Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Sep 21, 2004
Her fake southern accent? As fake as her politics and her marriage.


At least she doesn't have to fake being a Yankee fan this time.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I think it is embarrasing for anyone else to be President besides a white male. Makes the country look weak without a Professional white male. It's true. A woman? Seriously?

A Professional white male are the people universally respected and feared. Hillary Clinton is married yet knowing her husband cheated on her many times. The President of Iran would likely think Hillary Clinton was the President's secretary if she called over there. He would be waiting for Michael Douglas to take the call.

Where's mountain at? He seems to care deeply about people labeling groups. Surprised he hasn't written 5 paragraphs in response to this.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast
Jackie Kucinich
[h=3]FOUL[/h]05.27.1510:00 AM ET
[h=1]Corrupt FIFA Has Clinton Foundation Ties; World Cup Host Qatar Gave Millions[/h]Both Bill Clinton and his family’s charity have been tied to soccer’s governing body, as well as Qatar’s disastrous World Cup bid.
And just like that, another Clinton Foundation donor is in the news.
The Clinton global charity has received between $50,000 and $100,000 from soccer’s governing body and has partnered with the Fédération Internationale de Football Association on several occasions, according to donor listings on the foundation’s website.
Several top FIFA executives were arrested Wednesday in Zurich and face corruption charges stretching back two decades, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
Involvement with the embattled body extends beyond the foundation to Bill Clinton himself. The former president was an honorary chairman of the bid committee put together to promote the United States as a possible host nation for the 2018 or 2022 World Cup.
When the U.S. lost the 2022 bid to Qatar, Clinton was rumored to be so upset he shattered a mirror.
But apparently Qatar tried to make it up to him.
The Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee, partnering with the State of Qatar, “committed to utilizing its research and development for sustainable infrastructure at the 2022 FIFA World Cup to improve food security in Qatar, the Middle East, and other arid and water-stressed regions throughout the world,” according to the Clinton Foundation website.
The cost of the two-year project is not listed on the Clinton Foundation website, but the Qatar 2022 committee gave the foundation between $250,000 and $500,000 in 2014 and the State of Qatar gave between $1 million and $5 million in previous, unspecified years.
FIFA, which has never been a bastion of ethics, was heavily criticized for awarding the 2018 and 2022 World Cup to Russia and Qatar, respectively, in part because of their abysmal human-rights records.
The Guardian reported in 2013 about “appalling labor abuses,” including possible forced labor and worker death on Qatar’s World Cup infrastructure projects. It is also considered to be too hot to play soccer in Qatar in the summer.
No Qatari officials have been arrested, but Swiss authorities announced Wednesday that they had opened criminal proceedings into the allocation of the Qatari and Russian World Cups. They have also seized documents from FIFA’s headquarters and gained access to the Swiss bank accounts of executives they suspect of “unjust enrichment” and money laundering.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

The Associated Press

by WILLIAM BIGELOW27 May 2015208

[h=2]On Wednesday, U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contrerasordered the State Department to release some of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails every 30 days, starting in June.[/h]The complete emails will be released by January 29, 2016. The schedule is as follows: 7 percent of the emails will be released by June 30, 2015, another 8 percent in July, 10 percent more in August, 12 percent in September, 14 percent in October, 15 percent in November, 16 percent in December, and 18 percent in January of 2016.
The State Department had asked for the emails to be released every 60 days; attorneys for Vice News reporter Jason Leopold, who brought the suit prompting the release, had asked for the emails to be released every two weeks.
Last year, Vice News used the Freedom of Information Act to ask for Clinton’s emails and other records; the lawsuit was filed after there was no forthcoming response.
Last December, Clinton turned in the 55,000 pages of emails to the State Department. She admitted she had erased a similar number of emails that she and her attorneys considered personal or private.
Last Friday, roughly 850 pages of Clinton emails revolving around the terrorist attack in Benghazi were made public.
Clinton’s use of her private email for State Department business violated the department’s own internal guidelines from 2005 that require “normal day-to-day operations be conducted on an authorized” computer system.

Jul 4, 2012
Latest Q Poll: American voters say 53 - 39 percent that Clinton is not honest and trustworthy. And, Hillary's favorable ratings go underwater to 45-47, a drop of 29 net points since she peaked in February 2013


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Latest Q Poll: American voters say 53 - 39 percent that Clinton is not honest and trustworthy. And, Hillary's favorable ratings go underwater to 45-47, a drop of 29 net points since she peaked in February 2013

Lmao. Hysterically you think that poll matters.

