How Are They Going To Force Sterling To Sell??


Jul 4, 2012
Thanks bro, had this pretty much nailed down from the beginning.


Even if the judge approves Shelly Sterling's removal of her husband from the trust, she will need one more victory. Her sales agreement requires that, without Donald Sterling's permission, the deal is not complete unless a court "issues a final and non-appealable order confirming Shelly Sterling's authority to unilaterally bind the trust" and sell the team.
There are only about a dozen appellate court cases on such special orders, which allow such action in "extraordinary circumstances" involving an imminent loss.


Jul 4, 2012
Thanks man! When you read the stuff that Acebb writes it's no different than all his other beliefs and people like him. They are just weird conspiracy theorists who can't understand the real world.

Oh yeah?

Like when you said you didn't post here because you agreed not to with the moderators? Then you comically tried to lie about it?

Or did you mean something like this?

Originally Posted by akphidelt
Sterling is giving up. His comments today are an indication that he knows his fate.


Oh wait: on May 16th I said:
We'll see you when Sterling files. Idiot.


Jul 4, 2012
The funny thing is they don't learn from their mistakes, it's amazing. It's the way uneducated people think. Just no connection to the real world. They won't face the music like men either.

Oh yeah?

Is that why you posted this?

I actually stopped posting in the thread because the mods moved it and I agreed with them I would not talk in any Sterling threads. I actually left when the team sold. Not sure how that is running away.

Or was it this?

I promised the mods I would not post in Sterling threads other than that one thread.


Jul 4, 2012
One of the funniest things I've ever read

The funniest thing is almost everything Acebb said was wrong within a day or two, lol. Like not even close.

Time to recap the predictions, folks

Originally Posted by akphidelt
The owners will vote, he'll be out.

100% False

Originally Posted by akphidelt
They are already talking about moving the vote up and it will be over 75%. You have a weird view of reality.

100% False

Originally Posted by akphidelt
The owners will vote, he will sell or make an agreement to give up ownership rights to his family.

100% False

Originally Posted by akphidelt
I'm rarely wrong about real world activities.

^ Inserted as parody

Originally Posted by akphidelt
It will be 29-0

100% False

Originally Posted by akphidelt
I'm usually right, not going to lie.

^ Inserted as parody

Originally Posted by akphidelt
Sterling is giving up. His comments today are an indication that he knows his fate.

100% False

Originally Posted by akphidelt
Yea, and his lawyers will tell him if you fight you will lose, your best option is to sell. He will sell.

100% False

Originally Posted by akphidelt
He's going to give up with out a fight.

100% False

Originally Posted by akphidelt
Sterling was not looking to sell his team ever. He was forced to and gave up the fight because he knew he would lose.

100% False

Originally Posted by akphidelt
The NBA won this battle clearly and Sterling and his legal team knew from the beginning any fight against this would be useless. Sterling will end this without a single lawsuit and forced to sell his team,

More comically stupid predictions by captain real world knowledge to add to the list

Originally Posted by akphidelt
More than likely Sterling will end up agreeing to sell on his own.

^ Note, Sterling said the exact opposite of this.

Originally Posted by akphidelt
Trust me on this, you should listen to me instead of make comments. I'm usually right on real world issues.

^ Inserted as parody

Originally Posted by akphidelt He can try. His lawyers will politely tell him he will lose.

^ He's pretending he never said that.

Originally Posted by akphidelt
Well he can't fight about being forced to sell since the owners have not voted yet, lol.

^ Note: Sterling has 3 active lawsuits fighting the sale of the team. That comment shows you how absolutely ignorant and stupid this kid is. He doesn't even begin to understand what he doesn't know. It is hilarious. Keep in mind this abject imbecile also spent pages arguing (p 24-32 and see post #793 for how dumb this idiot actually is) that Sterling will not fight the sale of the team after Sterling's lawyer send a letter to the NBA explicitly saying he intends to fight the sale of the team. This absolute jackass is pretending he never did that either.

Originally Posted by akphidelt

I still think he will be advised to sell, make his money, and bounce.

^ Again, he's pretending this was never said.

Originally Posted by akphidelt
Not complicated at all. It probably won't even go to court.

^ The Sterling trial in Probate court ends today.

Originally Posted by akphidelt
I think he might sue the NBA for their actions, but he's not going to hold up the sale.

^ You can't be more incorrect than that.

Originally Posted by akphidelt
The team will probably be sold by next week. Lol.

^ Posted on May 28th. What an idiot.

Originally Posted by akphidelt
Well considering the fact the team will be sold by next week... I'm pretty sure he is taking his best option, lol.

^ Also posted May 28th. How's that working out for you, dumb fuck?

