How Are They Going To Force Sterling To Sell??


Jul 4, 2012
And by the way I understood the term willful... just used it in the wrong context. Which I admit I did.

Uh, you had no idea what the term "willful" meant, it was pointed out by multiple posters, and you laughably came back and tried to say you used the wrong "context"

You are an absolute and complete dumb fuck.

Jul 4, 2012
All of you guys are posting quotes related to Sterling against the NBA selling his team. I will admit I did not predict his wife would find him mentally insane, then sell the team, and then Sterling would be creating lawsuits based on his own family trust and not the NBA. I have no clue what's in the family trust and it has nothing to do with the NBA or their Constitution. If the judge rules in favor of Shelly selling the team, just about everything I said was correct.

And I stated numerous times that I do not care if he has civil lawsuits against the NBA after the team has sold. It was about lawsuits preventing the NBA from selling the team.

Hey lying dumb fuck, Donald Sterling has 2 lawsuits filed that are seeking to stop the NBA from selling the team.

You are such a liar (or so stupid) you can not admit this.

Jul 4, 2012
All of you guys are posting quotes related to Sterling against the NBA selling his team. I will admit I did not predict his wife would find him mentally insane, then sell the team, and then Sterling would be creating lawsuits based on his own family trust and not the NBA. I have no clue what's in the family trust and it has nothing to do with the NBA or their Constitution. If the judge rules in favor of Shelly selling the team, just about everything I said was correct.

Donald Sterling has filed suits (multiple) seeking to stop the sale of the team. Neither of which has anything to do with the family trust.

Also notice, you can not even acknowledge your own dumb ass comments regarding what the lawyers would say to Sterling and that Sterling is "giving up"

You are one of the stupidest and most pathetic people on the Internet.

Jul 4, 2012
All of you guys are posting quotes related to Sterling against the NBA selling his team. I will admit I did not predict his wife would find him mentally insane, then sell the team, and then Sterling would be creating lawsuits based on his own family trust and not the NBA. I have no clue what's in the family trust and it has nothing to do with the NBA or their Constitution. If the judge rules in favor of Shelly selling the team, just about everything I said was correct.

And I stated numerous times that I do not care if he has civil lawsuits against the NBA after the team has sold. It was about lawsuits preventing the NBA from selling the team.

Dumbass, the lawsuit regarding the family trust has a whole lot to do with the NBA because it involves the ownership of an NBA team and is holding up the potential sale of a team, and the NBA Commissioner even commented on it. So you might want to stop making the idiotic assertion that has "nothing to do with the NBA" Such statements remind everyone how stupid you are.

As to your laughably pathetic attempt to say that if Sterling loses in probate court "just about everything you said was correct" we can refer to your own words:

I have two arguments. 1 is dependent on my first argument. I think the owners will vote 29-0. If they don't vote Sterling out, than all hell breaks loose and I have no clue what will happen.

You realize dumbass that if Shelly Sterling wins in probate court there will be no vote by the owners, right?

Of course your moronic prediction of events was:

Sterling banned for life ---> NBA votes him out (29-0) as owner ---> NBA sells team

The reality of events is:

No NBA Owners Vote to oust Don Sterling ---> Shelly Sterling uses legal conditions of family trust to seize control of trust & team ---> (potentially) Shelly Sterling sells team

For you to claim anything, any one single thing, you claimed about this matter is correct is laughable and preposterous.

All of your clueless comments here reveal a low IQ and laughable ignorance of the topic.

Jul 4, 2012
And by the way I understood the term willful... just used it in the wrong context.

No, you laughable loser, you didn't understand it at all. Here is your comically stupid assertion:

Originally Posted by akphidelt Willfull simply means he willfully had a conversation making racist comments.

That is not the wrong "context" it is 100% factually false. Not only did you not understand that the NBA Constitution is a legal document authored by a bunch of lawyers, thus the term "willful" has an actual legal definition, you used it incorrectly. Not out of any context, you used it laughably wrong.


intending the result which actually conies to pass ; [referring to acts which are intentional, conscious and directed toward achieving a purpose.]

