Guilty until proven innocent?


New member
Aug 12, 2006
Holy shit. Mary was 12 or 13 years old and Joseph was nearly 70 years old? So our savior Jesus Christ was the product of an illegal statutory relationship?

So let me get this straight in the eyes of the good bible which wasn't broken down from state to state people were sexually active as young as 12 and 13 years old and the Lord didn't condemn or destroy them like he did when people were having same sex sodomy in the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Mary - Profile of Mary the Mother of Jesus from the New Testament:

Mary was a young girl, probably only about 12 or 13 years old when the angel Gabriel came to her. She had recently become engaged to a carpenter named Joseph. Mary was an ordinary Jewish girl, looking forward to marriage. Suddenly her life would forever be changed.

Mary was fearful and troubled in the presence of the angel. She could never have expected to hear the most incredible news — that she would have a child, and her son would be the Messiah. Although she could not comprehend how she would conceive the Savior, she responded to God with belief and obedience.
Although Mary's life held great honor, her calling would demand great suffering as well. Just as there is pain in childbirth and motherhood, there would be much pain in the privilege of being the mother of the Messiah.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
WTF!!! Marie Antoinette was fucking and married by the time she was 15 years old. But she was just a child? Sure she can help rule a country at that tender age but I don't think she is quite old enough to decide if she is ready to have some dick yet? I am sure she would have been fucking King Louis XVI as early as the age of 12 years old if he didn't make her get her crooked teeth fixed first. Can't get a blow job from a bitch with snaggle teeth right?

May 27, 2007
A felony is a felony Chester. I'd keep talking about it in an open forum if I were you. Give us more details so it helps the DA's case. As many details as you can recall please.

RX Genius
Nov 15, 2007
A felony is a felony Chester. I'd keep talking about it in an open forum if I were you. Give us more details so it helps the DA's case. As many details as you can recall please.

Going to be hard to put him away if the girl's mother he was dating was for one there to prosecute it, just drop it, both of you!

May 27, 2007
Going to be hard to put him away if the girl's mother he was dating was for one there to prosecute it, just drop it, both of you!

Parents have no say in whether a person can get charged with rape or not. It's not about pressing charges (in most cases).

For example, this crazy girl who claims to have had Bieber's kid. She is over the age while he was not. Authorities looking at pressing charges against her no matter what his partents say.
Feb 20, 2002
For example, this crazy girl who claims to have had Bieber's kid. She is over the age while he was not. Authorities looking at pressing charges against her no matter what his partents say.

A 16 year old guy and a 19 year old girl. In the vast majority of countries the authorities would just laugh at that, since it is perfectly legal. Likewise for most states in the USA.

"17. In some U.S. states a lower age applies when the age gap between partners is small, or when the older partner is below a certain age (usually 18 or 21). "

Last time i checked 19 was still below 21.

" "If it was up to me, it would have been a better story, like, 'Justin Bieber went off to like South America with this 27-year-old supermodel,'" the 17-year-old star joked. "That would have been an awesome rumor."

"...Bieber's attorney released a statement to Access about the text messages.

" "This information proves Mariah Yeater fabricated the story. Our independent investigation indicates Ms. Yeater never met Justin, she has consistently identified another man as the child's father, and Ms. Yeater and her co-conspirators hatched this scheme in order to extort money from him and to sell her story to the media," Howard Weitzman said in a statement. "There have been no settlement discussions and there never will be."

New member
Aug 12, 2006
A 16 year old guy and a 19 year old girl. In the vast majority of countries the authorities would just laugh at that, since it is perfectly legal. Likewise for most states in the USA.

"17. In some U.S. states a lower age applies when the age gap between partners is small, or when the older partner is below a certain age (usually 18 or 21). "

Last time i checked 19 was still below 21.

" "If it was up to me, it would have been a better story, like, 'Justin Bieber went off to like South America with this 27-year-old supermodel,'" the 17-year-old star joked. "That would have been an awesome rumor."

"...Bieber's attorney released a statement to Access about the text messages.

" "This information proves Mariah Yeater fabricated the story. Our independent investigation indicates Ms. Yeater never met Justin, she has consistently identified another man as the child's father, and Ms. Yeater and her co-conspirators hatched this scheme in order to extort money from him and to sell her story to the media," Howard Weitzman said in a statement. "There have been no settlement discussions and there never will be."

