you can compete better, you will obtain and retain more, and that's what it's all about
it's not rocket science, exceptions don't change anything, and there are always exceptions as nothing is perfect
some policies are just better than others
I wasn't saying a lower corporate tax rate isn't a good thing, I think it is essential going forward. I was saying it won't change Apple's manufacturing process in any way and telling people it will in every single speech you do is disingenuous, like I say in post #44.
The very first speech Trump had he said he was going to call Ford's CEO up and tell him that any cars made in Mexico coming into the US are going to have a 25% tariff and Ford will whine and complain but eventually bow down to him because he isn't beholden to anyone, how is this a message of competing better? It is a message that you're going to strongarm a company into doing what you want with interventionist gov't policy rather than free market pro-business solutions.
There is endless populist rhetoric that shows hostility towards American business and industry from this guy. I could go on and on listing examples. How many companies has he said he is boycotting on the campaign trail? Apple for not providing a backdoor, Oreo's because Nabisco has non-US operations, Amazon because The Post has some writers who criticize him.
I understand you are fed up and wanna roll that dice, that's fine but this is is obviously stuff that merits discussion and obviously in my opinion criticism. I don't think he is really selling what you think he is selling.