Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Hillary Is Missing From The Campaign Trail[/h][FONT=&quot][/FONT]

1:19 PM 09/21/2016​



WASHINGTON - JUNE 23: U.S. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) reads documents during a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee June 23, 2005 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The hearing was focused on U.S. military strategy and operations in Iraq. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton will only hold five rallies in September and doesn’t have one scheduled for the foreseeable future, as she relies on surrogates to do her campaigning.
Her running mate Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, her husband former President Bill Clinton,Chelsea Clinton, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Kaine’s wife Anne Holton will all hold more public events in September than Hillary. First Lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders will all have campaigned for Hillary as well in September.
[h=3]Why Is Hillary Clinton Not Campaigning Much?[/h] She's Preparing For The Debates She's Still Sick With Pneumonia She's Sick With Something Worse Than
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Clinton has cancelled several events in September – a rally in Las Vegas that her husband ended up hosting, and multiple fundraisers. Hillary postponed a fundraiser in North Carolina Tuesday for unknown reasons. The donations needed to attend the North Carolina fundraiser were to go from $2,700 to $100,000.A look at Clinton’s current calendar from now until October 19 shows that Clinton will host no rallies and will be at one fundraiser in Washington D.C. Michelle Obama, Chelsea Clinton, and Kaine are all scheduled to host more rallies than Hillary.



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Nov 10, 2010
“The World Trusted The Clintons To Help The Haitian People During Their Most Desperate Time Of Need And They Were Deceived.” – Bernard Sansaricq

"Sadly, when an earthquake rocked the nation of Haiti in 2010, corruption moved in faster than the help so desperately needed. Today, the people of Haiti are still suffering despite the billions of dollars that have flowed into the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons exploited this terrible disaster to steal billions of dollars from the sick and starving people of Haiti. The world trusted the Clintons to help the Haitian people during their most desperate time of need and they were deceived. The Clintons and their friends are richer today while millions still live in tents. The world deserves to know where the money went and why help was never sent." – Bernard Sansaricq, Former President of the Senate, Republic of Haiti

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Nov 10, 2010
Front Page Wall Street Journal Exposé Showed Six-Figure Paid Speech “Overlapped With Foundation Business”
“It’s as plain as day Bill and Hillary Clinton personally profited off of the Clinton Foundation’s work in earthquake-ravaged Haiti. Bill Clinton was paid $260,000 for a speech that lasted less than an hour by an industry association whose members would later benefit from Clinton Foundation grants. If that isn’t a quid pro quo, I don’t know what is. Bill and Hillary Clinton should return every penny from that exorbitantly paid speech and they should explain this latest example of corrupt dealing at the Clinton Foundation.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

The Clinton Foundation Gave A Large Charitable Grant To Benefit A Group That, Months Earlier, Paid $260,000 To Bill Clinton For A Speech:

In January 2014 The Fragrance Foundation Paid President Clinton $260,000 For A Speech To Their Organization.
“The Fragrance Foundation, a trade group for the perfume industry, paid former President Bill Clinton $260,000 to give a speech in January 2014 that lasted less than hour.” (James Grimaldi, “Bill Clinton’s Speaking Fee Overlaps With Foundation Business,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/20/16)

“Mr. Clinton’s $260,000 Speaking Fee Wasn’t A Donation To The Foundation But Was Reported As Personal Income…”
“Mr. Clinton’s $260,000 speaking fee wasn’t a donation to the foundation but was reported as personal income—an honorarium—on the candidate financial-disclosure form of his wife, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee.” (James Grimaldi, “Bill Clinton’s Speaking Fee Overlaps With Foundation Business,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/20/16)