Originally Posted by akphidelt
I haven't been wrong about anything yet. Regardless of what his lawyer is saying to the NBA, he is in the process of selling the team just as I said he would.
New owner will be their within two weeks. You guys will move on to your next story that you will be incorrect about because you don't understand how the real world works.

^ Laugh until you cry funny for how wrong this is. Note: Donald Sterling has vowed to fight the sale of the team until he dies.

Originally Posted by akphidelt
The team is being sold and will most likely be sold before the owners vote on June 3rd.

^ There was no owners vote and the LA Clippers are still owned by the Sterlings. Note: the Sterling trial resumes July 28th (where he is fighting the sale of the team which has not been over "quickly" as this idiot assumed it would be) which is a little later than June 3rd.

I've never seen someone make such a complete ass of themselves on a single topic as this moron has.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You are a total and complete dumb fuck and jobless loser who actually stiffed a non cash wager.The fact that you even comment here is surreal.Run along, dipshit. This topic is way, way too big for your tiny brain.
How does it feel to be known as the forums proven liar?How do you still post at this site? From your embarrassingly hysterical stance on gun control to your countless lies that have blown up in your face...I really don't know how you can even log in to rx. Even the real right wing wackjobs here run from you

New member
Oct 29, 2010
OMG, this is worse than Dewey defeats Truman:This is pretty darn close on the hilarious scale:Done and over with!!!
Remember when you said "the plays I post win and the ones I don't lose" lmaoHow about when a mod proved you were a liar about me posting in poly forum. LmaoWhat a terrible few months for you here. You need to give up

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Oh yeah?Is that why you posted this?Or was it this?:ohno:
Your worst moment is your thread about Reagan speech after a plane shot down. Claiming that's how a real leader acts. Lmao. He had to be forced home from a month long vacation and later bitched about having to cut it short. He literally had to be dragged back to dc. Guy was busy playing cowboys and indians on his ranch. How can you not hide your head in shame after that thread. What a disgrace.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Your worst moment is your thread about Reagan speech after a plane shot down. Claiming that's how a real leader acts. Lmao. He had to be forced home from a month long vacation and later bitched about having to cut it short. He literally had to be dragged back to dc. Guy was busy playing cowboys and indians on his ranch. How can you not hide your head in shame after that thread. What a disgrace.

Acebb has no shame. One of the craziest things I've seen on a forum. Just blatant lies that are so easily provable, lol. He's in that obsessive nut job state right now. Poor fella needs some friends.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Acebb has no shame. One of the craziest things I've seen on a forum. Just blatant lies that are so easily provable, lol. He's in that obsessive nut job state right now. Poor fella needs some friends.
That reagan thread might be up for most hysterical thread of the year. Guy just swings and misses every single at bat. I don't even think he knows that everyone laughs at him.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
That reagan thread might be up for most hysterical thread of the year. Guy just swings and misses every single at bat. I don't even think he knows that everyone laughs at him.

Lol, that was hilarious. I still remember when he struggled with a basic division and what liquidating assets means. And he was so obviously wrong but just ignores it and claims he's never been wrong on this site. That's the sign of a lunatic. Even people like Dave distance themselves from ace. And Dave is fucking retarded. What does that say about Ace.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Game over bitches. I expect apologies to be formal and sincere. And address me as "Sir Akphidelt" in them. Thanks!

LOS ANGELES – A California judge issued a preliminary ruling Monday in favor of Shelly Sterling, estranged wife of Donald Sterling, in the couple's probate trial, a key move in clearing the way for the pending $2 billion sale of the Los Angeles Clippers.

Judge Michael Levanas handed down an "oral tentative statement decision" that affirmed Shelly Sterling had the authority to reach an agreement in May to sell the team to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who has set an Aug. 15 deadline to complete the deal. The judge said he would review objections before issuing a written ruling.

After plenty of animated testimony in the weeks-long case, Levanas said the evidence showed that Shelly followed provisions of the Sterling Family Trust in having Donald examined by two doctors – who both found he was mentally incapacitated – and subsequently removed as co-trustee; that she has the authority to complete the sale of the team even though Donald revoked the trust June 9; and that the matter was urgent.

Sep 21, 2004
Game over bitches. I expect apologies to be formal and sincere. And address me as "Sir Akphidelt" in them. Thanks!

LOS ANGELES – A California judge issued a preliminary ruling Monday in favor of Shelly Sterling, estranged wife of Donald Sterling, in the couple's probate trial, a key move in clearing the way for the pending $2 billion sale of the Los Angeles Clippers.

