Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
My own thougts in reaction to the debate:

Who won the debate is the topic of the day. To me that is a moot point. All I saw was a very rested and prepared Hillary vs. a Trump who has not slowed down his campaigning pace just to sit down and exchange some words.

The bottom line is that Hillary has “done” nothing in her past 30 odd years of being in politics to make this a better country or to prevent the messes we are in now. She supports Obama and if elected it will be more of the same. For instance the head of the FBI & DOJ are guaranteed to keep their jobs because they supported Hillary and protected her from being indicted etc. She owes them. Trump owes nobody.

Hillary and her staff want you to remember the debate for which she spent more time preparing for than she has campaigning. When she mentioned all of the countries she mentioned as Sec of State all I could think of was Bosnia where she lied about being shot at. Also was she laying the foundation for her own family Foundation and future financial gain. Someone who gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches on Wall Street should probably look better debating than she does in accomplishing things to make this a better country.

She more or less justified the fact that Obama doubled our national debt. She focused on whether or not Trump favored going to Iraq from someone who was not involved in politics at the time. Look what she has accomplished after being in politics all these years……zilch. Our country has lost respect in the past 7+ years and Benghazi sums up where Hillary really comes from. She blamed a video and has called a parent of one who died in Benghazi a liar.

Once you bring up the subject of being a liar you can spend many debates having her explain how she has supported Bill and his sexual encounters alone. Not only that but how she demeaned his victims. Bill met with the head of the DOJ in what was planned to be a secret meeting and guess what, she is not indicted for her emails. She personifies everything that is wrong with our current political system and that is where Trump is gaining momentum. In the end what Hillary does not even come close to what she says. Why didn’t Lester Holt dig into the Clinton Foundation as well as Trump’s income taxes. Really.

In the end I think this debate which was narrated by a member of NBC which fully supports Hillary that the focus of the discussions are pro-Hillary. It was more like a debait, Trump was baited and he responded accordingly. Being Presidential is not how you appear to be, it is all about how you really are. Obama looks and speaks like a President but his actions speak louder than his words as he has brought this country to an all time low by dividing it as never before. In the end Hillary is simply more of the same whereas Trump gives us a chance to make things better. I think that is all that matters. Again actions speak louder than words. There are a few words that stand our concerning Hillary however and here are a few: Bosnia, Benghazi, E-Mails, Foundation just to name a few. I think the lack of success of Hillary’s latest book tells us more than what the debate did.

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Nov 10, 2010
“More Disturbing Still, Not Only Was Ms. Mills Granted Immunity For The Content On Her Laptop, She Was Permitted To Act As Mrs. Clinton’s Attorney Even Though She Herself Was Also A Witness In The Investigation.” – William McGurn

The Secrets Of Cheryl Mills
By William McGurn
Wall Street Journal
September 26, 2016
Click Here To Read

Why did Cheryl Mills require criminal immunity?

This is the irksome question hanging over the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s home-brew server in the wake of news that Ms. Mills was granted immunity for her laptop’s contents.
Ms. Mills was a top Clinton aide at the State Department who became Mrs. Clinton’s lawyer when she left. She was also a witness, as well as a potential target, in the same FBI investigation into her boss’s emails. The laptop the bureau wanted was one Ms. Mills used in 2014 to sort Clinton emails before deciding which would be turned over to State.

Now we learn about the multiple immunity deals. Immunity in exchange for information that will help make the case against higher-ups is not unusual. Even so, the Mills deal carries a special stink.
To begin with, Ms. Mills was pretty high up herself. As Mrs. Clinton’s chief of staff, she was in the thick of operations. In 2012, while working at State, she traveled to New York to interview candidates for a top job at the Clinton Foundation.
More disturbing still, not only was Ms. Mills granted immunity for the content on her laptop, she was permitted to act as Mrs. Clinton’s attorney even though she herself was also a witness in the investigation.
This was allowed in part because she told the FBI she knew nothing of Mrs. Clinton’s private server until after she’d left the State Department. But this claim is suspect and contradicted by emails that have since emerged. These include one to Huma Abedin asking, “hrc email coming back—is server ok?”
The special treatment accorded Ms. Mills also reeks on a more fundamental level. As a rule, the Justice Department is aggressive about going after lawyers for any perceived conflict of interest. This would include, for example, a lawyer who wanted to represent different parties in a trial.
Click Here To Read The Full Article

New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^and Trump did point out the Immunity grants on Hillary's emails. Usually you give immunity to people who agree to testify. This situation is shakey to say the least. If you request immunity and then take the fifth immunity should be dropped.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
11) ‘Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia
In her March 17, 2008, foreign-policy speech on Iraq, then-Sen. Hillary Clinton recalled a trip she made to Tuzla, Bosnia, in 1996.
“I remember landing under sniper fire,” Hillary said of her visit while she was first lady. “There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”
But news footage of her visit revealed her “sniper fire” claim wasn’t just exaggerated. It was completely false. And Hillary had repeated the claim several times, including during her time on the presidential campaign trail in 2007.
Rather, Hillary landed on a tarmac and greeted a crowd, including an 8-year-old child who gave her a poem, under no duress. According to the Washington Post, a review of more than 100 news articles revealed no security threats to Hillary at the time.

