Jake, you sound like a well thought out, articulate,intelligent man. I agree with alot being said on your behalf pertaining to this issue. I may call to set up an account with you, based on your professionalism. It is still slightly detering that the books can hold or refuse payment based on speculation, and lets face it, it really is speculation,at this point, but after hearing your side of the story, well, i dont blame you. If you do make good on your promise to pay if there is no proof of doping, i applaude you, and your owners for doing the right thing.If this is a doping issue, you will send a loud and clear message to that. As far as the other books that called it a "scam" from the start, and stating "we are not paying", without investigating, unfortuately those are the books that make guys like me feel that off-shore is more than a just a gamble, it makes me feel that its not worth the hastle. Jake, you need to disassociate your company from these others. Rio and yourself seem to be the only ones doing the legwork here. All others seem to riding your coat-tails. As you said before, "no wonder other books dont post" and i see that you have been being attacked, you are way out #'d, but you have deffended yourself justly. Nice job. I enjoy your take and unswayed opinion, and also your insight on this issue. You deserve a raise, (if you havent already given yourself one , just Kidding). Keep up the good work, and let us know what happens as this story unfolds.....