
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Jared Bernstein, Biden's top economic advisor, says average gas prices being at $3.12/gal is giving families "some real breathing room."

Gas remains substantially higher than when Biden took office ($2.39/gal).

Gas prices are plummeting lightweight


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Ok, here is the complete post

This one was really loaded with the number of topics covered and one of the earlier ones.
That Trump world Tour was a thing of beauty.

what if china q drop.png

Nov 11, 2007
I wonder if economic conditions continue to improve or even stabilize between now and the Election, things such as interest

ant mortgage rates, inflation, gas prices, food prices, and the stock market, could perhaps influence the polling date!!

Ask Lenny Lenbo the question, who lives perenially in a time warp that is stuck in the present forever

and who in general blocks out anything in his mind, in general, that deviates from what could occur from how

he perceives things now, and you will get a resounding NO!!

The very fact that he won't even acknowledge that the latest interest rate news and the surge in the stock market are a good thing

are evidence that Lenny is a stubborn/curmudgeon concrete stone wall who never has and never will concede anything that

goes against his pre-determined already made-up mind whether it is Trump, the economy, or anything else!!

Thank God that I and the overwhelming number of people in the country are not stuck in a miserable rut as he is!!

How bad is it when a citizen of this country roots for gas prices, interest rates, inflation, the stock market, etc.

to get WORSE rather than better, which hurts untold millions of people including himself, and fellow Trump supporters

and Republicans, simply so he can blame everything on Biden!!

Bitter, nasty folks like Lenny Lenbo who are stuck in a rut life because of their massive failures on many levels, are barking

up the wrong tree by taking their anger and frustrations out on society in this manner rather than trying to get at the reasons that caused

their self-inflicted bitterness and feelings of lack of self-worth and self-esteem in this manner!!

Living their lives vincariously through Trump and deifying him as the way to get out of their low status in life

only exacerbates the situation and will only plunge them further into darkness rather than dealing with their deep psychological

and emotional problems that envelope their existence!!

That's it until sometime this afternoon-it is the weekend, it has been a GREAT week for me financially speaking as

it has been for many millions of people all over the country, and I am going to enjoy the weekend rather than have a lowlife

piece of human dreck like Lenny Lenbo with a purposeless and meaningless life occupy my thoughts!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I wonder if economic conditions continue to improve or even stabilize between now and the Election, things such as interest

ant mortgage rates, inflation, gas prices, food prices, and the stock market, could perhaps influence the polling date!!

Ask Lenny Lenbo the question, who lives perenially in a time warp that is stuck in the present forever

and who in general blocks out anything in his mind, in general, that deviates from what could occur from how

he perceives things now, and you will get a resounding NO!!

The very fact that he won't even acknowledge that the latest interest rate news and the surge in the stock market are a good thing

are evidence that Lenny is a stubborn/curmudgeon concrete stone wall who never has and never will concede anything that

goes against his pre-determined already made-up mind whether it is Trump, the economy, or anything else!!

Thank God that I and the overwhelming number of people in the country are not stuck in a miserable rut as he is!!

How bad is it when a citizen of this country roots for gas prices, interest rates, inflation, the stock market, etc.

to get WORSE rather than better, which hurts untold millions of people including himself, and fellow Trump supporters

and Republicans, simply so he can blame everything on Biden!!

Bitter, nasty folks like Lenny Lenbo who are stuck in a rut life because of their massive failures on many levels, are barking

up the wrong tree by taking their anger and frustrations out on society in this manner rather than trying to get at the reasons that caused

their self-inflicted bitterness and feelings of lack of self-worth and self-esteem in this manner!!

Living their lives vincariously through Trump and deifying him as the way to get out of their low status in life

only exacerbates the situation and will only plunge them further into darkness rather than dealing with their deep psychological

and emotional problems that envelope their existence!!

That's it until sometime this afternoon-it is the weekend, it has been a GREAT week for me financially speaking as

it has been for many millions of people all over the country, and I am going to enjoy the weekend rather than have a lowlife

piece of human dreck like Lenny Lenbo with a purposeless and meaningless life occupy my thoughts!!

Stick with that one bullet you have left in your holster .
A Trump conviction .

Because without it you’re shooting blanks

Now back to the latest news on Bidenomics .

Psst only need to generate about 20% more income to break even in this economic environment .

Maybe things will stabilize or improve at the border too pip squeak .


Top Biden economic advisor Jared Bernstein brags about "bringing down costs" on groceries and gas.

What he does not mention is food prices remain up 20.3%, gas prices remain up ~30%, and overall prices remain up 17.4% from when Biden took office.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Told you so!
Told you so!
Told you so!

Did we not?

Over and over..

"Conspiracy theorists" right again!

This election is getting overturned! People are going to lose their shit when they find out the TRUTH!

And every single one of the TARDS who INSISTED there was "no fraud, no proof, no evidence, all misinformation" 🤡...can go suck those donkey balls "Great Reads" they proudly swallow day after day!