Judge Michael Levanas handed down an "oral tentative statement decision" that affirmed Shelly Sterling had the authority to reach an agreement in May to sell the team to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who has set an Aug. 15 deadline to complete the deal. The judge said he would review objections before issuing a written ruling.

After plenty of animated testimony in the weeks-long case, Levanas said the evidence showed that Shelly followed provisions of the Sterling Family Trust in having Donald examined by two doctors – who both found he was mentally incapacitated – and subsequently removed as co-trustee; that she has the authority to complete the sale of the team even though Donald revoked the trust June 9; and that the matter was urgent.

You'rer right again. Just like I said, EVERYONE was gonna be right and wrong in this thread at various times. I suspect you'll be wrong again at some point, as we never know where this senile old racist(Not Wrong Way, Sterling:):)) will take this.
Heard Wrong Way is so angry, he's driving to every Native American Casino in Conn., and telling all the Native American Dealers they can't play Fantasy Football with him, that'll show them. They just shake their heads and smile at the fool, not knowing what in the hell he's talking about, the usual reaction Wrong Way gets when he tries to mingle with people outside his bubble.
Ace is angry too but no one knows the difference. He'll just lie about something, and carry on, just another day in the life of Lying Ace.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
scum grew balls to show up again, or maybe he just found this thread. How cute

does he actually think it's over again? is he dancing?

sounded to me like a probate judge may have overreached a tad with his ruling, but maybe there's some precedent for such. It just doesn't pass the smell test for me. I don't believe a probate judge can circumvent all legal remedies available to Donald, I'd be surprised if he can

Again, we'll know soon enough

Sep 22, 2007
How does it feel to be known as the forums proven liar?How do you still post at this site? From your embarrassingly hysterical stance on gun control to your countless lies that have blown up in your face...I really don't know how you can even log in to rx. Even the real right wing wackjobs here run from you

He is so fucked up, it would decades on a shrink's couch to even begin to help him-who else reels off 9 straight posts in a thread(poor thang, his little dinosaur brain only farts out 1 or 2 "ideas" at a time)? He's a sick rabid, dog, in addition to being, as you pointed out, one of the biggest liars on a forum that is infested with them.

May 27, 2007
Game over bitches. I expect apologies to be formal and sincere. And address me as "Sir Akphidelt" in them. Thanks!

LOS ANGELES – A California judge issued a preliminary ruling Monday in favor of Shelly Sterling, estranged wife of Donald Sterling, in the couple's probate trial, a key move in clearing the way for the pending $2 billion sale of the Los Angeles Clippers.

Judge Michael Levanas handed down an "oral tentative statement decision" that affirmed Shelly Sterling had the authority to reach an agreement in May to sell the team to former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who has set an Aug. 15 deadline to complete the deal. The judge said he would review objections before issuing a written ruling.

After plenty of animated testimony in the weeks-long case, Levanas said the evidence showed that Shelly followed provisions of the Sterling Family Trust in having Donald examined by two doctors – who both found he was mentally incapacitated – and subsequently removed as co-trustee; that she has the authority to complete the sale of the team even though Donald revoked the trust June 9; and that the matter was urgent.

We all told you a few things and you told us we were retarded.

1) We told you this situation would drag on and the sale wouldn't go through quickly. - We were correct.
2) We told you D. Sterling would not give up his team and would fight in the court system. - We were correct.
3) We told you the Clippers were not sold. In the same article you just posted, it says they are not sold. - We were correct.

What are we supposed to apologize for?

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You'rer right again. Just like I said, EVERYONE was gonna be right and wrong in this thread at various times. I suspect you'll be wrong again at some point, as we never know where this senile old racist(Not Wrong Way, Sterling:):)) will take this.
Heard Wrong Way is so angry, he's driving to every Native American Casino in Conn., and telling all the Native American Dealers they can't play Fantasy Football with him, that'll show them. They just shake their heads and smile at the fool, not knowing what in the hell he's talking about, the usual reaction Wrong Way gets when he tries to mingle with people outside his bubble.
Ace is angry too but no one knows the difference. He'll just lie about something, and carry on, just another day in the life of Lying Ace.

Now that is funny, hahaha!! The only problem now is the liars will say he wasn't forced to sell the team, his wife sold it voluntarily. It's amazing how they'll spin things. I said probably 1000 comments on the issue. Some wrong but most right. The NBA was going to get rid of him one way or another and it was going be quick.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Quite possibly the only person in the entire forum that was and is wrong about this matter was / is scum. He's been wrong from start to finish. The truth is he knows this too, which is why scum hid from this thread for weeks after his first premature victory dance. He even lied about that, actually said he couldn't find this thread

The drunken stupor Eskimo is child emotionally and intellectually.

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