Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


New member
Jan 9, 2009
The spamming troll is dot connecting again. Lmao.

Did you connect the dots on the latest republican trolling for dick? Guess you missed gold ole Dennis huh?

how about Huckabee and Josh connect those?

Those would be on you. I am just connecting on one person, Hillary. Oh I forgot, you don't know how to connect a dot lol.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Those would be on you. I am just connecting on one person, Hillary. Oh I forgot, you don't know how to connect a dot lol.
You have not connected anything on Clinton or Obama. You are being laughed at by normal people......all your accusing others of being trolls and alinsky is what you are.

Aug 6, 2006
Sorry Vit, you're the one is denial. Total corrupt, conniving **** this bitch is. Yeah, that about covers it.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Sorry Vit, you're the one is denial. Total corrupt, conniving **** this bitch is. Yeah, that about covers it.

I will await some proof that could at least get past a civil trial.

The majority of this stuff is nonsense.....not even enough legs to walk a few steps.

right wing machine is so desperate to get her out of the race they keep throwing shit against a wall. Maybe something will stick for them but it hasn't yet.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

Hillary Clinton to launch campaign from one of New York’s least-accessible public places.

There is only one island in New York City harder to get to than Roosevelt Island, where Hillary Clinton will hold her campaign kickoff later this month. That island is Riker's Island.

I'm not the type to go looking for metaphors in things! I am not that type! I am merely here to offer insights as a New Yorker-American into the ins and outs of New York life. Including the details of Roosevelt Island.

First of all: Roosevelt Island is a cool place to visit. It use to house a smallpox quarantine center at its southern end, which is still in the process of being restored (after partially collapsing a few years back). It's got a bunch of new housing and a spectacularly painted public pool. But it is about as inconvenient a place to get to in New York as is conceivable.

There are three ways onto the island.

By car: You have to get to Queens and make your way through back streets in an industrial area to do so. The Queensboro Bridge (or whatever it is called now that New Yorkers ignore) passes over the island, but has no outlets onto it. (It would be hard to do so, given how high the bridge is.) What's left, then, is that little scroungy two-lane bridge from Queens, limiting how many people can get across it. But most people don't.

By train: Instead, they usually use the subway (the black line). Now, here is a secret about taking the subway to Roosevelt Island: It is terrible.
In order to get under the East River, the train tunnel is very deep underground, meaning you have to take about six escalators up to get to the surface. Maybe more, I haven't counted. I tried to take the stairs once, instead, and actually almost passed out. I'm not an athlete. But still.

By tram: The cool way to get to the island, the way that's mentioned in Hollywood Movies, is to take the newly refurbished tram. It holds maybe 20 people at a time and takes probably 10 minutes. It's beautiful! I recommend it to visitors. However, it is not mass transit in the sense of accommodating masses of people for rapid transit.

I am not the type to find metaphors in things, as I said. I am just reporting that the Hillary Clinton campaign is launching from one of the least accessible parts of New York City. That is all I am doing here in this article. Nothing more.

Cool, the reporter allows everyone to make their on conclusions, connect their own dots so to speak.

She wants to be the champion for all people yet she doesn’t want to make it easy for them to get to her campaign launch.

That works for me.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007


A voter’s request to take a picture with Hillary Clinton was met with an icy response from the Democratic presidential front-runner.

A short video released Monday by America Rising, the Republican research group, shows a middle-aged woman asking Clinton to pose for a photograph.

“Go to the end of the line,” Clinton tells the woman.

“Why don’t you go to the end of the line,” the former secretary of state repeats as she points off camera.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
I will await some proof that could at least get past a civil trial.

The majority of this stuff is nonsense.....not even enough legs to walk a few steps.

right wing machine is so desperate to get her out of the race they keep throwing shit against a wall. Maybe something will stick for them but it hasn't yet.

They have absolutely nothing on her that can't be debunked in 5 minutes. It's pretty pathetic as always. I actually read some of Russ' stuff for the first time and it's as pathetic as the last time I read it. They still think Benghazi will be a big issue for her.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
They have absolutely nothing on her that can't be debunked in 5 minutes. It's pretty pathetic as always. I actually read some of Russ' stuff for the first time and it's as pathetic as the last time I read it. They still think Benghazi will be a big issue for her.