In other words, you absolute moron, in order for the act to be 'willful' Sterling would have to have the conversation knowing the results of the conversation would result in bad publicity for the NBA.

To say that you used the word in the wrong "context" is laughable and pathetic.

You are laughable and pathetic.

Jul 4, 2012
All these lawsuits are based on his wife and their family trust.

Um, this lawsuit was filed in federal court:

The suit, filed in federal court in California, accuses the league and Commissioner Adam Silver of punishing Mr. Sterling based on an "illegally" obtained recording as it asks for at least $1 billion in damages. It also asks to have Mr. Sterling remain in place as owner and for the league to drop a $2.5 million fine levied against him over racist comments that were made public in the recording.

It has nothing to do with his wife, the family trust, or the probate court trial.

Why do you keep posting these dumb fuck lies?

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Yep, he has that going over a worthless fucking CLOWN like you who lacks the integrity, decency, or honesty to ever admit your wrong. Just an arrogant, sheltered douche who cries when he doesn't get his way. A PATHETIC Pussy.

Willie and Acebb are weird ass dudes. Acebb can't even admit he was wrong about Vitterd posting in the Poly forum. He couldn't admit he was wrong about liquidating assets, etc. There are many more, the dude is one of the biggest liars on this site.

The entire reason why Willie is acting like a pussy is he refuses to admit he made racist comments. It's hilarious. He even had the audacity to try to come up with some math he was using to make those comments. It was ridiculous.

And then dumbass festeringZit says I am 100% wrong and Willie just misspoke... lol. What a clown these guys are. Never seen such an embarrassing group of kids in my life.

But Willie takes the "Pussy of the Year" award for his FF debacle. Going to be hard to overcome that.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I have never seen a poster more wrong and moronic on every topic as this clown.

"The team is sold!"

"This Sterling thing will be totally wrapped up by June!"


Jul 4, 2012
Willie and Acebb are weird ass dudes. Acebb can't even admit he was wrong about Vitterd posting in the Poly forum. He couldn't admit he was wrong about liquidating assets, etc. There are many more, the dude is one of the biggest liars on this site.


I actually stopped posting in the thread because the mods moved it and I agreed with them I would not talk in any Sterling threads.

You're a laughable dumbass who can't stop lying.

Notice, you can no longer even engage this topic because you've made a total and complete ass of yourself.

Originally Posted by akphidelt
All these lawsuits are based on his wife and their family trust.


​No they don't, you laughably stupid liar.

New member
Jan 4, 2013
If the NBA took the Clippers and put it up for auction it would be a better deal for Sterling because Steve Ballmer last bid price would likely be a starting bid. What Ballmer camp is hoping is the judge to rule in favor of Shelly and the ruling is non appealable, Shelly and Ballmer can proceed with the sale. Eveything else is very much irrelevant.

Sterling & Ballmer have been negotiating over the deal, possibly a settlement out of the court. At this point, that would be the best option for all parties involved. But again, men, more often than not, are pridefully idiots, I wouldn't be shocked if Sterling decides to drag it out a little longer....

If it goes to auction sterlings get less then 2B. Ballmer number would not be the starting price and no one else will get within 500m of that number. The only reason Silver even HAS A CHANCE for this to end quickly and without immense damage to the NBA is Shelly wanting out and Don not being as sharp as he used to be due to his advanced age. I only read the last two pages of this thread but with all due respect AKPH is way off in his posts.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

OMG, another racist poster chimes in :)

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
[FONT=Georgia, serif]I tell you, if there's one thing that's consistent in this forum, it's that scum and gtc08-IQ and duuuuhfinch and the guesser all agree with the least prepared man in the room, literally switching with him whenever he flip flops and should the race baiting fraud ever stop quickly, they all have shit on their noses. But the thing I like best about them is that they always disagree with me, which makes me appreciate even more so than usual what a lucky man I am. For that, I thank them. [/FONT]

