Connecting the dots on Hillary Clinton


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Oct 29, 2010
Hahahahahaha, poor Russ is still trying to connect those dots. He'll spend the rest of his life connecting those imaginary dots. Just imagine the fun stuff they'll come up with for the next 4 years as Hillary is President. It's going to be so much fun.

The guy is off his rocker. Now he's doing that ignore thing.....even though he's been caught FIVE times reading my posts and responding. These poor old fools like Russ, Dave and Joe ......they've been dumb their entire lives

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Jan 9, 2009



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Jan 9, 2009
During the debate and the discussion about abortions all I could think of was selling the body parts.

Hillary Clinton Tells Planned Parenthood: “As President I Will Always Have Your Back”


Abortion activist Hillary Clinton made her first speech as the Democratic presidential nominee to the nation’s largest abortion corporation, Planned Parenthood.

“I have been proud to stand with Planned parenthood for a long time and, as president, I will always have your back,” Hillary said. “We need to protect Planned Parenthood from partisan attacks.”
“I will be your partner in the election and for the long haul,” Hillary promised the abortion activists cheering her on.
“I want to start by saying something you don’t hear often enough: thank you,” Clinton said.
Clinton went on to thank the Planned Parenthood abortion activists for helping women who are victims of sexual assault even though the abortion company has been found to cover up cases of statutory rape, allowing rapists to rape again.
She said pro-life Republicans should join her in calling for more taxpayer funding for the abortion giant if they truly cared about women.
SIGN THE PLEDGE! We Oppose Hillary Clinton!
Clinton also bashed Donald Trump for campaigning on a pro-life platform and said he wanted to take women “to the dark ages” when abortion was illegal. Hillary Clinton defended “playing the woman card.” “If it means supporting Planned Parenthood, deal me in.”
Clinton praised Roe v. Wade for supposedly helping women avoid dangerous illegal abortions but ignored how the Planned Parenthood abortion corporation was responsible for killing a black woman in a botched legal abortion.
Hillary complained that 10 abortion clinics in Texas that kill unborn babies in abortions is not enough and complained that the Supreme Court might uphold a pro-life law in Texas that makes abortion clinics follow the kind of health and safety laws legitimate clinics do.
The largest applause of Clinton’s Planned Parenthood came in response to a line where Clinton urged Congress to support forcing taxpayers to fund abortions by repealing the Hyde Amendment that has protected Americans from taxpayer-funded abortions since the 1970s.
Later in the speech, Clinton touted equal pay for women at the Planned Parenthood speech but Clinton paid women 28% less than men.
Reacting to the speech, Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony List responded to saying, “It’s revealing that Hillary Clinton’s first major stop as the Democratic presumptive nominee would be to Planned Parenthood, the leader of the deep-pocketed abortion industry. Clinton has put abortion at the center of her campaign and has said the ‘unborn person has no constitutional rights.’ With Planned Parenthood’s backing she intends to keep it that way if elected president.”
She continued: “What Clinton does not realize is that on the issue of life, the majority of Americans – including majorities of young people and women – stand with us, not her. Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion and support a compassionate limit on abortion after five months. She has staked out her turf far outside the mainstream. We welcome this opportunity to engage and expose her, confident the American people will reject her abortion ideology at the ballot box.”
Voters need to be reminded that Clinton received a question from host Bret Baier about abortion and whether or not unborn children should have any rights before birth. Her answer was shocking.
Clinton’s pro-abortion views are longstanding. In March 2009, Hillary Clinton received Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger award at an event in Houston. During the event, Clinton said that emphasizing and promoting abortion is a key issue in President Barack Obama’s foreign policy. She also defended taxpayer funded abortions for poor women.
During this election, Hillary has slammed a new law in Indiana banning abortions on babies with Down syndrome.
During an interview on The View recently Hillary Clinton said an unborn child just hours before delivery should have no Constitutional rights. Her comments came just days afterClinton said unborn children simply do not have any Constitutional rights, which would include the right to life.
In February, Clinton defended partial-birth abortions: “My husband vetoed a very restrictive legislation on late-term abortions, and he vetoed it at an event in the White House where we invited a lot of women who had faced this very difficult decision, that ought to be made based on their own conscience, their family, their faith, in consultation with doctors. Those stories left a searing impression on me,” she continued.
Clinton has said more taxpayer money needs to go to the Planned Parenthood abortion business and Clinton demonstrated her unyielding commitment to abortion and the Planned Parenthood abortion business, accepting their endorsement during a pro-abortion rally — saying she would be the abortion business’ president.
“I will always defend Planned Parenthood and I will say consistently and proudly, Planned Parenthood should be funded, supported and protected, not undermined, misrepresented and demonized,” Clinton said. “As your president, I will always have your back.”
At a speech to the Women in the World Conference in April 2015, Hillary Clinton argued, “Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care (aka. abortion) and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced,” In order to expand worldwide access to abortion, she suggested that “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”
In May 2015, the U.S. House passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to protect unborn babies 20 weeks and older from excruciating late abortions. In addition to a statement slamming House lawmakers for advancing the bill, Clinton tweeted, “When it comes to women’s health, there are two kinds of experts: women and their doctors. True 40+ years ago, true today.”

