Doc Mercer Revisited...


Should we Ban Doc Mercer?

  • Ban Doc Mercer Indefinitely.

    Votes: 87 54.7%
  • Allow Doc Mercer to continue to post indefinitely.

    Votes: 72 45.3%

  • Total voters

Drink Away
Nov 17, 2005
FOr all ya haters out there, Yes Doc posts a lot and so what. most of his posts have good points to them, and if yall hate him so much then simply dont read what he posts. Look I read all of his posts or at least try to. He keeps me busy at work so thanks DOC, there are a lot of worse posters out there that need to be banned

Sep 21, 2004
wilheim said:
A poster becomes a problem when you recieve half a dozen emails from other posters complaining about that poster. This forum has been a very troublesome situation for The Rx. for at least a year and only shows signs of getting worse. This is a no win situation no matter what I do. Keep Doc and lose 5 or 6 solid long time posters. Ban Doc and most likely lose a different 5 or 6 solid long time posters.

Very much a Catch 22 situation for me as head moderator and The Rx. in general. I very much would like to see this forum become a real political debate instead of the flame fest it has evolved into. Virtually every thread is some sort of shot at a poster with differenmt political views. The focus is not on issues but on personal feuds within the forum itself. This one is an idiot, that one is a jackass, the other is a moron; ad nauseam..

Bottom line this poll will decide what direction The Rx. will take regarding Doc Mercer. I am going to wait another 36 hours and see where the poll stands. Yes the poll itself has been sanctioned by Rx. management..


I understand the problem. Positive or negative commentary about his posts don't matter. What matters is that he contribute to this site in a meaningful way. He is a Character and he does annoy people, but I really do not believe it's to the detriment of this forum. He has his moments, as do others. From my point of view, there are others rather than Doc, who should be banned. I will not name them cause I believe everyone should be able to express their political views. You have a great operation here and I do not believe Doc. is the problem. Save him please. This poll is wrong in my opinion.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
levistep said:
I think many of the pro doc voters were put on the felon purge list. Gallop exit polls had doc favored to win this thing.

Is RFK Jr going to investigate voting irregularities in this thread?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
doc mercer said:

Dont worry about it ... the vote has allready been cast

Wil did what he thought was best ... Dwaf and others got pissed over his
decision and started a "rumor"

Now we have seen the "Mass" number of Righties (almost 4 at my last count)
that are part of the scene that no longer post here "because of Doc Mercer"

Dont worry about it ... you are my buds and this is funny as hell

You know Doc, I was going to vote to let you stay.

Now you go and piss me off!

Do you have a neteller account?


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
teazeman said:
like lot's of things in life when the right doesn't get their way it doesn't count, lets just keep doing these till they get what they want and doc is banned. Oh yeah well call it a "fair and balanced" vote.[/quote


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
CHRISG612 said:
Just wanted to add, why would the republicans on this forum vote to not ban Doc? This is not going to be an unbiased is going to be about POLITICS ;)

Well, because flaming liberals keep us in power. :dancefool

I love seeing the likes of Nancy & Howard getting as much exposure as possible. Throw in "the Chicks" and "Moore bigger then anyone has a right to be" and the silent majority will surely turn out on election day, YET AGAIN.

BTW: thinking about Michael Moore, shouldn't he eat less in order to feed hundreds of starving people? Just wondering?


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Wil, I've just recently starting visiting the political forum, after Doc was reinstated actually. In that time frame, he didn't seem to be spamming, but maybe I'm wrong.

If he's toned it down, he should be allowed to stay. If he's up to the same stuff you guys have been trying to prevent, ban him.

I haven't been offended when we butt heads, and we don't agree on anything.

New member
Nov 8, 2004
Split the Pol. forum into two rooms one for left leaning threads and one for the right. It would be interesting to see how long it takes the righties (who couldn't even handle Doc on ignore) to come into Doc's threads.

Then we will find out who just wants to start trouble.:nopityA:

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
davidbird said:
If your views were less conservative you could see more objectively and realize that popularity is what the vote will reflect.....jackass.

Hey, fuckface, I HAPPEN TO AGREE WITH DOC'S POSTS MORE OFTEN THAN NOT!!!!!!! The content is irrelevant. It's the sheer volume of nothingness that he pukes up 31.99 times a day. Maybe he wouldn't be so fucking unpopular if he didn't spam the goddamn board.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
What's to stop Doc from re-emerging as someone else? The issue shouldn't be Doc, it should be how many threads can you start in a day? Nothing wrong with posting hundreds of times a day, as long as you are contributing in existing threads. When I miss 2 days here I come back and its pages of Doc's "spam". And as everyone knows my opinions are closer to Doc's than not. Just makes it tough to have a good board. So my thought is why not just put a limit on how many threads a poster can start a day? If so don't see a reason why he can't contribute and end a lot of the complaints. Having a mod around should help with the flaming inside the threads.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
How about letting Doc decide his own fate via a "3 strikes you're out" rule, say?

