Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Jul 4, 2012
[h=1]Longtime Clinton adviser sent flood of emails on Benghazi[/h]
WASHINGTON (AP) [FONT=Helvetica Neue, HelveticaNeue, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]— Longtime Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal had been blocked from working for Hillary Rodham Clinton at the State Department by wary White House officials. But that didn't cut his direct line to Clinton on one of the most sensitive matters of her tenure at the agency.[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica Neue, HelveticaNeue, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]===[/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica Neue, HelveticaNeue, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Note that she was getting emails about American activities in Libya on her private email account.[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica Neue, HelveticaNeue, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Oh, remember when we were assured the investigations about Benghazi wrapped this all up and there was nothing new to learn?[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica Neue, HelveticaNeue, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]LMFAO[/FONT]

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Great work exposing this corrupt commie shit bag, Russ!

Ignore the trolls.


It is there for all to see, of course a troll's eyes are closed at all times lol. Curiosity is the key. Why wouldn't anyone want to get to the bottom of all this when the future of our country could be at risk. The last 8 years are living proof. Politics has been eroded by lobbying and now all you have to do is follow the money. When Lib's connect dots they all lead to the kool aid pitcher.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Trolls up to 157 posts in this thread



Jul 4, 2012
Former Secretary of State Clinton was sent now-classified Benghazi info on private server

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Former Secretary of State Clinton was sent now-classified Benghazi info on private server

So if I understand this correctly, this is also now irrefutable proof that Hitlery deleted classified info which was under federal subpoena. Doesn't this fall under felony level evidence tampering?

David Patreus was charged with a hell of a lot less than this. Miss Loretta Lynch... Please pick up the white courtesy phone. Do your fucking job and arrest this corrupt hag.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
So if I understand this correctly, this is also now irrefutable proof that Hitlery deleted classified info which was under federal subpoena. Doesn't this fall under felony level evidence tampering?

David Patreus was charged with a hell of a lot less than this. Miss Loretta Lynch... Please pick up the white courtesy phone. Do your fucking job and arrest this corrupt hag.

It seems to me that someone is trying to cover their ass. The question is who? The article didn’t say who classified the email after the fact.

Just another fishy smell to go along with many other fishy smells from top to bottom and not just Benghazi but the IRS, VA, the Iran nuclear deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership and all the way back to Obamacare.

For an administration who was supposed to be the most transparent ever, it’s anything but.

I’m beginning to believe Clinton was right, at this point, what difference does it make?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Lmao. Man this is great bump material. Arrest her. Lol.....just keep spamming trolls.
Sep 21, 2004
Lmao. Man this is great bump material. Arrest her. Lol.....just keep spamming trolls.

Liberal logic:

Dinesh D'souza (conservative) makes illegal $15K campaign donation, liberals say he should be arrested and put in jail as a felon

Clintons knowingly gather multitudes of millions in illegal campaign donations, liberals laugh and say it's spam if you talk about arresting them

That's how utterly stupid these people are.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Liberal logic:

Dinesh D'souza (conservative) makes illegal $15K campaign donation, liberals say he should be arrested and put in jail as a felon

Clintons knowingly gather multitudes of millions in illegal campaign donations, liberals laugh and say it's spam if you talk about arresting them

That's how utterly stupid these people are.

I was watching your guys mothership(Fox News) and a conservative was on there saying how everything we keep seeing is speculation and no proof of any wrong doing....turned fox into a morgue for a few minutes. You guys just keep throwing shit and hoping it sticks. Maybe at some point it will but more than likely it will be the same thing you guys tried with Obama.

If one time you would concentrate on your own pathetic candidates you might have a chance. She is gonna walk thru the dem primary and republicans better find a strong ticket. A Rubio/Christie type or they won't win.
Sep 21, 2004
I was watching your guys mothership(Fox News) and a conservative was on there saying how everything we keep seeing is speculation and no proof of any wrong doing....turned fox into a morgue for a few minutes. You guys just keep throwing shit and hoping it sticks. Maybe at some point it will but more than likely it will be the same thing you guys tried with Obama.

If one time you would concentrate on your own pathetic candidates you might have a chance. She is gonna walk thru the dem primary and republicans better find a strong ticket. A Rubio/Christie type or they won't win.