This is the part that should be evaluated:

At a presidential forum at Drake University, Clinton called ending the life of another human being a “fundamental human right.”
The first order of business for Clinton and her friends at the abortion company is to force Americans to pay for abortions with their tax dollars by attempting to overturn the Hyde Amendment, which has protected Americans from funding most all abortions since the late 1970s. Upheld by the Supreme Court, the Hyde Amendment is now a target of abortion advocates who have moved from pro-choice to pro-abortion — forcing Americans not only to accept unlimited abortions before birth but to pay for them.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Clinton Campaign Helped Script Steve Harvey Interview[/h][h=2]Leaked memo shows questions were sent to Clinton ahead of sit-down interview and Flint water crisis special[/h]SHARE

Steve Harvey interviews Hillary Clinton / Screenshot via YouTube

BY: Lachlan Markay
October 5, 2016 11:05 am

Talk show host Steve Harvey provided Hillary Clinton’s campaign with the exact questions he would ask of Clinton during a February interview, according to an internal campaign memo sent a week before the interview and obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
“Steve is known to be a host who goes out of his way to make his guests feel comfortable,” two of Clinton’s top communications aides wrote in a memo to Clinton a week ahead of her interview. “We coordinated closely with the show’s producers on the script and format of the show.”
The memo, sent to Clinton on Feb. 17, 2016, by campaign spokeswoman Karen Finney and communications aide Betsaida Alcantara, was attached to an email posted on the website by hackers suspected of acting in concert with the Russian government.

One of the individuals behind the website provided the Free Beacon with a password to access that email and others sent to and from Clinton volunteer Beanca Nicholson, who was doing advance work for a campaign swing through Chicago that included the Harvey interview.
The campaign memo reveals that Clinton’s staff worked with Harvey to craft the structure of the interview, and briefed the Democratic presidential nominee ahead of time on the precise wording of Harvey’s questions.
The questions touched on Clinton’s granddaughter, her preference for deep dish or thin crust pizza, her campaign’s “great start,” efforts to bridge America’s racial divide, and her support for gun control policies.
According to the memo, Clinton’s staff saw Harvey’s show as an effective and low-risk way to reach out to female and African American voters. They also noted recent episodes of the show that focused on issues that Clinton had stressed during her campaign.
Clinton’s staff pitched the show on some of those issues, including gun control, and noted that Harvey would not likely force Clinton to go into detail defending her positions.
“Please note that the tone of the show is generally light so even on policy questions, Steve won’t go too deep into details,” the memo noted.
The campaign and the show’s producers also agreed ahead of time on the structure of a segment that would explore Clinton’s biography and achievements.
“During this segment Steve will take a trip down memory lane with YOU to talk about the different moments of YOUR life displayed in the photographs below,” the memo explained photos of Clinton that Harvey pulled up on screen as she discussed her childhood, education, relationship with her husband, and election to the U.S. Senate.
Clinton feigned surprise throughout the interview. “Oh boy. Oh my goodness,” she exclaimed as Harvey displayed a photo her at 12 years old.
Harvey also filmed segments for a special on the Flint water crisis that would air about four weeks later during the same taping session. Once again, Clinton was briefed ahead of time on the questions that Harvey would ask, including one on her February visit to the Michigan city and on efforts to address crime and joblessness.
Requests for comment sent to Harvey’s personal email address and the address listed on his website were not returned. The Clinton campaign did not return a request for comment.


