Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

I'm fine with giving her a stool because it would be really, REALLY cool if she fell off.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Just when you think you've heard it all...

In response to questions from AARP Bulletin, Hillary Clinton made clear her position
that to be successful, policies for ending terrorism must include gun control for all Americans.

Sound familiar?

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjugated races to possess arms.
History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjugated races to carry arms have prepared
their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs
is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or native police.

Guess who?

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=6]- SEPTEMBER 23, 2016 -[/h][h=1]STATEMENT FROM RUDY GIULIANI ON ADDITIONAL IMMUNITY DEALS IN CLINTON EMAIL SCANDAL[/h]"The FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton's exposure of Confidential to Top Secret information to our adversaries and her destruction of evidence after receiving a subpoena from Congress has already been widely criticized. The report appears to demonstrate numerous provable violations of serious laws designed to protect our national security and the administration of justice. It also lays out overwhelming evidence of intent (destruction of evidence, false exculpatory statements) and then reaches a conclusion of no prosecution that seems contrary to the facts.

"Now with the revelation that Cheryl Mills, Clinton's Chief of Staff, was given partial immunity to get her to give over relevant evidence combined with grants of immunity to four others involved in assisting Clinton in the exposure of classified information and the destruction of evidence it makes appear that the purpose of the FBI investigation was to grant immunity rather than to determine if laws were violated and people should be prosecuted." - Rudy Giuliani, Former U.S. Attorney and Mayor of New York City

New member
Nov 10, 2010
New Documents Released Late Friday By The FBI Raise New Questions About Illegal Conduct Involving Hillary Clinton’s Private Email Server
“The fact an IT staffer maintaining Clinton’s secret server called a new retention policy designed to delete emails after 60 days a “Hillary coverup operation” suggests there was a concerted effort to systematically destroy potentially incriminating information. It’s no wonder that at least five individuals tied to the email scandal, including Clinton’s top State Department aide and attorney Cheryl Mills, secured immunity deals from the Obama Justice Department to avoid prosecution.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

In December 2014, Cheryl Mills Instituted A 60-Day Email Retention Policy For Clinton’s Email Server. “In December 2014, after the work-related emails were preserved, Mills told Platte River Networks – which at the time was managing Clinton’s private server – that Clinton ‘decided she no longer needed access to any of her e-mails older than 60 days.’ Mills instructed the PRN employee — who was not identified — ‘to modify the e-mail retention policy’ on Clinton’s server ‘to reflect this change,’ the FBI said.” (Eugene Kiely, “The FBI Files On Clinton’s Emails,”, 9/7/16)

A Platte River Networks Work Ticket Dated After The New Retention Policy Was Instituted Called Clinton’s New Policies The “Hillary Coverup Operation.” (“Hillary R. Clinton Part 3 Of 3,” Federal Bureau Of Investigations. Released 9/23/16)

(Source: FBI)

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Majority of Clinton’s Retrieved Emails to Be Released After Election[/h] BY: Jack Heretik
September 23, 2016 4:22 pm

Most of Hillary Clinton’s emails retrieved during the FBI’s investigation into her use of a private email server while at the State Department will not be released to the public until after the November election, according to a new timeframe set by a federal judge on Friday.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]EXCLUSIVE – Kathleen Willey: Bill Clinton Alleged Sex Victims ‘Could Fill The Entire Audience’ At Presidential Debate[/h]


Michael Smith/Newsmakers

by AARON KLEIN25 Sep 20161,181


[h=2]NEW YORK – Bill Clinton’s alleged sex assault victims are likely so numerous that “we could fill the entire audience,” stated Kathleen Willey when asked by this reporter if she would hypothetically be willing to attend tomorrow’s presidential debate.[/h]Willey, a White House aide during the Clinton administration who famously accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault, joins accusers Juanita Broaddrick and Paula Jones in commenting on the audience of tomorrow’s debate.
Stated Willey:
Most of us are well known and our stories have been repeated several times over the years, but what concerns me the most are the voices of my sisters who are still afraid to come out of the darkness. I have communicated with a number of them and they are still terrified of publicly sharing their experiences with the Clintons.
The real story here is not one of our presence in the front row at any of these debates, but the unhindered lust for power that the Clintons have displayed for decades. Hillary Clinton has lied, cheated and stolen our lives from us. People have died in her wake of deceit.
We could fill the entire audience. I would like to see the day when these women can step into the light and share their stories of brutality, terror and intimidation without the kind of fear of intimidation and recrimination that we have experienced for far too many years.
Regarding whether she would attended the debate if asked, Willey decided, “I would refrain for now. Let her do herself in on her own.”
The issue of Clinton’s alleged mistresses and accusers was put back in the headlines Saturday when Donald Trump threatened on Twitter to bring Gennifer Flowers to the first presidential debate after Trump troll Mark Cuban said he’d sit in the front row. Flowers, who says she had a 12-plus year relationship with Clinton, responded promptly on social media, writing, “Hi Donald Trump… I’m in your corner. Of course I will see u at the debate!!”
After first denying any relationship with Flowers during a 1992 60 Minutes interview, Clinton later admitted to one sexual encounter with her in a 1998 deposition for the Paula Jones lawsuit.
On Sunday, both Broaddrick and Jones stated they would attend tomorrow’s presidential debate if they were invited.
Meanwhile, the issue of the number of alleged Clinton mistresses and victims has been in the media in recent months.
Former Dallas lawyer Dolly Kyle, who says she had a long-running affair with Clinton, claimed in a recent interview with this reporter that “Billy” Clinton, as she called him, once boasted to her that he had had sex with about 2,000 women. She described Clinton as a “sex addict” who has some “sick, sick need” to “control women.”
The 2,000 number is similar to a figure provided by Linda Tripp, a pivotal figure in the Monica Lewinsky scandal. In an exclusive interview on this reporter’s radio show in January, Tripp said it was common knowledge while she worked in the West Wing that Clinton had affairs with “thousands of women.”

