Guilty until proven innocent?


New member
Aug 12, 2006
Standard Hosnatcher response, just insult a guy and call him names.

Dude, don't pretend you didn't send me a PM asking if I was going to the RX bash so you could meet me and attempt to kick my ass. Who wants to meet a guy at a bash to fight him? This is the kind of guy I'm talking to here.

I did tell you I was going to be at Vegas during the weekend of the Bash and I said since you have such a negative opinion of me and feel compelled to obsessively talk shit on me every chance you get on the forums that I was willing to meet you face to face to give you the opportunity to confront me about your convictions. I never did threaten you though so don't fuckin lie you coward.

I still don't get why every time I post on these forums why you feel compelled to share with the community who I fucked 17 years ago like you are some kind of cop or something. What the fuck is it to you partner??? Why can't you leave a discussion that we just seem to disagree on in that thread and just shut the fuck up? Do you have a mental defect? Are you queer on me or something? What the fuck is your problem? Is it that hard for you to see a post from me and just fuckin ignore it.

From here on out I am not going to respond to any post or thread that you participate in. I encourage you to work on your obsession with my sexual history and do the same.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
I did tell you I was going to be at Vegas during the weekend of the Bash and I said since you have such a negative opinion of me and feel compelled to obsessively talk shit on me every chance you get on the forums that I was willing to meet you face to face to give you the opportunity to confront me about your convictions. I never did threaten you though so don't fuckin lie you coward.

I still don't get why every time I post on these forums why you feel compelled to share with the community who I fucked 17 years ago like you are some kind of cop or something. What the fuck is it to you partner??? Why can't you leave a discussion that we just seem to disagree on in that thread and just shut the fuck up? Do you have a mental defect? Are you queer on me or something? What the fuck is your problem? Is it that hard for you to see a post from me and just fuckin ignore it.

From here on out I am not going to respond to any post or thread that you participate in. I encourage you to work on your obsession with my sexual history and do the same.

In fact I still have the PM I sent to you on this matter and no where did I physically threaten you. I asked to meet up face to face but nowhere did I mention throwing blows. The text read like this.


Dude are you going to the RX bash this year? I usually take a trip to Vegas every August and I can make sure I go during the week of the Bash this year. I would really love to meet you face to face. You seem to have some deep issues with me and I want to give you the opportunity to handle your business since you seem so strong in your opinions. I am not a fan of using the internet as a vehicle to assassinate ones character or talk shit to an online personality. You are a really annoying motherfucker and personally I think you have no life beyond message boards, forums and feedback which is very, very sad. Either way I could careless how lonely your life really is. All I ask is to meet up at the Bash this year so we can deal with our beef face to face and end it. Or if you want to continue to act like some female and spit your bullshit comments on the RX via replies to my posts then I can make sure we escalate it to the point were the mods have no choice but to ban us both from their website. Or you can take the same advice I offered you many posts ago and just shut the fuck up and don't reply back on any of my posts and threads and I will refrain from replying to your shit just the same.

So now here we are almost a year later and your online obsession with me continues. I have even asked the Mods to delete your posts when you harass me before I respond back because all your posts have become confrontational and just add kindling to the fire. The Mods just ignore it though leaving me no choice but to respond back.
Sep 21, 2004
You break the law everyday every time you wire money to an offshore account and place a bet. You buy shit online right? I am pretty sure you don't claim the tax you saved on your return right? I am also sure you conjure up all sorts of phony tax breaks you can when I suits your needs right? Have you ever had a DUI? Do you drink a few beers at a bar and drive home technically sober enough to drive but legally over the limit?

I don't know about you but when I was younger ages 12-25 years old I thought I was invincible and didn't live my life according to the letter of the law or followed all of the safety precautions. I dabbled a little with drugs and alcohol, I drove around drunk, I had unprotected sex. I cheated on girlfriends and I stole little shit from my crappy retail jobs. That is just the stuff we do at a young age. When we are that age we don't think about being model citizens and always doing the legal or right thing.

I don't think people should be having sex at young ages either but they do and I am no advocate to try and stop them. It is not my problem or concern. But guess what at the age of 13, 14, 15,16 or whatever you, me, your son would all jump at the opportunity to get laid whether we were ready or not. Hell I remember when I was 13 years old both me and my friend were sucking the tits of the fast girl in the neighborhood at the same time. She ended up giving me first blow job when I was 14 but that is another story.