Here I'm thinking about unprovoked name-calling. If someone starts a political thread with nothing personal directed at any posters and Doc makes a post referring to any poster in particular or even rightie posters in general, a mod would come in and post "strike one". Same goes for threads started by Doc that refer to any poster in particular or even rightie posters in general.

Get to strike three and it's an indefinite ban.

If Doc is not the first one in a thread to refer to other posters in a negative light, then he cannot get a strike in that thread no matter what he says about anyone. And if the unprovoked negativity is directed at Doc, then he gets a negative strike. If he gets to strike negative three, then he stays indefinitely and any further emails to mods regarding Doc will get an automatic form-letter response referring to this arrangement. In this case, the complainer will have no choice but to lay the blame on whoever bashed Doc and not on Doc himself.

I think it's only fair to give everyone another chance and let them decide their own fates. If the rules are stated clearly enough, then it will not be the mods or management deciding what happens but the participants themselves, so whichever way it pans out, the Rx cannot be held responsible.

What do y'all say?
Jan 19, 2006
wilheim said:
A poster becomes a problem when you recieve half a dozen emails from other posters complaining about that poster. This forum has been a very troublesome situation for The Rx. for at least a year and only shows signs of getting worse. This is a no win situation no matter what I do. Keep Doc and lose 5 or 6 solid long time posters. Ban Doc and most likely lose a different 5 or 6 solid long time posters.

Very much a Catch 22 situation for me as head moderator and The Rx. in general. I very much would like to see this forum become a real political debate instead of the flame fest it has evolved into. Virtually every thread is some sort of shot at a poster with differenmt political views. The focus is not on issues but on personal feuds within the forum itself. This one is an idiot, that one is a jackass, the other is a moron; ad nauseam..

Bottom line this poll will decide what direction The Rx. will take regarding Doc Mercer. I am going to wait another 36 hours and see where the poll stands. Yes the poll itself has been sanctioned by Rx. management..


wil, This was well written bud!! :toast:

It really helps to understand what you have to go through on here
with this situation. Like you said it is a lose-lose situation.

I think this statement best suits this situation
"You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time.


Snatches Defeat from the Jaws of Victory...
Apr 9, 2006
wilheim said:
Should The Rx. allow Doc Mercer to continue posting in the Political Forum???

I am going to revisit the issue one more time and settle the Doc Mercer issue once and for all.

Please vote in the poll either yes or no.

Thanks, wilheim

If you really must do this, at least try not to be like George Bush and consider a close poll a "mandate," and axe Doc just because the forum is split down party lines! This forum sometimes lets the righties whine & get thier way, when it really is the fact that they are tired of seeing so much stuff rubbed in thier face. If you must do anything, put a daily thread limit of five or so for EVERYONE, and if he still fills up page 1, then it can only be because we're all posting in his threads!
Try and do something to squlech the complaints before doing something so drastic! That is the way we liberals feel in this America right now, please don't make the same thing true in this forum. We're really only blowinig off steam here anyway. Don't make this place so damn serious that people are actually banned for something like this. I mean, Doc doesn't post anything lude or obscence! If he is banned (& you guys won't care but so what) I'll be gone also!
Please think about it,


New member
Jun 4, 2006
DEAC, you started the use of name calling. Did you think that I wouldn't respond in kind? Name calling is an easy response, requiring little thought or effort, and I can be as lazy as yourself.
I noticed that you never responded to my argument that, regardless of one's view of the specifics of Doc's case, a poll (especially in a political forum) will often be a popularity contest and sets a dangerous precedent. I know, this a one time, emergency measure and will never be used again. At least that's the rationale for allowing most dangerous practices to get started. Of course, this is actually the second Doc poll in the last week or so. Less than half failed to vote for a ban the last time before the poll was closed, so we try again.
If you or others can't see the bad precedent this sets, then, yes, you are blinded by either your own political views or your personal dislike for Doc. Try to look beyond this particular case.

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
davidbird said:
DEAC, you started the use of name calling. Did you think that I wouldn't respond in kind? Name calling is an easy response, requiring little thought or effort, and I can be as lazy as yourself.
I noticed that you never responded to my argument that, regardless of one's view of the specifics of Doc's case, a poll (especially in a political forum) will often be a popularity contest and sets a dangerous precedent. I know, this a one time, emergency measure and will never be used again. At least that's the rationale for allowing most dangerous practices to get started. Of course, this is actually the second Doc poll in the last week or so. Less than half failed to vote for a ban the last time before the poll was closed, so we try again.
If you or others can't see the bad precedent this sets, then, yes, you are blinded by either your own political views or your personal dislike for Doc. Try to look beyond this particular case.

