread that Trump, Putin and Xi were secretly working together behind the scenes to take down the DS cabal.

And this cooperation started long before the biological weapon known as "covid" was launched.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
The op stated at the onset of the original RR thread that Trump, Putin and Xi were secretly working together behind the scenes to take down the DS cabal.

And this cooperation started long before the biological weapon known as "covid" was launched.
What drop is that,, cant seem to find it quickly

Sep 5, 2010
There is no drop.

I've known for years through my own intell, and it was literally one of the very first posts made in the original thread 3.5+ years ago.

You've got Redeye's little brother lobbing you ultra low iqanon questions.

Can it last more than a week?

You do surround yourself with stupid posters to try to make yourself seem smart.

But it doesn't seem to work.

You are still a low life ultra low iqanon.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

I will retire for the evening on this optimistic note and leave it to sheriff "Dracula" joey(how else to describe someone who

regularly posts in the middle of the night lol), sbd and especially to Lenny Lenbo whose Trump rose-colored glasses

that he wears 24/7/365 writes stuff like this off as not true, irrelevant and will not stop him on route to a massive landslide in

the 2024 Election!!


The odds have never been worse for Trump," he added, "especially with the number of former friends he has out there looking to save their own skins."

If I only had a dollar for every walls are closing in on Trump article over the last the last 7 years pip squeak

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