Guilty until proven innocent?

Sep 21, 2004
What did it say to brainwash you?

It said that 8 victims testified to similar abuse circumstances and 3 different adult eyewitnesses saw him do it. Now you could say that his interview with Costas wasn't incriminating, but you would be lying.
Sep 21, 2004
That doesn't sound good for the accused. It should be an interesting court case. When does it start, early December?

He has a court date in December. No idea when the trial will be, but this guy is going down.

May 27, 2007
I'm not talking shit, and I'm not hiding. All I did was point to another post of yours where you bragged about your kiddie conquests. If you're so proud of yourself, why are you now threatening me for pointing out your previous post?

FZ, the guy actually PM'd me as well making all these threats. He's a rapist and a child molester plain and simple.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
FZ, the guy actually PM'd me as well making all these threats. He's a rapist and a child molester plain and simple.

I love it here we are in a thread where Sandusky a 50 year old man who is accused of sleeping with countless 10 year old boys and admitted to showering and shit with them. Then some posters chime in and say this guy is innocent until proven guilty. But the only thing you can bring to this thread is digging up an old discussion where I said I had a couple of girlfriends who were in high school during my college years?

I think you might be a little obsessed or personally invested in jailbait yourself. I am trying to figure out why you have such a heavy beef with me keeping my options open to date high school girls just a few years longer than you did? What is it did you want to date high school girls when you were in college but instead they dissed you and picked to hook up with your friends instead? Or did your high school sweetheart dump your loser ass for a college guy?

I just don't get why you are preaching the extreme and calling me a "rapist" and "child molester" when I told you these were my consenting girlfriends with the approval and blessing of the girls parents? I can see if I said it was cool for 30 and 40 year olds to date high school kids but that is not the case? I neither forced myself onto a female or abducted some kid from the playground and touched their thing-thing, but for some reason in your head you want to try and stretch the truth and say I did.

I don't know you bro and I don't know what kind of Footloose town you were raised in where high school girls didn't date college guys but in Southern California in the 90's before 45 year old outcasts went online trolling for teenagers and where the plague we all feared was AIDS and lesbians were all butch and called dykes and everybody was still grossed out by fags. People actually went out to places of a social setting and met people and friends hooked friends up with people of the opposite sex regardless of a little age gap. Now all of a sudden every chick has experimented with another girl and being a fag who gets bullied is the popular and righteous thing to be these days. People forget that when they were in high school back in the day the cool thing to do was to sneak out at night and go to a college party and get high and drunk off of Strawberry Hill and do what we called "scamming".

New member
Sep 13, 2005
It said that 8 victims testified to similar abuse circumstances and 3 different adult eyewitnesses saw him do it. Now you could say that his interview with Costas wasn't incriminating, but you would be lying.

Anderson Cooper showed a video clip of a very early interview Sandusky did. I'm not sure of the date it may have been late seventies or early eighties. The interview was about his charity "The Second Mile". The answers I heard were very similar to the Costas interview. He was asked why he started the charity. His answer was he really enjoyed kids, and wanted to do good things for them. He sounded exactly how he sounded in answering Costas question about if he was sexually atttracted to young boys. Kinda creepy. This whole episode is getting stranger and stranger. For Jerry's sake I hope his telling the truth but I doubt it.

New member
Sep 13, 2005

Just a little support. I've discovered over the years that people who judge others happen to be some of the biggest hippocrits on earth.
Sep 21, 2004
I love it here we are in a thread where Sandusky a 50 year old man who is accused of sleeping with countless 10 year old boys and admitted to showering and shit with them. Then some posters chime in and say this guy is innocent until proven guilty. But the only thing you can bring to this thread is digging up an old discussion where I said I had a couple of girlfriends who were in high school during my college years?

I think you might be a little obsessed or personally invested in jailbait yourself. I am trying to figure out why you have such a heavy beef with me keeping my options open to date high school girls just a few years longer than you did? What is it did you want to date high school girls when you were in college but instead they dissed you and picked to hook up with your friends instead? Or did your high school sweetheart dump your loser ass for a college guy?