"Less than 5 months... It's happening!" - CIC Trump


Nov 11, 2007
I wonder if economic conditions continue to improve or even stabilize between now and the Election, things such as interest

ant mortgage rates, inflation, gas prices, food prices, and the stock market, could perhaps influence the polling date!!

Ask Lenny Lenbo the question, who lives perenially in a time warp that is stuck in the present forever

and who in general blocks out anything in his mind, in general, that deviates from what could occur from how

he perceives things now, and you will get a resounding NO!!

The very fact that he won't even acknowledge that the latest interest rate news and the surge in the stock market are a good thing

are evidence that Lenny is a stubborn/curmudgeon concrete stone wall who never has and never will concede anything that

goes against his pre-determined already made-up mind whether it is Trump, the economy, or anything else!!

Thank God that I and the overwhelming number of people in the country are not stuck in a miserable rut as he is!!

How bad is it when a citizen of this country roots for gas prices, interest rates, inflation, the stock market, etc.

to get WORSE rather than better, which hurts untold millions of people including himself, and fellow Trump supporters

and Republicans, simply so he can blame everything on Biden!!

Bitter, nasty folks like Lenny Lenbo who are stuck in a rut life because of their massive failures on many levels, are barking

up the wrong tree by taking their anger and frustrations out on society in this manner rather than trying to get at the reasons that caused

their self-inflicted bitterness and feelings of lack of self-worth and self-esteem in this manner!!

Living their lives vincariously through Trump and deifying him as the way to get out of their low status in life

only exacerbates the situation and will only plunge them further into darkness rather than dealing with their deep psychological

and emotional problems that envelope their existence!!

That's it until sometime this afternoon-it is the weekend, it has been a GREAT week for me financially speaking as

it has been for many millions of people all over the country, and I am going to enjoy the weekend rather than have a lowlife

piece of human dreck like Lenny Lenbo with a purposeless and meaningless life occupy my thoughts!!
To be clear, I will post relevant links I see as I just did but not indulge in conversation until sometime in the afternoon.
Aug 17, 2019
View attachment 80063

Told you so!
Told you so!
Told you so!

Did we not?

Over and over..

"Conspiracy theorists" right again!

This election is getting overturned! People are going to lose their shit when they find out the TRUTH!

And every single one of the TARDS who INSISTED there was "no fraud, no proof, no evidence, all misinformation" 🤡...can go suck those donkey balls "Great Reads" they proudly swallow day after day!

"Less than 5 months... It's happening!" - CIC Trump


WAIT... so we were right AGAIN?

Of course we were!

When conspiracy becomes TRUTH!

Get ready for the "return".

It was never in doubt!

As promised, tards are going to absolutely HATE how this ends!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I wonder if economic conditions continue to improve or even stabilize between now and the Election, things such as interest

ant mortgage rates, inflation, gas prices, food prices, and the stock market, could perhaps influence the polling date!!

Ask Lenny Lenbo the question, who lives perenially in a time warp that is stuck in the present forever

and who in general blocks out anything in his mind, in general, that deviates from what could occur from how

he perceives things now, and you will get a resounding NO!!

The very fact that he won't even acknowledge that the latest interest rate news and the surge in the stock market are a good thing

are evidence that Lenny is a stubborn/curmudgeon concrete stone wall who never has and never will concede anything that

goes against his pre-determined already made-up mind whether it is Trump, the economy, or anything else!!

Thank God that I and the overwhelming number of people in the country are not stuck in a miserable rut as he is!!

How bad is it when a citizen of this country roots for gas prices, interest rates, inflation, the stock market, etc.

to get WORSE rather than better, which hurts untold millions of people including himself, and fellow Trump supporters

and Republicans, simply so he can blame everything on Biden!!

Bitter, nasty folks like Lenny Lenbo who are stuck in a rut life because of their massive failures on many levels, are barking

up the wrong tree by taking their anger and frustrations out on society in this manner rather than trying to get at the reasons that caused

their self-inflicted bitterness and feelings of lack of self-worth and self-esteem in this manner!!

Living their lives vincariously through Trump and deifying him as the way to get out of their low status in life

only exacerbates the situation and will only plunge them further into darkness rather than dealing with their deep psychological

and emotional problems that envelope their existence!!

That's it until sometime this afternoon-it is the weekend, it has been a GREAT week for me financially speaking as

it has been for many millions of people all over the country, and I am going to enjoy the weekend rather than have a lowlife

piece of human dreck like Lenny Lenbo with a purposeless and meaningless life occupy my thoughts!!
Here’s one more thing to wonder about that might improve before Election Day to help this dumpster fire of a Presidency you delusional dipshit .

Homelessness in the United States has reached its highest-EVER reported level under Biden.