New member
Oct 19, 2007

What's ironic she was 100% correct with that statement. She wanted to talk about capturing the suspects and all you guys focused on was gotcha moments on whether it was over a video or not. She was correct to say it. What difference did it make other than to appease the psycho witch hunting conservatives.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
What's ironic she was 100% correct with that statement. She wanted to talk about capturing the suspects and all you guys focused on was gotcha moments on whether it was over a video or not. She was correct to say it. What difference did it make other than to appease the psycho witch hunting conservatives.
Simply amazing how these idiots turn quotes into what they want to. Truly the dumbest people on earth. As if she was saying what difference does it make that Americans die. They level of stupidity is owned by conservatives.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Simply amazing how these idiots turn quotes into what they want to. Truly the dumbest people on earth. As if she was saying what difference does it make that Americans die. They level of stupidity is owned by conservatives.

It's like that "You didn't build that" crap. These people just weren't raised with integrity. Lying and making shit up is just no big deal to them. Anything to support their cult. Very weird behavior.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]FLASHBACK: The Time Hillary Clinton Implied Barack Obama May Have Ties to Hamas[/h]VIDEO: Failed candidate with legions of shady associates attacks historic president for associating with shady people
BY: Andrew Stiles
June 1, 2015 4:12 pm



Bill and Hillary Clinton have a long list of shady associates: Frank Giustra, Denis O’Brien, Sidney Blumenthal, Norman Hsu, Hassan Nemazee, Jon Corzine, Jeffrey Epstein, Ron Burkle, Marc Rich,Webb Hubbell, Sant Chatwal, Sheldon Silver, Anthony Weiner, Eliot Spitzer, David Brock, and the Qatari government, to name a few.
These days, the Clintons don’t think shady associations should have any bearing on a candidates qualifications for office. When we learned, for example, that shady Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal was running a private intelligence operation in Libya—while employed by the Clinton Foundation—and sending memos to Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State, Hillary insisted that she didn’t see anything wrong with keeping in touch with an “old friend.” Whenever the Clinton Foundation is tied to questionable figures, we are reminded that the foundation does a lot of great work in places like Haiti, where it recently helped finance the construction of a luxury hotel.
It wasn’t long ago that Hillary Clinton was attacking Barack Obama for associating with certain unsavory individuals, such as the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who, as Hillary alleged during a 2008 debate, had ties to Louis Farrakhan and the terrorist group Hamas.
Here’s what Clinton had to say on the subject of Reverend Wright during an April 2008 Democratic primary debate sponsored by ABC News, less than two months before she conceded the nomination. It’s worth noting that the debate moderator gave her the opportunity to skip to the next question, but Hillary felt compelled to weigh in further (emphasis added):
CHARLES GIBSON (ABC ANCHOR): I’m getting a little out of balance here. Do you want to take a few seconds or do you want to go to the next question?
HILLARY CLINTON: I think in addition to the questions about Reverend Wright and what he said and when he said it, and for whatever reason he might have said these things, there were so many different variations on the explanations that we heard.
And it is something that I think deserves further exploration because clearly, what we’ve got to figure out is how we’re going to bring people together in a way that overcomes the anger, overcomes the divisiveness and whatever bitterness there may be out there. You know?
It is clear that, as leaders, we have a choice who we associate with and who we apparently give some kind of seal of approval to. And I think that it wasn’t only the specific remarks but some of the relationships with Reverend Farrakhan, with giving the church bulletin over to the leader of Hamas, to put a message in.
You know, these are problems. And they raise questions in people’s minds. And, so, this is a legitimate area, as everything is, when we run for office, for people to be exploring and trying to find answers.
I’m not saying Barack Obama supports terrorists groups. But it’s worth looking into! He’s not a Muslim, “as far as a I know.” The thought of an Obama presidency literally brings me to tears.
It’s pretty amazing to look back on these remarks, especially given the prevailing narrative regarding the Reverend Wright attacks—a vast, right-wing conspiracy, if you will—and the Clintons’ prevailing tendency to shrug off questions about their uniquely insidious circle of friends.
The video from that debate is painful to watch, if only because it shows a person who, on the brink of defeat, is so desperate to be president that she’ll say anything to achieve that goal.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary allows men at ‘women-only’ event amid weak turnout[/h]By Ian Mohr

June 1, 2015 | 10:07pm

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Hillary ClintonPhoto: Getty Images