In The Months After The Speech, The “Clinton Foundation Organized And Partially Funded An Effort To Get Hundreds Of Farmers In Haiti To Plant Thousands Of Lime Trees.”
“In the months after the talk, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation organized and partially funded an effort to get hundreds of farmers in Haiti to plant thousands of lime trees, a project designed to help both the impoverished farmers and the perfume and beverage industries, which had been hurt by a spike in lime prices caused by drought and crop blight.” (James Grimaldi, “Bill Clinton’s Speaking Fee Overlaps With Foundation Business,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/20/16)

The Project Was “Designed To Help” The Perfume And Beverage Industries, “Which Had Been Hurt By A Spike In Lime Prices Caused By Drought And Crop Blight.”
“In the months after the talk, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation organized and partially funded an effort to get hundreds of farmers in Haiti to plant thousands of lime trees, a project designed to help both the impoverished farmers and the perfume and beverage industries, which had been hurt by a spike in lime prices caused by drought and crop blight.” (James Grimaldi, “Bill Clinton’s Speaking Fee Overlaps With Foundation Business,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/20/16)

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Nov 10, 2010
The Wall Street Journal Reports On The Suspicious Timing Between A Paid Speech And A Large Clinton Foundation Grant
QUESTION OF THE DAY: “Secretary Clinton, last night The Wall Street Journalreported that a major donor to the Clinton Foundation paid Bill Clinton $260,000 for a speech before receiving large grants to a venture in Haiti designed to ease the shortage of a key component used by their industry. Isn’t this a clear-cut case of a quid-pro-quo between your personal financial interests and the interests of the Clinton Foundation?” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor


In January 2014 The Fragrance Foundation Paid President Clinton $260,000 For A Speech To Their Organization. “The Fragrance Foundation, a trade group for the perfume industry, paid former President Bill Clinton $260,000 to give a speech in January 2014 that lasted less than hour.” (James Grimaldi, “Bill Clinton’s Speaking Fee Overlaps With Foundation Business,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/20/16)

“Mr. Clinton’s $260,000 Speaking Fee Wasn’t A Donation To The Foundation But Was Reported As Personal Income…” “Mr. Clinton’s $260,000 speaking fee wasn’t a donation to the foundation but was reported as personal income—an honorarium—on the candidate financial-disclosure form of his wife, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee.” (James Grimaldi, “Bill Clinton’s Speaking Fee Overlaps With Foundation Business,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/20/16)

In The Months After The Speech, The “Clinton Foundation Organized And Partially Funded An Effort To Get Hundreds Of Farmers In Haiti To Plant Thousands Of Lime Trees.” “In the months after the talk, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation organized and partially funded an effort to get hundreds of farmers in Haiti to plant thousands of lime trees, a project designed to help both the impoverished farmers and the perfume and beverage industries, which had been hurt by a spike in lime prices caused by drought and crop blight.” (James Grimaldi, “Bill Clinton’s Speaking Fee Overlaps With Foundation Business,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/20/16)

The Project Was “Designed To Help” The Perfume And Beverage Industries, “Which Had Been Hurt By A Spike In Lime Prices Caused By Drought And Crop Blight.” “In the months after the talk, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation organized and partially funded an effort to get hundreds of farmers in Haiti to plant thousands of lime trees, a project designed to help both the impoverished farmers and the perfume and beverage industries, which had been hurt by a spike in lime prices caused by drought and crop blight.” (James Grimaldi, “Bill Clinton’s Speaking Fee Overlaps With Foundation Business,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/20/16)

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Nov 10, 2010
Controversial Speakers Include Slobodan Milosevic’s Former PR Chief And Someone Who Called Homosexuality A “Disease”

Final Clinton Global Initiative: A Few Controversial Speakers
By Anita Kumar
September 21, 2016
Click Here To Read

The Clinton Global Initiative wraps up its 12th and final annual meeting Wednesday amid intense scrutiny about the access its donors received while Hillary Clinton was the nation’s top diplomat.

Notable supporters, including President Barack Obama and Clinton herself, and past corporate sponsors skipped the meeting. But the star-studded gathering in New York City still had its share of speakers, though some a bit controversial.