Dear Mr. bird,

I agree with you that it will be a popularity contest. However, it won't be divided between Democrats and Republicans. It'll be divided between those who like or can tolerate his relentless spam and inability to formulate a thought on his own and those who would rather not see 25 topics with no replies on the front page.

Have a Blessed day.

Your Friend,

Death Eats A Cracker

New member
Jun 4, 2006
DEAC, I saw your Cindy Sheehan 'cartoon' in the thread "Wil, thank you, sir". This was far more offensive than anything I've seen from Doc. And before you commit the Ann Coulter fallacy, yes her views are fair game. However, personal attacks are not. Being passionate about a war that resulted in her
son's death seems pretty natural to me; it does not make her an "attention whore". Perhaps we should start a poll to ban you. That would not after all be an attack on your political views, but the disgusting way in which you expressed them.

But, on second thought, such a poll could easily be used to attack people based largely on the popularity of their views, so let's not establish such a dangerous precedent.

Get the point.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
davidbird said:
DEAC, you started the use of name calling. Did you think that I wouldn't respond in kind? Name calling is an easy response, requiring little thought or effort, and I can be as lazy as yourself.
I noticed that you never responded to my argument that, regardless of one's view of the specifics of Doc's case, a poll (especially in a political forum) will often be a popularity contest and sets a dangerous precedent. I know, this a one time, emergency measure and will never be used again. At least that's the rationale for allowing most dangerous practices to get started. Of course, this is actually the second Doc poll in the last week or so. Less than half failed to vote for a ban the last time before the poll was closed, so we try again.
If you or others can't see the bad precedent this sets, then, yes, you are blinded by either your own political views or your personal dislike for Doc. Try to look beyond this particular case.

DB get a clue buddy. This is not a right/left thing. KingBill, X, KTV, Edub, Levi too name a few are for sure not rightwing.

He post lies 90% of the time. He will post trying to think it was his own thought without giving the source. Did ya hear the 1 about Barbara Olsen getting arrested on a border between 2 countries that did not even connect. Or that he posted that out of respect for Wil he will no longer be posting at theRX.

INSULTS: Yes we all throw around the normal insults of idiot , moron, dipshit. Doc no not Doc he has to take it to the next level. How many times do we have to hear about Bulldog Gannon doing a rightie in the ass. Do you even know how many times he posted the pic of Bush and Gannon. What about the post when he posted an article thinking it was ripping Buh and put the headline about this proves Bush did this or that. LMAO to bad the article was about how Clinton fucked up. He was in such a rush to be negative about Bush he didn't even read the article he posted.

MOST IMPORTANT DB. This in the end is a gambling website. Do you know that Doc has welched on 3 bets. Now if you gamble that should make you lose all respect for this turd. LMAO on a gambling website he didn't pay up on 3 bets. He was open about it too. Cussin (not a right winger) runs that little comp just to have some fun, but NO not DocStupid he just couldn't relax for 1 minute and try to have some fun. Well he lost and wouldn't follow the rules. Just like the CBB tourny picks he lost that too.

OH yeah 1 more lie that he stated over and over over over over. That was total BS. He claimed that I emailed an MOD to complain about him. Hell I don't have enough free time to ever do that. Shit I didn't even know that I could do that. When I denied that claim and told Wil to please post the email if it was from me. Which he never did. Even better he continued with his saying he had proof that I did it. So put up or shut up I told him I challenge him $1000's he shows his proof I send him $1000. If he gets proved wrong (which he did) he sends me a $1000. Yet he never seemed to produce the "proof" he had.
So in the end this is just a sampling of what a turd this guy is. He is a whore who thrives on all this drama. He has no life he has no friends this is his only outlet.

PS last thing did ya see the post where he told a poster that his Mom should of had an abortion.

New member
Jun 4, 2006
Rightside, again, I am more concerned with the precedent of polls to determine whether one can belong or not to a political forum. Yes, there will always be a few who will not vote their political views, but by and large, just like in Congress, the vote will be largely partisan.

But to refer briefly to Doc's case, I've seen no new outrageous behavior sense the last poll taken here. And since his return from the last banning, he has more often been the target, not the instigator. If you look at the title of threads for the last couple days, only one states its purpose to be the bashing of another poster. Doc is the target of that thread.

As I said in a post above, DEAC's Cindy Sheehan post is maybe the most offensive I've seen recently.
But I don't think a poll asking whether he should be banned is the answer. That would, of course, be another largely partisan exercise.

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