[h=3]MORE ON:[/h][h=6]HILLARY CLINTON[/h]
[h=5]Silda Wall Spitzer to host 'women only' fund-raiser for Hillary[/h]
[h=5]ABC's 'secret' $105M gamble on Stephanopoulos[/h]
[h=5]Helen Mirren pokes fun at the Clintons[/h]
[h=5]Stephanopoulos 'crisis' at ABC[/h]

Hillary Clinton had trouble attracting high-powered women to a New York talk hosted by Silda Wall Spitzertwo weeks before her campaign officially kicks off. Sources said that after ticket sales fizzled for an intimate, $2,700-per-person, “just for women” meeting on Monday, the event was thrown open to men at the 11th hour, and the deadline extended to buy tickets.
The “Conversation With Hillary Clinton” event at Midtown law firm Akin Gump was originally aiming to attract 125 women. An email invitation seen by Page Six said the event is “just for women.” But by Friday, “They’d only sold 50 tickets, so they threw it open to men,” a source said. “Ticket sales were supposed to close at 10 a.m. Sunday, but the hostesses were working the phones and pushed the deadline till Monday.”
We hear about 90 attendees included former Bill Clinton aide Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney and his husband, Randy Florke, Maurice Tempelsman, Jill Braufman (wife of hedge funder Daniel Nir), Jean Shafiroff and Susan Cole. The event began at noon, but Clinton arrived at 1 p.m. in “a royal blue jacket and black pants.” She then took pictures with donors and delivered a half-hour speech before leaving at about 2 p.m.
Silda introduced Clinton as a “tough, authentic leader,” which is probably more than she can say about her hard-charging ex Eliot. In a possible nod to her host, Clinton quoted Eleanor Roosevelt, quipping, “Every woman in public life needs to develop skin as tough as rhinoceros hide.”
Topics included “clean energy,” mental health care for college kids, keeping but “revising” ObamaCare, Vladimir Putin, and America’s heroin and meth “epidemic.”
Meanwhile, on Monday, journalists covering Clinton met in Washington, DC, to grouse about inadequate access to the candidate. When we reached out to a local Clinton campaign rep who helped organize the event, she referred us to Clinton’s deputy national press secretary, who referred us to her “rapid response spokesperson,” who, not surprisingly, had no comment.

Jul 4, 2012
Coming from a Democratic polling firm:


In the most recent national polling data from CNN, Secretary Clinton’s image has moved underwater, with 50% of Americans viewing her unfavorably and 46% saying they view her favorably. That’s a net 15 point shift AWAY from Clinton since March of this year.

Looking back over time, it’s pretty clear that when Clinton is a candidate, or even during her husband’s campaigns, her negatives have climbed significantly. Note below how her negatives have risen during her past campaigns, when Americans tend to be learning more about her and her issue positions. (Essentially, the more the public sees of Hillary Clinton, the less they like.)


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Troll update: Total posting now at 192 (34% of total posts on this thread) - you can't make this stuff up

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Troll update: Total posting now at 192 (34% of total posts on this thread) - you can't make this stuff up
And you have made up 60 percent of this thread with spam. You just keep trolling along completely unaware you are a sheep.

Aug 6, 2006
To me, Vit has disproved nothing in this thread. Most of these articles seem to be well-researched. Vit is like wailing in the wind as there is so much evidence this whore is a whore. Saying it's all SPAM is akin to someone being on trial for murdering 20 people and only being convicted in killing 4 of them. You're still a murderer. And anything that murders this whore's chances of becoming president is good for this country.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
To me, Vit has disproved nothing in this thread. Most of these articles seem to be well-researched. Vit is like wailing in the wind as there is so much evidence this whore is a whore. Saying it's all SPAM is akin to someone being on trial for murdering 20 people and only being convicted in killing 4 of them. You're still a murderer. And anything that murders this whore's chances of becoming president is good for this country.

you think I actually read many of these articles? Lol....I've read a few and then look at the's all garbage....really no need to disprove anything because even if 5 percent of this was true she would be in prison.

Also 4 murder conviction falls a bit flat considering she's been convicted of nothing.....or even detained for anything.

Aug 6, 2006
you think I actually read many of these articles? Lol....I've read a few and then look at the's all garbage....really no need to disprove anything because even if 5 percent of this was true she would be in prison.

Also 4 murder conviction falls a bit flat considering she's been convicted of nothing.....or even detained for anything.

Are you aiming for an advanced degree in WRONG?

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