Funny how you state over and over how guilty Brady was, but yet Hillary is squeaky clean. Funny how that works?

Just get me some pictures of Taylor Swift.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Funny how you state over and over how guilty Brady was, but yet Hillary is squeaky clean. Funny how that works?

Just get me some pictures of Taylor Swift.

well Brady was obvious common sense. Troy Aikman and very credible people say with certainty that every qb makes the balls how they want them. In all fairness I will take the side of those guys and you shouldn't compare them to articles written by people with agendas.

Im sure her security won't let the common folk near her.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
So if I understand this correctly, this is also now irrefutable proof that Hitlery deleted classified info which was under federal subpoena. Doesn't this fall under felony level evidence tampering?

David Patreus was charged with a hell of a lot less than this. Miss Loretta Lynch... Please pick up the white courtesy phone. Do your fucking job and arrest this corrupt hag.

You guys are so fucking dumb, lmao!

"Because the information was not classified at the time the email was sent, no laws were violated. But Friday's redaction shows that Clinton received information considered sensitive on her unsecured personal server, which came to light just as she was beginning her presidential campaign.Clinton, campaigning in New Hampshire, said Friday she was aware that the FBI wanted some of the email to be classified, "but that doesn't change the fact all of the information in the emails was handled appropriately."
Asked if she was concerned it was on a private server, she replied, "No."
The information was not classified at the time the email was sent but was upgraded from "unclassified" to "secret" on Friday at the request of the FBI, according to State Department officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss the decision. They said 23 words of the Nov. 18, 2012, message were redacted from Friday's release of 296 emails totaling 896 pages to protect information that could harm national security and damage foreign relations."

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Now we know where Hillary was on the day of the Benghazi attack.

Early in the morning on the day the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was attacked, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had a movie on her mind.

But she wasn’t thinking about “The Innocence of Muslims,” the short YouTube film that the Obama administration erroneously blamed for the Benghazi attack. Instead, Clinton sought a copy of “The Oath of Tobruk,” a documentary about the Libyan civil war directed by French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy and brought to America by her friend, movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.

Clinton made an appearance in the movie, which Weinstein touted earlier in 2012 as an ode to Clinton’s and the Obama administration’s successful Libyan intervention.

But Clinton likely did not know when she requested a copy of the movie — in a 6 a.m. email to Philippe Reines and Huma Abedin, two of her top aides — that her Libyan legacy was about to go south.

“Can you get us a copy of Bernard Henri-Levi’s film about Libya?” asked in the email to Reines and Abedin. “I think Harvey made it and it showed at Cannes last spring.”

Though it is unclear why Clinton sought a copy of “Tobruk,” it likely was not because of some great insight the movie provided into the Libyan civil war and its aftermath.

Our embassy is about to be attacked and she’s asking for a movie?

Oh well maybe she just wanted to admire herself.

New member
Jan 9, 2009

[h=2]Clinton Foundation Donors Are Having a Bad Week[/h]BY: Andrew Stiles
May 21, 2015 3:52 pm



It’s been a bad week for donors to the Clinton Foundation, the so-called charitable organization run by members of the Clinton political dynasty. Clinton Foundation donors who are currently dealing with adversity include:
[h=3]George Stephanopoulos ($75,000)[/h]The chief anchor for ABC News was forced to apologize after failing to disclose $75,000 in donations to Clinton Foundation while covering the charity. This week, anti-Stephanopoulos street art popped up near ABC News headquarters in Manhattan.

[h=3]Morocco ($1 million—$5 million)[/h]Less than a week after hosting Bill and Chelsea Clinton at an extravagant Clinton Foundation event in Marrakech, the Moroccan government was slammed in an Amnesty International report for its continued use of “violent interrogation tactics” against political dissidents.

[h=3]Saudi Arabia ($11 million—$30 million)[/h]The Gulf kingdom cast its close relationship with the Clintons in a bad light when it put out an openhiring call for executioners to handle the increasing number of beheadings and amputations.

[h=3]Qatar ($1.25 million—$5.5 million)[/h]The oil-rich nation embarrassed itself when, after inviting a BBC crew to report on preparations for the 2022 World Cup, security officers arrested and detained the journalists for “trespassing.”

