Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Friday at the 2015 Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Oklahoma, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush, John Bolton, said former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is “responsible for the tragedy of the murder of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans,” in the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi Libya.

Bolton said, “I think the most telling information that we have seen in this limited number of emails is that there are repeated examples of Secretary of State Clinton being told in 2011 and 2012 that the security situation of our personnel in Tripoli and Benghazi was very precarious. The country’s government had fallen apart—that the threat from terrorist attacks was high and that our people were very concerned about it.”

He continued, “Now you’ll recall in her limited public appearances to date that she has said, you know, I don’t get involved in that security stuff, you know, I have people that do that. Well I have to say when I heard that I was stunned. I’ve worked for six different secretaries of state, everyone of them coming from very different backgrounds, every one of them cared about the safety of the Americans who worked for them in the State Department. And not one of them would have missed the danger that our diplomats in Libya faced. And this was called to her attention repeatedly and she didn’t do anything about it. So When we ask the question, who is responsible for the tragedy of the murder of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, there is a very clear answer. It was Hillary Clinton.”

He added, “She said she didn’t know the security situation in Libya , these documents alone, these are the first documents, it’s only going to get worse after this, after the other documents come out, but these documents alone, we know she was advised repeatedly about how dangerous it was.”

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Newly released emails from Hillary Clinton's personal server reveal that a full eighteen months before his murder in the 2012 Benghazi attack, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens was so concerned about poor security in Libya that he was considering leaving the country.

Clinton turned over about 30,000 emails from her personal server to a House committee investigating the Benghazi attack. The New York Times published about a third of the 850 pages of emails. The New York Post reports that one of the emails was sent on April 10, 2011 to the then-Secretary of State’s private account with “high” importance, described the shelling and snipers surrounding Stevens, who at that time was serving as a special envoy:

The situation in [the Libyan town of] Ajdabiyah has worsened to the point where Stevens is considering departure from Benghazi. The envoy’s delegation is currently doing a phased checkout. He will monitor the situation to see if it deteriorates further, but no decision has been made about departure. He will wait 2-3 more hours, then revisit the decision on departure.

Ultimately, Stevens remained and became ambassador to Libya after the death of dictator Moammar Khadafy. Stevens and three other Americans were killed in an attack on the U.S. Benghazi outpost on September 11, 2012.

The emails also show that trusted adviser Sidney Blumenthal sent Clinton an intelligence assessment two days after the Benghazi attack, stating that it was premeditated and not a spontaneous response to an anti-Muslim video as the Obama administration repeatedly insisted.

One member of the Benghazi committee questioned how Clinton could exchange information about Stevens’ whereabouts using her own account.

“It’s incredibly likely our capable adversaries had the ability to get at this information,” said Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.). “Information about where US government officials are located when they are in dangerous places absolutely deserves all the protection that the American government can muster.” Clinton’s choice to have these discussions outside the secured State Department email system “definitely increased risk,” Pompeo said.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You guys are so fucking dumb, lmao!

"Because the information was not classified at the time the email was sent, no laws were violated. But Friday's redaction shows that Clinton received information considered sensitive on her unsecured personal server, which came to light just as she was beginning her presidential campaign.Clinton, campaigning in New Hampshire, said Friday she was aware that the FBI wanted some of the email to be classified, "but that doesn't change the fact all of the information in the emails was handled appropriately."
Asked if she was concerned it was on a private server, she replied, "No."
The information was not classified at the time the email was sent but was upgraded from "unclassified" to "secret" on Friday at the request of the FBI, according to State Department officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss the decision. They said 23 words of the Nov. 18, 2012, message were redacted from Friday's release of 296 emails totaling 896 pages to protect information that could harm national security and damage foreign relations."

From your own copy + paste job.

I'm sure you can't understand why the bolded line important...since it's, you know, what the entire fucking investigation is about.

You are literally so fucking retarded that you can't comprehend the fact you're supporting my argument. Go bathe in some more Firewater, Little Red...