Aleksandar Vucic: The popular prime minister of Serbia served as information minister for Slobodan Milosevic, a former leader who was nicknamed “the Butcher of the Balkans” after he being accused of playing a role in multiple massacres. Vucic had previously praised Ratko Mladic, who was alleged to have organized the massacre of 8,000 Muslims in Srebrenica in 1995.
Mauricio Macri: The president of Argentina who made headlines as the mayor of Buenos Aires for defending catcalling on the street. “Women who say they don’t like it, and are offended by it, but I don’t believe it,” he said. He had previously called homosexuality a “disease,” refusing to back a law allowing same-sex marriage. Macri was forced to acknowledge existence of an offshore in the Panama Papers that he said was created by his father to invest in Brazil and has since been closed. A second company tied to Macri recently emerged.
Stacey Davidson: The executive director of the Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of South Africa had been investigated by the financial services board for alleged theft of government retirement funds, according to reports.

Click Here To Read The Full Article

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Nov 10, 2010
Spend, spend spend! Clinton campaign races through $50 million in just a MONTH - including cash for 35,700 TV advertising spots

  • Clinton's campaign had its most expensive month to date in August, eclipsing its previous monthly high by more than $12 million
  • But she failed to see a pools boost despite massively outspending Donald Trump
  • Trump is now boasting about how the spending disparity shows he is winning
Hillary Clinton spent $645,000 more a day than her opponent Donald Trump last month, but even with her $50 million campaign outlay, she has not been able to pull away from him in the race for the White House.
Clinton's campaign had its most expensive month to date in August, eclipsing its previous monthly high by more than $12 million.
And combined, Clinton and the national Democratic Party paid out $78 million in August, while Trump and the Republican National Committee spent about $47 million.
While both candidates are raising huge sums from donors, their lopsided spending lays bare the difference in the two major party presidential campaigns. Clinton is running a conventional operation featuring multi million-dollar ad buys and expansive voter outreach.
Trump has kept spending down by enjoying seemingly limitless free media coverage and outsourcing the guts of his voter contact duties to the Republican Party.


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Nov 10, 2010
Over Half Of Clinton’s State Department Meetings With Non-Government Individuals Were With Foundation Donors

More Than Half Of The Non-Government People That Clinton Met With At The State Department Were Donors To The Clinton Foundation.
“More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. It's an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president.” (Stephen Braun and Eileen Sullivan, “Clinton Foundation Donors Got Face Time With Her At State,” The Associated Press,8/24/16)

The 85 Of The 154 Individuals With Private Interests Clinton Met With Or Talked To Over The Phone Had Contributed As Much As $156 Million To The Foundation.
“They are among at least 85 of 154 people with private interests who either met or had phone conversations scheduled with Clinton and also gave to her family's charities, according to a review of State Department calendars released so far to The Associated Press. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. The 154 does not include U.S. federal employees or foreign government representatives.” (Stephen Braun and Eileen Sullivan, “Clinton Foundation Donors Got Face Time With Her At State,” The Associated Press, 8/24/16)

The Frequency Of The Meetings “Shows The Intermingling Of Access And Donations, And Fuels Perceptions That Giving The Foundation Money Was The Price Of Admission For Face Time With Clinton.”
“But the frequency of the overlaps shows the intermingling of access and donations, and fuels perceptions that giving the foundation money was a price of admission for face time with Clinton. Her calendars and emails released as recently as this week describe scores of contacts she and her top aides had with foundation donors.” (Stephen Braun and Eileen Sullivan, “Clinton Foundation Donors Got Face Time With Her At State,” The Associated Press, 8/24/16)

Foundation Officials Would Put In Requests For Foundation Donor’s CEO’s To Sit At The Best Tables For State Dinners