[h=3]Bank of America ($600,000—$1.25 million), Barclays ($1.5 million—$6 million), Citigroup ($1.5 million—$6 million), and JPMorgan ($102,000—$260,000)[/h]The banks were ordered to pay $5.7 billion in fines after the U.S. Justice Department busted them for manipulating foreign exchange rates.
[h=3] [/h]

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Fundraiser Highlights Donor Disclosure Discrepancies[/h]The Clinton Foundation dramatically undercounts contributions from a Clinton campaign donor’s group



BY: Lachlan Markay
May 21, 2015 1:30 pm

Hillary Clinton will raise campaign money next week from a high-dollar donor to her family’s foundation, but the foundation’s donor records fail to account for hundreds of thousands of dollars of his group’s contributions.
Florida trial lawyer Ira Leesfield will host Clinton at his home in Miami’s posh Coconut Grove neighborhood for a fundraiser next week, Politico reports. He is the latest in a long line of Clinton Foundation donors to financially support the former secretary of state’s presidential bid.
Leesfield has donated between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to its website. His group, the Leesfield Family Charitable Foundation, is also a minor donor, the website says, having given $1,000 to $5,000.
However, documents filed with the Internal Revenue Service show that the Leesfield Foundation’s support is far higher than Clinton Foundation donor disclosures claim. In 2013 alone, Leesfield’s group gave the Foundation $75,000. It gave at least $200,000 from 2006 to 2013, those filings reveal.
The group’s 2014 IRS filings are not yet publicly available, but information on its website suggests that it continued to financially support Clinton’s foundation.
“The [Leesfield] Foundation made another major grant to the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library to support the ceremonies and activities which took place in Little Rock, Arkansas on November 14, 2014,” its website boasted last year.
“Ira and Cynthia Leesfield were pioneers of the initial Library funding and have supported the Clinton efforts in philanthropy since President Clinton left the White House. Their work with the Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton Library and Clinton Foundation expresses the close ties between both foundations working for the public benefit.”
Leesfield says on his personal website that he “generously contributes to the William J. Clinton Foundation’s worldwide mission. He raised over $500,000 to fund its initiatives.”
Neither Leesfield nor the Clinton Foundation immediately responded to questions about the breakdown of those contributions, or how the information squares with disclosures on the foundation’s website.
In addition to their foundations’ close ties, Clinton and Leesfield are long-time political allies. During her swing through Florida next week, Clinton will attend a Thursday fundraiser at Leesfield’s home.
“There’s a lot of people calling to say, ‘Ira, I’ve been waiting for this, can I send you a contribution?’ Some of them are $20 and some are the max of $2,700,” Leesfield told the Miami Herald last month.
He and his wife are long-time Clinton supporters and high-dollar Democratic donors. Together, they’ve contributed more than $400,000 to Democratic campaigns, party organs, and interest groups. He and his wife both maxed out to Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.
Leesfield last year donated $10,000 to Ready for Hillary, a Super PAC backing Clinton’s presidential bid. He served on the now-defunct group’s national finance council.
His and his charitable group’s donations to the Clinton Foundation could increase scrutiny on the foundation’s public donor disclosure. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, the foundation is not bound by law to disclose its donors, and faces no legal sanctions for errors or omissions in doing so.
The foundation’s website lists another wealthy Clinton supporter, Chicago media mogul Fred Eychaner, as a top donor to the group. He has given at least $25 million, according to its website.
However, the foundation acknowledged this week that that sum came not just from Eychaner personally but also from his group, the Alphawood Foundation. The Clinton Foundation acknowledged the error after Politico noted that its IRS filings revealed more than $7 million in contributions but was only listed as a five-figure donor on its website.
Like Leesfield, Eychaner hosted an early fundraiser for Clinton. They are two of at least 14 Clinton Foundation donors that have hosted or will host Clinton for campaign fundraising events.
Another such donor, Florida trial lawyer Michael Moskowitz, will also host a fundraiser for Clinton during her swing through Florida next week. Moskowitz has donated between $25,000 and $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation, according to its website. His son, Florida state representative Jared Moskowitz, has given $1,000 to $5,000.

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