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Critics: Clinton Ex-Im Advocacy Embodies Cronyism Allegations[/h]Hillary goes to bat for the U.S. Export-Import Bank, which benefits numerous Clinton Foundation donors



BY: Lachlan Markay
May 26, 2015 5:00 am

Hillary Clinton’s advocacy for an obscure government agency often accused of cronyism exemplifies her status as the consummate self-dealing Washington insider, according to critics of the likely Democratic presidential nominee.
Freedom Partners, a trade association backed by libertarian philanthropists Charles and David Koch, sought to tie Clinton’s advocacy on behalf of the U.S. Export-Import Bank on Friday to large corporate donations to her family’s foundation.
A review of the Clinton Foundation’s donor rolls reveals financial support by a number of Ex-Im beneficiaries, including foreign state-owned corporations and a French bank that last year admitted to violating sanctions against a state-sponsor of terrorism.
The group also pointed to the bank’s support for a number of Clinton Foundation donors, including Boeing and General Electric, whose exports have received taxpayer backing through the agency. Even Ex-Im’s chairman is a foundation donor, they noted.
The Ex-Im Bank is a relatively small government agency in terms of dollars spent. It authorizedroughly $20 billion in financing last fiscal year for the purchase of U.S. exports by foreign governments and corporations.
Despite its size, the agency has become a flashpoint in the debate over the role of U.S. government subsidies in the global economy and the influence of powerful industry forces in federal policymaking.
The House of Representatives is currently debating whether to reauthorize the bank. Its funding expires next month.
Clinton used a trip through the presidential swing state of New Hampshire on Friday to push for the bank’s reauthorization, claiming that it “supports up to 164,000 jobs.”
“It is wrong that Republicans in Congress are trying to cut off this vital lifeline for American small businesses,” she said. “They would rather threaten the livelihoods of those 164,000 jobs rather than stand up to the tea party and talk radio.”
The bank’s critics say that this argument is disingenuous.
“The result [of Ex-Im subsidies] is more jobs for subsidized exporters and fewer jobs for everyone else,” according to Tim Carney, a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.
Freedom Partners brushed off the bank’s simulative effects, noting that Ex-Im-backed employers have donated large sums to the Clinton Foundation.
Despite Clinton’s claim that Ex-Im is designed to help small businesses, the largest beneficiary of Ex-Im subsidies is airline giant Boeing, which has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation. Another top beneficiary, General Electric, has given between $500,000 and $1 million.
“This is business as usual in the world of politics: big companies buying access and political favors from candidates or lawmakers in office” said Veronique de Rugy, a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center and a frequent Ex-Im critic, of the companies’ contributions.
De Rugy released a study in April identifying the top foreign-owned beneficiaries of Ex-Im financing. A number of them have either donated to the Clinton Foundation or received government-guaranteed loans from a bank that has.
The top foreign beneficiary is state-owned Mexican oil company Pemex, a Clinton Foundation donor. Second on the list is Emirates Airline, the state-owned airline of the United Arab Emirates, a seven-figure donor.
French bank BNP Paribas, also a Clinton Foundation contributor, has provided Ex-Im-guaranteed loans for a number of companies on De Rugy’s list, including Emirates, Pemex, Irish airline RyanAir, and Refinería de Cartagena S.A., a subsidiary of Colombia’s state-owned oil company.
Paribas has faced controversy since last year, when it pled guilty to federal charges stemming from its efforts to evade international sanctions on Iran. The bank has provided billions in federally backed loans to Ex-Im beneficiaries.
“There is no reported link between Ex-Im and the revelations of misconduct by BNP Paribas,” notedMercatus’ Diane Katz, a co-author of De Rugy’s study, in a previous report for the Heritage Foundation. “But fraud and corruption are among a long list of operational problems at the bank, which is a conduit for corporate welfare and beset by mismanagement, inefficiency and risk.”
Freedom Partners leveled similar allegations, pointing to ties between Clinton and Ex-Im chairman Fred Hochberg. Hochberg is a long-time supporter of Clinton’s political efforts. He is a prominent Clinton donor and fundraiser, and has also contributed to the Clinton Foundation.
“Her support for the Ex-Im Bank is a case study in cronyism and corporate welfare,” according to Freedom Partners spokesman James Davis.
“No one should be surprised that Secretary Clinton won’t take a position on free trade, but supports, in the name of trade, using tax dollars to prop up companies that donated millions to her foundation,” Davis said in a statement on Freedom Partners’ website.
Efforts to paint Ex-Im as a case of Clinton cronyism could revive decades-old scandals involving favors handed out to high-dollar Democratic donors.
Davis noted in an email that Hochberg was one of a number of such donors to stay in the White House’s Lincoln Bedroom during Bill Clinton’s presidency. Democratic Party donor solicitations offering overnight stays in the bedroom to high-dollar contributors became a symbol of corruption in the 1990s.
“It’s difficult to imagine a clearer example of cronyism” than Clinton’s advocacy for Hochberg’s agency, Davis said.
Neither Ex-Im nor the Clinton Foundation returned requests for comment by press time.