I just don't get why you are preaching the extreme and calling me a "rapist" and "child molester" when I told you these were my consenting girlfriends with the approval and blessing of the girls parents? I can see if I said it was cool for 30 and 40 year olds to date high school kids but that is not the case? I neither forced myself onto a female or abducted some kid from the playground and touched their thing-thing, but for some reason in your head you want to try and stretch the truth and say I did.

I don't know you bro and I don't know what kind of Footloose town you were raised in where high school girls didn't date college guys but in Southern California in the 90's before 45 year old outcasts went online trolling for teenagers and where the plague we all feared was AIDS and lesbians were all butch and called dykes and everybody was still grossed out by fags. People actually went out to places of a social setting and met people and friends hooked friends up with people of the opposite sex regardless of a little age gap. Now all of a sudden every chick has experimented with another girl and being a fag who gets bullied is the popular and righteous thing to be these days. People forget that when they were in high school back in the day the cool thing to do was to sneak out at night and go to a college party and get high and drunk off of Strawberry Hill and do what we called "scamming".

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. I don't think being 19 and banging a 13 year old is something to brag about,
despite what her parents thought about it. Same thing with 22 and 15.

Maybe when you have a 13 year old daughter you'll change your perspective (no matter what her boob size at 13 is).

Sep 29, 2005
Authorities listened to phone conversations in 1998 where Sandusky admitted to showering with a kid. He asked forgiveness and said he wanted to die. Read the indictment. There is 0.0% chance he's innocent and a 0.0% chance of acquittal. Suicide imminent. And then God will bring true justice.

This is what has me puzzled after I read the story on yesterday (which was very good by the way). Apparently in 1998 the first incidnet with the boy in school who told his mother and they went to the police. Why did the police not charge him then? Most people are angry at the Penn St administration but what about the local police in 1998 who did not prosecute this guy? Everything that happened after that could have been prevented. I'm more pissed at them then Penn St, they had the guy 13 years ago and let him off.
Where is the outrage about this????

Sep 29, 2005
This is an except from the article that I was referencing above.

The Sandusky grand jury report strongly suggests a similar desire to keep things quick and quiet. The first allegation against Sandusky stems from a 1998 incident in which he allegedly bear-hugged an 11 year old boy in the shower at the football facility. When the boy came home with his hair wet, his mother contacted university police, and an investigation was launched. Police listened in to discussions between the mother and Sandusky in which Sandusky apologized and admitted, "I was wrong. ... I wish I were dead." Yet shortly thereafter the case was closed. No charges were filed.

Sandusky retired following the 1999 season, asserting that he wanted to devote his full energy to The Second Mile. But as part of his retirement package, he was conferred emeritus status, with full access to the Penn State football facilities, including an office and a phone. According to the grand jury report, in the fall of 2000, a Penn State janitor saw Sandusky in the football showers performing oral sex on a boy. The janitor was so upset he was moved to tears, and co-workers feared he might have a heart attack. They also feared for their jobs. (The report notes that after the alleged incident, Sandusky was seen driving slowly through the parking lot on two different occasions that night.) No report was ever filed; the witness now suffers from dementia and was incompetent to testify before the grand jury.
Read more:

May 27, 2007

Just a little support. I've discovered over the years that people who judge others happen to be some of the biggest hippocrits on earth.

Zeeman, the guy was 19 and admitted to having sex with a 13-year-old girl. If you're ok with that, then carry on.

His answer? Her parents consented and she was a late bloomer. You're good with that?

May 27, 2007
I love it here we are in a thread where Sandusky a 50 year old man who is accused of sleeping with countless 10 year old boys and admitted to showering and shit with them. Then some posters chime in and say this guy is innocent until proven guilty. But the only thing you can bring to this thread is digging up an old discussion where I said I had a couple of girlfriends who were in high school during my college years?

I think you might be a little obsessed or personally invested in jailbait yourself. I am trying to figure out why you have such a heavy beef with me keeping my options open to date high school girls just a few years longer than you did? What is it did you want to date high school girls when you were in college but instead they dissed you and picked to hook up with your friends instead? Or did your high school sweetheart dump your loser ass for a college guy?

