Ethical Dilemma - Cruise is at it again


New member
Sep 24, 2012
Maybe he meant #1 person in the company not country.
For if he meant #1 in the country this would put Warren Buffet at #2 behind Justin Cruise.

Of course I meant company. I thought that was clear but I should have explained better. And as I said it is solely based on my luck in landing this location.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Morgan Stanley will hand out pink slips for 1600 bankers starting next week, I'm sure whatever company you just quit will fill that position w/ no problem. Good luck with your yet another new job, Bieber.

Sep 20, 2004
I am going to get destroyed for posting this. Oh well, I deserve it and the threads have been really boring lately anyway.

I could turn this into a really long and complicated story, because it is one (trust me). But I will keep it as short as I possibly can to spare everyone. It could be so much longer if I explained all of the variables.

So here is the short and sweet version. I started a new job less than 2 weeks ago and I have just accepted a better one. A horrible ethical move, I know.

I'm in my mid 20's and I work in banking/financial services and I am a licensed Financial Advisor. This was one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make. A few months back, I was interviewing with 3 different companies. All are huge fortune 500 firms. Company A was the job I really wanted, but after the fourth interview I did not hear from them for over two weeks. I assumed I was done. Company B and Company C both offered me a position. I went with Company B, which was more of a management role then a financial sales one. It is a great company with amazing benefits and wonderful people. Just a few days after I accepted the position, Company A (my initial #1 choice) called me for a fifth and sixth interview. Long story short, they ended up making me an offer and I was left with a very difficult decision. In the end, I accepted their offer. This role utilizes my Investment Advisor Licenses (which I would have lost at company B) and is a leadership position as well. While my present position with company B offers fantastic growth potential, this one at Company A opens even more doors for me in virtually every aspect of financial services, commercial banking, and management. Further, the moment I walk in the door for my first day at Company A, I will automatically become the #1 person in the country in this particular position based on (luckily) being placed in an outstanding location. I am not looking forward to telling my boss that I am already leaving for a different company, but that is the decision that I made that I believe to be the best for me. I feel horrible about it because I believe that I should be a man of my word and stick with the commitment that I have made. But in the end I simply could not turn company A down, because it will instantly, vastly improve my lifestyle and point me in the right direction long term.

On a side note (and this is not an excuse): Even though I have only been at company B for two weeks, it has not lived up to my expectations and I have found that a lot of things the interviewers told me not to be true. It just hasn't felt right from the start.

I wouldn't sweat this a bit. Corporate America chews up workers and spits them out with zero loyalty every single day. If you want to try and save your reputation at company B (for whatever reason)... you could have a meeting with your manager at company B and explain your exact situation. Giving her an idea of the spot you are in may even result in her empathizing. Not likely, but possible. Not likely is better than zero chance. So explaining to her what you have been posed with and even asking her what she would do - could be an interesting angle. Of course your mind is made up but she doesn't have to know it. This is simply an attempt to try and not to burn the bridge at company B. Not required, but worth consideration.

My two cents... and I see corporate guys with 10 years experience at the same company get chewed up like dogmeat every few months where I work.

New member
Sep 11, 2005
You arent doing anything wrong, what you are doing is a very common occurance. 2 months would have been worse than 2 weeks. Go in, tell the boss an offer you never expected came in, tell her that you already learned alot from her, blah blah, and then get on with your life. handle it professionally, you never know who you will run into in the future

New member
Jan 20, 2006
tough one.integrity says you stick with the company who hired you. they should have given you an employee contract. however, without a contract you are a free agent. so take your dream job and if there's a way to leave door open with company B, do it.
a thought--company B would not have thought twice about letting you go if business dictated it or their "dream"
candidate showed up.

Oct 18, 2008
At first i thought you were doing company B a little bit dirty, but most people are right. The companies don't really care about you and try to work you to death. I call BS on the 90 hours a week. That is working 12.5 hours a day, 7 days a week. So basically, 9-9 everyday. I just started in tax and busy season is coming up but we are only required to put in 65 hours a week. Good luck man, make sure you read the contract this time

May 27, 2007
Justin, I was told something long ago that has stuck with me for years.

A supervisor sat me down one day and told me nobody cares about your future or career goals/aspirations like you do. Nobody gives a crap about you because you're always replaceable. A lot of people wonder what the company will do if you ever leave a position. What they'll do is start the interview process the next day and find someone new.