New member
Jan 9, 2009

Jul 4, 2012
[h=1]Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's State Department[/h]
Even by the standards of arms deals between the United States and Saudi Arabia, this one was enormous. A consortium of American defense contractors led by Boeing would deliver $29 billion worth of advanced fighter jets to the United States' oil-rich ally in the Middle East.

This is unreal.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^^^It is a neverending story with more to come that is for sure. Oh well, what difference does it make.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Conan welcome aboard. That look in her eyes is haunting. Ready for the season to start?

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Grassley to Probe Hillary Staff’s Meddling in FOIA Requests[/h]



BY: CJ Ciaramella
May 26, 2015 1:29 pm

Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) is investigating reports that senior aides to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton interfered with public records requests.
Politico reports that Grassley sent a letter Friday to current Secretary of State John Kerry requesting information on claims that top Clinton staffers reviewed and in some case insisted on withholding information from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests:
“In the aggregate, the FOIA management dynamics at the State Department during Secretary Clinton’s tenure is troubling,” Grassley wrote in a letter sent Friday to Secretary of State John Kerry (and posted here). “As recent reports indicate, it appears the political concerns of senior agency staff are undermining the public’s right to know under FOIA.”
Grassley’s letter referred to a Wall Street Journal report this week that cited anonymous sources claiming former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills insisted on reviewing all State records set for release relating to the Keystone pipeline and sought to block disclosure in some instances. A spokesman for Clinton’s presidential campaign told the Journal that Mills “did not inappropriately interfere with the FOIA process.”

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Among the revelations from Hillary Clinton’s emails responding to the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, which were released by the State Department on Friday, is that she did not know the name of the U.S. ambassador to Libya who perished in the attack—or she couldn’t be bothered to get it right.

The Washington Times reports that in an email to three senior officials at the State Department on the night of the attack, Clinton stated “Cheryl told me the Libyans confirmed his death. Should we announce tonight or wait until morning?”

The subject line of the email is “Chris Smith," whereas the U.S. ambassador to Libya who was murdered in the attack is named Chris Stevens.

“I want those emails out. Nobody has a bigger interest in getting them released than I do,” Clinton recently told reporters. She added, “I want the American people to learn as much as we can about the work that I did.”

The former Secretary of State appears to be getting her wish.

Be careful what you wish for you just might get it.

Jul 4, 2012
Nothing to see here, the Clinton's have a shell company so they can hide payments.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The newly released financial files on Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton's growing fortune omit a company with no apparent employees or assets that the former president has legally used to provide consulting and other services, but which demonstrates the complexity of the family's finances.

Because the company, WJC, LLC, has no financial assets, Hillary Clinton's campaign was not obligated to report its existence in her recent financial disclosure report, officials with Bill Clinton's private office and the Clinton campaign said. They were responding to questions by The Associated Press, which reviewed corporate documents.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to provide private details of the former president's finances on the record, said the entity was a "pass-through" company designed to channel payments to the former president.
The purpose of Bill Clinton's U.S.-based company was not disclosed in any of the corporate filings in Delaware and New York, but State Department files recently reviewed by the AP show that WJC, LLC surfaced in emails from Bill Clinton's aides to the department's ethics officials.


So it is all coincidence that:

Hillary deleted 30,000 emails on a private server
Bill sets up shell company to hide income sources
Hillary facilitates arms deal for donors

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Hillary Clinton's financial disclosure omitted 'pass-through' company used by Bill Clinton to collect consulting fees – and nobody knows how much[/h]
  • Former president uses a shell company called WJC, LLC to move money from his clients to his own pocket
  • Since the company's accoutns are typically empty after each transfer, Hillary didn't have to disclose its existence
  • Candidates must declare family assets worth $1,000 or more
  • US government has green-lighted Bill Clinton's consulting relationships with his former counselor Doug Band, entertainment investor Casey Wasserman and film investor Steve Bing
  • Bing fathered a child with actress Elizabeth Hurley, who was incorrectly rumored to have also carried on an affair with Clinton
  • Band's company Teneo Holdings gave Hillary aide Huma Abedin a second income after her husband, former Rep. Anthony Weiner, resigned in disgrace following a sexting scandal

The newly released financial files on Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton's growing fortune omit a company with no apparent employees or assets that the former president has legally used to provide consulting and other services, but which demonstrates the complexity of the family's finances.
Because the company, WJC, LLC, has no financial assets, Hillary Clinton's campaign was not obligated to report its existence in her recent financial disclosure report, officials with Bill Clinton's private office and the Clinton campaign said.
They were responding to questions by The Associated Press, which reviewed corporate documents.
The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to provide private details of the former president's finances on the record, said the entity was a 'pass-through' company designed to channel payments to the former president..