Now you can over dramatize like some housewife and create your own nightmare settings like I was out there busting cherries like Ted Bundy. In reality those high school girls that date older guys have already filled their quota of high school dick.

You can keep on convincing yourself that I was bragging about banging some underage snatch but if I recall the topic of the OP's thread was "19 year old dating a 16 year old acceptable?" All I did was chime in and give my opinion and experience on the matter much like everybody else in the thread. In fact the majority of the people in the thread admitted to dating a high school girl when they were still in college. Then in came you and your cock-sucking buddy Festering Zit judging me rather than providing any insight to the OP's topic. Now here we are 1 year later and you still can't let it go. Hence which makes me wonder what your obsession with me is all about. Did you get Sanduskied as a boy by an older male figure that you trusted or something? Or did you get dissed by some high school girls while you were in college and all your buddies scored so in order to make you feel positive about the rejection you convinced yourself that it was against the law anyways and you were doing the admirable thing and all of friends were criminals? There has got to be some sort of hang up with you or else you wouldn't be hunting me down in ever single thread I comment in and mention who I fucked 17 years ago and try to convince The RX that I am the Anti-Christ.

Get over it motherfucker and just move on already.

Comedy Gold. The child rapist is calling me a cock sucker?

Now you've motivated me to really expose your child-raping ass.

Now, earlier in this thread you mention how we're making such a big deal about
you dating girls in high school when you were out of high school. Bzzzzzzzt.
Wrong, the kiddie you were banging was in JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL.

I'll repeat that one again for everyone that missed it. Kiddieshatcher was
banging a junior high school kiddie when he was 19. You want proof?
Kiddiesnatcher's own words:

Next thing I know I am parked out in front of a junior high school and I was are you guys serious she is in junior high? This looks bad. I did feel like a pervert but I got over it.

Earlier in the thread you claimed that it was Ok to be banging this 13 year
old kiddie, because her parents were cool with it. Bzzzzzzzzt.

Wrong again. Her dad wasn't even in the picture. You want proof?
Kiddiesnatcher's own words in the same post:

Her dad was out of the picture and her mom was ultra cool. Her moms last minute advice before leaving her house with her daughter was don't drink and drive and stay out of trouble.

Bottom line, you were 19 and you were parked outside a Junior High School,
trolling the little kiddies. The real sad thing is, you are still trying to defend it
to this day.

The poll that was taken at TheRX whether or not you are a child rapist
ended up 26-1. We all know who that 1 is, don't we?
Sep 21, 2004
If I were hosnatcher, I would do like that one guy soonerdog did. I would ask the RX to delete every one of my posts, and I would go away forever. I don't know what the statute of limitations is on that stuff, but I wouldn't take any chances. Kruser6 had to testify in a trial of some kind, and the courts brought up his posts on the RX. They are reading this board.

May 27, 2007
Nice work, Zit. Is the FBI hiring?

Illini, FZ is absolutely right. The guy is one of the most disgusting creeps on the board and Zeeman actually defended him in this thread. Good lord have mercy. A 19-year-old trolling for a kid in junior high school.

You sick fuck.

May 27, 2007
In fact I still have the PM I sent to you on this matter and no where did I physically threaten you. I asked to meet up face to face but nowhere did I mention throwing blows. The text read like this.


Dude are you going to the RX bash this year? I usually take a trip to Vegas every August and I can make sure I go during the week of the Bash this year. I would really love to meet you face to face. You seem to have some deep issues with me and I want to give you the opportunity to handle your business since you seem so strong in your opinions. I am not a fan of using the internet as a vehicle to assassinate ones character or talk shit to an online personality. You are a really annoying motherfucker and personally I think you have no life beyond message boards, forums and feedback which is very, very sad. Either way I could careless how lonely your life really is. All I ask is to meet up at the Bash this year so we can deal with our beef face to face and end it. Or if you want to continue to act like some female and spit your bullshit comments on the RX via replies to my posts then I can make sure we escalate it to the point were the mods have no choice but to ban us both from their website. Or you can take the same advice I offered you many posts ago and just shut the fuck up and don't reply back on any of my posts and threads and I will refrain from replying to your shit just the same.