Nov 11, 2007
Back for an encore performance post about LOST Lenny, the reincarnated self-anointed human condom for Trump who

is so attached to Trump that he neither understands the reality of the situation nor has the faintest clue as to how to debate:

Here you go:

"Hey Wilbur-take a look at Lenny's post 8188 where he says the best hope of the Democrats holding to the Presidency

is a Trump conviction!!

I can't believe that anyone is actually is that stupid to write off and minimize what a Trump conviction is and means and the implication

that if it weren't for the possibility of a Trump conviction, it would be no contest!!

Let me add two more truisms to Lenny's way of "thinking!"

1) If someone is considering robbing a convenience store, the only way that he won't get away with it is if he gets caught!! lol

2) If Biden runs against Trump, the only way Biden can win if he gets more votes than Trump and/or if Trump gets fewer

votes than Biden!! :LOL: :LOL:

I mean really, Lenny's thought processes are shockingly and embarrassingly bad and he ought to have someone who has

some real intelligence and knowledge re: how to debate and objectivity rather than rattle something off as he just

did which makes him look incredibly clueless, inept and just plain stupid!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I knew sooner or later some brain dead lib would post something about the blockbuster missing binder story .


Can you say in that binder there’s panic because Trump exposed the Russia hoax ?

If you only had a clue

Nov 11, 2007
I knew sooner or later some brain dead lib would post something about the blockbuster missing binder story .


Can you say in that binder there’s panic because Trump exposed the Russia hoax ?

If you only had a clue
For my one-a-day self-imposed limit on direct posts to you today, which is a big reason for the limit, is that you continue to live in your

Lenny-Lot/Trump-aLot world that Trump is and has always been innocent of ANYTHING he has ever been charged with,

has never lied and is as clean as a whistle, that no matter how reliable and informed the sources who have related, investigate

and/or charged him with all, they are all liars and/or misinformed, and most importantly there is no way he will

ever be convicted, and that he will romp in the 2024 Election!!

Obviously, you will never see it that way but lots of objective people do!

See you tomorow!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
For my one-a-day self-imposed limit on direct posts to you today, which is a big reason for the limit, is that you continue to live in your

Lenny-Lot/Trump-aLot world that Trump is and has always been innocent of ANYTHING he has ever been charged with,

has never lied and is as clean as a whistle, that no matter how reliable and informed the sources who have related, investigate

and/or charged him with all, they are all liars and/or misinformed, and most importantly there is no way he will

ever be convicted, and that he will romp in the 2024 Election!!

Obviously, you will never see it that way but lots of objective people do!

See you tomorow!!

Psst ….

Here’s an idea . Get back to me when you have a clue .

The day before leaving office, Trump issued an order declassifying most of the binder’s contents”

The binder that exposes the whole Russia hoax bullshit .

Sep 5, 2010
For my one-a-day self-imposed limit on direct posts to you today, which is a big reason for the limit, is that you continue to live in your

Lenny-Lot/Trump-aLot world that Trump is and has always been innocent of ANYTHING he has ever been charged with,

has never lied and is as clean as a whistle, that no matter how reliable and informed the sources who have related, investigate

and/or charged him with all, they are all liars and/or misinformed, and most importantly there is no way he will

ever be convicted, and that he will romp in the 2024 Election!!

Obviously, you will never see it that way but lots of objective people do!

See you tomorow!!
The tub of lard isn't really worth wasting your time over.

But him and the rest of the ultra low iqanons know in the back of their delusional minds that the orange encrusted buffoon is running out of time.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The tub of lard isn't really worth wasting your time over.

But him and the rest of the ultra low iqanons know in the back of their delusional minds that the orange encrusted buffoon is running out of time.

Is Trump running out of time because the letters RFK running as a third party is his biggest nightmare ?

Another Witless gem .


I shit smarter than you

Nov 11, 2007
The tub of lard isn't really worth wasting your time over.

But him and the rest of the ultra low iqanons know in the back of their delusional minds that the orange encrusted buffoon is running out of time.
Something tells me that if Lenny was picked and screened for jury duty in ANY of the Trump indictments, "perhaps" Jack Smith

and his legal team "might" have some issues of impartiality with allowing him to serve!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Speaking of issues of impartiality.

It’s so obvious even a clown News Network analyst can see it .


I have no problem with the first part of that. It’s his job to want and try to convict Donald Trump. But the second part of that, before the election, that’s where its crosses the line to the political, in my view.”

Duh !

Nov 11, 2007
The tub of lard isn't really worth wasting your time over.

But him and the rest of the ultra low iqanons know in the back of their delusional minds that the orange encrusted buffoon is running out of time.
Lenny Lenbo should audition to play a part in any movie that has a scene with zombies walking in a hypnotic trance!!

The best part of it for Lenny is that he wouldn't need any kind of training, acting experience or rehearsal because he

has been doing the same thing for many years as a diehard member of Trump's right-wing cult club!! lol

Back much later this evening!!

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