ABC News Headline: “Clinton Foundation Official Requests State Lunch Invitation, Special Seating for Foundation Allies, Emails Show”
(Johnathan Karl, Devin Dwyer, and Benjamin Siegel, “Clinton Foundation Official Requests State Lunch Invitation, Special Seating for Foundation Allies, Emails Show,” ABC News, 8/27/16)

  • These Emails Offer “Fresh Insight On Contact Between The Clinton Foundation And Hillary Clinton’s Inner Circle While She Was Secretary Of State.” “A series of newly released State Department emails obtained by ABC News offers fresh insight on direct contact between the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton's inner circle while she was Secretary of State.” (Johnathan Karl, Devin Dwyer, and Benjamin Siegel, “Clinton Foundation Official Requests State Lunch Invitation, Special Seating for Foundation Allies, Emails Show,” ABC News, 8/27/16)
The 2010 Emails Reveal Top-Foundation Official Doug Band Emailing Clinton’s Closest State Department Aide Huma Abedin About An Official State Department Lunch With The Chinese President. “In one December 2010 email chain with Clinton's closest aide Huma Abedin, then-top Clinton Foundation official Doug Band offers names for a State Department lunch with Chinese President Hu Jintao scheduled for January 2011.” (Johnathan Karl, Devin Dwyer, and Benjamin Siegel, “Clinton Foundation Official Requests State Lunch Invitation, Special Seating for Foundation Allies, Emails Show,” ABC News, 8/27/16)
Band Asked For Three Foundation Donors To Be On The List For The State Department Lunch; The Then-President Of UBS, The President Of The Rockefeller Foundation And The CEO Of Western Union. “On the list were three executives from organizations that have donated millions to the Clinton Foundation: Bob McCann, the then-president of wealth management at UBS; Dr. Judith Rodin, the president of the Rockefeller Foundation; and Hikmet Ersek, the CEO of Western Union. According to the Foundation website, the UBS Wealth Management USA has contributed between $500,001 and $1 million to the Foundation; the Rockefeller Foundation has given between $10 million and $25 million, while Western Union and its foundation has contributed between $1 million and $5 million.” (Johnathan Karl, Devin Dwyer, and Benjamin Siegel, “Clinton Foundation Official Requests State Lunch Invitation, Special Seating for Foundation Allies, Emails Show,” ABC News, 8/27/16)

  • Band Then Followed Up Two Weeks Later Asking For One Of The Foundation Donors To Be At The Vice President’s Table, Abedin Responded: “I’ll Ask.” “Nearly two weeks later, Band followed up on email, specifically requesting Rodin be seated at Vice President Joe Biden’s table. ‘I'll ask,’ Abedin replied.” (Johnathan Karl, Devin Dwyer, and Benjamin Siegel, “Clinton Foundation Official Requests State Lunch Invitation, Special Seating for Foundation Allies, Emails Show,” ABC News, 8/27/16)
Clinton’s State Department Aides Readily Responded To Requests From Foundation Officials To Have Special Meetings With A U.S. Diplomats With Foundation Donors

The Latest Emails “Raised New Questions About Whether The Charitable Foundation Worked To Reward Its Donors With Access And Influence At The State Department…”
“The documents raised new questions about whether the charitable foundation worked to reward its donors with access and influence at the State Department, a charge that Mrs. Clinton has faced in the past and has always denied.” (Eric Lichtblau, “Emails Renew Questions About Clinton Foundation And State Dept. Overlap,” The New York Times, 8/9/16)

“In One Email Exchange, For Instance, An Executive At The Clinton Foundation In 2009 Sought To Put A Billionaire Donor In Touch With The United States Ambassador To Lebanon Because Of The Donor’s Interests There.” (Eric Lichtblau, “Emails Renew Questions About Clinton Foundation And State Dept. Overlap,” The New York Times, 8/9/16)