Let's see the cops are looking to press charges against the girl who claims when she was 19 she had sex with Justin Bieber and got pregnant? I sure hope they ask Justin's current girlfriend Selena Gomez who is 19 herself to corroborate Justin's whereabouts for the night in question.

I think Enfuego is just making up shit as he goes along. Kinda reminds me of Cliff Clavin from Cheers. The know it all liar that nobody really likes.

I sure hope the IRS isn't following this guys posts on which games and how many units he is betting and using it as a ledger to audit his ass.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
You break the law everyday every time you wire money to an offshore account and place a bet. You buy shit online right? I am pretty sure you don't claim the tax you saved on your return right? I am also sure you conjure up all sorts of phony tax breaks you can when I suits your needs right? Have you ever had a DUI? Do you drink a few beers at a bar and drive home technically sober enough to drive but legally over the limit?

I don't know about you but when I was younger ages 12-25 years old I thought I was invincible and didn't live my life according to the letter of the law or followed all of the safety precautions. I dabbled a little with drugs and alcohol, I drove around drunk, I had unprotected sex. I cheated on girlfriends and I stole little shit from my crappy retail jobs. That is just the stuff we do at a young age. When we are that age we don't think about being model citizens and always doing the legal or right thing.

I don't think people should be having sex at young ages either but they do and I am no advocate to try and stop them. It is not my problem or concern. But guess what at the age of 13, 14, 15,16 or whatever you, me, your son would all jump at the opportunity to get laid whether we were ready or not. Hell I remember when I was 13 years old both me and my friend were sucking the tits of the fast girl in the neighborhood at the same time. She ended up giving me first blow job when I was 14 but that is another story.

Now you can over dramatize like some housewife and create your own nightmare settings like I was out there busting cherries like Ted Bundy. In reality those high school girls that date older guys have already filled their quota of high school dick.

You can keep on convincing yourself that I was bragging about banging some underage snatch but if I recall the topic of the OP's thread was "19 year old dating a 16 year old acceptable?" All I did was chime in and give my opinion and experience on the matter much like everybody else in the thread. In fact the majority of the people in the thread admitted to dating a high school girl when they were still in college. Then in came you and your cock-sucking buddy Festering Zit judging me rather than providing any insight to the OP's topic. Now here we are 1 year later and you still can't let it go. Hence which makes me wonder what your obsession with me is all about. Did you get Sanduskied as a boy by an older male figure that you trusted or something? Or did you get dissed by some high school girls while you were in college and all your buddies scored so in order to make you feel positive about the rejection you convinced yourself that it was against the law anyways and you were doing the admirable thing and all of friends were criminals? There has got to be some sort of hang up with you or else you wouldn't be hunting me down in ever single thread I comment in and mention who I fucked 17 years ago and try to convince The RX that I am the Anti-Christ.

Get over it motherfucker and just move on already.

Just Never Gets Old watching hostatutoryrapist in Anaheim equate his banging an almost pre-teen girl while a young adult with some of us adult males gambling on a football game with other adults.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
First off a 13 year girl isn't a child she's a teenager. So if you want to hit it, you're not a twisted fuck, you're just releasing a little pent up stress.

uh huh

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Admitting to a felony on a message board is not very smart.

You are one guy who often presents ideas in a muddled fashion, but on this matter you are extremely on target


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
And for some reason this isn't a felony.

Yes indeed. For some inexplicable reason, no jurisidiction in the United States of America has yet to criminalize two men posing together in a photograph.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
A felony is a felony Chester. I'd keep talking about it in an open forum if I were you. Give us more details so it helps the DA's case. As many details as you can recall please.


"Your honor, check out these pictures of the Kardashian sisters and please acquit me of all charges!"
Sep 21, 2004
Holy shit. Mary was 12 or 13 years old and Joseph was nearly 70 years old? So our savior Jesus Christ was the product of an illegal statutory relationship?