Hillary leads bush by 10, Christie by 9, Cruz by 11

how many times must you guys be wrong before you just stop talking. Keep posting bullshit articles....they are really helping.

New member
Nov 10, 2010


Political couple: Bill and Hillary Clinton in 1987, when he was governor of Arkansas. Paula Jones says that their 'political marriage' led to Hillary lying about what she knew of Bill's 'abuse' of women

Sep 21, 2004
Lmao. Hysterically you think that poll matters.

Hillary leads bush by 10, Christie by 9, Cruz by 11

how many times must you guys be wrong before you just stop talking. Keep posting bullshit articles....they are really helping.


You're dumb enough to think that people post articles to "help" the election. ROFL. Maybe he's posting them to point out the absolute stupidity and hypocrisy of
the leftist idiots in here that will still support her, ignoring the *obvious* corruption and ineptitude that she brings. Your blind adoration of such a piece of shit
is so ludicrous it's really sad and pathetic. Yeah, I know that you'll respond to this with some stupid inane quip - that's all you do all day. Carry on.

New member
Nov 10, 2010


Infamous moment: This was the moment Bill Clinton publicly denied an improper relationship with Monica Lewinsky, saying: 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.'


Support: Hillary was at her husband Bill's side as the made the statement which set the scandal alight and whispered in his ear after he made it. Then she spoke after him, talking about education as had been planned


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Paula Jones

Jones says he is still lying and would philander again - and that Hillary lied too so is also unworthy of office
'There is no way that she did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband.


Jul 4, 2012
Lmao. Hysterically you think that poll matters.

Hillary leads bush by 10, Christie by 9, Cruz by 11

how many times must you guys be wrong before you just stop talking. Keep posting bullshit articles....they are really helping.

Except I haven't posted any "bullshit articles" and I'm not "wrong" about anything, you drooling imbecile.

You're so fucking dumb you can't even address a single fact posted. At all. But you laughably think people get articles "emailed" to them or something.

But please, go on pretending a 29 point drop in Hillary's favorability rating is meaningless. That is what dipshits like you do.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Trolls up to 180 worthless posts on this thread LOL (34%) - You can't make this stuff up

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Except I haven't posted any "bullshit articles" and I'm not "wrong" about anything, you drooling imbecile.

You're so fucking dumb you can't even address a single fact posted. At all. But you laughably think people get articles "emailed" to them or something.

But please, go on pretending a 29 point drop in Hillary's favorability rating is meaningless. That is what dipshits like you do.
That poll reminds me of the ones in 2012. Obama favorables in the toilet, losing support among dems.....same stupid shit. You ask the same people in that poll who they would vote for and she will beat all republicans. That's why guys like you are always wrong.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Clinton Foundation paid Blumenthal $10K per month while he advised on Libya[/h]Some officials at the charity grumbled that his hiring was a favor from the Clintons.
5/28/15 5:02 AM EDT
Updated 5/28/15 9:16 AM EDT

Sidney Blumenthal (pictured) was added to the payroll of the Clintons’ global philanthropy in 2009. | Getty

Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime confidant of Bill and Hillary Clinton, earned about $10,000 a month as a full-time employee of the Clinton Foundation while he was providing unsolicited intelligence on Libya to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to multiple sources familiar with the arrangement.
Blumenthal was added to the payroll of the Clintons’ global philanthropy in 2009 — not long after advising Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign — at the behest of former president Bill Clinton, for whom he had worked in the White House, say the sources.

While Blumenthal’s foundation job focused on highlighting the legacy of Clinton’s presidency, some officials at the charity questioned his value and grumbled that his hiring was a favor from the Clintons, according to people familiar with the foundation. They say that, during a2013 reform push, Blumenthal was moved to a consulting contract that came with a similar pay rate but without benefits — an arrangement that endured until March.
A Clinton loyalist who first earned the family’s trust as an aggressive combatant in the political battles of the 1990s, Blumenthal continues to work as a paid consultant to two groups supporting Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign — American Bridge and Media Matters — both of which are run by David Brock, a close ally of both Clinton and Blumenthal.