I just don't get why you are preaching the extreme and calling me a "rapist" and "child molester" when I told you these were my consenting girlfriends with the approval and blessing of the girls parents? I can see if I said it was cool for 30 and 40 year olds to date high school kids but that is not the case? I neither forced myself onto a female or abducted some kid from the playground and touched their thing-thing, but for some reason in your head you want to try and stretch the truth and say I did.

I don't know you bro and I don't know what kind of Footloose town you were raised in where high school girls didn't date college guys but in Southern California in the 90's before 45 year old outcasts went online trolling for teenagers and where the plague we all feared was AIDS and lesbians were all butch and called dykes and everybody was still grossed out by fags. People actually went out to places of a social setting and met people and friends hooked friends up with people of the opposite sex regardless of a little age gap. Now all of a sudden every chick has experimented with another girl and being a fag who gets bullied is the popular and righteous thing to be these days. People forget that when they were in high school back in the day the cool thing to do was to sneak out at night and go to a college party and get high and drunk off of Strawberry Hill and do what we called "scamming".

I call you a rapist and child molester because in the eyes of the law, it's exactly what you are.

I have a 13-year-old son and in no way shape or form is a child of that age ready to have sex with anyone. I don't give a shit who consents or how "developed" the girl is.

What you were doing was preying on a vulnerable child. Not a woman or even a girl but a child that had no idea what she was doing. You are the creepy guy still hanging out at the High School party when you've already graduated trying to have sex with some young girl that doesn't know you're a fucking creep.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Zeeman, the guy was 19 and admitted to having sex with a 13-year-old girl. If you're ok with that, then carry on.

His answer? Her parents consented and she was a late bloomer. You're good with that?

Enfuego I think you might have some serious comprehension problems. Point out where I said the girl was a late bloomer. Maybe if you fuckin learned how to read instead of picking out words and twisting them around to meet your objections you could actually pull your head from out of your ass. I was a late bloomer. I didn't hit my growth spurt until later in life so I always looked rather young for my age. I think my first drivers license listed my weight at 135 pounds, I weigh 210 pounds now. I still to this day at the age of 36 get carded when I buy alcohol. Even up until last year when I quit smoking I still got carded for smokes too. So at the age of 19 years old I looked like I was 15 years old. Considering we live in a society where females legal or otherwise like to date older looking guys that didn't make it easy for me to attract the females of my exact age. So I rolled with the curve for a little while. Hardly the crime of the century.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
I call you a rapist and child molester because in the eyes of the law, it's exactly what you are.

I have a 13-year-old son and in no way shape or form is a child of that age ready to have sex with anyone. I don't give a shit who consents or how "developed" the girl is.

What you were doing was preying on a vulnerable child. Not a woman or even a girl but a child that had no idea what she was doing. You are the creepy guy still hanging out at the High School party when you've already graduated trying to have sex with some young girl that doesn't know you're a fucking creep.

You break the law everyday every time you wire money to an offshore account and place a bet. You buy shit online right? I am pretty sure you don't claim the tax you saved on your return right? I am also sure you conjure up all sorts of phony tax breaks you can when I suits your needs right? Have you ever had a DUI? Do you drink a few beers at a bar and drive home technically sober enough to drive but legally over the limit?

I don't know about you but when I was younger ages 12-25 years old I thought I was invincible and didn't live my life according to the letter of the law or followed all of the safety precautions. I dabbled a little with drugs and alcohol, I drove around drunk, I had unprotected sex. I cheated on girlfriends and I stole little shit from my crappy retail jobs. That is just the stuff we do at a young age. When we are that age we don't think about being model citizens and always doing the legal or right thing.

I don't think people should be having sex at young ages either but they do and I am no advocate to try and stop them. It is not my problem or concern. But guess what at the age of 13, 14, 15,16 or whatever you, me, your son would all jump at the opportunity to get laid whether we were ready or not. Hell I remember when I was 13 years old both me and my friend were sucking the tits of the fast girl in the neighborhood at the same time. She ended up giving me first blow job when I was 14 but that is another story.

Now you can over dramatize like some housewife and create your own nightmare settings like I was out there busting cherries like Ted Bundy. In reality those high school girls that date older guys have already filled their quota of high school dick.