So let me get this straight in the eyes of the good bible which wasn't broken down from state to state people were sexually active as young as 12 and 13 years old and the Lord didn't condemn or destroy them like he did when people were having same sex sodomy in the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Mary - Profile of Mary the Mother of Jesus from the New Testament:

Mary was a young girl, probably only about 12 or 13 years old when the angel Gabriel came to her. She had recently become engaged to a carpenter named Joseph. Mary was an ordinary Jewish girl, looking forward to marriage. Suddenly her life would forever be changed.

Mary was fearful and troubled in the presence of the angel. She could never have expected to hear the most incredible news — that she would have a child, and her son would be the Messiah. Although she could not comprehend how she would conceive the Savior, she responded to God with belief and obedience.
Although Mary's life held great honor, her calling would demand great suffering as well. Just as there is pain in childbirth and motherhood, there would be much pain in the privilege of being the mother of the Messiah.


Some clues for you:

#1. The Bible gives no indication about Mary's age when she conceived.
#2. The Bible gives no indication about Joseph's age when Mary conceived.

People speculate that she *may* have been around 14, and Joseph *may*
have been around 30.

Not sure how that helps your case though, since it was roughly 2,000 years
ago in a totally different culture.

Feb 20, 2002
Just Never Gets Old watching hostatutoryrapist in Anaheim...

Speaking of "statutory rape", what i find extremely amusing here is that a "minor" of 13-14 years is classified in the same category as people who are retards and vegetables:

"The criminal offense of statutory rape is committed when an adult sexually penetrates a person who, under the law, is incapable of consenting to sex. Minors and physically and mentally incapacitated persons are deemed incapable of consenting to sex under rape statutes in all states."

Also the notion that 13-14 year old teens males and females are "incapable of consenting to sex" is ridiculous and frankly, quite insulting.

" The theory of statutory rape is that the girl is incapable of giving consent, although marriage with a parent's consent is possible in many states at ages as low as 14...Increasingly statutory rape is not charged when there is clear consent by the female, particularly when the girl will not cooperate in a prosecution. Controversy continues over what constitutes "resistance" or "consent,"..."

Furthermore, i don't think that someone who is pro infanticide for those enutero at the whim of a woman's choice [or feelings at the moment] is the best advocate against hosnatcher in this discussion. You should consider dropping out before the topic gets sliced up more than it already has, and we have to question his other opponents stance on this issue as it relates to extreme hypocrisy.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
x-files and hosnatcher on the same side....what a shocker x-files is 0 for life in threads over 1 page see james t kirk stiff thread in rubber room where( as usual) x-files looks like a fucktard....and hosnatcher is an act no one as stupid as him could pull off rape and not get caught.......miss wil he wouldve rr'ed this shit bag thread pages ago.....carry on tough guys
Feb 20, 2002
x-files and hosnatcher on the same side....what a shocker x-files is 0 for life in threads over 1 page see james t kirk stiff thread in rubber room where( as usual) x-files looks like a fucktard....and hosnatcher is an act no one as stupid as him could pull off rape and not get caught.......miss wil he wouldve rr'ed this shit bag thread pages ago.....carry on tough guys

Wow, great points there. Now i can see how your post count got so high. So, let me guess,
you are another advocate of the genocide of infanticide in the world like barman? That would
be around 60 million murdered in the USA alone, or equal to those snuffed out in WW II.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Wow, great points there. Now i can see how your post count got so high. So, let me guess,
you are another advocate of the genocide of infanticide in the world like barman? That would
be around 60 million murdered in the USA alone, or equal to those snuffed out in WW II.

no im not im anti abortion unless in extreme cases.........youre a fuckin tool is all i know...get bent you fuckin pussy....stupid fuckin whiny **** of a cow is all you defend stiffs and rapists.........quite a resume you waste of air....drop dead ****

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
****= c u n t...........just for the record
Feb 20, 2002
@)More great points from special sauce. Enjoy your big macs, my boy. But now another point comes to mind, as at least one poster has mentioned hosnatcher going to "hell". How many of his opponents are like fundy christians or muslims, etc, who think he's headed to an eternity of endless torures? That's a lovely god you have there. Can we count you in illini and sauce boy? BTW, be careful with the fat content on that stuff.

P.S. My view is that god is love and will save all of us, we being sinners, in the end.


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