
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

“The radical left Democrats, their fake news allies have unveiled their newest hoax that Donald J. And the Republican Party are a threat to democracy … This is their new line. Here we go again — ‘Russia, Russia, Russia,’ ‘Mueller, Mueller, Mueller,’ ‘Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine.’ One hoax after another,” Trump said.

Nov 11, 2007
That’s a badge of honor to those creeps…We have a couple of those here…
You might want to check out Amazon or eBay, etc. to see if anyone is running any kind of Cyberspecial on blinkers this weekend

because you use the Trump ones so often that they wear out and need to be replaced very frequently!!

Nov 11, 2007

As I have always said and will continue to say is Trump is his own worst enemy by what he says, which in turn strangles

his attorneys, and why he makes Jack Smith's job that much easier!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Hey Witless

Trump just may be in big trouble in NH


New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu endorsed Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley at a town hall Tuesday night in Manchester, the latest step in his long-running effort to slow Donald Trump’s march to the 2024 GOP nomination.

“Let’s get this thing done. We’re all in on Nikki Haley, undoubtedly. You can feel the energy. You can feel it,” the fourth-term governor said.

Nov 11, 2007
If the people who claim that all of the investigations and resultant indictments are nothing but politics and there is no criminalty

or criminal intent involved, then why the hell should they care when the trials are held because he will be found innocent way!!

Actually if Trump is innocent as they claim, I would think that if anything they would want to get the trials conducted BEFORE

the Election because a verdict of innocence should clear his name once and for all and send all undecideds and innocents

lining up in droves to vote for him!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
If the people who claim that all of the investigations and resultant indictments are nothing but politics and there is no criminalty

or criminal intent involved, then why the hell should they care when the trials are held because he will be found innocent way!!

Actually if Trump is innocent as they claim, I would think that if anything they would want to get the trials conducted BEFORE

the Election because a verdict of innocence should clear his name once and for all and send all undecideds and innocents

lining up in droves to vote for him!!

I’m sure Trump would rather be spending time required to be in a courtroom having to defend himself in several trials lined up perfectly before Nov. ‘24 instead of spending time on the campaign trail .

NONE of which an indictment came before he announced his run.

Look away , nothing to see here

If you were only half as smart as you claim to be .

Nov 11, 2007
I’m sure Trump would rather be spending time required to be in a courtroom having to defend himself in several trials lined up perfectly before Nov. ‘24 instead of spending time on the campaign trail .

NONE of which an indictment came before he announced his run.

Look away , nothing to see here

If you were only half as smart as you claim to be .
For me one allotted post to you today,

First of all don't make a fool out of yourself by comparing your intelligence or debating skills to mine.

All any objective person needs to do is to look at all of the times I have made a valid point for you have

ignored, and/or tried to change the subject matter or simply ran away and hid because you had no response

and simply don't match up to me!!

Don't feel bad though as this applies just as much to everyone on your side who unlike you have pretended to put me on

ignore and will continue to do because of what I have done to you and of late roadRODENT!!

Regarding your point about what Trump would rather be doing, that is not the point.

The American voting public needs to know the legal verdict about the accusations before they vote!!

Would you go out and buy a new car simply because it looked nice, bright, and shiny in the dealer's showroom or would you

do some research first and for example see what something like Consumers Report and people who own the same

car say about it first and thus know all the facts first??

This is not a perfect analogy but really, imo to ask a voter to cast a vote for someone charged with 91 plus indictment

without a legal verdict for me seems a bit unfair!!

As usual, you totally failed to respond to the question I posed!!

Bye, bye-see you tomorrow, Mr. Concrete Brick Wall!!

ps Are you happy about the nice stock market surge, plunging gas prices and lower interest rates as any patriotic citizen should

be, and/or as I suspect, hope things turn around for the worse so that you blame it on Biden!!