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After the 2008 speech, Hillary was asked about her statements, and she stood by them: “There was no greeting ceremony, and we basically were told to run to our cars. Now that is what happened.”
But, a week later, Hillary told the Philadelphia Daily News that she “misspoke.” Hillary claimed she had been told there was a threat of sniper fire in the area.
The following day, she declared: “So I made a mistake. That happens. It shows I’m human, which for some people is a revelation.”


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Jan 9, 2009
The Clinton Scandal That Still Matters Is Not the One You Think

REUTERS/Stephen Lam

Picture of the Day

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The Clinton era of the 1990s is remembered as a prosperous time punctuated by​
a series of scandals
. Today, we tend to dismiss these scandals as irrelevant because they mostly involved sex, were exaggerated by partisan Republicans and were mostly related to actions taken by Bill Clinton, who will not be on the 2016 ballot. But sweeping away all this history deprives voters of the chance to consider a large
forgotten financial scandal that directly involved Hillary Clinton during 1978 and 1979.​
Under the guidance of an attorney representing Tyson Foods, Hillary Clinton made a $98,540 profit from a $1,000 initial investment in less than one year trading commodity futures. While $98,540 may not seem like much money relative to the Clinton family’s wealth today, it exceeded Bill and Hillary’s combined annual income at the time.
Related: Does Mike Bloomberg Know Something We Don’t About the Clinton FBI Probe?
When this story was revealed in the spring of 1994, Hillary Clinton’s press secretary suggested that the enormous profit was the result of the First Lady’s own research — but the Tyson-linked attorney, James Blair, admitted that he advised Clinton when to buy and sell the futures. Further, there was no evidence that Clinton had previously traded in commodity futures or knew much about the market.
Careful readers at the time also learned that Clinton’s initial trading also had a serious irregularity. Unlike stock investments, commodity futures are almost always purchased with high levels of margin, meaning that the investor is using a substantial proportion of money borrowed from the broker to control positions. Exchanges and regulators typically require investors to keep a minimum amount of cash in their futures accounts to avoid getting into a negative position if futures prices move in the wrong direction. In Hillary Clinton’s case, her $1,000 initial investment was well below the $12,000 deposit required by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange for the first trades she executed. So not only did Hillary make an extraordinary profit for a novice investor, she did so without following the rules applied to less well-connected traders.
By the time the so-called “cattle futures” scandal fell out of the headlines, readers ofThe New York Times and Washington Post — mainstream outlets that both extensively reported the story — were left with the impression that Hillary’s trading activity was suspicious. But, since Hillary was not an elected official, the scandal was eclipsed by bimbo eruptions and the Whitewater Affair, both involving the president himself.
Related: Clinton Told Aide to Send Talking Points By 'Non-Secure' System
It also was not much of an issue in 2008 — but that was before the federal government started bailing out banks and other big corporations. In the aftermath of TARP and other widely reported instances of crony capitalism, Clinton’s behavior back in 1978 and 1979 warrants further scrutiny.
The factor that makes the cattle futures scandal relevant is that Hillary Clinton received her trading advice from Tyson Food’s outside counsel. Tyson was a major agricultural producer in Arkansas and had numerous issues that Attorney General and later Governor Bill Clinton could affect.
One such issue involved enforcement of environmental regulations affecting Tyson’s chicken-processing plants. It can be costly for factory farmers to properly dispose of chicken manure, but the failure to do so can cause serious damage. This was demonstrated by an incident at the company’s Green Forest plant in northwest Arkansas. As The New York Times reported in March 1994:
In 1977, the state pollution control agency reissued the license for Tyson's Green Forest plant on the condition that the company meet with city officials to work out a plan for treating its wastes. But the state never enforced the order, and in May 1983, the waste from the plant seeped into the town's drinking water. Residents became ill, and 15 months later Governor Clinton declared the town a disaster area.
Related: Here’s Why the Media Stopped Reporting on Clinton’s New Emails
So it is possible to link Tyson’s support for the Clintons to water contamination, an ironic circumstance given Hillary Clinton’s criticism of Governor Rick Snyder’s handling of the Flint water crisis.
The Times also reported, “During Mr. Clinton's tenure in Arkansas, Tyson benefited from a variety of state actions, including $9 million in government loans, the placement of company executives on important state boards and favorable decisions on environmental issues.”
Tyson appears to have obtained these results for what looks like a bribe delivered though Hillary Clinton’s commodities account. To quote the company’s former chairman: politics is “a series of unsentimental transactions between those who need votes and those who have money.”
This perspective should provide cause for concern today, since Hillary Clinton made $2.9 million in speaking fees from large financial institutions between 2013 and 2015. That total includes $675,000 from the much reviled Goldman Sachs. One is left to wonder whether Goldman and the other financial industry behemoths stand to gain any transactional benefits for their money.
While paid speech-making is not illegal, bribery is. Tyson might have simply made a campaign contribution to Bill Clinton back then, but that would have violated limitsthen in effect. Instead, Bill and Hillary pushed — and seemingly broke — ethical and legal limits to get the cash they needed.