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Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Leslie Rutledge: Hillary Clinton ‘Will Lie Even When the Truth Would Serve Her Better’[/h]


Spencer Platt/Getty

by JOHN HAYWARD5 Oct 201691


[h=2]Leslie Rutledge, the 56th attorney general of Arkansas and the first woman to hold that office, joined SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily to offer her thoughts on the vice presidential debate.[/h]Rutledge declared:
I thought if anyone wants to question Donald Trump’s judgment, all they have to do is look to the performance of Governor Pence and see the sort of impeccable judgment Donald Trump has when it comes to surrounding himself with smart, intelligent, articulate, caring, compassionate leaders. And Mike Pence showed he is exactly that.
“What he has done in Indiana, when he was able to lay out his record – when he wasn’t being interrupted in every sentence, and every half-sentence by Senator Kaine,” she said, “Mike Pence showed the kind of leader that Donald Trump will surround himself with, and he laid out the vision that Mr. Trump’s presidency will have.”
Rutledge commended Pence for bringing up issues, such as immigration policy and its effect on national security, that debate moderators seem unwilling to put on the table:
The American people need to hear what, exactly, these candidates are going to do about immigration. Governor Pence was absolutely correct when he said those are just Washington words. Those were just the same lines that Washington has used over and over, and essentially that we’re putting a Band-Aid on this problem.
Mr. Trump and Governor Pence have a real plan to impact immigration, to make our country safe, to know who’s coming into the United States of America, and to stop the influx of illegal immigrants. We want to take care of the families that are here because we know that so many people are here, and are participating and contributing to our communities – but unfortunately, we also have a number of criminals that are harming citizens across the United States, harming one another, and we must address the issue.
So it was fantastic for all of us and everyone watching to hear Governor Pence lay out that plan.
Marlow noted that Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, and their surrogates routinely twist Trump’s quotes about illegal alien criminals to make it sound as if he thinks all immigrants from south of the border are rapists and criminals.
He asked for Rutledge’s perspective on the Clintons from their home state of Arkansas. She observed that Clinton began his political career with the very same office she now holds.

Pence Criticized for 'Mexican Thing' Remark

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“So I hold the same office where those two began their career of corruption,” she said, clearly indicating that she does not find the career comparison flattering. “Arkansans know the Clintons best. Donald Trump will win Arkansas by 60-40, if not more. Arkansas is solid in Donald Trump’s camp for president, and it’s because we know exactly who Hillary Clinton is.”
“She will lie [even] when the truth would serve her better,” Rutledge stated, continuing:
You cannot say that about many people, but Secretary Clinton has shown us time and again – whether it is through Benghazi, whether it’s through her private server, and the emails – that lying is second nature to her, and that she always puts her own interest above that of her community, and now above the country.
She said the vice presidential debate demonstrated “a true distinction between what Governor Pence has accomplished, in growing jobs and the economy in his home state of Indiana, while Senator Kaine – the debt increased dramatically. Unemployment went up during his time as governor of Virginia.”
Rutledge charged:
We saw last night when the Democrats want to talk about temperament, and they, for some reason, are hung up on talking about Donald Trump’s temperament – well, we saw last night that Senator Kaine was absolutely out of control, rude, interrupting, making outlandish comments that were absolutely untrue, and was incapable of having a civil discourse with Governor Pence.
“So when it comes to Donald Trump’s judgment as to who he will surround himself with, we only need to look to Governor Mike Pence to see the sort of individuals that Mr. Trump will surround himself with as he leads this country,” she concluded.

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Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]EXCLUSIVE: 'She loves him and knows he would KILL for her.' How Hillary Clinton forged a friendship with anti-Obama operative Sidney Blumenthal who defended Bill during the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal[/h]
  • In this exclusive excerpt from his new book Guilty as Sin, Ed Klein - details Hillary Clinton's relationship with Sidney Blumenthal
  • Klein describes how Blumenthal is responsible for the majority of the anti-Obama smear campaigns
  • Blumenthal worked as the Clintons' chief communications adviser on the Monica Lewinsky scandal
  • He coined the phrase 'vast right-wing conspiracy' to discredit the Clintons' critics
  • When the FBI prepared to question Hillary, Blumenthal advocated a 'scorched earth policy' against FBI Director James Comey
  • Blumenthal believed anyone as devoutly Catholic as Comey must have skeletons in his closet of a sexual nature, Klein claims
  • Klein also details Clinton's relationships with her top aides, Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and Jake Sullivan
  • Hillary told a close friend: 'Huma would go to Sing Sing before she would rat me out to the FBI'
PUBLISHED: 23:03, 5 October 2016 | UPDATED: 23:52, 5 October 2016

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Can you believe Hillalry is going to run political ads on the Weather channel while Matthew hits Florida and the coast. If they are anti-Trump personal attacks that is as low as one can go.

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Jan 9, 2009

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