You have to take care of your family first (if you have one) and take care of you as far as career goes. I don't mean this to sound like you should be sneaky or dishonest or anything like that but if you're transparent/honest/forthright there is no issue whatsoever with taking care of you IMO.

New member
Feb 12, 2009
Hey Tom - Peyton here. Hoping to see you next weekend. Cheers. (Glad to see I'm not the only one not biting - reminds me of the Jaguara stuff)

Hey guys its Aaron. Ill enjoy beating either one of you in the Super Bowl this year. Jaguara lives

Feb 19, 2008
Fuck em all Justin.

Your a pro, start your own consulting business.

Hell start your own sportsbook/consulting business....

New member
Feb 20, 2011
Justin, I was told something long ago that has stuck with me for years.

A supervisor sat me down one day and told me nobody cares about your future or career goals/aspirations like you do. Nobody gives a crap about you because you're always replaceable. A lot of people wonder what the company will do if you ever leave a position. What they'll do is start the interview process the next day and find someone new.

You have to take care of your family first (if you have one) and take care of you as far as career goes. I don't mean this to sound like you should be sneaky or dishonest or anything like that but if you're transparent/honest/forthright there is no issue whatsoever with taking care of you IMO.

Damn good post

Apr 8, 2009
not sure this question has yet been presented in thread (at least I didnt see it)

what if Company A1 offers a job in two weeks.. .. in other words is there a company that is indeed better than even company A who you had your eye on?

if so this thread might be revamped again in a month....


Heck Murph, Justin might own company A in a month and have some stuff in the works to buy company B by then...

This kid is going places.

Oct 31, 2004
You're a smart guy chop. seriously. Spot on.

We had our differences at first and i'm sure we will disagree on other topics as well but I think we're starting to understand each other.

Before I go into the rest of my post let me say that everything im about to say is constructive and not meant to put you down.

We have been on the same page most of this thread but that has nothing to do with me seeing eye to eye with you all of a sudden.

The reason I was spot on in that post you highlight is the very same reason I was right in those other threads.

I am a very analytical thinker.
You are an emotional thinker.

I try to judge things the way they are.
You try to make things the way you want them to be.

I sensed this in you way back when you first started posting.

On your first job thread you blamed Obama and everything under the Sun for you not landing a job.
You said you only went on 3 interviews in 2 years or something like that and somehow this was someones elses fault besides yours.

Thats a classic example case of using intuition rather then analytical thinking.

I came out and told you what I believe is the truth.
The reason it took you so long to get a good job was all your fault.

Then the next thread you started was the thread before this announcing that you got your dream job.

Come to find out in this thread that job was not your dream job afterall.

But not being analytical about. Not being honest with yourself and trying to distort your reality you made yourself believe something(at least temporarily)that was simply not true.
And once the fantasy world that you created collided with the real world it was a real wake up call.

Some people live there entire life like this.
They will convence themselves they have a great mariage but in reality they hate each other.
People will convence themselves they love their job but they really hate it.

If I would have started the thread that you started when you told us you got your dream job it would have been much different.

Instead of saying that I love the new job im getting calling it my dream job like you did, I would have said well folks I finally got a job that is somewhat close to what I went to school for. Its certainly not my dream job. It was not my first choice. The real dream job I wanted has not contacted me since my 4th interview. Although this is not ideal at least its a start. Hopefully one day I can work myself into positioning myself into one day ultimately getting that dream job at company A but for now I will try to make the best of at company B.

You will be much happier thinking this way.
You will be much more focused.

And you will make decisions based on rational thought instead of emotion and gut feeling.

Read 7 Habits of highly Effective people by Steven Covey.
I have read it so many times I can quote it.

I cant think of a better read for someone in your shoes at this time in your life.

New member
Mar 18, 2011
Justin, I haven't read any more than the very first post in this thread, but let me tell you, in my opinion, you shouldn't feel bad. Good on your for being ambitious. I have been in a similar position a few times in my life. Good luck with your new gig. You don't owe your current company anything.

New member
Sep 24, 2012
Before I go into the rest of my post let me say that everything im about to say is constructive and not meant to put you down.

We have been on the same page most of this thread but that has nothing to do with me seeing eye to eye with you all of a sudden.

The reason I was spot on in that post you highlight is the very same reason I was right in those other threads.

I am a very analytical thinker.
You are an emotional thinker.