  • The New York Post Headline: “New Emails Show Huma Scheming For Hillary”(Daniel Halper, “New Emails Show Huma Scheming For Hillary,” The New York Post,8/9/16)
  • The New Emails Reveal Clinton “Aides Doing Favors For Billionaires…” “Another 296 pages of Hillary Clinton’s emails were released Tuesday — exposing key Clinton aides doing favors for billionaires and, on one occasion, leaving the then-secretary of state’s daily schedule in an unlocked hotel room. The documents were released by Judicial Watch, which is suing to recover Clinton’s emails under Freedom of Information Act laws.” (Daniel Halper, “New Emails Show Huma Scheming For Hillary,” The New York Post, 8/9/16)
  • The Meeting Was For Gilbert Chagoury Who Is A Lebanese-Nigerian Billionaire Who Has Given Between $1 And $5 Million To The Clinton Foundation. “‘We need Gilbert Chagoury to speak to the substance person re Lebanon. As you know, he’s key guy there and to us and is loved in Lebanon.’ Chagoury is a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire and a Clinton Foundation donor, giving somewhere between $1 million and $5 million.” (Daniel Halper, “New Emails Show Huma Scheming For Hillary,” The New York Post, 8/9/16)

  • Chagoury Was Convicted Of Money Laundering In 2000, And Paid A $66 Million Plea Deal. “The construction magnate has financial interests around the world and was convicted in Switzerland in 2000 for money laundering. He paid $66 million in a plea deal.” (Daniel Halper, “New Emails Show Huma Scheming For Hillary,” The New York Post, 8/9/16)
Clinton’s State Department Aides Helped A Clinton Foundation Associate Get A Job
The Hill Headline: “In Email, State Asked To ‘Take Care Of’ Clinton Foundation Associate” (Julian Hattem, “In Email, State Asked To ‘Take Care Of’ Clinton Foundation Associate,” The Hill, 8/9/16)

The New York Post
Editorial Headline: “Want A Job? Give To The Clinton Foundation Right Away!”
(Editorial Board, “Want A Job? Give To The Clinton Foundation Right Away!,” The New York Post, 8/9/16)

In Another Email, The Foundation Pushed Clinton’s Aides To Help Find A Job For A Foundation Associate, And Her Aides “Indicated That The Department Was Working On The Request.” “
In another email, the foundation appeared to push aides to Mrs. Clinton to help find a job for a foundation associate. Her aides indicated that the department was working on the request.” (Eric Lichtblau, “Emails Renew Questions About Clinton Foundation And State Dept. Overlap,” The New York Times, 8/9/16)

  • The Hill Headline: “In Email, State Asked To ‘Take Care Of’ Clinton Foundation Associate” (Julian Hattem, “In Email, State Asked To ‘Take Care Of’ Clinton Foundation Associate,” The Hill, 8/9/16)
  • When Clinton Was Secretary Of State, Her Senior Aides Were Pressed By A “Long Time Confidante With Deep Ties To The Clinton Foundation” To Give A Job To An “Unidentified Male.” “Shortly after Hillary Clinton took the reins as U.S. secretary of State in 2009, a longtime confidante with deep ties to the Clinton Foundation pressed her senior aides to give a job to an unidentified male associate.” (Julian Hattem, “In Email, State Asked To ‘Take Care Of’ Clinton Foundation Associate,” The Hill, 8/9/16)
In An Email From Doug Band With The Subject Line “A Favor…” Clinton’s Aides Were Told It Was “Important To Take Care Of” The Individual. “‘Important to take care of’ the person, Douglas Band told Clinton aides Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills and Nora Toiv in an April 22, 2009, email with the subject line ‘A favor…’. The name of the aide is redacted.” (Julian Hattem, “In Email, State Asked To ‘Take Care Of’ Clinton Foundation Associate,” The Hill, 8/9/16)