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Nov 10, 2010
Why Does The Clinton Campaign Continue To Lie About Clinton Foundation Disclosures?
QUESTION OF THE DAY: “Secretary Clinton, why does your campaign continue to lie about the fact the Clinton Foundation and related entities have not disclosed all their donors?” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

Yesterday Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager, Robby Mook, Repeatedly Asserted That The Clinton Foundation Discloses All Of Their Donors. ABC’S PAULA FARIS: In terms of the donations and things though that have been brought up about where those donations went, the types of countries that received them, things like that, those types of accusations, is she ready to be open and transparent about those things and stand for or against what those countries that received those donations stand for? ROBBY MOOK: I think that she is happy -- first of all, they took donations from countries like Norway that wanted to help save lives, Australia, to save people from dying from AIDS. Donald Trump can call that a scandal. I think it's a wonderful thing that they were saving lives around the world and she's proud of that. WHOOPIE GOLDBERG: Let me ask you this question: is all the information on the donations been made clear? I mean, everybody has seen it? MOOK: All the donations are public. GOLDBERG: They know where the donations went, who they came from, what they did. So those are not in question? That's all there? All their money that she's earned, it's all where it came from - MOOK: Yep, yep.” (ABC’s The View, 9/27/16)

There Are 1,000 Unknown Donors To The Clinton Guistra Enterprise Partnership:
Clinton Guistra Enterprise Partnership Is A Canadian Charity, Which Moves “Significant Sums Of Money Into The Clinton Foundation’s Flagship In New York.”“Canadian charity called the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership—which is run by one of Bill Clinton’s close friends, Frank Giustra—has been moving significant sums of money into the Clinton Foundation’s flagship in New York.” (Ken Silverstein, “Shaky Foundations,” Harper’s Magazine, 11/18/15)
There Is No Way To Know Exactly How Much Money CGEP Has Taken In, Because Canadian Non-Profit Law Says Charities Do Not Need To Report Donors. “There’s no way for the public to know precisely how much total money the CGEP has taken in over the years—or how much it has forwarded on to the Clinton Foundation—because, unlike in the United States, under Canadian non-profit law charities don’t need to report donors to tax authorities.” (Ken Silverstein, “Shaky Foundations,”Harper’s Magazine, 11/18/15)
In 2015, Under Pressure From The Press, CGEP Released The Names Of 24 Donors, But More Than 1,000 Are Still Unknown. “Earlier this year, after being severely criticized by the Canadian press, the CGEP released the names of twenty-four of its donors, but more than 1,000 are still unknown. (CGEP wrote in an email that ‘going forward [it] will publicly disclose all future donors.’)”(Ken Silverstein, “Shaky Foundations,” Harper’s Magazine, 11/18/15)
The Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) Failed To Disclose Donors:
Reuters Headline: “Exclusive: Despite Hillary Clinton Promise, Charity Did Not Disclose Donors” (Jonathan Allen, “Exclusive: Despite Hillary Clinton Promise, Charity Did Not Disclose Donors,” Reuters, 3/19/15)
CHAI’s Failure To Disclose Donors Make It “A Prominent Symbol Of The Broken Political Promise And Subsequent Lack Of Accountability Underlying The Charity-Related Controversies That Are Dogging Clinton As She Embarks On Her Campaign For President.” “The failures make the Clinton Health Access Initiative, which is headquartered on Dorchester Avenue in South Boston, and goes by the acronym CHAI, a prominent symbol of the broken political promise and subsequent lack of accountability underlying the charity-related controversies that are dogging Clinton as she embarks on her campaign for president.” (Annie Linskey, “Clinton Charity Never Provided Foreign Donor Data,” The Boston Globe, 4/30/15)
CHAI Released Only A Partial Donor List For The First Time In 2015 And Called Its Failure To Disclose Its Donors In The Past “An Oversight.” “CHAI, which is best known for helping to reduce the cost of drugs for people with HIV in the developing world, published a partial donor list for the first time only this year. CHAI should have published the names during 2010-2013, when Clinton was in office, CHAI spokeswoman Maura Daley acknowledged this week. ‘Not doing so was an oversight which we made up for this year,’ she told Reuters in an email when asked why it had not published any donor lists until a few weeks ago.” (Jonathan Allen, “Exclusive: Despite Hillary Clinton Promise, Charity Did Not Disclose Donors,”Reuters, 3/19/15)