TRANSPARENCY? Hillary Clinton made no mention in her financial disclosure filing last week of a shell company her husband Bill uses to route money from his clients to his own pockets



FRIEND OF BILL: Longtime Clinton counselor Doug Band (right) has a continuing business relationship with teh former president, but because Clinton's 'LLC' accoutn is just a pass-through Hillary doesn't have to declare it

Under federal ethics disclosure rules, declared candidates do not have to report assets worth less than $1,000.
But the company's existence demonstrates the complexity of tracking the Clintons' finances as Hillary Clinton ramps up her presidential bid.
While Bill Clinton's lucrative speeches have provided the bulk of the couple's income, earning as much as $50 million during his wife's four-year term as secretary of state in the Obama administration, the former president has also sought to branch out into other business activities in recent years.
Little is known about the exact nature and financial worth of Bill Clinton's non-speech business interests.
The identities of several U.S and foreign-based companies and foundations that Bill Clinton worked for have been disclosed in Hillary Clinton's recent financial report as well as in earlier reports during her stint as secretary of state.
Under federal disclosure rules for spouses' earned income, Hillary Clinton was only obligated to identify the source of her spouse's income and confirm that he received more than $1,000.
As a result, the precise amounts of Bill Clinton's earned income from consulting have not been disclosed, and it's not known how much was routed through WJC, LLC.
WJC, LLC was set up in Delaware in 2008 and again in 2013 and in New York in 2009, according to documents obtained by The AP.
The company did not appear among holdings in the Clintons' financial disclosure released last week or in previous Hillary Clinton disclosure reports between 2008 and 2013, when she resigned as secretary of state. Bill Clinton signed a document as its 'authorizing person' in a corporate filing in Delaware in 2013.


FIlm mogul Steve Bing (left) and entertainment investor Casey Wasserman (right) are among the former president's paying clients, but existing transparency laws aren't strong enough to force disclosure of the size of their financial relationships

A limited liability company is a commonly used business structure that provides tax advantages and limited legal protection for the assets of company owners and partners.
The purpose of Bill Clinton's U.S.-based company was not disclosed in any of the corporate filings in Delaware and New York, but State Department files recently reviewed by the AP show that WJC, LLC surfaced in emails from Bill Clinton's aides to the department's ethics officials.
In February 2009, Clinton's counselor, Douglas Band, asked State Department ethics officials to clear Bill Clinton's consulting work for three companies owned by influential Democratic party donors.
Memos sent by Band proposed that Bill Clinton would provide 'consulting services regarding geopolitical, economic and social trends affecting the entity and philanthropic opportunities' through the WJC, LLC entity.
State Department officials approved Bill Clinton's consulting work for longtime friend Steve Bing's Shangri-La Industries and another with Wasserman Investments, GP, a firm run by entertainment executive and Democratic party donor Casey Wasserman.
The ethics officials turned down Bill Clinton's proposed work with a firm run by entertainment magnate and Democratic donor Haim Saban because of Saban's active role in Mideast political affairs.
WJC, LLC was also cited by Band in a June 2011 memo sent to State Department ethics officials asking for clearance to allow Bill Clinton to advise Band's international consulting company, Teneo Strategy LLC. Band's request said Teneo would use 'consulting services provided by President Clinton through WJC, LLC.'
State Department officials approved the three-year contract between the two companies..



STRANGE BEDFELLOWS: Clinton business associate Steve Bing fathered a child with actress Elizabeth Hurley (right), who was later falsely rumored to have acrried on her own affair with the former president

None of the proposals detailed how much Bill Clinton would be paid.
While Hillary Clinton's 2011 federal disclosure report did not mention WJC, LLC, it reported that Bill Clinton received 'non-employee compensation over $1,000 from Teneo,' but did not disclose a more precise amount.
Federal disclosure rules require the spouses of filers to disclose the identity of any income sources over $1,000, but they do not have to provide exact figures.
Pass-through, or shell, companies became an issue in the 2012 presidential campaign when Republican candidate Mitt Romney disclosed a private equity entity worth $1.9 million despite failing to report the company on his previous federal disclosure.
Romney aides said the company previously held no assets but then received the $1.9 million 'true up' payment — a catch-up payment to make up for private equity fees from defunct investment advisory businesses that had not been previously paid.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Qatar’s Controversial World Cup Committee is a Clinton Foundation Donor[/h]The Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee gave Clintons up to $500,000 in 2014