  • Band Had Previously Served As An Aide To Bill Clinton And Has Performed “Multiple Duties For The Clinton Foundation.” “Band previously served as an aide to former President Bill Clinton and has performed multiple duties for the Clinton Foundation. He is also a founding partner and president of Teneo Holdings, the consulting firm.”(Julian Hattem, “In Email, State Asked To ‘Take Care Of’ Clinton Foundation Associate,” The Hill, 8/9/16)
  • Top Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Responded Saying “We Have All Had Him On Our Radar…” “‘We have all had him on our radar,’ Abedin responded. ‘Personnel has been sending him options.’” (Julian Hattem, “In Email, State Asked To ‘Take Care Of’ Clinton Foundation Associate,” The Hill, 8/9/16)
Clinton Placed Foundation Donor On A Government International Security Board With No Experience

As Secretary Of State, Clinton Appointed Rajiv Fernando To The International Security Board.
"Today, the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB) met with Under Secretary Bill Burns, Under Secretary Ellen Tauscher, Special Advisor Robert Einhorn, Assistant Secretary Rose Gottemoeller, Assistant Secretary Andrew Shapiro and Acting Assistant Secretary Vann Van Diepen. … The meeting marked the first gathering of ISAB members appointed by Secretary Clinton. … Mr. Rajiv “Raj” Fernando, CEO and founder of Chopper Trading;" ("Meeting Of The International Security Advisory Board," U.S. State Department, 7/12/11)

Fernando Was Appointed To The State Department’s International Security Advisory Board By Clinton’s Chief Of Staff Cheryl Mills At Her “Insistence.”
“The newly released emails reveal that after ABC News started asking questions in August 2011, a State Department official who worked with the advisory board couldn’t immediately come up with a justification for Fernando serving on the panel. His and other emails make repeated references to ‘S’; ABC News has been told this is a common way to refer to the Secretary of State. ‘The true answer is simply that S staff (Cheryl Mills) added him,’ wrote Wade Boese, who was Chief of Staff for the Office of the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, in an email to Mannina, the press aide. ‘Raj was not on the list sent to S; he was added at their insistence.’” (Matthew Mosk, Brian Ross and Cho Park, “How Clinton Donor Got On Sensitive Intelligence Board,”ABC News, 6/10/16)

“Hillary Clinton's State Department Aides Rushed A Top Secret Security Clearance For A Democratic Donor In Order To Place Him In A Government Position For Which He Was Not Qualified.”
(Sarah Westwood, “Clinton Aides Rushed Top Secret Clearance For Foundation Donor,”The Washington Examiner, 6/16/16)

  • “Fernando’s Lack Of Any Known Background In Nuclear Security Caught The Attention Of Several Board Members” And “Emails Show That Confusion Ensued Among The Career Government Officials Who Work With The Advisory Panel.”“Fernando’s lack of any known background in nuclear security caught the attention of several board members, and when ABC News first contacted the State Department in August 2011 seeking a copy of his resume, the emails show that confusion ensued among the career government officials who work with the advisory panel.” (Matthew Mosk, Brian Ross and Cho Park, “How Clinton Donor Got On Sensitive Intelligence Board,” ABC News, 6/10/16)
  • The Decision To Add Fernando To The Board With “No Obvious Experience In The Field…Appeared To Baffle The Department’s Professional Staff.” “Newly released State Department emails help reveal how a major Clinton Foundation donor was placed on a sensitive government intelligence advisory board even though he had no obvious experience in the field, a decision that appeared to baffle the department’s professional staff.” (Matthew Mosk, Brian Ross and Cho Park, “How Clinton Donor Got On Sensitive Intelligence Board,” ABC News, 6/10/16)
Fernando's Appointment To The International Security Advisory Board Was Unusual, As A Seat On That Board Had "Not Traditionally Been Viewed As A Perk For Major Donors." "More than two dozen of the president's top fundraisers received ambassadorships during his first term, and dozens more have been placed in various key posts in his administration. Fernando's appointment stands out, however, because a seat on the International Security Advisory Board has not traditionally been viewed as a perk for major donors." (Brian Ross, Matthew Mosk, and Megan Chuchmach, "Obama, Clinton Fundraiser Appointed To National Security Panel,”ABC News, 9/5/12)

