Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton

Sep 21, 2004
Russ is spamming again.

" why don't dems find someone else"

lmao. She is the most popular dem there is.....besides you would just spam the next guy anyway. You are a sheep and completely brainwashed.

You only call it spam because it exposes your idol. Fact.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
You only call it spam because it exposes your idol. Fact.
There is a reason she has never been charged with anything ever.

These articles are total spam. The republicans are in a full force effort to throw as much shit against the wall as they can....they are using their sheep to spread propaganda and you fools are falling for it hook line and sinker.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Russ is spamming again.

" why don't dems find someone else"

lmao. She is the most popular dem there is.....besides you would just spam the next guy anyway. You are a sheep and completely brainwashed.
That sure ain’t saying much.

Jul 4, 2012
There is a reason she has never been charged with anything ever.

These articles are total spam. The republicans are in a full force effort to throw as much shit against the wall as they can....they are using their sheep to spread propaganda and you fools are falling for it hook line and sinker.

Yeah, the NY Times, Associated Press, and Wall Street Journal just decided, randomly to "spam" Hillary Clinton, idiot.

I mean, you're so fucking dumb you haven't even read any of the articles, have no grasp of the topic, and do not care.
Which is why you happily pronounce them "spam" and eagerly await your chance to vote Hillary.

You are so unbelievably dumb and frankly, embarrassing, you should just not comment. But as the resident "I have a great life, I'm so happy" millionaire, you have to spend your days doing something. And that something is making foolish comments on the political section of a gambling Web site.

Carry on, dumb ass.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Yeah.....senator and former Secretary of State....what a loser.

God damn you conservatives are the dumbest people on earth.

That’s like saying senator and former community organizer.

How’s that working out?

And you call conservatives dumb?


Jul 4, 2012
^^^^^3 new posts - the deeper you dig the more you find - how could anyone vote for her - why don't the Dem's come up with another choice????

Because they know the loyal supporters will vote for anyone with a (D) and the media will be fully in the tank for anyone with a (D).

Also, because the Dem party is very, very weak and the party of old white people (Hillary, Biden, Sanders).

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Yeah, the NY Times, Associated Press, and Wall Street Journal just decided, randomly to "spam" Hillary Clinton, idiot.

I mean, you're so fucking dumb you haven't even read any of the articles, have no grasp of the topic, and do not care.
Which is why you happily pronounce them "spam" and eagerly await your chance to vote Hillary.

You are so unbelievably dumb and frankly, embarrassing, you should just not comment. But as the resident "I have a great life, I'm so happy" millionaire, you have to spend your days doing something. And that something is making foolish comments on the political section of a gambling Web site.

Carry on, dumb ass.
Spam spam spam. That is the republican election strategy. How sad is it that you guys wake up in the morning and go right to your spam email to see what your masters are feeding you.

Democrats is the party of old white people. Lmao. Another Acebb Classic. You keep earning you mr worthless title!!!

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Spam spam spam. That is the republican election strategy. How sad is it that you guys wake up in the morning and go right to your spam email to see what your masters are feeding you.

Democrats is the party of old white people. Lmao. Another Acebb Classic. You keep earning you mr worthless title!!!

Well buckle up. This is going to continue. Everyday till the grand crescendo when Gowdy releases his findings right before the 2016 election.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Well buckle up. This is going to continue. Everyday till the grand crescendo when Gowdy releases his findings right before the 2016 election.
And guess what.....only the far loons will listen...same as now. Normal people see right thru the lies....just like they did in 2008 and 2012

New member
Oct 29, 2010
yeah, because Obama has been exactly what he promised.

Nothing to do with it. If you numbskulls could ever understand what wins and loses elections I would fall over in shock. You guys drive independents away because of your lying stories and it actually drives more dems to the polls. That is why you will keep losing. The people listening to you are already not voting for Hillary and were not voting for Obama

once you idiots understand that getting voters to the polls wins might win. All these bullshit articles that have zero proof of anything are completely ignored by the average voter. If you scare away half the independents you will lose because dems do a better job at getting people to the polls. All your stupid articles get more dems to the polls. If you nitwits would put the energy into getting voters out instead of spamming people and trying to scare them.....a victory could happen. But honestly, you people are just too stupid to do what wins.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Never forget

" Fred Thompson will be president" ---walter/sheriff joe

who has a better chance?
May 8, 2014
I think it is embarrasing for anyone else to be President besides a white male. Makes the country look weak without a Professional white male. It's true. A woman? Seriously?

A Professional white male are the people universally respected and feared. Hillary Clinton is married yet knowing her husband cheated on her many times. The President of Iran would likely think Hillary Clinton was the President's secretary if she called over there. He would be waiting for Michael Douglas to take the call.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
yeah, because Obama has been exactly what he promised.


Originally Posted by vitterd And guess what.....only the far loons will listen...same as now. Normal people see right thru the lies....just like they did in 2008 and 2012

The Tard left out 2014, hmmmmm.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Hillary is in a South Carolina 'chicken and waffles' joint – and sounding like it – as she makes her pitch to go back to '1600 Paynsylvania Avuhnoo'[/h]
  • Hillary Clinton is swinging through the Palmetto State, and brought her Arkansas twang with her
  • The Illinois native represented New York in the US Senate but was first lady of Arkansas after marrying Bill
  • Like Barack Obama and Joe Biden, she affects a southern accent when necessary to connect with audiences south of the Mason-Dixon line
  • As with her Iowa and New Hampshire trips, reporters are being kept at arm's length
  • Republicans are mocking her with spoof videos of 'staged' roundtables and their own open press conferences outside her events

[h=1].Hillary Clinton brought a pitch for women's issues to her first South Carolina campaign trip on Wednesday, but it was her reappearing Arkansas accent that caught much of the attention.[/h]She lost the state to Barack Obama in 2008, part of the epic meltdown that drove her from heir-apparent down to also-ran.
But she appears to be more willing to play on race and gender politics this time around, leveraging relationships with minority female business owners in Columbia before an afternoon speech to Democratic women.
'I am running to live again at 1600 Paynsylvania Avuhnoo,' she drawled during that speech at a 'Day in Blue' event for Democratic women, bringing back a selectively applied drawl that accompanied her 30 years ago when she was the first lady of Arkansas.
She wore her own blue pantsuit for good measure.




'1600 PAYNSYLVANIA AVUHNOO': Clinton put on her best Arkansas twang for an audience of South Carolina women



Before her country voice came out, Clinton mingled with black small businesswomen at Kiki's Chicken and Waffles in Columbia, South Carolina



PLANTED? Two black female enlisted soldiers were on hand at the chicken-and-waffles joint as Clinton came in for a scheduled visit



Clinton is making the first visit of her campaign to South Carolina, a state she lost to Barack Obama in 2008



THEATER IN THE ROUND(table): Clinton has been criticized for hosting 'staged' events including hand-picked sycophants instead of the 'everyday Americans' she says she wants to attract





MINORITY REPORT: Clinton must attract blacks and women if she hopes to lock down the Palmetto State earlyl and focus her time on New Hampshire and Iowa


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