You can keep on convincing yourself that I was bragging about banging some underage snatch but if I recall the topic of the OP's thread was "19 year old dating a 16 year old acceptable?" All I did was chime in and give my opinion and experience on the matter much like everybody else in the thread. In fact the majority of the people in the thread admitted to dating a high school girl when they were still in college. Then in came you and your cock-sucking buddy Festering Zit judging me rather than providing any insight to the OP's topic. Now here we are 1 year later and you still can't let it go. Hence which makes me wonder what your obsession with me is all about. Did you get Sanduskied as a boy by an older male figure that you trusted or something? Or did you get dissed by some high school girls while you were in college and all your buddies scored so in order to make you feel positive about the rejection you convinced yourself that it was against the law anyways and you were doing the admirable thing and all of friends were criminals? There has got to be some sort of hang up with you or else you wouldn't be hunting me down in ever single thread I comment in and mention who I fucked 17 years ago and try to convince The RX that I am the Anti-Christ.

Get over it motherfucker and just move on already.

May 27, 2007
All of your excuses don't mean a hill of beans Hosnatcher. At 19 years of age, you slept with a 13-year-old child and there's no excuse you can make up that will make that ok. You can type a huge ass diatribe and send PMs claiming you're going to kick my ass all you'd like but plain and simple, you are a child molester.

Claiming because you were young and invincible means jack squat. Kids get tried as adults all the time Chester the Molester.

Lol, you looked young so it's ok. Good grief what a douche.

New member
Aug 12, 2006

Just a little support. I've discovered over the years that people who judge others happen to be some of the biggest hippocrits on earth.

Tell me about it Zeeman. Here we are on a sports gambling forum which pretty much means a good portion of its contributors probably have addictive personalities. That means they lie to their friends and family, steal and borrow money to support their habit. Gamble the mortgage and college funds away. Drink and do drugs to cope. Beat the women in their lives and neglect or have abandon their children. All of the mentioned isn't out of the ordinary with the people at our own workplace but the percentages have got to increase here. Plus I hate to mention what acts of murder and violence some of the bookies on this forum have committed in their life when someone comes up short on what they owe.

I don't judge though. I just come here for some gambling news and to shoot the shit on some of the nice topics that get posted here.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
All of your excuses don't mean a hill of beans Hosnatcher. At 19 years of age, you slept with a 13-year-old child and there's no excuse you can make up that will make that ok. You can type a huge ass diatribe and send PMs claiming you're going to kick my ass all you'd like but plain and simple, you are a child molester.

Claiming because you were young and invincible means jack squat. Kids get tried as adults all the time Chester the Molester.

Lol, you looked young so it's ok. Good grief what a douche.

Where are these PM's bitch???

I feel sorry for your kid and wife.. Just from the way you act here I am sure your parenting skills are shit. I also wouldn't be surprised if your wife is fucking a coworker. Your house must be a fuckin disaster no wonder you live to troll on those forums. Your family probably can't stand your judgemental ass.

May 27, 2007
Where are these PM's bitch???

I feel sorry for your kid and wife.. Just from the way you act here I am sure your parenting skills are shit. I also wouldn't be surprised if your wife is fucking a coworker. Your house must be a fuckin disaster no wonder you live to troll on those forums. Your family probably can't stand your judgemental ass.

Standard Hosnatcher response, just insult a guy and call him names.

Dude, don't pretend you didn't send me a PM asking if I was going to the RX bash so you could meet me and attempt to kick my ass. Who wants to meet a guy at a bash to fight him? This is the kind of guy I'm talking to here.

May 27, 2007
Tell me about it Zeeman. Here we are on a sports gambling forum which pretty much means a good portion of its contributors probably have addictive personalities. That means they lie to their friends and family, steal and borrow money to support their habit. Gamble the mortgage and college funds away. Drink and do drugs to cope. Beat the women in their lives and neglect or have abandon their children. All of the mentioned isn't out of the ordinary with the people at our own workplace but the percentages have got to increase here. Plus I hate to mention what acts of murder and violence some of the bookies on this forum have committed in their life when someone comes up short on what they owe.

I don't judge though. I just come here for some gambling news and to shoot the shit on some of the nice topics that get posted here.

Actually, a lot of guys on here don't do any of these things. You should've mentioned raping little girls in your paragraph so then you could include yourself in the group. Don't want to leave anyone out.

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