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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Federal Judge Orders State Dept to Release Hillary Clinton’s Security Training Docs[/h]SHARE


BY: Natalie Johnson
September 21, 2016 3:56 pm

A federal judge on Tuesday ordered the State Department to hand over hundreds of documents by next Monday related to Hillary Clinton’s participation in required or recommended security training during her tenure as secretary of state.
Judge Richard Leon rejected the State Department’s motion to dismiss a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by theDaily Caller News Foundation seeking to confirm that Clinton and her top aides underwent mandatory annual security briefings regarding the proper handling of classified materials and best practices to ensure secure communications.
The State Department has so far refused to produce such records and concluded in July that the delay meant the “courses were not completed” by Clinton or her aides, including former chief of staff Cheryl Mills and deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin.

Leon ordered the department to release a third of the 400 documents requested by Sept. 26, while the rest must be handed over by Oct. 10.
Bradley Moss, an attorney representing the Daily Caller News Foundation, said Leon’s order demonstrated his “frustration” with the agency’s “obstruction” of the FOIA process.
“State will either meet his deadline or face the consequences of failure,” he said.
Leon demanded during a hearing in August that the department release the documents before the election given the “time sensitivity” of the issue.
FBI Director James Comey faulted Clinton in July for being “extremely careless” with her handling of classified information on a private email server while she served at the State Department. Comey ultimately decided against recommending charges for Clinton.


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Nov 10, 2010
Why Did The Former PR Chief For Slobodan Milosevic Speak At The Clinton Global Initiative?
QUESTION OF THE DAY: “Secretary Clinton, why did the Clinton Global Initiative invite Slobodan Milosevic’s former information minister to speak at the annual meeting? What does this say about your tolerance for despots?” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor


The Clinton Global Initiative Invited Aleksandar Vucic, The Former Information Minister For Slobodan Milosevic, To Speak. “The Clinton Global Initiative wraps up its 12th and final annual meeting Wednesday amid intense scrutiny about the access its donors received while Hillary Clinton was the nation’s top diplomat. Notable supporters, including President Barack Obama and Clinton herself, and past corporate sponsors skipped the meeting. But the star-studded gathering in New York City still had its share of speakers, though some a bit controversial. … Aleksandar Vucic: The popular prime minister of Serbia served as information minister for Slobodan Milosevic, a former leader who was nicknamed ‘the Butcher of the Balkans’ after he being accused of playing a role in multiple massacres.” (Anita Kumar, “Final Clinton Global Initiative: A Few Controversial Speakers,”McClatchy DC, 9/21/16)

“Vucic Had Previously Praised Ratko Mladic, Who Was Alleged To Have Organized The Massacre Of 8,000 Muslims In Srebrenica In 1995.” (Anita Kumar, “Final Clinton Global Initiative: A Few Controversial Speakers,” McClatchy DC, 9/21/16)

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Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Trump calls on Clinton campaign to return donations from Anthony Weiner as teen-sexting scandal heats up[/h]
  • Anthony Weiner gave Hillary Clinton's campaign $550 this year
  • Donald Trump's campaign is calling on her to return the money following the discovery that Weiner carried on an illicit sexting affair with a teen girl
  • Weiner is separated from wife Huma Abedin, one of Clinton's closest confidantes - but they seem to still live under the same roof
  • Trump has questioned whether the 'deviant' Weiner could be trusted around sensitive information that Abedin was privy to as Clinton's right-hand woman
  • FBI have moved on Weiner, America's toughest prosecutor is subpoenaing his phone records and child protective services are already investigating
PUBLISHED: 13:56, 23 September 2016 | UPDATED: 15:31, 23 September 2016


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