So now here we are almost a year later and your online obsession with me continues. I have even asked the Mods to delete your posts when you harass me before I respond back because all your posts have become confrontational and just add kindling to the fire. The Mods just ignore it though leaving me no choice but to respond back.

If I sent you a PM telling you that I want to meet me at a given location to talk about our differences, what do you think that would tell you? We're just going to have a beer and talk?

Only a bafoon wants to fight people because of an internet tough guy beef. Just go away biff.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
Zeeman, the guy was 19 and admitted to having sex with a 13-year-old girl. If you're ok with that, then carry on.

His answer? Her parents consented and she was a late bloomer. You're good with that?

We all have opinions. Everybody is different. Your entitled to yours. You should chill a little. First off a 13 year girl isn't a child she's a teenager. Second off I think biologilcaly women mature faster than men. Lastly, soceity and generations evolve over time. With the internet, cable TV, etc times are different than the generations of our parents, grandparents and great GP's. 13 year old teens grow up faster and are exposed to many more adult activities, adult themes, etc.

I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, you should just relax. Many young teen woman have had intercoursre, oral, happy endings over time. I bet if you took a survey more than 50 % of these women that are now over eightteen would say their early teen experience shouldn't be considered illegal.

You and I never will know what it's like to been a teenage girl. I'm assuming most of the laws addressing statuory rape were drafted by men, many who are fathers, many who are closed minded, conservative, inflexible hippocrits. Just a little food for thought.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
Illini, FZ is absolutely right. The guy is one of the most disgusting creeps on the board and Zeeman actually defended him in this thread. Good lord have mercy. A 19-year-old trolling for a kid in junior high school.

You sick fuck.

It's not that I'm defending him, it's just that I think you need to pull that duck you have up your butt and loosen up a bit. Stop judging people. Who made you god. Hosnactcher pointed out some illegal things you have probably done in your current life and during your teen years. Do you think your a hippocrit. Just asking!

Horsnatcher, I've no idea who your are. I believe your honest to a fault, you've made some very good points, and your far from perfect.

May 27, 2007
It's not that I'm defending him, it's just that I think you need to pull that duck you have up your butt and loosen up a bit. Stop judging people. Who made you god. Hosnactcher pointed out some illegal things you have probably done in your current life and during your teen years. Do you think your a hippocrit. Just asking!

Horsnatcher, I've no idea who your are. I believe your honest to a fault, you've made some very good points, and your far from perfect.

You don't loosen up about child molestation Zeeman. There is no wiggle room. This rapist has no idea of who I am or what I do but I do know what he has done because he talks about it here and has admitted to preying on a junior high school girl.

We disagree. 13-years-old may be a teenager by definition but 13 is a child.

Women mature faster than men yes, in your opinion does that make it ok for a 19-year-old to troll a junior high parking lot for an 8th grade girl? Be honest, no way. Many teen girls have sex yes, but not many 13 year olds with an almost 20-year-old guy.

You mention statuatory rape laws being drafted by close-minded men. Does this mean you don't agree with the state laws? Is it ok for a 19-year-old to bang an 8th grader?

New member
Sep 13, 2005
You don't loosen up about child molestation Zeeman. There is no wiggle room. This rapist has no idea of who I am or what I do but I do know what he has done because he talks about it here and has admitted to preying on a junior high school girl.

We disagree. 13-years-old may be a teenager by definition but 13 is a child.

Women mature faster than men yes, in your opinion does that make it ok for a 19-year-old to troll a junior high parking lot for an 8th grade girl? Be honest, no way. Many teen girls have sex yes, but not many 13 year olds with an almost 20-year-old guy.

You mention statuatory rape laws being drafted by close-minded men. Does this mean you don't agree with the state laws? Is it ok for a 19-year-old to bang an 8th grader?

It's not ok for a 19 year old to troll a parking lot for 13 year old teen girl, they need to be at least 14. LOL Seriuosly,I think its a bad law. I think some young teen men have been in excusably wronged by this law. I believe this law is too inflexible. Each stat rape case should be addressed individually with more flexibility in the law.