Hillary Clinton with Qatari Sheik Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor Al Thani / AP

BY: Brent Scher
May 27, 2015 10:42 am

The committee created by Qatar after it won the bid to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup, responsible for preparing the nation for the tournament, donated up to $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation in 2014.
The Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee, also known as the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy, was formed in April 2011 after FIFA awarded Qatar hosting rights. It is chaired by Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar.
Now Qatar could be at risk of losing the World Cup after seven FIFA officials were arrested in Switzerland and criminal investigations were launched into whether bribery played a role in the decisions to give both Russia and Qatar hosting rights.
Records show that funds were being directed to the Clinton Foundation as well. The foundation received between $250,001 and $500,000 from the Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee in 2014.
The committee, which is tasked at delivering the “proposed tournament venues and projects” for the World Cup, has already been the target of criticism.
A 2014 report found that more than 1,200 workers brought in from around the world have died due to working conditions on stadium construction sites. It estimated that 4,000 could die by the time construction is done.
The Clinton Foundation has also received donations worth up to $100,000 from FIFA, and up to $5 million from Qatar, according to a Daily Beast report on the foundation’s ties to Qatar’s World Cup bid.
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that corruption in FIFA was “rampant, systemic and deep-rooted” during her announcement of the 14 indictments stemming from the investigation.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Critics: Clinton Ex-Im Advocacy Embodies Cronyism Allegations[/h]Hillary goes to bat for the U.S. Export-Import Bank, which benefits numerous Clinton Foundation donors



BY: Lachlan Markay
May 26, 2015 5:00 am

Hillary Clinton’s advocacy for an obscure government agency often accused of cronyism exemplifies her status as the consummate self-dealing Washington insider, according to critics of the likely Democratic presidential nominee.
Freedom Partners, a trade association backed by libertarian philanthropists Charles and David Koch, sought to tie Clinton’s advocacy on behalf of the U.S. Export-Import Bank on Friday to large corporate donations to her family’s foundation.
A review of the Clinton Foundation’s donor rolls reveals financial support by a number of Ex-Im beneficiaries, including foreign state-owned corporations and a French bank that last year admitted to violating sanctions against a state-sponsor of terrorism.
The group also pointed to the bank’s support for a number of Clinton Foundation donors, including Boeing and General Electric, whose exports have received taxpayer backing through the agency. Even Ex-Im’s chairman is a foundation donor, they noted.
The Ex-Im Bank is a relatively small government agency in terms of dollars spent. It authorizedroughly $20 billion in financing last fiscal year for the purchase of U.S. exports by foreign governments and corporations.
Despite its size, the agency has become a flashpoint in the debate over the role of U.S. government subsidies in the global economy and the influence of powerful industry forces in federal policymaking.
The House of Representatives is currently debating whether to reauthorize the bank. Its funding expires next month.
Clinton used a trip through the presidential swing state of New Hampshire on Friday to push for the bank’s reauthorization, claiming that it “supports up to 164,000 jobs.”
“It is wrong that Republicans in Congress are trying to cut off this vital lifeline for American small businesses,” she said. “They would rather threaten the livelihoods of those 164,000 jobs rather than stand up to the tea party and talk radio.”
The bank’s critics say that this argument is disingenuous.
“The result [of Ex-Im subsidies] is more jobs for subsidized exporters and fewer jobs for everyone else,” according to Tim Carney, a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.
Freedom Partners brushed off the bank’s simulative effects, noting that Ex-Im-backed employers have donated large sums to the Clinton Foundation.
Despite Clinton’s claim that Ex-Im is designed to help small businesses, the largest beneficiary of Ex-Im subsidies is airline giant Boeing, which has donated between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation. Another top beneficiary, General Electric, has given between $500,000 and $1 million.
“This is business as usual in the world of politics: big companies buying access and political favors from candidates or lawmakers in office” said Veronique de Rugy, a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center and a frequent Ex-Im critic, of the companies’ contributions.
De Rugy released a study in April identifying the top foreign-owned beneficiaries of Ex-Im financing. A number of them have either donated to the Clinton Foundation or received government-guaranteed loans from a bank that has.
The top foreign beneficiary is state-owned Mexican oil company Pemex, a Clinton Foundation donor. Second on the list is Emirates Airline, the state-owned airline of the United Arab Emirates, a seven-figure donor.
French bank BNP Paribas, also a Clinton Foundation contributor, has provided Ex-Im-guaranteed loans for a number of companies on De Rugy’s list, including Emirates, Pemex, Irish airline RyanAir, and Refinería de Cartagena S.A., a subsidiary of Colombia’s state-owned oil company.
Paribas has faced controversy since last year, when it pled guilty to federal charges stemming from its efforts to evade international sanctions on Iran. The bank has provided billions in federally backed loans to Ex-Im beneficiaries.
“There is no reported link between Ex-Im and the revelations of misconduct by BNP Paribas,” notedMercatus’ Diane Katz, a co-author of De Rugy’s study, in a previous report for the Heritage Foundation. “But fraud and corruption are among a long list of operational problems at the bank, which is a conduit for corporate welfare and beset by mismanagement, inefficiency and risk.”
Freedom Partners leveled similar allegations, pointing to ties between Clinton and Ex-Im chairman Fred Hochberg. Hochberg is a long-time supporter of Clinton’s political efforts. He is a prominent Clinton donor and fundraiser, and has also contributed to the Clinton Foundation.
“Her support for the Ex-Im Bank is a case study in cronyism and corporate welfare,” according to Freedom Partners spokesman James Davis.
“No one should be surprised that Secretary Clinton won’t take a position on free trade, but supports, in the name of trade, using tax dollars to prop up companies that donated millions to her foundation,” Davis said in a statement on Freedom Partners’ website.
Efforts to paint Ex-Im as a case of Clinton cronyism could revive decades-old scandals involving favors handed out to high-dollar Democratic donors.
Davis noted in an email that Hochberg was one of a number of such donors to stay in the White House’s Lincoln Bedroom during Bill Clinton’s presidency. Democratic Party donor solicitations offering overnight stays in the bedroom to high-dollar contributors became a symbol of corruption in the 1990s.
“It’s difficult to imagine a clearer example of cronyism” than Clinton’s advocacy for Hochberg’s agency, Davis said.
Neither Ex-Im nor the Clinton Foundation returned requests for comment by press time.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Foundation Donor Penguin Random House Announces Book Deal with Chelsea Clinton[/h]