[FONT=Georgia, serif]and when wabash jumps in to tell me what a bad person I am while defending the 4 Muskebamas, my amusement rises to another level

to put it simply, I love being despised by the people who despise me in the political arena, I could not be happier. I can't even think of one redeeming factor any of them bring to this gambling site, save for maybe scum's fades (that's actually something substantive)

do they interact well with others?
do they bring something constructive?
do they post winners?
are they known for anything good?

now many posters might fit into 1, 2 or even 3 of those categories, but only a very few (maybe just two, the two I respect the least) sweep the board. The others may actually get along well with others away from the RR and political forums. But two fail at everything, they even beg to participate when not wanted, so fucking pathetic


Jul 4, 2012
How silly and pathetic is this dipshit kid from Alaska?

Well, when it was pointed out in the political forum that he ran from this thread, he stated:

I actually stopped posting in the thread because the mods moved it and I agreed with them I would not talk in any Sterling threads. I actually left when the team sold. Not sure how that is running away.

When it was then pointed out that the above statement is a laughable, absolute lie as he came back to post more dumb drivel, he responded:

It meant all Sterling threads other than that one thread, I'm not sure what is confusing you, lol.

What a pathetic, laughable, liar.

Jul 4, 2012
Just for fun, walking down memory lane:

It will be quick and easy.

^ 95 days since the Sterling tape was released.


Not complicated at all. It probably won't even go to court. The NBA will get him out and quickly.


Sterling case is a novel legal obstacle course

But the string of courtroom losses and Sterling's inability to control his anger may mean little as Shelly Sterling tries to get Levanas to validate her $2-billion sale of the Clippers to former Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer. For the deal to go through, Sterling's wife of nearly 59 years needs the judge to:
— Validate the incapacity procedure she used to take over the family trust.
— Judge irrelevant her husband's subsequent dismantling of the same trust.
— Grant an extraordinary order that even an appellate court's intervention would be meaningless.

Experts say that the latter two issues, in particular, venture into novel legal ground. With limited precedent to guide him, Levanas will fall back on arcane provisions of California's probate code and case law that has little in common with one of the most lucrative deals in big league sports history.
And if Shelly Sterling's team loses on even one of the issues? Then, her lawyer Pierce O'Donnell conceded, the Clippers sale "can't go through immediately."

Note: I pointed out this stupid little kid should have stopped posting on this topic on May 5 to save himself the continued embarrassment.

He persisted.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
How silly and pathetic is this dipshit kid from Alaska?Well, when it was pointed out in the political forum that he ran from this thread, he stated:When it was then pointed out that the above statement is a laughable, absolute lie as he came back to post more dumb drivel, he responded:What a pathetic, laughable, liar.
Acebb calling someone else a liar. Does it get any more comical?Give it up're a proven liar and proven idiot.

Jul 4, 2012
Totally cut and dried!!!

"For a terminated trust, there are no cases that say explicitly how much authority the trustee has," said Steven L. Hogan, a veteran probate attorney. "With nothing close to this situation before, ultimately it's going to make new law."

Jul 4, 2012
Acebb calling someone else a liar. Does it get any more comical?Give it up're a proven liar and proven idiot.

You are a total and complete dumb fuck and jobless loser who actually stiffed a non cash wager.

The fact that you even comment here is surreal.

Run along, dipshit. This topic is way, way too big for your tiny brain.

Jul 4, 2012
This is actually hilarious.

Remember, when the dumb little Alaskan liar was being told that he ran from this thread since he made a total and complete ass of himself, he posted:

I actually stopped posting in the thread because the mods moved it and I agreed with them I would not talk in any Sterling threads. I actually left when the team sold. Not sure how that is running away.

But yet on May 28th he posted this:

I was banned from the Offshore forum for a week so I couldn't respond to these posts. But with the events that happened between then, I just couldn't help myself because of how wrong you guys always are.

But remember!!!

I promised the mods I would not post in Sterling threads other than that one thread.

You can't even parody how fucking dumb this kid is.

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