I try to judge things the way they are.
You try to make things the way you want them to be.

I sensed this in you way back when you first started posting.

On your first job thread you blamed Obama and everything under the Sun for you not landing a job.
You said you only went on 3 interviews in 2 years or something like that and somehow this was someones elses fault besides yours.

Thats a classic example case of using intuition rather then analytical thinking.

I came out and told you what I believe is the truth.
The reason it took you so long to get a good job was all your fault.

Then the next thread you started was the thread before this announcing that you got your dream job.

Come to find out in this thread that job was not your dream job afterall.

But not being analytical about. Not being honest with yourself and trying to distort your reality you made yourself believe something(at least temporarily)that was simply not true.
And once the fantasy world that you created collided with the real world it was a real wake up call.

Some people live there entire life like this.
They will convence themselves they have a great mariage but in reality they hate each other.
People will convence themselves they love their job but they really hate it.

If I would have started the thread that you started when you told us you got your dream job it would have been much different.

Instead of saying that I love the new job im getting calling it my dream job like you did, I would have said well folks I finally got a job that is somewhat close to what I went to school for. Its certainly not my dream job. It was not my first choice. The real dream job I wanted has not contacted me since my 4th interview. Although this is not ideal at least its a start. Hopefully one day I can work myself into positioning myself into one day ultimately getting that dream job at company A but for now I will try to make the best of at company B.

You will be much happier thinking this way.
You will be much more focused.

And you will make decisions based on rational thought instead of emotion and gut feeling.

Read 7 Habits of highly Effective people by Steven Covey.
I have read it so many times I can quote it.

I cant think of a better read for someone in your shoes at this time in your life.

I wasn't saying that all of the sudden we see eye to eye on everything. What I was trying to say is that very few people on this forum would have the ability or take the time to reason what you did in that last post. Hell, dsethi reads a few words here and there throughout the entire thread and makes irrational conclusions. You actually read everything, took the time to think on it, and made a reasonable and rational conclusion. I respect that.

New member
Sep 24, 2012
Before I go into the rest of my post let me say that everything im about to say is constructive and not meant to put you down.

We have been on the same page most of this thread but that has nothing to do with me seeing eye to eye with you all of a sudden.

The reason I was spot on in that post you highlight is the very same reason I was right in those other threads.

I am a very analytical thinker.
You are an emotional thinker.

I try to judge things the way they are.
You try to make things the way you want them to be.

I sensed this in you way back when you first started posting.

On your first job thread you blamed Obama and everything under the Sun for you not landing a job.
You said you only went on 3 interviews in 2 years or something like that and somehow this was someones elses fault besides yours.

Thats a classic example case of using intuition rather then analytical thinking.

I came out and told you what I believe is the truth.
The reason it took you so long to get a good job was all your fault.

Then the next thread you started was the thread before this announcing that you got your dream job.

Come to find out in this thread that job was not your dream job afterall.

But not being analytical about. Not being honest with yourself and trying to distort your reality you made yourself believe something(at least temporarily)that was simply not true.
And once the fantasy world that you created collided with the real world it was a real wake up call.

Some people live there entire life like this.
They will convence themselves they have a great mariage but in reality they hate each other.
People will convence themselves they love their job but they really hate it.

If I would have started the thread that you started when you told us you got your dream job it would have been much different.

Instead of saying that I love the new job im getting calling it my dream job like you did, I would have said well folks I finally got a job that is somewhat close to what I went to school for. Its certainly not my dream job. It was not my first choice. The real dream job I wanted has not contacted me since my 4th interview. Although this is not ideal at least its a start. Hopefully one day I can work myself into positioning myself into one day ultimately getting that dream job at company A but for now I will try to make the best of at company B.

You will be much happier thinking this way.
You will be much more focused.

And you will make decisions based on rational thought instead of emotion and gut feeling.

Read 7 Habits of highly Effective people by Steven Covey.
I have read it so many times I can quote it.

I cant think of a better read for someone in your shoes at this time in your life.

I think these are some good points. And I will check out the book. However you know as well as I do that If I wasn't capable of thinking analytically I couldn't work in finance. I agree that sometimes I am an "emotional thinker" as you say, but I call that being passionate.

Oct 31, 2004
Kumbaya moment of the week here at the RX

Yea, something is not right about this.
Now I get along with Gynecologist and JustineCruise.
What is this world coming to ace?

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