I'm also far from perfect, and honest to a fault. I never banged a 13 year chick, but if I had the opportunity and it was consentual I think most of us know what would happen.
Feb 20, 2002
I have a 13-year-old son and in no way shape or form is a child of that age ready to have sex with anyone. I don't give a shit who consents or how "developed" the girl is.

Physicly both 13 year old males and females are often "ready to have sex" and even make babies.

Many countries have an age of consent at 13-15:

If i had a 13 year old teen girl, i wonder if i'd prefer her dating a 13-15 year old, or someone more mature.

I found this interesting:

"The 57-year-old novelist said that society ran on a "male timetable" which dictated that women should have babies at an older age.

"Having sex and having babies is what young women are about, and their instincts are suppressed in the interests of society's timetable," she said.

"I think it is that men's lives have set the timetable. Men reach a sort of sexual peak when you are 20, a social peak when you are 40.

"There is this breed of women for whom society's timetable is completely wrong."

"..."I was perfectly capable of setting up and running a home when I was 14, and if, say, it had been ordered differently, I might have thought 'Now is the time to have a couple of children and when I am 30 I will go back and I'll get my PhD,'" she said.

"But society isn't yet ordered with that kind of flexibility," she said in an interview in today's Stella magazine.

"We were being educated well into our twenties, an age when part of us wanted to become mothers, probably little bits of all of us. Some were more driven than others."

BTW, on the age of Romeo and Juliet, estimates for his age range from 15-23.

"Romeo's age is not specified, but Juliet is unquestionably 13, but going on 14. That was why she was about to marry Paris - marriageable age in those days."

"Surely it was the case that men simply chose younger wives (Capulet is much older than his wife, is he not?), and actually we can assume that Romeo and the others are what, maybe late teens, early 20's? It wouldn't stage well these days to point out that age difference, of course. I can just imagine R&J being closed down because it promotes pedophilia or something. But honestly I'm cool with it (the age difference, not the pedophilia!)- the more I read the play (I'm studying it lately for a project I'm doing), the more I appreciate the fact that Juliet is the most mature person in it. So the fact that she's 13, surrounded by people that are sometimes generations older than her, is quite impressive. I don't need to make her older to justify anything, and I don't need to make Romeo younger to get it to balance out. Romeo can be older and still be rash and impetuous. Juliet can be young and be the smart one."

New member
Aug 12, 2006
It's not ok for a 19 year old to troll a parking lot for 13 year old teen girl, they need to be at least 14. LOL Seriuosly,I think its a bad law. I think some young teen men have been in excusably wronged by this law. I believe this law is too inflexible. Each stat rape case should be addressed individually with more flexibility in the law.

I'm also far from perfect, and honest to a fault. I never banged a 13 year chick, but if I had the opportunity and it was consentual I think most of us know what would happen.

Zeeman do you see how Enfuego and Festering Zit picks and chooses what I said in an earlier discussion to suit their own agenda? Here is the exact text that I wrote:

Blah, Blah, Blah.... I knew it wouldn't take too long for you to open up your pie-hole. I will entertain you a little bit. When I hooked up with that 13 year old it was kinda out of doing a favor for my friend who was dating her friend who was 14. My friend who was 18 at the time wanted to meet up with his girlfriend that night and he needed a ride to her house and he was like she has a friend with her. After twisting my arm and telling him he is paying for my gas and all the drinks for the night I will do it. Too be perfectly honest I thought she was 14 and a freshman just like my friends girlfriend. I didn't know she was 13 until like a week later when me and friend were picking his girlfriend and a couple of her friends up from school one day. I was asking where is Liza and they were like lets go pick her up. Next thing I know I am parked out in front of a junior high school and I was are you guys serious she is in junior high? This looks bad. I did feel like a pervert but I got over it. Liza kinda convinced me. She said dude I have been with older guys than you in fact I was one of the younger guys she has ever hooked up with and she told me you were cool with it when you thought I was 14, what's a couple more months.