Aug 5, 2021
Funny when in front of cameras and at rallies where there are no consequences for LYING Rudy and Trump tell us all about how truly innocent and persecuted they are, and how they have 'absolute proof' and 'all the evidence' needed to 'exonerate themselves'.

Savage to all the shut-ins= same result. Roadscum, LoserLenny, drdoodoo, and the remaining scum of the earth.

But EVERY single time they have the chance to step up and show us and PROVE it by presenting this so called 'evidence' in a Court of Law, while testifying under oath where LIES have consequences, they suddenly run away like the cowards they truly are!

Nov 11, 2007
Funny when in front of cameras and at rallies where there are no consequences for LYING Rudy and Trump tell us all about how truly innocent and persecuted they are, and how they have 'absolute proof' and 'all the evidence' needed to 'exonerate themselves'.

Savage to all the shut-ins= same result. Roadscum, LoserLenny, drdoodoo, and the remaining scum of the earth.

But EVERY single time they have the chance to step up and show us and PROVE it by presenting this so called 'evidence' in a Court of Law, while testifying under oath where LIES have consequences, they suddenly run away like the cowards they truly are!
Spot-on post. schmirt-no one could say it better!!

You forgot to mention sbd, the "taunter!!"

No further commentary is needed on this.

Nov 11, 2007
Spot-on post. schmirt-no one could say it better!!

You forgot to mention sbd, the "taunter!!"

No further commentary is needed on this.
Also, how can anyone not include sheriff joe, the psychotic and the one who lives in a world of total fantasy, delusion, imagination

and projection!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
For me one allotted post to you today,

First of all don't make a fool out of yourself by comparing your intelligence or debating skills to mine.

All any objective person needs to do is to look at all of the times I have made a valid point for you have

ignored, and/or tried to change the subject matter or simply ran away and hid because you had no response

and simply don't match up to me!!

Don't feel bad though as this applies just as much to everyone on your side who unlike you have pretended to put me on

ignore and will continue to do because of what I have done to you and of late roadRODENT!!

Regarding your point about what Trump would rather be doing, that is not the point.

The American voting public needs to know the legal verdict about the accusations before they vote!!

Would you go out and buy a new car simply because it looked nice, bright, and shiny in the dealer's showroom or would you

do some research first and for example see what something like Consumers Report and people who own the same

car say about it first and thus know all the facts first??

This is not a perfect analogy but really, imo to ask a voter to cast a vote for someone charged with 91 plus indictment

without a legal verdict for me seems a bit unfair!!

As usual, you totally failed to respond to the question I posed!!

Bye, bye-see you tomorrow, Mr. Concrete Brick Wall!!

ps Are you happy about the nice stock market surge, plunging gas prices and lower interest rates as any patriotic citizen should

be, and/or as I suspect, hope things turn around for the worse so that you blame it on Biden!!

The American voting public needs to know before the election according to who ?

Jack Smith in his filing to the Supreme Court ?

Keep in mind clown . Half of that voting public disagrees .

Judging by the ass kicking the senile pants shitter is taking in the polls keep hope alive for this trial to proceed on time .

And maybe Clarence Thomas should recuse himself if the Supreme Court takes the case according to little Dick Durbin . Lol

Nov 11, 2007
I wonder if economic conditions continue to improve or even stabilize between now and the Election, things such as interest

ant mortgage rates, inflation, gas prices, food prices, and the stock market, could perhaps influence the polling date!!

Ask Lenny Lenbo the question, who lives perenially in a time warp that is stuck in the present forever

and who in general blocks out anything in his mind, in general, that deviates from what could occur from how

he perceives things now, and you will get a resounding NO!!

The very fact that he won't even acknowledge that the latest interest rate news and the surge in the stock market are a good thing

are evidence that Lenny is a stubborn/curmudgeon concrete stone wall who never has and never will concede anything that

goes against his pre-determined already made-up mind whether it is Trump, the economy, or anything else!!

Thank God that I and the overwhelming number of people in the country are not stuck in a miserbale rut as he is!!

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