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Jan 9, 2009

Jake Tapper (32 Videos)

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Checking a claim that 'nobody did anything wrong' on Benghazi


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Hillary Clinton's public and private Benghazi remarks

Jake Tapper compares Hillary Clinton's public and private statements in the aftermath of the 2012 Benghazi attacks. Read the full post at
Source: CNN

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Jan 9, 2009

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Comment made by Sen McCain about a year ago:He added: "To my knowledge, I know of no activity that Hillary Clinton, legislative or otherwise, was engaged in during her time as United States senator."

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Comment made by Sen McCain about a year ago:He added: "To my knowledge, I know of no activity that Hillary Clinton, legislative or otherwise, was engaged in during her time as United States senator."

[h=1]Here are THE 3 Bills Hillary Clinton Sponsored That Became Law While US Senator[/h]



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During an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer in September, Hillary Clinton was unable to name her "number one accomplishment" as Secretary of State.
When she gave her answer, she turned to her tenure as the junior Senator from New York, saying:

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"As [a] senator working across the aisle on issues like getting better health care for our veterans. You know, this is just the silly season. I am looking forward to eventually debating on that stage whoever they finally nominate once they get around to doing that."
What exactly were Hillary's accomplishments as a U.S. Senator?
As reported by Washington Examiner, of the 713 pieces of legislation she sponsored or co-sponsored during her 8-year senate career, only three pieces of legislation that she sponsored became law.
As documented by, these "monumental" laws were:

  1. S.3145 - A bill to designate a portion of United States Route 20A, located in Orchard Park, New York, as the "Timothy J. Russert Highway".
  2. S.3613 - A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2951 New York Highway 43 in Averill Park, New York, as the "Major George Quamo Post Office Building".
  3. S.1241 - Kate Mullany National Historic Site Act

Just to recap, these were bills that: renamed a highway after a journalist; re-designated a post office; and deemed a brick house in Troy, N.Y., as a national historic site to honor a 19th-century female union leader.
In other words, they were laws passed to turn otherwise ordinary things - a highway, a post office, and a brick building - into something "historic." That's quite a message, coming from the Hillary Clinton campaign.

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Nov 10, 2010
Will Hillary Clinton Promise The “FBI Immunity Five” Will Never Serve In Her Administration If She Is Elected President?

“Secretary Clinton, will you promise the American people that the five people who received immunity in the FBI investigation into your secret email server will never serve in your administration if you are elected?” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor


At Least Five People Were Granted Immunity As Part Of The FBI’s Investigation Into Clinton’s Server. “The latest revelation brings the total number of people who were granted immunity as part of the FBI's investigation to at least five. It had previously been reported immunity had been granted to Bryan Pagliano, a tech expert who set up Clinton's email server, as well as Paul Combetta, a computer specialist for a private firm that later maintained Clinton's email setup.” (Michael Biesecker, “GOP Lawmaker: FBI Gave Immunity To Top Clinton Aide,” The Associated Press, 9/23/16)

In Exchange For Cooperation, Clinton’s Former Chief Of Staff, Cheryl Mills, And Other Staff Members Were Granted Immunity By The FBI. “Hillary Clinton's former chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, and two other staff members were granted immunity deals in exchange for their cooperation in the now-closed FBI investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state, says a Republican congressman. Rep. Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, told The Associated Press on Friday that Mills gave federal investigators access to her laptop on the condition that what they found couldn't be used against her.” (Michael Biesecker, “GOP Lawmaker: FBI Gave Immunity To Top Clinton Aide,” The Associated Press, 9/23/16)

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