Then somehow to suit their agenda Festering Zit and Enfuego who I am convinced might even be the same person mad-lib and say I am patrolling the junior high schools looking for some young innocent virgins to kidnap and molest. Dude I was 19 years old. There is nothing different I was doing at 19 that I wasn't doing when I was 15 or 16. I just become accountable that's all. But of course in this country if you do something bad enough when you are a teenager like kill someone or in today's society bully someone into committing suicide you become just as accountable for your actions.

I haven't always done the right, honest or lawful thing in my life but my good has far outweighed the bad and I generally treat people with respect and commit no harm to others.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
We all have opinions. Everybody is different. Your entitled to yours. You should chill a little. First off a 13 year girl isn't a child she's a teenager. Second off I think biologilcaly women mature faster than men. Lastly, soceity and generations evolve over time. With the internet, cable TV, etc times are different than the generations of our parents, grandparents and great GP's. 13 year old teens grow up faster and are exposed to many more adult activities, adult themes, etc.

I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, you should just relax. Many young teen woman have had intercoursre, oral, happy endings over time. I bet if you took a survey more than 50 % of these women that are now over eightteen would say their early teen experience shouldn't be considered illegal.

You and I never will know what it's like to been a teenage girl. I'm assuming most of the laws addressing statuory rape were drafted by men, many who are fathers, many who are closed minded, conservative, inflexible hippocrits. Just a little food for thought.

I agree with you here people sometimes forget what their younger days were like when they get older and have more responsibilities. Also just how some people get stuck in the past and don't adapt to society they also adapt to society too well and forget what the country deemed acceptable or tolerable in the past.

In the 50's it was acceptable to smoke and drink in the office and if you wanted to sexually harass a female coworker you were well within in your rights. Back then if you put the moves on a female coworker and she turned you down you can fire her for making your working environment and embarrassing and uncomfortable one. In 2011 it is exactly the reverse. If you even compliment a female on her outfit you can get fired. If you want to smoke you can't even do it outside in some areas you must do it in your car and if you had a DUI or bad credit on your background check the job won't hire you.

In the 70's, 80's or 90's it was of the normal to not only hate or reject people that were gay or lesbian we even went as far as blamed them for one of the biggest plagues on this world. Enter 2011 if you aren't down with same sex marriage because of your religious beliefs the public opinion deems you wrong and ignorant.

Up until the internet took over and chat rooms became a fly trap for pedophiles teenage girls freely seeked out older guys and older guys kept their options open to date and sleep with teenagers. We have seen it on Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Dazed and Confused and Beverly Hills 90210. Where the more developed, mature and sexually active and willing teen seduces the slightly or marginally or older guy. Shit I can't even remember a TV show that didn't discuss matter on the teenage to young adult audience were they didn't have an episode where the high school girls go on the prowl to a frat party and all the frat boys want to do is get laid and the moment of conflict is whether the teenage girl will fall victim to teen pressure and have sex or go home and live to be a virgin for another day. I think people may have forgotten all about Kelly Bundy. She was 15 years old when the show first started and she was already a professional slut who slept through the entire high school and brought home older rock star boyfriends who Al would have to slam their head into the door.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
In the same thread. poster Bigbet admits to dating a 15 year old when he was 19. Where is your conviction and out cry over him?

I was 19 and briefly dated a girl that was 15 and 9 months. She moved to Cali and actually does movies now.....ohhhh, hummmm

Breaking the law is breaking the law right? Is Big Bet child molester and rapist too?

Some of you guys can act all high and mighty from behind your laptop all while sitting there watching Keeping Up With Kardashian's and wonder what Kris and Bruce are feeding Kendall and Kylie because no way do those girls look 13 and 15 years old.


New member
Aug 12, 2006
And for some reason this isn't a felony.;_ylv=3#

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
Where are these PM's bitch???

I feel sorry for your kid and wife.. Just from the way you act here I am sure your parenting skills are shit. I also wouldn't be surprised if your wife is fucking a coworker. Your house must be a fuckin disaster no wonder you live to troll on those forums. Your family probably can't stand your judgemental ass.

Why do you even deal with that guy? He's a known troll who just tries to get into Internet fights.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
After hearing these douchebags trying to put a spin on this mess almost makes me respect those child murderers because at least those guys know they have a sickness and what they do and feel is wrong and are trying their best to not get caught by killing their victims.

Ummmmmmm, whaaaaaaaaat? WTF man?

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