New member
Jan 9, 2009
‘UNFAIR ADVANTAGE’: Clinton Campaign Trying to Get Moderators to Fact-Check Trump



ny candidate who tells this many lies clearly can’t win the debate on the merits.”
Cliff Owen/Associated Press

by PATRICK HOWLEY24 Sep 20165,946


The Hillary Clinton campaign is making a last-minute effort to influence how moderators handle the presidential debates.

The first debate Monday puts NBC News’ Lester Holt front and center as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton square off for the first time. Team Clinton wants Holt to intercede in the debate–and often.
“This is the role of the moderator … to call out those lies, and do it in real time,” Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri told reporters on a conference call. “To not do that is to give Donald Trump a very unfair advantage. Any candidate who tells this many lies clearly can’t win the debate on the merits.”
“His level of lying is unprecedented in American politics,” Palmieri said of Trump.
Fox News’ Chris Wallace, who is moderating the final debate in Las Vegas, already said that his role is not to be a fact-checker.
But Lester Holt could be problematic. Holt is already drawing scrutiny from conservatives fearing a “Candy Crowley” moment that could swing the debate. Breitbart News reported:
Lester Holt is up first. He gets Trump and Clinton at Hofstra University in New York on September 26.
It was originally supposed to be held at Wright State University in the battleground state of Ohio. But university President David Hopkins had to withdraw due to “rising security costs” of up to $11 million that the college had to pay. Hopkins, chastened, thanked Hofstra for at least allowing 15 Wright State students to attend the debate in New York.
Hofstra has given Bill Clinton at least six figures for speaking fees. When Clinton spoke at Hofstra, the university touted him as a legendary “New Democrat’ from Hope.”
At NBC News, Lester Holt replaced Brian Williams during a time of scandal. But he is working to establish himself as something other than a mere Gerald Ford caretaker of the anchor’s chair.
Holt asked Hillary Clinton if she ever gets her “feelings hurt” due to the Republican attacks on her. Referring to a young person in a town hall event who said that his generation feels Clinton is dishonest, Holt said to Clinton, “And when he said that I winced.”
NewsBusters flagged Holt for a number of comments during the campaign that should make the Trump team very nervous about the primetime exposure that he is getting. Particularly, comments that Holt made when he managed to interview The Donald to his face once at Trump Tower.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
From the above:

"Any candidate who tells this many lies clearly can’t win the debate on the merits.” (directed at Trump by Clinton's communication director LOL)

Really.......but a liar like Hillary makes a good candidate. Nobody has lied more than Hillary. All they have to do is ask her about the emails and she will lie again. If they do not bring up the emails something is obviously being fixed.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
The Sun Also Rose In The East This Morning
“The news that the ultra-liberal, elitist, out-of-touch New York Times Editorial Boardendorsed an ultra-liberal, elitist, out-of-touch candidate in Hillary Clinton has to be some of the least surprising news ever. The New York Times’ Editorial Board is the embodiment of the rigged system Donald Trump is running against. Mr. Trump far prefers the endorsement of hard-working Americans across this country than an editorial board that only seems to care about the plaudits they receive at cocktail parties and dinners in the power corridors of this country.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
When Director James Comey announced that the FBI would not be seeking prosecution of anyone
on Team Clinton over EmailGate, the Bureau had turned its back on its own traditions of floating
above partisan politics in the pursuit of justice. “Malfeasance by the FBI, its bending to
political winds, is a matter that should concern all Americans, regardless of their politics,”
I stated, noting that it’s never a healthy turn of events in a democracy when your secret police
force gets tarnished by politics.

The FBI has been corrupted by the Obama administration and compromised by the NSA.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
When Director James Comey announced that the FBI would not be seeking prosecution of anyone
on Team Clinton over EmailGate, the Bureau had turned its back on its own traditions of floating
above partisan politics in the pursuit of justice. “Malfeasance by the FBI, its bending to
political winds, is a matter that should concern all Americans, regardless of their politics,”
I stated, noting that it’s never a healthy turn of events in a democracy when your secret police
force gets tarnished by politics.

The FBI has been corrupted by the Obama administration and compromised by the NSA.

Everything has been corrupted by the Obama regime - IRS, FBI, DHS, NSA, EPA, State Dept, Justice Dept, Pentagon, BPA...EVERYTHING!

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=2]Clinton Could Win PA, MI, WI, NM, VA… and Still Lose Electoral College![/h] As the first presidential debate looms later Monday evening just an hour from here on Long Island at Hofstra University, a Breitbart News analysis of current polling in the presidential election shows that Donald J. Trump—the Republican nominee for president—would win the election if it were held Monday and the polls are correct.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Everything has been corrupted by the Obama regime - IRS, FBI, DHS, NSA, EPA, State Dept, Justice Dept, Pentagon, BPA...EVERYTHING!

And if Hillary takes over there will be changes just more of the same. She and bill owe the heads of the FBI and DOJ bigtime.

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