Chelsea Clinton / AP

BY: Thomas Novelly
May 26, 2015 4:41 pm

Penguin Random House, a Clinton Foundation donor, announced its book deal with Chelsea Clinton last week. The book is being published by Philomel, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers.
The publisher donated between $1,000 and $5,000, according to the Clinton Foundation website.
A Clinton Foundation spokesman told the Washington Free Beacon the donation was made in 2007, well before Chelsea’s book advance was announced.
Penguin Random House has not disclosed how much Chelsea’s book advance is worth, but the Clintons have received some of the largest publishing advances in recent history.
Alfred A. Knopf, whose parent company, Knopf Doubleday, is now under the Penguin Random House umbrella, paid Bill Clinton an advance of $15 million for his 2004 memoir, My Life. At the time, it was the largest advance ever paid to an author. Hillary Clinton’s Hard Choices received a $14 million advance from its publisher, Simon & Schuster. They have since sold enough copies to cover half of the advance.
Penguin Random House and Penguin Young Readers did not respond to requests for comment on the advance or the donation.
Chelsea’s book, It’s Your World: Get Informed, Get Inspired & Get Going, is intended to educate young readers on themes such as climate change, gender equality, and non-communicable diseases.
“In It’s Your World, I try to explain what I think are some of the biggest challenges facing our world today, particularly for young people,” said Clinton. “I also explore some of the solutions to those challenges and share stories of inspiring kids and teenagers doing amazing work to help people and our planet have brighter and healthier futures. My hope is that the book will inspire readers to realize that they can start making a difference now, in their own way, for their family, their community, and our world.”
The book will be published Sept. 15.
“We have a saying in my family—it’s always better to get caught trying (rather than not try at all). I hope we can all get caught trying,” Chelsea wrote in an open letter to her readers.
Update 9:32 P.M.: A previous version of this post said that a Clinton campaign spokesman returned request for comment. The comment was from a Clinton Foundation spokesman.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^3 new posts - the deeper you dig the more you find - how could anyone vote for her - why don't the Dem's come up with another choice????

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Russ is spamming again.

" why don't dems find someone else"

lmao. She is the most popular dem there is.....besides you would just spam the next guy anyway. You are a sheep and completely brainwashed.

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