[h=3]Hillary Clinton struggles to escape South Carolina scars[/h]GLENN THRUSH

Yet Blumenthal’s financial and personal connections to the Clintons and their allies have emerged as subjects of intense scrutiny as Clinton seeks to gain momentum for her presidential campaign.
Blumenthal’s concurrent work for the foundation, the Brock groups and a pair of businesses seeking potentially lucrative contracts in Libya underscores the blurred lines between her State Department work and that of her family’s charitable and political enterprises.
Blumenthal has been subpoenaed by the U.S. House committee investigating the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and Clinton’s handling of it. He is expected to testify next week about a series of memos containing sometimes specious intelligence on the situation in Libya, which he sent to Hillary Clinton’s personal email account.
The committee is said to be interested in exploring Blumenthal’s connections to any entity that may have stood to benefit from Clinton’s decisions in Libya. Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) also wants to probe how seriously the State Department took Blumenthal’s advice, which recently released emails show were met with skepticism at times.

[h=3]Hillary Clinton's shadow down south: Carly Fiorina[/h]GABRIEL DEBENEDETTI

Clinton, whose efforts to hire Blumenthal as an adviser at the State Department were rebuffed by top aides to President Barack Obama, last week defended her relationship with her old ally but also minimized his influence. Describing him as “a friend of mine for a long time,” Clinton, who also plans to testify before the committee, said “he sent me unsolicited emails which I passed on in some instances, and I say that that’s just part of the give and take.”
In his own statement last week, Blumenthal suggested that he did not write the memos on behalf of the foundation or any other entities with which he may have been associated, but rather as “a private citizen and friend” of Clinton’s.
His lawyer, former Deputy Attorney General James Cole, told POLITICO on Wednesday that Blumenthal did not have any financial interest in the efforts of the two companies pushing to win contracts in Libya — Osprey Global Solutions and Constellations Group.
“He never got any money from — and has no continuing relationship with — Osprey or Constellations,” said Cole.
The Clinton Foundation declined to comment.
Blumenthal’s move to a consulting contract came at about the time he signed a deal with Simon & Schuster to write a four-volume biography of Abraham Lincoln, the first installment of which is set for release in April.
The move from the foundation’s full-time staff roster exempted him from requirements that any outside work done be vetted and approved by the foundation. The shift also coincided with an effort to professionalize the foundation. More rigorous fiscal and organizational policies were implemented, while the portfolios of other longtime Clinton confidants were diminished, such as the president’s old Arkansas lawyer Bruce Lindsey, his former bodyman Doug Band and former White House policy adviser Ira Magaziner.
Media Matters spokesman Zac Petkanas wouldn’t provide details on Blumenthal’s relationship with the group. “We’ve worked with various consultants over the years,” he said. “As a matter of policy, we do not discuss the details of any of these arrangements.”

[h=3]Democrats hope for Hillary coattails[/h]KYLE CHENEY, THEODORIC MEYER and ELENA SCHNEIDER

But Blumenthal’s work for American Bridge and Media Matters is described as ongoing, even as those groups come to Clinton’s defense by trying to neutralize attacks on her related to Benghazi and her use of a private email account and server for official business, while assailing the prospective Republican rivals leveling those attacks.
One source familiar with the work said Blumenthal regularly reaches out to suggest ways in which the groups can inject themselves into ongoing political fights.
“I’m not sure if his ideas are very helpful,” said the source, suggesting Blumenthal’s value comes more from his connection to the Clintons. “This is all about helping someone who is a friend of the Clintons.”
The super PAC arm of American Bridge reported paying Blumenthal $2,500 in June 2013 for “Strategic Consulting Services,” though payments also could be directed to him through a consulting firm. And it’s possible he’s paid by the nonprofit arm of the group, which, like Media Matters, is registered under a section of the tax code — 501(c) — that does not require detailed disclosure of expenditures.
Likewise, Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign did not disclose any payments made directly to Blumenthal.
Clinton’s campaign did not immediately respond to a question about whether Blumenthal would be involved this time around.
Lauren French contributed to this report.

Sep 21, 2004
That poll reminds me of the ones in 2012. Obama favorables in the toilet, losing support among dems.....same stupid shit. You ask the same people in that poll who they would vote for and she will beat all republicans. That's why guys like you are always wrong.

You're so short-sighted and stupid that as long as we elect someone with a D by their name, you're going to be happy. As if electing a fucking crook to the White House
(whatever political party) would be a good thing. The Clintons are as corrupt as they come.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You're so short-sighted and stupid that as long as we elect someone with a D by their name, you're going to be happy. As if electing a fucking crook to the White House
(whatever political party) would be a good thing. The Clintons are as corrupt as they come.
The problem is you believe every stupid story there is. Is there a dem that can run for president that you won't say is corrupt? I mean that's all you fringe guys do. It is always something with you matter what dem it is you always find a way to come up with bullshit . As if electing a total nutbag like Ted Cruz isn't a thousand times more dangerous than Hillary Clinton.

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